Building a slideshow with the jCarousel module - drupal

I'm using jCarousel to build a slideshow that displays in a block. The content type has image upload fields and those images are going to display in the carousel. I want that every node has a different images in the carousel. In Views I defined filters by Type. But that takes all the images from every node. How can I solve this?

Are the images you want on a specific page uploaded via that page?
If so, you can use the Node:NID argument.
Under "Action to take if argument is not present:"
check "Provide default argument"
then "Node ID from URL"

Here's more info about the template.php comment:
In page.tpl.php add
<body class="<?php print $body_classes; ?>">
in template.php, add
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
// Classes for body element. Allows advanced theming based on context
// (home page, node of certain type, etc.)
$body_classes = array($vars['body_classes']);
if (!$vars['is_front']) {
// Add unique classes for each page and website section
$path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
list($section, ) = explode('/', $path, 2);
$body_classes[] = phptemplate_id_safe('page-' . $path);
$body_classes[] = phptemplate_id_safe('section-' . $section);
if (arg(0) == 'node') {
if (arg(1) == 'add') {
if ($section == 'node') {
array_pop($body_classes); // Remove 'section-node'
$body_classes[] = 'node-add'; // Add 'node-add'
elseif (is_numeric(arg(1)) && (arg(2) == 'edit' || arg(2) == 'delete')) {
if ($section == 'node') {
array_pop($body_classes); // Remove 'section-node'
$body_classes[] = 'node-' . arg(2); // Add 'node-edit' or 'node-delete'
$vars['body_classes'] = implode(' ', $body_classes); // Concatenate with spaces
function phptemplate_id_safe($string) {
if (is_numeric($string{0})) {
// If the first character is numeric, add 'n' in front
$string = 'n'. $string;
return strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/', '-', $string));


add custom class to wordpress nav menu item based on specific condition

I want to add current-menu-item class to the li if it is a single page.
I am trying to do this by using wp_nav_menu_objects hook with a custom function but don't know how to get the particular menu item and set a condition to assign the class to it.
Here is the code.
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects' , 'my_menu_class');
function my_menu_class($menu) {
//if it is a single post page of a particular post type (in this case 'property')
if( is_single() && is_post_type_archive( 'property' ) ) {
//get all the menu items
foreach($menu as $key => $item) {
// check if the menu item is "Commercial Property"
if($item == "Commercial Property") {
//assign the class to that menu item
$menu[$key]->classes[] = 'current-menu-item';
return $menu;
This code is just to represent the logic. Please suggest if what I need can be achieved with this method or there is a better approach to it.
In my WP theme, I wanted to remove all wordpess menu classes, add my own and on specific condition ( for example if the menu has an active class ) to add another class. Here s my code
function add_custom_classes($classes){
$newClasses[] = "navigation__item";
if( in_array('current_page_item', $classes) ){
array_push($newClasses, "navigation__item-active");
return $newClasses;
add_filter('nav_menu_css_class', 'add_custom_classes', 100, 1);
add_filter('nav_menu_item_id', 'add_custom_classes', 100, 1);
add_filter('page_css_class', 'add_custom_classes', 100, 1);
You can add your own conditions
is_single is actually looking for a single post. You need is_page
Wordpress already provides the class if it is a single page
on any post detail page you can inspect the menu you will find that class so in other way you can utilize current-post-ancestor class for what you need to do
Hope it makes sense
I have solved it using the HTTP_REFERER to set conditions in the same function.
Don't feel it is the best way to achieve this but it sorts me out.
Here is the code if anyone else needs a reference.
function nav_menu_class($menu) {
//To dynamically get the directory path from the URL irrespective of the local or web server.
$ref = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; // prev page url.
$split_ref = pathinfo($ref); // splitting the url to seperate the directory ( from the file path.
$dir_path .= $split_ref[ "dirname" ]; // extracting the host + directory from the full path
$class = 'current-menu-item'; // class to be assigned.
foreach($menu as $key => $item) {
if( $menu[$key]-> ID == 101 ) { // check if the menu item matches this ID
if( $ref == $dir_path.'/properties-to-let/' || $ref == $dir_path.'/properties-for-sale/' || $ref == $dir_path.'/commercial-property/' ) {
$menu[$key]->classes[] = $class;
} elseif( $menu[$key]-> ID == 15 ) { // check if the menu item matches this ID
if( $ref == $dir_path.'/business-for-sale/' ) { // check if the single page has come from this page for assigning current class to only this menu item
$menu[$key]->classes[] = $class;
} elseif( $menu[$key]-> ID == 18 ) { // check if the menu item matches this ID
if( $ref == $dir_path.'/news/' ) { // check if the single page has come from this page for assigning current class to only this menu item
$menu[$key]->classes[] = $class;
return $menu;
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects' , 'nav_menu_class');

mediaelement.js - Play random video?

I have lots of videos in the directory "video" in my WordPress installation.
They all play nice using the MediaElement.js plugin, but is it also possible to play a random clip from this directory? For example using a shortcode that directs to the directory (and not to a specific video), something like
[video src="" random="true"]
That would be great!
This should be possible.
What you might want to do is use AJAX to generate the div containing your video player. If you do this, you can delete/recreate the player very easily.
After that what you'd need is a shortcode definition which feeds a directory string value and a boolean value into whichever function you attach to the shortcode handler.
For Instance
add_shortcode( 'video', 'videoDiv' );
function videoDiv( $shortcodeAttributeList )
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'src' => $defaultDirectory,
'random' => true, /*set default values, use lowercase*/
), $shortcodeAttributeList ) );
$choice=rand(1, $numFiles);
$output='<div id="videoPlayer" class="player">';
// Continue by making a string which spans from <div> to </div>
return $output; //a div
Also from
* get the number of files within a given dir
function fileCounter($dir){
$counter = 0;
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
//echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";
//echo "Files:\n";
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
//echo "<BR>".$counter." - $file";
$counter -= 1; // in order to exclude '.' and '..', as well as start the counter on 1
return $counter;
* get the filename in a giver dir, starting the first file with the index 1
function fileNameByIndex($dir, $fileIndex){
$counter = 0;
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if($counter - 2 == $fileIndex)
return $file;
return "";

How to add a body class for the current node's taxonomy to a Drupal 7 theme

Does anyone know how or can guide me in the right direction on how to add a body css class for the current node's taxonomy term? i.e. <body class="term-dogs"> where "dogs" is the taxonomy term name. It could also be just the term ID. Either way is fine I just need a solution. This will be for a Drupal 7 zen sub-theme
This answer took longer than I expected to figure out. The hard part was collecting the terms on the node, since All taxonomy functions relating to nodes have been removed or refactored. Ultimately, page 355 of Pro Drupal 7 Development saved the day with a snippet that does the job previously handled by taxonomy_node_get_terms.
Below is the code that worked for me (look for the part that says "MAGIC BEGINS HERE"). Assuming you're creating a sub-theme of Zen, you'll want to move this to your sub-theme's template.php file and rename it to YOURSUBTHEMENAME_preprocess_html:
* Override or insert variables into the html template.
* #param $vars
* An array of variables to pass to the theme template.
* #param $hook
* The name of the template being rendered ("html" in this case.)
function zen_preprocess_html(&$vars, $hook) {
// If the user is silly and enables Zen as the theme, add some styles.
if ($GLOBALS['theme'] == 'zen') {
include_once './' . drupal_get_path('theme', 'zen') . '/zen-internals/';
_zen_preprocess_html($vars, $hook);
// Classes for body element. Allows advanced theming based on context
// (home page, node of certain type, etc.)
if (!$vars['is_front']) {
// Add unique class for each page.
$path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
// Add unique class for each website section.
list($section, ) = explode('/', $path, 2);
if (arg(0) == 'node') {
if (arg(1) == 'add') {
$section = 'node-add';
elseif (is_numeric(arg(1)) && (arg(2) == 'edit' || arg(2) == 'delete')) {
$section = 'node-' . arg(2);
$node = node_load(arg(1));
$results = field_view_field('node', $node, 'field_tags', array('default'));
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
$vars['classes_array'][] = strtolower($result['#title']);
$vars['classes_array'][] = drupal_html_class('section-' . $section);
if (theme_get_setting('zen_wireframes')) {
$vars['classes_array'][] = 'with-wireframes'; // Optionally add the wireframes style.
// Store the menu item since it has some useful information.
$vars['menu_item'] = menu_get_item();
switch ($vars['menu_item']['page_callback']) {
case 'views_page':
// Is this a Views page?
$vars['classes_array'][] = 'page-views';
case 'page_manager_page_execute':
case 'page_manager_node_view':
case 'page_manager_contact_site':
// Is this a Panels page?
$vars['classes_array'][] = 'page-panels';
I needed to know how to do this and Matt V's solution worked perfectly. I made a couple of additions to his work. I called drupal_html_class which replaces spaces and invalid characters. And I added in the term ID to allow you to target a term even if the name of the term changes.
$node = node_load(arg(1));
$results = field_view_field('node', $node, 'field_tags', array('default'));
foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
if (is_numeric($key)) {
// Call drupal_html_class to make safe for a css class (remove spaces, invalid characters)
$vars['classes_array'][] = "taxonomy-" . strtolower(drupal_html_class( $result['#title']) );
// Add taxonomy ID. This will allow targeting of the taxonomy class even if the title changes
$vars['classes_array'][] = "taxonomy-id-" . $result['#options']['entity']->tid ;
Not sure what you mean with that body tag, but the classes on the node are generated here:
You can add more by implementing yourmodule_preprocess_node($vars) and then add whatever you want to $vars['classes_array']

Drupal main theme template file for any node

How can I switch to a different theme template file for any node that I want?
I understand how to create sub-themes like node-recipes.tpl.php for a node that has a path of "recipes". But what I want to have control of the entire base template like page.tpl.php.
Can I use some preprocess function in template.php for this?
Right now I have this in my template.php file:
function mythemename_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
// template name for current node id
$suggestions = array('node-'. $vars['nid']);
// additional node template names based on path alias
if (module_exists('path')) {
// we already can have a path alias
if (isset($vars['path'])) {
$alias = $vars['path'];
// otherwise do standard check
$alias = drupal_get_path_alias('node/'. $vars['nid']);
if ($alias != 'node/'. $vars['nid']) {
$add_path = '';
foreach (explode('/', $alias) as $path_part) {
$add_path .= !empty($path_part) ? $path_part.'_' : '';
$suggestions[] = 'node-'. $add_path;
// adding the last one (higher priority) for this path only
// node-some-long-path-nofollow.tpl.php (not for anchestors)
$suggestions[] = end($suggestions) .'-nofollow';
$suggestions=array_map(stripTag, $suggestions);
$vars['template_files'] = isset($vars['template_files']) ? array_merge($vars['template_files'], $suggestions) : $suggestions;
You can fully control the $vars['template_files'] array. I always suggest adding onto the array rather then overwriting it completely.
I have a module that I maintain that adds a few small suggestions that I use often.
You can manipulate the $vars['template_files'] array in preprocess_node, preprocess_page, etc.
If you want to switch you page.tpl.php to another theme file do it in the preprocess_page hook...
I'm using this function to create template suggestions that works for me now. Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
* Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the templates.
* These are the main outer templates such as page.tpl.php
function phptemplate_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
$alias = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
if ($alias != $_GET['q']) {
$template_filename = 'page';
foreach (explode('/', $alias) as $path_part) {
$template_filename = $template_filename . '-' . $path_part;
$vars['template_files'][] = $template_filename;
/* print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';*/

Unique id on the 'a' tag of a menu item in Drupal

I'm trying to generate unique id's on the 'a' tag of the menu item so that I can implement Popups API.
This is what my function in template.php looks like:
function phptemplate_menu_item_link($link) {
if (empty($link['options'])) {
$link['options'] = array();
// If an item is a LOCAL TASK, render it as a tab
if ($link['type'] & MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK) {
$link['title'] = '<span class="tab">'. check_plain($link['title']) .'</span>';
$link['options']['html'] = TRUE;
if (empty($link['type'])) {
$true = TRUE;
//get unique id from menu item title
$css_id = phptemplate_id_safe(str_replace(' ', '_', strip_tags($link['title'])));
//set unique id for link
if ($link['menu_name'] == 'primary-links') {
$link['options']['attributes']['id'] = 'id-' . $css_id;
return l($link['title'], $link['href'], $link['options']);
I'm debugging w/ Zend and the conditional statement works. I've cleared the cache, my browser cache, and rebuilt the menu multiple times, but can't seem to get it to work.
Just as a reference, phptemplate_id_safe is custom (obviously) and works fine.
You might want to have a look at menu_attributes or this forum post.
