where do I set the default node path in drupal - drupal

I set somewhere, that all new nodes should be published under 'reports' (domain.com/reports/node)
Where can I change this?

There are two possible answers. If you asked exactly what you have asked then you have added a path alias to node under admin/build/path. Or if instead of node/1 you see reports/node/1 then you have pathauto installed and you create a strange pattern reports/node/[nid].
Oh and there is a third one, that you have created a View for all nodes. This question requires clarification -- core only has a listing for promoted nodes not all nodes. Do you have Views installed? Do you have pathauto installed? What happens exactly?

The existing answer mentions the excellent module Pathauto here. From the project description:
The Pathauto module automatically generates path aliases for various kinds of content (nodes, categories, users) without requiring the user to manually specify the path alias. This allows you to get aliases like /category/my-node-title.html instead of /node/123. The aliases are based upon a "pattern" system which the administrator can control.
Pathauto allows for all kinds of control over Drupal paths for sane URLs and better search visibility. In your case defaults could be set for /reports and special cases could be made for other content or content types.


Symfony: Multiple similar bundles with one master?

Let's say I have created a news portal bundle "NewsBundle" with articles, tags, events, lots of relations, quite huge and complex.
Now I want to copy this numerous times and create a Fashion News Portal, Car News Portal, Dog News portal and so on each available though an own domain. The portals differ only in templates, translations and assets. As I want to implement complex reporting, I want all the stuff in a single database and would flag all entities with the respective portal.
My question: How so I organize the code?
First I figured out, I could use routing to have the same application but different bundles for each domain.
Then I found out, that I could extend my master bundle. But it seems as this works only once.
As I did all the routing with annotations, it look like it does not work to inherit the routes from the master?
One of the hardest questions is where to put the portal switch. Somewhere I need to set a variable that tells whether its the fashion or dogs portal, so I can filter the content in all repositories accordingly.
I did that in the app.php which is for sure worst practise.
In the end I want to be able to roll out new portals easily without duplicate code.
Any ideas are much appreciated.
Greetings from Hamburg,
You need to keep your NewsBundle in your application, and to have a number of bundles revolving around it, one for each portal you intend to create.
There is no real need for bundle inheritance here. Your portal bundles depends on the NewsBundle but don't inherit from it.
Routing configuration, templating, and other behaviours related to a specific portal should go in the related bundle. There is a Resources folder in each bundle ; this is where you will need to put specific routing, translation, configuration and templates.
app/config/routing.yml is the central routing conf file where you will need to reference all other routing.yml file.
As for the switch, well, I can't answer that in detail but I think it should be set up in your server application apache or nginx (or other...).
Your problem can be solved via different environments. Each of your portal is a different environment. You can set up your web server to point different front-controllers depending on the domain requested.
For domain news.domain.com your front-controller would be web/app_news.php. And it will contain line:
$kernel = new AppKernel('news', false);
It will automatically load config from app/config/config_news.yml. In that config you can specify all specific parameters for your portal. You need then just implement your special loader for resources like translations that will load resources from the path specified in config_news.yml.

How to search within a particular folder in alfresco

I have folders in share shared folder. Is there any way to specify share to search for a particular file in particular folder of the shared folders?
Yes, but there is no user friendly out of the box solution (I know of).
As admin, go to http://your-host.domain.name/share/page/console/admin-console/node-browser and execute a (fts-alfresco) search like the following:
PATH:"/app:company_home/app:shared//*" AND #cm\:name:"filename.txt"
This will find all files named "filename.txt" below the shared folder.
I guess you will have to customize the search UI if you want to offer that functionality in a user friendly fashion or to non admin users.
Further details are at http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Search#Path_Queries
We've developed a solutions where you can search within a folder through the advanced search form: http://addons.alfresco.com/addons/alfresco-share-folder-search
It's free for download so you can look around how it's done.
In short: in 4.2.e you can send an extra param rootNode to the /slingshot/search repo webscript.
If you check the client side JavaScript in Share components/search/search.js
There is method _buildSearchParams The following params are send: site={site}&term={term}&tag={tag}&maxResults={maxResults}&sort={sort}&query={query}&repo={repo}&rootNode={rootNode}&pageSize={pageSize}&startIndex={startIndex}
So fill in the rootNode with a qnamePath or NodeRef and it will present the results of that folder.
For a possible implementation, I wrote a long post about it on the alfresco community forum .

Symfony2 multi domain landing page

I need to attach many domains to a single instance of sf2 ... and based on the requested domain, geopip, language apply a particular view.
And I need it to be easy in the way of adding a new domain and a new "theme".
I've looked into liip, but I'm not that sure that's the best way to do it.
Any idea ?
If your application has to manage multiple domains with distinct layout and templates for each one of them, then you've to use LiipThemeBundle
This bundle provides you the possibility to add themes. In your bundle directory it will look under Resources/themes/ or fall back to the normal Resources/views if no matching file was found.
Read the documentation full of examples here

Referencing Assets in Drupal

I'm helping a colleague configure a new box for an existing Drupal install with multiple sites. It's functioning, but I've noticed that all assets are being referenced as /sites/<site-name>/files/image.png. I don't know from Drupal, but it strikes me that Drupal should be abstracting the logical site from the code so that site-specific assets could be referenced as /files/image.png and Drupal would figure out -- perhaps based on HTTP_HOST -- which site is meant.
In this case, we need separate snapshots of the same site (dev and staging) so we'd like to be able to store the paths without specifically referencing one site or the other. We can do some rewriting to manage this, but I'm wondering whether there's something that we simply don't know.
Does Drupal do this natively in some way? If not, what are others doing to manage this kind of abstraction? Surely we're not the first to encounter this and think there must be a better way.
That would be an interesting module. The Files directory can be in the following locations:
sites/<site name>/files (standard for multi sites, public)
sites/default/files (standard installation for single sites, public)
That is, if you want to use the public files method.
Read here if you want to learn about the private files method (very similar to your thought): http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/file

How to store Blobs in Drupal?

I want to store PDF and Image files in Drupal. By default Drupal seems to store binary/uploaded files into the filesystem. I want to to be able to store files so that - I can have workflows, metadata, IP information and URL aliases?
Update, am still stuck at how to create URL aliases for files on the file system. Drupal only seems to allow creating URL aliases to node content.
The simplest solution for Drupal is to use the Upload module, which is in core. The upload module allows you attach files to nodes. As you note, they are stored in the filesystem.
If you want to get more complex, you can build your own content types through the web interface by using the CCK family of modules (such as the filefield module or the imagefield module). Your files are still stored on the filesystem.
You could use CCK to create the metadata field you want.
You could use the workflow or rules modules to implement workflow.
IP information is recorded automatically by Drupal's logging module (either the database logging module, which logs to the database, or the syslog module, which logs to syslog).
URL aliases for nodes are available in core Drupal by enabling the path module (or download the pathauto module for automatic creation of aliases).
I tried Drupal's Upload module, FileField as well as uploading files using FCKEditor - I prefer the last one - it is closer to my specific scenario.
Creating an alias to the file will likely require some custom code.
It's not possible to simply create an alias using the Administer > Site building > URL aliases screen. I tried inserting a record with
insert into url_alias (src, dst) values ('sites/default/files/ChipotleArt.JPG', 'here-is-the-file.jpg');
That still didn't work. So, you will really likely need to write some custom code.
