Intel OpenCL SDK for Windows XP? - opencl

I want to know if there is any version of Intel's opencl implementation for windows XP?I have searched quite a lot about it and didnt find anything .But thought i'd confirm here.

None. They list only Vista and Windows 7. I doubt XP will be supported.
AMD support XP at present, if what you really want is OpenCL for CPU.

Found on the Internet:
Making OpenCL features available - Wings 3D
For old Intel processors (like P4) or on-board GPU (like Intel G33/31): ATI Stream SDK 2.3 is the last version that supports Windows XP SP3


Can an OpenCL .cl file compiled to SPIR-V be cross-compiled to Metal?

For context, I am researching upgrades into our OpenCL code at work as we are quite far behind current spec. The team I work in develops on all three of the major OSes and as far as I can tell Apple doesn't support past OpenCL 1.2 on any of their machines instead prompting you to learn and use Metal performance shaders.
I would like to update our code base to C++ for OpenCL which is based on OpenCL 2.0 or 3.0 depending on which version you use. C++ for OpenCL is fine on Windows and Linux as they have GPU drivers which support up to and past the 2.0 requirement, but Mac might have a problem with it without official support in the drivers. So I had the idea that if we could cross compile the CL kernels to Metal for the Mac users they would be able to run a Metal version of the code locally.
Has anyone got any solutions to this problem.

Stop OpenCL support for a GPU

I have two GPUs installed on my machine. I am working with library which uses OpenCL acceleration that only support one GPU and it is not configurable. I can not tell it which one I want. It seems that this library for some reason chose one of my GPUs that I do not want.
How can I delete/stop/deactivate this GPU from being supported as an OpenCL device?
I want to do this so I get only one supported GPU and the library will be forced to use it.
Note: Any option that contains change or edit the library is available for me.
P.S. I am on Windows 10 with Intel processor and Intel GPU + NVidia GPU
On Windows the OpenCL ICD system uses Registry entries to find all of the installed OpenCL platforms.
Solution: Using RegEdit you can backup and then remove the entry for the GPU you do not want to use. The Registry location is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenCL\Vendors.

Is There A Way To Upgrade to OpenCL 2.0?

There is a feature in OpenCL 2.0 that I would like to use.
I dual boot Ubuntu and Mac OS (Graphics: GTX 670 + HD Graphics 4600). Is it possible to install OpenCL 2.0?
This may be a dumb question - from what I have read, it seems like 2.0-compatible drivers may not be written yet? And also possibly my hardware will not support the new spec?
Basically, when will OpenCL 2.0 be easy/available?
You mentioned you have an NVidia GTX 670; you should note that NVidia's drivers only support OpenCL 1.1, not 1.2.
NVidia have(*) refrained over the past several years from updating their drivers to support the newer OpenCL standard, even though the hardware obviously supports it and CUDA has all the relevant functionality... so don't expect 2.0 to happen so soon on your hardware.
(*) - Due to being Evilâ„¢.
There are no OpenCL 2.0 drivers yet. The specification just became final yesterday. I don't believe any public statements have been made yet about when drivers will become available, and for what hardware. You'll have to wait for whatever fun new feature you wanted. Better yet, let your favorite vendors know that you'd like them to support OpenCL 2.0!
There is some support for OpenCL in Clang 3.0 and from the LLVM organisation.
See the CLang 3.0 release notes
Here's an LLVM presentation on OpenCL
Here's another Stackoveflow answer on Clang 3.0 for OpenCL
How to use clang to compile OpenCL to ptx code?
So there are some good folks working on an open source version of OpenCL that compiles to PTX for NVida cards. Not having used it and not being familiar with these efforts, I can't say if there are plans or when when they can get to the OpenCL 2.0 spec.

OpenGL ARB_framebuffer_object extension is not available

I'm having an app that processes some DSL and draws a page. That app is qt-based. I need to work with DSL not with QT. When processing that DSL an app throws the following error
OpenGL ARB_framebuffer_object extension is not available
My laptop is rather old. I'm running Windows Vista, my gfx card is ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics. I tried to install ATI Radeon HD 4850 X2 Catalyst Driver 9.1 WHQL Vista and Hydravision pack for Vista and that did not help.
Can someone tell me whether I can fix the problem on my laptop and how?
The error message is pretty straightforward: your hardware just doesn't support the required extension.
And it's common knowledge software developers hate hardware problems :)

What are my choices of technologies for GP development on Intel integrated GPU's?

What are my choices of technologies, languages and tools to develop general-purpose software running on the integrated GPUs of Intel Ivy Bridge processors? OpenCL (if so, Intel drivers? Whose compiler?)? CUDA? Something based on LLVM?
I believe DirectCompute is not an option for us, because we won't be running windows.
Edit: Just found this article that suggests that OpenCL support is coming in the IvyBridge drivers shortly.
As #talonmies points out, on Intel OpenCL is supported on the integrated GPU, but only on Windows:
OpenGL-ES is running good on intel HD processors.
