Can we call method that exist on aspx page through web service -

Can we call a Method that exist on a aspx page through Web Services.
It is like Reflection that method exists in dll form , but is it possible to call method from Aspx page if yes then please tell me how is it?:confused:

The code-behind class in an ASPX page is just a class, so technically there is nothing stopping you from doing that. However, it strikes me as a really bad idea from code design point of view.
The code in an ASPX page class should be related only to that page. If you need the same functionality elsewhere, move the code for that functionality to some other place (such as a class library that can be called from both places).

You should extract common functionality to a class of its own - this way you can call the code from both the web page and the web service and keep them decoupled from each other.


"WebMethod" attribute in the aspx and asmx files, difference?

I noticed in some code that [WebMethod] attribute is used in the code-behind file of an aspx page.
But as I remember it, this attribute is used to expose Web Service and it is often seen in asmx file.
So what's the difference between these 2 usages?
If that method is also static, you can call that method via javascript/ajax, without a full page postback.
Note that your ScriptManager needs to have the EnablePageMethods property set to true.
Webmethods in code behind are used for AJAX calls. If you are using jquery or similar and you need to implement an ajax functionality on your page then you will have to define you method with WebMethod attribute and have to make it public static. Then only it will work.
WebMethod's concept I feel has been taken from web services. Since didn't have any defined way of handling ajax requests to method of page behind, they have extended this feature to be used for code behind methods.
Keep a watch that being public static methods you may not be able to use your page class' internal properties here. so, you will need to deal with that.

Easiest way to simply display confirmation that a webservice worked?

I'm calling an webservice from an ASP clasic page basically just with:
<a href='http://domain/webservice.asmx/command'>Command</a>
and when users hit that button it works but they're just shown an xml page. The function will either work or not so I was wondering if it'd be possible to just have a pop up box appear to tell them if it worked or not after they clicked it rather than redirecting them to an xml page.
I'd prefer to not have to use jQuery or another javascript library.
If that's not possible, is there any way to dress up the XML page? Currently it says 'This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.' at the top.
Also, the domain that the webservice is on is different to the domain that the website that's call the webservice is on. Not sure if that matters.
Check out this MSDN Link on Calling A WebService From Javascript Using AJAX. No JQuery is required and it boils down to having to use the ScriptService attribute on your WebService method and adding a ServiceReference in a ScriptManager control. You can then easily call your WebService from Javascript and it will call another Javascript function when it finishes. It is in that response function where you can add your confirmation display.
be aware that this is a bad idea to let the user handle directly - web services are almost always called by your code rather than a client browser session. One reason is that raw error information would be hown to the client if there were a problem.
If you really want to do this, you can either:
Use AJAX (No framework required - just JS) or
You can make the webservice non-standard so it returns user-friendly content - perhaps by wrapping it in a website which calls the API behind the scenes and formats the response in a meaningful fashion.

How to create another page class in a aspx c# page

Results r = (Results)Page.LoadControl("Results.ascx");
In my Page i cannot access USER CONTROL CLASS(Results)
Gives error.I cannot resolve.
No namespaces at all.
Even i cannot access other aspx class in same folder's other page also..
Can you please help me.
ASP.NET compiles pages in batches, and there's no way you can be sure that your currect page is compiled with the Results page. You need to define an interface that you store in App_Code (which all pages are compiled with), implement this interface in your Results page, and use the interface to access whatever you're trying to do.
You could move logic from your Results page into your domain, or into a helper class, instead of keeping it in the view (the page).

ASP.NET equivalent of server side includes

Although the classic ASP method of server-side includes works in ASP.NET, I get the impression it is not the preferred method. How am I "supposed" to be achieving the same effect?
This is how I'm doing it at the moment:
<!-- #include file ="functionlib.aspx" -->
You now have a number of options that provide this effect, but in a different manner.
User Controls (.ascx)
Master Pages (.master)
Server Side Controls (.dll)
Class Libraries (.dll)
App_Code Classes (.cs/.vb)
Each are used for differently to achieve different things. It depends what you're really trying to do. Given the name of your include file, I'd imagine you're trying to include library functions that will be used within the context of your page.
Consequently you'd write a class library that contains the methods and import them into your application/aspx.
If you're looking at templating a page that will do most of the layout work to provide a body for differing content then you'll be interested in Master Pages.
If you're looking at templating controls that can be used in many pages, then you're going to be after User Controls.
If you're looking at templating controls that can be used by many users across many projects, then you'll be looking at Server Side Controls.
If you're looking at a library of classes/methods then you'll develop a class library or use an app_code class which can be JIT compiled the first time it's called. This could at a stretch be considered more like classic ASP, but really it functions more like a class from a class library as a single unit. You can call it from within your codebehind or within <% %> tags in your aspx/ascx code without requiring a reference to a class library.
We don't really use "includes" per se any more, but each of these tools in your toolkit allow you to provide similar concepts for different scenarios. As a developer you will interact with the entire page lifecycle of your web pages differently. ASP.NET is a very different beast than classic ASP. It truly takes a different view/approach and will take some amount of patience to figure out the differences.
How about <% Response.WriteFile("myFile.aspx"); %>?
If you'e using ASP.NET MVC then Html.RenderPartial is your friend here.
A partial view can be implemented as a .ascx or an .aspx and putting the above call in your "primary" page basically says "get the output from this partial view and render it here".
Parial views can make use of the ViewData that your primary view received from the controller.
Sounds like what you need to be looking at is the entire concept of MasterPages.
Unless you are looking at just importing functions and other utilities (not html content). If that is the case (and you are using the code-behind model), you should just be able to include the appropriate file or namespace using the imports command at the top of your .vb page (adjust accordingly for C#).

How would this be done in ASP.NET MVC?

I've got some experience with ASP.NET MVC, but only with a web application where the content of the master page doesn't change. I've been wondering how you would handle a site where for example the menu (which is on the master page) is loaded from a database. Where would you load this data?
In WebForms, you would load the menu in the code-behind of the master page, or have the menu as a user control and do the loading in the code-behind of that. But where is this done in MVC?
Do you create a class that inherits from Controller that you use for all your Controllers and let that load the menu on every Action invocation (I don't know if that's possible, but it seems likely)?
Or do you create a utility method that you call in every Action where you want it (because some Actions may only return a partial view that won't reload the menu), which - while not disastrous - seems a little tiresome.
Or would you sin against MVC and just load it in the master page's code-behind?
What's the best approach to this (of course not limited to my solutions)?
ActionFilters are used to intercept a request and do some processing. You could use them.
Is it a sin against the MVC pattern?
You are breaking the MVC pattern to some extent. But the higher level point is: does it provide much more value if you force yourself not to break it? I don't think that puts you in much trouble, so keep simplicity and maintainability in mind and choose the way you'd do it in your specific situation.
I would create a model type that the master page gets its data from. Then derive the page's model type from the MasterModel.
The controller populates an instance of the PageModel, and the master page picks it up.
(Alternatively the master page's model could be an interface implemented by the pages' models.)
NB. In MVC CTPs doing this required some intermediate classes to override type matching to get to base class data. I don't know if this has been fixed in RTM.
The ASP.NET MVC Futures assembly (more info here) contains an extension method that lets you do this in your master page:
<% Html.RenderAction<NavigationController>(c => c.Show()); %>
You need to reference the assembly and add the "Microsoft.Web.Mvc" namespace in your web.config file for this to work.
