User Inbox Functionality -

How do achieve this functionality in Users should be able to compose messages.
Once the user logs in, he should see a list of profile ids on the homepage. these profile ids should be hyperlinks. this homepage also contains a header link 'Message Center'. once the user clicks on any profile in this profile list, show the 'Compose Message' form as shown in pdf file.

Use ASP.Net and SQL Server. Read documentation here.


How to display all the registered profiles in a wordpress site?

I am told to make a wordpress site where i will be having a registration form.. Once the registration is done. The person will be logging in. And on one page say 'collogues', the logged in person will be able to see all the other registered people's photo and their names. And if he opens that photo, the profile will appear. (Profile details taken while registration).
Just like a social media but no friend request, no comments nothing else. Not even algos to match the gender.
Simple login and you will be able to see other people's profile pages and probably edit your profile every now and then....
Your task seems simple. You may use Members plugin to build login system and then upon logging users in you can fetch all users from wp_users table and link their profile to single.php, where its displays all user data.

Password-protected page in AppMaker

I'm trying to password protect a page that contains confidential information.
Upon clicking a link, user will be shown a pop-up dialog to enter password.
If successful, redirect user to page. Otherwise, display "Wrong password".
The thing is, this can be easily overcome if user just copies the URL and add "/exec#ConfidentialPage" to the end of the URL.
Any suggestions?
If at all possible I would highly discourage implementing your own authentication system and instead rely on Google login to secure your data. See My short recommendation is to:
Create a google group which contains the users you want to access the
Create a role in App Maker which contains that group
Restrict access to both your data and your view to members of that role.
This is much more secure than a password based approach as #1 It's implemented by Google (implementing your own auth correctly is hard) and #2 You have a list of everyone who has access to your data in the form of the Google group.

CQ5.6 Geometrix view and edit profile URL lets view another user's details

We are using the view and edit profile functionality from Geometrix on our site.
One user who is logged in can click on "my profile" link which generates following URL:
User gets to view his profile
now if in the same user login session user edits the URL in the browser to
He can still view another users profile information.
Which should not be the case, How do we prevent this.
Also in the first place the URL with user node should not be visisble to end user, can we do any mapping to hide this(may be on webserver level). any help on is greatly welcome.
Thanks in advance.

Facebook Streampublish and user details

We have a website wherein a user can post information from our website to their facebook wall. I am using Facebook graph api's streampublish to accomplish this task.
So, the flow works like this:
a. User clicks the 'Post this link to Facebook' button
b. if the user is not logged into facebook, a login popup box is automatically shown.
c. After successful login, the user is shown 'Post to Wall' popup box.
d. User posts message to the wall.
All of the above works fine. However my requirement is, after publishing the stream data I need to get the users email, firstname and lastname based on their facebook login and save it to our database. Does any one have any advice on how to get these information?
The website is built using Javascript, ASP.Net and C#
Thanks for the response.
I am currently using the below syntax to post to a wall
FB.ui( { method: 'stream.publish',
message: userMessage1,
attachment: attachment1,
action_links: actionLinks1,
user_message_prompt: messagePrompt1,
target_id: targetId1,
actor_id: actorId1 },FBresponse);
Can I get the user object details via the FBresponse call back function? At the moment when I use Firebug, the response object contains only the post_id property
If you've got permission to publish on the user's wall, you should have a valid access token for that use. You can just query the Facebook Graph API /me object to get that information.

Drupal 7: Reveal field to anonymous user after an email validation

This is the requirement for a Drupal 7 site -
The site will not have any registration facility for visitors. It is basically a content oriented site with all content created by content editors.
All content are visible to anonymous users.
There is specific content type (consider "document") that will have a file upload. Users can download the files.
The "document" nodes will not reveal the file download link when an anonymous user views the node for the first time. Rather it will ask the user to input his email address.
Once the user inputs a valid email address, the link to the file is revealed.
There will be a log record of the user input email addresses.
I want to know if there is a contributed module that can already do this. If not, is it possible to achieve this by using a combination of contributed modules? If even that is not possible, what could be the best way to achieve this?
