Is there any method or plug in to handle R packages in NetBeans - r

I have created a NetBean GUI application.In that GUI i have added several menu items and i want to handle several statistical functions when clicking each menu items.For that purpose i need R plug in Netbeans such that I can easily link with R.

Depending on your requirements there are different ways to do this, e.g. eval, link, pipe, socket or stub. I will write about these 5 methods here:
You can call R and pass in a script-file, R will evaluate the script and return the result of the statistical computation to the console.
(Please also tell us what operating-system you are running on, in the following I will just assume you are running on Windows)
If you have a file a.txt:
You can enter in the console cmd.exe:
R.exe -f a.txt
You link some C-code to the R-sources: this is probably not very interesting to you because Netbeans is written in Java and linking would be difficult.
This is the possiblity you would choose if you want to also use the R-GUI. The above console-eval-option only produces textual output but with this method you can (eventually) also produce graphics and transmit them to Netbeans. You use named pipes (again, i have to assume you are using Windows) which you can open on the R-side with the function pipe().
analogues, but with the function socketConnection
You write a DLL in e.g. C, load the DLL using dyn.load(), and call functions in it with the function .C(); in that DLL you can use e.g. a pipe or socket to communicate with Java.


How to do image-based development in Common Lisp?

I am new to Common Lisp. This is how I develop programs in other languages, and also how I now develop programs in Common Lisp:
Open a text editor (e.g. vim or emacs) to create/edit a text file.
Write source code into the text file. (If unsure about the behavior of a snippet of code, and an REPL is available, then evaluate the snippet in the REPL, verify that the snippet evaluates as expected, and then go back to writing more code.)
Save the text file.
Ask the compiler/interpreter to load and run the source code in the text file. (e.g. sbcl --script myprog.lisp)
Go to step 1 if needed.
This is the conventional write-compile-run development cycle for most programming languages. However, in the lisp world, I hear things like "interactive development" and "image-based development", and I feel that I am missing out on an important feature of Common Lisp. How do I do "image-based development" instead of "write-compile-run development"?
Can someone provide a step-by-step example of "image-based development" similar to how I described "write-compile-run development" above?
(Note: I am using SBCL)
In typical Common Lisp implementations the runtime, the compiler, parts of the development environment and the program you are developing reside in the same program and share the same object space. The compiler is always available while you develop the program and the program can be incrementally developed. The development tools have access to all objects and can inspect their state. One can also undefine/remove, replace, enhance functionality from the running program.
don't restart the program you are developing. Stay connected and update it. Even days, weeks, or months - if possible.
write code in such a way that the program can be replicated and built from scratch if necessary. Build it from time to time and fix any build problems.
once you use our program and there is an error -> fix the error within the program, while being able to inspect the full error state
creating a running program is either loading all code into a plain Lisp all the time or saving an executable image with the loaded code/data
Fixes to program bugs can also shipped to the user as compiled Lisp files, which gets loaded into the delivered program and update the code then.
Let's say that you are using SBCL with Emacs and SLIME (e. g. through Portacle).
Open Emacs
Start SLIME (M-x slime) — this starts a “plain” Lisp process in the background and connects the editor functions provided by slime to it; then gives you a REPL that is also connected into this process (image)
Open a text file (e. g. foo.lisp)
Type some code
Press C-c C-k to compile the file and load it into the running Lisp process
Switch to the REPL, try it out
Switch to the Lisp file (step 4).
This is just very basic usage. Further things to do/learn
You can also compile and load just a single toplevel form (C-c C-c)
Learn about packages
Learn about systems (ASDF)
Learn how to use Quicklisp to get the libraries you want
Learn how to access inline documentation from the REPL
Note that you never need to unload your program, you just modify it, even when downloading and loading new libraries. This makes the feedback cycle instantaneous in most cases. You also never need to switch away from the IDE (Emacs).

Spawn subprocess in R

I'm trying to spawn a sub-process in R using the subprocess library, as presented in this tutorial. The Problem is that the program I'm trying to launch requires an additional command after the executable.
I would launch the command from the shell like this:
monetdbd create mydb
where 'create' is the additional command and 'mydb' a parameter.
I tried giving 'create mydb' as parameters in R like this:
handle <- spawn_process('/usr/local/bin/monetdb', c('create mydb'))
However from the output I got with
process_read(handle, PIPE_STDOUT, timeout = 3000)
I conclude that the parameters don't work as I'm getting the info message from monetdb on how to call it, just as if I call only 'monetdb' without the create command from the shell:
Usage: monetdb [options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
The second thing I tried is to include the create command into the path, but this leads to a "No such file and directory" error.
Any hints are appreciated.
MonetDB is the daemon process for MonetDB and has little to do with the (now old) version of MonetDBlite used in R. The latter one is decommissioned from CRAN and a newer version of MonetDBlite is expected to arrive early next year.
Without knowing anything about the package you’re using, and going purely by the documentation, I think you need to separate the command line arguments you pass to the functions:
handle <- spawn_process('/usr/local/bin/monetdb', c('create', 'mydb'))
This also follows the “conventional” API of spawn/fork/exec functions.
In addition, using c(…) is (almost) only necessary when creating a vector of multiple elements. In your code (and in the tutorial) it’s unnecessary around a single character string.
Furthermore, contrary to what the tutorial claims, this functionality is actually already built into R via the system2 and pipe functions (although I don’t doubt that the subprocess package is more feature-complete, and likely easier to use).
But if your ultimate goal is to use MonetDB in R then you’re probably better advised following the other answer, and using dedicated MonetDB R bindings rather than interacting with the daemon binary via subprocess communication.

Using an active rsession when running a script via Rscript

I know that I can use Rscript to run a R script in the command line. Currently, I'm passing different parameters to my script, load a few packages and run a few functions. Then, I change the parameters — via a bash script — and run the same script with different parameters . This is all fine, however, I was wondering if there is a way that I can instantiate one rsession and grab it instead of going through the process of loading all my packages, etc. every time that Rscript executes my script.
library(ipc) might be of interest.
It allows to set up continuous communication between parent and child R processes by creating so called queues in the parent process.
Unfortunately you haven't specified your usecase with any code, so please see the vignette for examples.
One solution may be to use the session package. With it, you can perform the analogous load.session() and save.session() actions to the start and exit of the standard R launch and exit. The result is not 100 % equivalent, since the q() function is .Internal.

Interfacing R with other non-Java languages / Compiling R to executable

I've developed a .R script that works with a DB, does a bunch of processing and outputs graphs and tables. I can output that data as comma-separated values and pictures, to later import them on my software, that I have no issue.
The problem is how can I distribute my application without having to make a complete install of R on the client. I've seen things like RJava, but my app is on VB6 (yeah...) and I don't see any libraries, or ways to compile to exe. The compile package only makes compiled versions of any function you define, like what psyco used to do for Python (before Pypy).
Does anyone have some insight on compiling R to avoid having the user to install an entire additional software?
EDIT: Does an R compiler exist? This question relates deeply to mine, but I haven't seen how it can be used to make a full script an exe. You can just compile a main function and cat it to a file? Is that even possible?
The short answer is "no, that will not work".
There simply is no compiler that allows you to shrink-wrap your app. So your best best may be either
using the headless Rserve over the network, or
using the R (D)COM server used by RExcel et al

Call R scripts in Matlab

Is it possible to call R scripts in a MATLAB program? How can I do that?
You can use R in batch mode. If R is in your path, then you can call from MATLAB:
system('R CMD BATCH infile outfile');
will run the code in infile and place output in the outfile.
You can also give it a try with another approach using a R package rscproxy and R(D)COM Server, described here.
After using R(D)COM and Matlab R-link for a while, I do not recommend it. The COM interface has trouble parsing many commands and it is difficult to debug the code. I recommend using a system command from Matlab as described in the
R Wiki.
system is almost definitely the way to go, as described in other answers. For completeness, you could also use MATLAB's capability to run Java code, and JRI or RCaller to call R from Java. Similarly, you can use MATLAB's capability for running .NET code and R.NET.
Yes. On Windows, I have done a lot of this via the Matlab R-link and then R(D)COM server on the R side.
It works beautifully for passing commands and data back and forth. Calling R via the OS is feasible, but then you have to deparse (write) and parse (load) data passed between them. This is tedious and no fun. Especially if you are much data around. It also means that you lose state on the R side and every invocation is just like the first time.
On Linux or another OS, or even for more general usage, I'd now try Rstudio as a server -- see for more info.
Another way RWiki recommended:
eval(['!C:\R\R-3.0.1\bin/Rscript "' CurrentDirectory '/Commands.R"'])
You can run command line functions in matlab using the unix command. The easiest way would probably be to set up an R script which outputs results to a text file, run the script in matlab using the unix command, and then (in matlab) verify that the file exists and load it up.
You could use the system command to execute R scripts. Something like the following:
[status] = system('R CMD BATCH [options] script.R [outfile]')
where [options] are the options your send to the R interpreter, and [outfile] is your output file.
