Convert nested dictionary/xml to flat file for sqlite - sqlite

I've scoured the net and cannot seem to find an appropriate example so I thought I'd ask...
(Btw, much of this is new to me- not all, just most.)
Problem: trying to convert a bio/python nested dictionary (or xml) of pubmed citation data into a flat (normalized) structure eg, sqlite. Citation data was fetched from pubmed using biopython and was parsed into a dictionary, but can also retrieve as xml if needed.
Not all citations will have all fields/keys and not all fields/keys will have the same number of items (authors, mesh terms, refs, etc...) and understand that this is part of the normalization process.
This is about where my practical understanding ends.
That said, I think the process should go something like this: first remove/normalize all unique fields (those that have 1 per paper eg, title, abstract, date, citation, etc..., but say not affiliation as that would be linked to first author). Papers with no abstract could be filled as null?
Then move on to, say, authors and create a separate table again using PMID as the fk and then do same for the various other fields/keys/items in separate tables eg, mesh headings, EC numbers, ref, etc...
Is there a way to do this that removes (pops?) keys/items from the master dictionary so that I can visually see what's been done/needs to be done (obviously leaving the PMID)?
Again, apologies in advance if I'm asking a blindingly obvious question to the initiated- and I do understand that you can't fit a nested structure into a flat space- just looking for the least boneheaded way of going about this and hopefully one that will allow me to make sure that everything was properly captured.
Many thanks,

A quick question -- if you already have the data in XML, why are you normalizing it into a SQL format? Why not just use the raw XML? Berkeley DB XML is a library (like SQLite) that links into your application. There is no separate server to install or maintain. The library allows you to store and query XML data using XPath or XQuery. It's very fast, has a small footprint. is transactional, recoverable and highly reliable. It has HA features as well, if that is required.
Keeping the data in XML should simplify the whole data import process and still allow you to query the semi-structured data.


Is a web-scraping software a "wrapper"?

I found that on Google, the definition of a wrapper is "any entity that encapsulates (wraps around) another item." also, "Wrappers are used for two primary purposes: to convert data to a compatible format or to hide the complexity of the underlying entity using abstraction."
I also know that web-scraping methods are used for extracting data from websites. Does this mean that a web-scraping software is a wrapper? Or have I completely misunderstood the definition of a wrapper?
Wrapper in data mining is a program that extracts content of a particular information source and translates it into a relational form.
Extracting data out of a website can be called web-scraping, however a wrapper will go ahead and perform one more step at "Translating the data pulled into a relational form"
We can say that a wrapper is something that a web-scraping tool might use in order to get more insight about crawled data

Convert database data into graph with tinkerpop tools

I am looking to find graph software that will create a graph from a database automatically. Upon exploration of the tinkerpop documentation, the provided tutorials discuss querying ready-made graphs but there is not much about creating graphs from a database. Is it possible to use any of the tools in the tinkerpop suite to automatically convert data from a database into a graph ready for querying?
Let's say we have an event stream like this:
event_type=create_file name="filename.txt" handle=1
event_type=read handle=1 data="file content"
event_type=write handle=1 data="new file content"
event_type=close handle=1
Is there a way to convert the event stream into a graph automatically by specifying which properties to follow for creating edges? For example, by selecting the "handle" property I should get:
All the examples I could find teach me how to do some activity like
add_node create_file
add_node read
add_node write
add_node close
followed by adding all desired edges manually.
Thank you for your help.
I just came across which is a very interesting tool. It takes an RDBMS schema and generates a graph representation, turning foreign keys and join tables into relationships, and (other) tables into nodes in the graph. And then it generates CSV files to load into a graph database, either for wholesale or incremental updates.
I don't know if there's an equivalent tool for Tinkerpop. But I'd hope that since much of the work is done (reading the SQL schema, mapping tables with foreign keys into vertices and edges) in this open source project, perhaps it'd be a good starting point?
The output of the tool looks like it depends on having a clean source data model, and may be naive. It looks like it's configurable so when it guesses wrongly about which tables are vertices and which are edges you can override it I think.
What you are suggesting is simply not possible. A graph database is very different from a traditional relational database. The biggest difference being that graphs are naturally unstructured which allow for more flexibility and manipulation. On the other hand, traditional relational or tabular databases are more rigidly structured which provide less flexibility but easier control and querying.
As stated by the answer provided here you also show not be using your original database as a frame of reference. You should instead be thinking about how to manipulate your data into a graph so as to take advantage of graphs.
For example, a traversal in a graph as opposed to a query in a tabular DB is a lot more flexible (and arguably powerful) but harder to construct and formalise.
There is a lot of good material providing guidelines for how to approach this problem [1] [2] [3] [4]. Unfortunately though there is no good automated migration at the moment.

Converting words to hashtags when posting to Twitter

I currently use LinqToTwitter to send posts to Twitter. I'd like to convert words in the title of the post to hashtags when it gets fired off as tweet so something like - "Firefox is cool" is the blog post and becomes #Firefox is cool http://myshortu.rl/dhsgeh on Twitter.
So far the way i see it is i need a database table with the words i want to convert to hashtags. I'd have to parse out the title and compare the words to those in the db and add on the pound sign. Is the best way to use a db table? Or can I do it with an in memory collection or keep the words in web.config? Thanks....
The decision on whether to use a database or file (such as web.config) might depend on whether you want to write code that allows you to maintain the list. e.g. Add, Modify, Remove. If so, then a DB sounds like the easiest option. If the list is small and doesn't change, then adding a delimited list to web.config would work fine.
Since you're using ASP.NET you can't hold it in a memory variable, but you can hold the list in Cache. This can make for some very fast lookups, rather than multiple file or DB queries.
Just to put this into perspective though, it's tough to recommend a proper design in a forum because there might be details that aren't known. So, it's best to take my answer as something that helps think about what the tradeoffs are, rather than a definitive recommendation on what you should do.

Which one to use? EAV or Blobs in the database?

I am currently working to rework the data system of our application. Basically, it is designed so that people can add all the custom fields they want, with only a few constant/always-there fields.
Our current design is giving us plenty of maintenance problems. What we do is dynamically(at runtime) add a column to the database for each field. We have to have a meta table and other cruft to maintain all of these dynamic columns.
Now we are looking at EAV, but it doesn't seem much better. Basically, we have many different types of fields, so there would be a StringValues, IntegerValues, etc table... which makes things that much worse.
I am wondering if using JSON or XML blobs in the database may be a better solution, specifically because in most use cases, when we retrieve anything out of these tables, we need the entire row. The problems is that we need to be able to create reports for this data as well.. No solution really makes custom queries look easy. And searching across such a blob database will surely be a performance nightmare when reports are ran.
Each "row" needs to have anywhere from about 15 to 100(possibly more) attributes/columns associated with it.
We are using SQL Server 2008 and our application interfacing with the database is a C# web application(so, ASP.Net).
what do you think? Use EAV or blobs or something else entirely? (Also, yes, I know a schema free database like MongoDB would be awesome here, but I can't convince my boss to use it)
What about the xml datatype? Advanced querying is possible against this type.
We've used the xml type with good success. We do most of our heavy lifting at the code level using linq to parse out values. Our schema is somewhat fixed, so that may not be an option for you.
One interesting feature of SQL server is the sql_variant type. It's fully supported in .NET and quite easy to use. The advantages is you don't need to create StringValue, IntValue, etc... columns, just one Value column that can contain all the simple types.
This very specific type favors the EAV option, IMHO.
It has some drawbacks though (sorting, distinct selects, etc...). So if you want to use it, make sure you read all the documentation and understand its limit.
Create a table with your known columns and "X" sparse columns using a sequential name such as DataColumn0001, DataColumn0002, etc. When there is a definition for a new column just rename a column and start inserting data. The great advantage to the sparse column is it is indexable.
More info at this link.
What you're doing is STUPID with a database that doesn't support your data type. You should work with a medium that meets your needs which include NoSQL databases such as RavenDB, MongoDB, DocumentDB, CouchBase or Postgres in RDMBS to name several.
You are inherently using the tool in a capacity it was neither designed for, and one it specifically attempts to limit you from achieving success. NoSQL database solutions frequently use JSON as an underlying storage because JSON is inherently schemaless. Want to add a property? Sure go ahead, want to add a whole sub collection? Sure go ahead. NoSQL databases were in part, created specifically to remove rigid schema requirements of RDBMS.
2015 Edit: Postgres now natively supports JSON. This is a viable option for RDBMS. My answer is still correct that you need to use the correct tool for the problem. It is a polygot persistence world.

Saving MFC Model as SQLite database

I am playing with a CAD application using MFC. I was thinking it would be nice to save the document (model) as an SQLite database.
I avoid file format changes (SQLite takes care of that)
Free query engine
Undo stack is simplified (table name, column name, new value
and so on...)
This is a fine idea. Sqlite is very pleasant to work with!
But remember the old truism (I can't get an authoritative answer from Google about where it originally is from) that storing your data in a relational database is like parking your car by driving it into the garage, disassembling it, and putting each piece into a labeled cabinet.
Geometric data, consisting of points and lines and segments that refer to each other by name, is a good candidate for storing in database tables. But when you start having composite objects, with a heirarchy of subcomponents, it might require a lot less code just to use serialization and store/load the model with a single call.
So that would be a fine idea too.
But serialization in MFC is not nearly as much of a win as it is in, say, C#, so on balance I would go ahead and use SQL.
This is a great idea but before you start I have a few recommendations:
Be careful that each database is uniquely identifiable in some way besides file name such as having a table that describes the file within the database.
Take a look at some of the MFC based examples and wrappers already available before creating your own. The ones I have seen had borrowed on each to create a better result. Google: MFC SQLite Wrapper.
Using SQLite database is also useful for maintaining state. Think ahead about how you would manage keeping in mind what features are included and are missing in SQLite.
You can also think now about how you may extend your application to the web by making sure your database table structure is easily exportable to other SQL database systems- as well as easy enough to extend to a backup system.
