Dynamic data population like stackoverflow comments? - asp.net

I'm trying to create a comment system just like SO has, but first, I'd like to show first 5 comments for a post and show rest if "display all comments" is clicked for the desired reply.
What is the best way of doing this? I really couldn't found a good way for doing what I want. I must be missing something.
For info, comments datasource is a nested repeater in my page. The outer repeater is replies and inner repeater is comments. Currently I'm binding all comments for all results (even if it has 10000 replies.). Also, I don't want to do paging for comments. I just want it to work the same way as SO.
Any ideas?
EDIT: Now I'm thinking of having 2 tables for comments which are:
A table which only has 5 rows of data and will be visible by default. I need filtering to do this. Linq filtering code would be great!
A table which has all the results. No filtering. I have no problems with this one.
So here is what I have for the data:
DataRowView dv = e.Item.DataItem as DataRowView;
if (dv != null)
Repeater commentRepeater = e.Item.FindControl("childRepeater") as Repeater;
if (commentRepeater != null)
commentRepeater.DataSource = dv.CreateChildView("myrelation");
As you can see, I have created a relation between tables in my dataset and I'm binding that datarow to my repeater. I need to do top 5 filtering on the datarow.
Thank you

I suggest to use JSON returned from ASP.NET Web Services with jQuery.

If you want to append the left over items to the current repeater item you could have a button at the end of the coments that is attached to a jquery function that will fetch the rest of the comments for you. Then once the data is recieved your function would just append the comments to the list of other comments mimicing what the repeater was doing and replacing the 'show all' button.
If you don't want to use any ajax to do this then you will probably need to rebind the comments Repeater with a new set of data that is not limited to just the first 5 results.
EDIT: Based on your comment and changes you have editted, I would go with one table with all comments and in the DataBinding of each comment set the row style to visible with a global counter. Once your have more than 5 set the style to a hidden style for each item. When they click the show all button, just switch the style from hidden to visible for the rest comments that are hidden. This will save you duplicating the data for the first 5 items which could turn into a lot of extra rows if there are a lot of answers with comments.


Is there a way to get a list of hidden column

I want to save the list of hidden columns so that next time when the table is loaded I show the table with the same set of column which the user chose to see in the past. Is there a way to get a list of all hidden columns in bootstrap-table library.
You can use the cookie extension to solve your problem, here is an example: http://issues.wenzhixin.net.cn/bootstrap-table/#extensions/cookie.html.
The plugin saves:
Sort order
Page number
Page number from the list
Visible columns
Search text
Docs here: http://bootstrap-table.wenzhixin.net.cn/extensions/#table-cookie
you can use the jquery datatables plugin to easily handle this problem, this plugin auto generate the table columns and show that.
you will get more information from link below,
hope it helps.
try this below
var tab = $('#table').bootstrapTable('getHiddenColumns');
$.each(tab, function(index, value) {

SharePoint list item with checkbox databinding possible?

In SharePoint I can tee up a binding to an edit field like this below. When the form posts back the changes are automatically persisted to the underlying list item.
<PublishingWebControls:RichHtmlField ID="Field1" FieldName="MySPListItemFieldName" ...
So this works great for RichHtmlFields, but say I've got a Yes/No (boolean) field in the same list item, is there a similar construct to bind that field to a check box control in a similar way?
My goal is to not have to throw down a line of c# to transfer the value of the control to the field, I want it to be automatic like RichHtmlField. It seems like there has to be a straight forward way of doing this since SharePoint does this itself with its internal list item editing page (EditForm.aspx).
What you're after is a BooleanField control on your form:
Just set the FieldName to that of your Yes/No column, should work fine.

How to conditionally make a DetailsView field read-only?

Say I have a DetailsView with a bunch of fields, and I want only certain kinds of users to edit a few of them. They're too few to split them into another DetailsView, so what I'm thinking is to find some way to only allow a user to edit them based on some code-behind logic, effectively making them read-only at will.
I feel it's important to mention that the fields are both TemplateFields, not normal BoundFields with ReadOnly properties.
Any ideas? For some reason the required functions don't jump at me from reading the documentation.
Oh and I need eveyone to see their specific values, I just want to restrict edit access to them.
Hrm apparently it was as simple as setting the EditItemTemplate property of the fields in question to null. Seems to be working fine so far!
Edit: A short code sample showing how I did it:
foreach (DataControlField field in dvDRDetails.Fields)
if (!fieldstoignore.Contains(field.HeaderText))
if (field is TemplateField)
((TemplateField)field).EditItemTemplate = null;
else if (field is BoundField)
((BoundField)field).ReadOnly = true;
Where fieldstoignore is an array of field headers that I always have set as editable. The rest fall in two categories: TemplateField that require the hack I discussed above and BoundField that have a ReadOnly property I can set.

A few questions about gridviews

I need to have a grid on one of my webpages that will be used to enter budget information. I was planning on using a gridview, but I am open to other ideas if something else will fit my needs better. I need the following functionality in my grid:
All cells are in edit mode as soon as the page loads
Need a footer row at the bottom to
calculate totals for particular columns
I looked around for this functionality in the gridview for a bit but didn't have any luck. Any links or suggestions on how to do the two items above in a gridview would be greatly appreciated.
NOTE: I'm using Visual Studio 2008
IMO you are going to be much better off coding this yourself using a ListView. You can look into the DataBound() and ItemDataBound() events. The GridView does not come with the functionality built in.
OTOH, Matt Dotson has a blog post describing how to build a GridView with all rows in edit mode.
Totals in the footer can be applied using a combination of javascript executed on each data change and form load AND dynamically adding textboxes or labels to the footer via the GridView's RowDataBound event. For example,
// Create textboxes in footer to hold hours totals
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)
e.Row.CssClass = "wgv-ft";
for (int i = 0; i < NumHoursTextBoxes; ++i)
var tb = new TextBox();
tb.ID = String.Format("Hours{0}TotalTextBox", i);
tb.CssClass = "total";
tb.Enabled = false;
e.Row.Cells[FirstHoursTextBoxIndex + i].Controls.Add(tb);
Rather than using the built-in edit functionality (EditItemTemplates) which the GridView offers, you might want to just use the ItemTemplates and always show an editable textboxes or other controls. I've used this technique. You can still take advantage of validators and the core ASP.NET control set, but you do have to write quite a bit of javascript to manage updates to the totals.
I hope this helps. Best of luck.

Advanced ASP.NET Gridview Layout

So i had a feature request to add fields to a second table row for a single data row on a GridView. At first, I looked at extending the functionality of the GridView but soon realized this would be a huge task and since I consider this request a shim for a larger future feature decided against it. Also want to move to MVC in the near future and this would be throw away code.
So instead I created a little jquery script to move the cell to the next row in the table.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".fieldAttributesNextRow").each(function() {
var parent = $(this).parent();
var newRow = $("<tr></tr>");
newRow.attr("class", $(parent).attr("class"));
var headerRow = $(parent).parent().find(":first");
var cellCount = headerRow.children().length - headerRow.children().find(".hide").length;
newRow.append($(this).attr("colspan", cellCount));
What do you think of this? Is this a poor design decision? I am actually quite pleased with the ease of this solution. Please provide your thoughts.
This is client side code, as long as users are not going to play with the gridview after it is loaded, it should be fine. However, if you want to do anything with postbacks, this might need some refactoring.
What are you trying to achieve with the gridview? Remmber that you can hook into the Row bind event and modify the current row however you need to.
