Why is my bulk copy duplicating each row, so in my database table the row shows twice.
Label1.Visible = True
Dim tourid As New List(Of String)
Dim tasktype As New List(Of String)
Dim tourname1 As New List(Of String)
Dim tasknamelist As New List(Of String)
Dim dboxdates As New List(Of String)
Dim dates As New List(Of String)
Dim firstdates As New List(Of String)
Dim agent As New List(Of String)
Dim desc As New List(Of String)
Dim checkitem As ListItem
Dim departuredate As Date
For Each checkitem In dboxes.Items
If checkitem.Selected Then
departuredate = checkitem.Text
For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
' Selects the text from the TextBox
Dim checkboxstatus As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("tasknamebox"), CheckBox)
If checkboxstatus.Checked = True Then
Dim dates1 As TextBox = CType(row.FindControl("tdays"), TextBox)
Dim gracep As TextBox = CType(row.FindControl("tgrace"), TextBox)
Dim aftersubtraction As DateTime
Dim fromatafter As DateTime
aftersubtraction = departuredate.AddDays(-dates1.Text)
fromatafter = aftersubtraction.AddDays(-gracep.Text)
While fromatafter.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday OrElse fromatafter.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday
fromatafter = fromatafter.AddDays(-2)
End While
Dim txtdesc2 As TextBox = CType(row.FindControl("txtdesc"), TextBox)
Dim tasktype1 As Label = CType(row.FindControl("tasktype"), Label)
Dim agentdlist As DropDownList = CType(row.FindControl("agentdlist"), DropDownList)
Dim tourname As String
tourname = tname.Text
Dim sChars As String = " "
End If
End If
If tasknamelist.Count > dboxdates.Count Then
Loop Until tasknamelist.Count = dboxdates.Count
End If
If tasknamelist.Count > tourid.Count Then
Loop Until tasknamelist.Count = tourid.Count
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To ((dates.Count) - 1)
Dim row = table.NewRow()
row("Tour") = tourid(i)
row("TourName") = tourname1(i)
row("Task") = tasknamelist(i)
row("Departure") = dboxdates(i)
row("Due Date") = dates(i)
row("Task Type") = tasktype(i)
row("Agent Name") = agent(i)
row("Completed") = "NO"
row("Description") = desc(i)
row("Orig Due") = firstdates(i)
toptable.Visible = False
bottom.Visible = True
GridView2.DataSource = table
Using bcp As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(SqlDataSource2.ConnectionString)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(0, 1)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(1, 2)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(2, 3)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(3, 4)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(4, 7)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(5, 5)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(6, 10)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(7, 13)
bcp.ColumnMappings.Add(8, 6)
bcp.DestinationTableName = "dbo.stagingtasks"
End Using
Your doing a table.Rows.Add(row) and a New SqlBulkCopy()
They seem to be the same?
I am dynamically adding asp check boxes to my page based off of number of rows in my db table, by ID. Also the checkbox is being assigned an ID from the db table. I also two columns in my db table "numberOffered" and "numberAllowed". My idea is on page load only allow the user to check say 3 of the 10 check boxes shown. I have removed a lot of the code I thought would be unnecessary. Thank you very much in advance.
For Each Arow As Object In ATable.Rows
For Each Brow As Object In BTable.Rows
If Brow(1) = a_ID Then
If Brow(2) = b_ID Then
Dim cbShown As Integer = Arow(5)
Dim cbAllowed As Integer = Arow(6)
Dim checkBox As New CheckBox()
End If
End If
checkBox.ID = Crow(0)
Full Page_load sub
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not (Session("studentLoggedIn") Or Session("adminLoggedIn")) Then
End If
If Session("adminLoggedIn") = True Then
castVote.Enabled = False
castVote.CssClass = "btnDisabled"
Dim p As New HtmlGenericControl()
p.TagName = "p"
p.InnerText = "Vote button disabled. Only students may vote."
End If
Dim ballot_ID As Integer = CType(Session.Item("ballot_ID"), Integer)
Dim ballotName As String = CType(Session.Item("ballotName"), String)
Dim ballotsAdapter As New eVoteTableAdapters.ballotsTableAdapter()
Dim ballotsTable As New eVote.ballotsDataTable
ballotsTable = ballotsAdapter.GetDataBy3getBallotsByID(ballot_ID)
Dim sectionsAdapter As New eVoteTableAdapters.sectionsTableAdapter()
Dim sectionsTable As New eVote.sectionsDataTable
sectionsTable = sectionsAdapter.GetDataBygetsectionsByBallotID(ballot_ID)
Dim candidatesAdapter As New eVoteTableAdapters.candidatesTableAdapter()
Dim candidatesTable As New eVote.candidatesDataTable
candidatesTable = candidatesAdapter.GetDataBygetCandidatesByballotID(ballot_ID)
openBallotName.InnerText = ballotName
Dim section_ID
For Each row As Object In sectionsTable.Rows
If row(1) = ballot_ID Then
section_ID = row(0)
Dim sectionName As New HtmlGenericControl()
Dim sectionDescription As New HtmlGenericControl()
Dim divcontrol As New HtmlGenericControl()
Dim br As New HtmlGenericControl()
divcontrol.Attributes("ID") = section_ID
divcontrol.Attributes("runat") = "server"
divcontrol.Attributes("style") = "border: solid;"
divcontrol.TagName = "div"
br.TagName = "br"
sectionName.TagName = "h4"
sectionDescription.TagName = "p"
sectionName.InnerText = row(2)
sectionDescription.InnerText = row(3)
For Each Crow As Object In candidatesTable.Rows
If Crow(1) = ballot_ID Then
If Crow(2) = section_ID Then
Dim checkBox As New CheckBox()
Dim canImg As New Image()
Dim canName As New HtmlGenericControl()
Dim canBio As New HtmlGenericControl()
Dim rmImg As New Image()
Dim rmName As New HtmlGenericControl()
Dim rmBio As New HtmlGenericControl()
Dim canBytes As Byte() = Crow(6)
Dim canBase64String As String = Convert.ToBase64String(canBytes, 0, canBytes.Length)
Dim rmBytes As Byte() = Crow(11)
Dim rmBase64String As String = Convert.ToBase64String(rmBytes, 0, rmBytes.Length)
checkBox.ID = Crow(0)
canName.TagName = "h3"
canBio.TagName = "p"
rmName.TagName = "h3"
rmBio.TagName = "p"
canName.InnerText = Crow(4) & " " & Crow(5)
canBio.InnerText = Crow(7)
canImg.ImageUrl = Convert.ToString("data:image/png;base64,") & canBase64String
canImg.Height = 120
rmName.InnerText = Crow(9) & " " & Crow(10)
rmBio.InnerText = Crow(12)
rmImg.ImageUrl = Convert.ToString("data:image/png;base64,") & rmBase64String
rmImg.Height = 120
If row(4) = True Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
You will want a variable (integer) for the amount of checkboxes allowed, then another variable for the amount of checkboxes currently checked, finally a List containing the name of each checkbox, (have all these variables as class fields)
then in your event handler something like
Sub Check_Clicked(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
checked += 1
If checked >= NumberAllowedChecked Then
For Each a As CheckBox In MyCheckBoxList
If Not CheckBox.Checked Then CheckBox.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
I am not overly familiar with VB but I think this should set you on the right track on how to implement it for yourself
Edit: you will want to add in logic for if a user unchecks a check box that it will subtract one from 'checked;
I have two datatables (dtSF and CurveFitTable) that contain two different values which I have to multiply. The objective is to produce a datatable that contains the product of two values from two different datatables. The twist is, the CurveFitTable came from different csv files in a directory which I already defined.
What I intended to do is to have a datatable like the adjustedCopy table in the image below. Unfortunately, what I'm getting is a single datatable which kept on being overwritten and whenever I attempt to databind it to the grid, the datatable seems to be empty. Please help. T.T
This is my code:
Dim adjusteddemandtable As New DataTable()
Dim adjustedcopy As New DataTable()
Dim multiply_SF As Double
Dim adjusted_Demand As Double
Dim initial_Demand As Double
Dim basecurvestamp As Date
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add("Base Curve", GetType(Date))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns("Base Curve").SetOrdinal(0)
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add("Adjusted_Demand", GetType(Double))
Dim CurveFitTatble As New DataTable()
For Each filename As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackUpDirectory)
CurveFitTatble = GetDataTabletFromCSVFile(filename)
For Each row2 As DataRow In dtSF.Rows()
For Each row As DataRow In CurveFitTatble.Rows()
initial_Demand = row(1)
basecurvestamp = row(0)
multiply_SF = row2(0)
adjusted_Demand = multiply_SF * initial_Demand
Dim rowa As DataRow = adjusteddemandtable.Rows.Add()
rowa(0) = basecurvestamp
rowa(1) = adjusted_Demand
adjustedcopy.Merge(adjusteddemandtable, True, MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey)
GridView1.DataSource = adjustedcopy
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
I think, I'm missing something or overlooked an important step. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
I just did what #jmcilhinney told me (that is to replace nested Foreach nested loop. Here is my new code (and fortunately, it is working as its expected output requires)
Dim y As Integer = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackUpDirectory).Length
Dim row1 As DataRow
Dim i As Integer = 0
While i < y
row1 = dtSF.Rows(i)
Dim filenames As String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(BackUpDirectory)
Dim filename As String = filenames(i)
multiply_SF = row1(0)
CurveFitTatble = New DataTable()
Dim TS_Name As String = "TmeStamp" + "_" & i
Dim AD_Name As String = "AdjustedDemand" + "_" & i
If i = 0 Then
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(TS_Name, GetType(Date))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(AD_Name, GetType(Double))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns(AD_Name).SetOrdinal(i + 1)
ElseIf i > 0 Then
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(TS_Name, GetType(Date))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns(TS_Name).SetOrdinal(i + 1)
adjusteddemandtable.Columns.Add(AD_Name, GetType(Double))
adjusteddemandtable.Columns(AD_Name).SetOrdinal(i + 2)
End If
'If row1(0) = filename Then
CurveFitTatble = GetDataTabletFromCSVFile(filename)
'For Each row As DataRow In CurveFitTatble.Rows()
Dim row As DataRow
For j As Integer = 0 To CurveFitTatble.Rows.Count - 1
row = CurveFitTatble.Rows(j)
initial_Demand = row(1)
basecurvestamp = row(0)
adjusted_Demand = multiply_SF * initial_Demand
Dim rowa As DataRow = adjusteddemandtable.Rows.Add()
If i = 0 Then
rowa(i) = basecurvestamp
rowa(i + 1) = adjusted_Demand
ElseIf i > 0 Then
rowa(i + 1) = basecurvestamp
rowa(i + 2) = adjusted_Demand
End If
i = i + 1
End While
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
I have existing code in VB in which I need to process all records that are in the list in one go, and await for their responses. When they respond, add them to the data table. The code works. I just need to convert it to run asynchronously.
Here is my code:
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim _Datatable As New DataTable
Private Sub btnProcess_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnProcess.Click
prgProgress.Value = 0
prgProgress.Maximum = lstUrls.Items.Count
For Each _ProductEntry As String In lstUrls.Items
Dim _Webclient As New WebClient
'_Webclient.Proxy = _ProxyClient
Dim _DataStream As Stream = _Webclient.OpenRead(New Uri(_ProductEntry))
Dim _DataRead As New StreamReader(_DataStream)
Dim _HtmlContent As String = _DataRead.ReadToEnd
Dim _HtmlDocument As mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 = New mshtml.HTMLDocument
Dim _ProductName As mshtml.IHTMLHeaderElement = _HtmlDocument.getElementById("product-header")
Call CheckTable("Name")
Call CheckTable("URL")
Call CheckTable("Image")
Call CheckTable("Price")
Dim _Price As String = String.Empty
Dim _SpanElements As mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection = _HtmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("span")
For Each _SpanElement As mshtml.IHTMLSpanElement In _SpanElements
If _SpanElement.classname = "regular-price" Then
_Price = Replace(Replace(_SpanElement.innertext, "£", ""), "Incl. VAT", "")
End If
Dim _ImageLocation As String = String.Empty
For Each _Paragraph As mshtml.IHTMLElement In _HtmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("image")
If _Paragraph.id = "product-image-main" Then
Dim _Image As mshtml.IHTMLImgElement = CType(_Paragraph, mshtml.IHTMLImgElement)
_ImageLocation = _Image.src
Exit For
End If
Dim tableElements As mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection
tableElements = _HtmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("Table")
Dim oTableTest As mshtml.IHTMLTable2 = tableElements.item(1)
For Each _ColumnHeader As mshtml.IHTMLTableRow In oTableTest.rows
CheckTable(CType(_ColumnHeader.cells(0), mshtml.IHTMLElement).innerText)
Dim _DataRow As DataRow = _DataTable.NewRow
_DataRow.Item("Name") = CType(_ProductName, mshtml.IHTMLElement).innerText
_DataRow.Item("URL") = _ProductEntry
_DataRow.Item("Price") = _Price
_DataRow.Item("Image") = _ImageLocation
For Each _RowData As mshtml.IHTMLTableRow In oTableTest.rows
Dim _Header As mshtml.IHTMLElement = _RowData.cells(0)
Dim _Value As mshtml.IHTMLElement = _RowData.cells(1)
_DataRow.Item(_Header.innerText) = _Value.innerText
Dim _Elements As mshtml.IHTMLElementCollection = _HtmlDocument.all
For Each _Element As mshtml.IHTMLElement In _Elements
If _Element.className = "product-description product-documents" Then
For Each _ProductLink As mshtml.IHTMLElement In _Element.all
If _ProductLink.tagName = "A" Then
_DataRow(_ProductLink.innerText) = Replace(CType(_ProductLink, mshtml.IHTMLAnchorElement).href, "about:", "http://www.tapoutlet.co.uk")
End If
End If
dgvScrapedData.DataSource = _Datatable
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error getting webpage-" & _ProductEntry)
End Try
End Sub
Private Function CheckTable(ByVal ColumnName As String) As Boolean
If _DataTable.Columns.Contains(ColumnName) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
End Class
I am connecting to a database and then using an SQLDataReader to parse through those results and then put those results into variables that I can use at a latter time. The problem is that all of my "results.items" are returning null values. The DataReader is however, showing the proper field count when I debug.
Private Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowCommand
If e.CommandName = "editPost" Then
'Remove DataGrid'''''''''
GridView1.Visible = False
Dim index As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView1.Rows(index)
Dim ID As String = GridView1.Rows(index).Cells(0).Text
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''CREATE Controls for Placeholder
Dim editEditor As New CuteEditor.Editor
Dim hiddenID As New HiddenField
hiddenID.ID = "hiddenID"
hiddenID.Value = ID
editEditor.ID = "editEditor"
Dim subjectTXT As New TextBox
subjectTXT.ID = "editorSubject"
Dim br As New Literal
Dim submitChanges As New Button
Dim sbjLabel As New Label
submitChanges.ID = "submitChanges"
submitChanges.Text = " Submit Changes "
submitChanges.Height = 40
submitChanges.Width = 300
sbjLabel.Text = "Subject: "
editEditor.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Simple
br.Text = "<br/><br/>"
subjectTXT.Width = "100"
subjectTXT.Height = "25"
subjectTXT.CssClass = "editInput"
submitChanges.OnClientClick = UpdatePost()
Dim connStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("oakfratnewsConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim nCon As New SqlConnection(connStr)
Dim addCon As New SqlConnection(connStr)
Dim addCom As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [News] WHERE ([ID] = #ID)", addCon)
addCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", ID)
Dim results As SqlDataReader
results = addCom.ExecuteReader
While results.Read()
Dim editText As String = results.Item("Content")
Dim Subject As String = results.Item("Subject")
editEditor.Text = editText
subjectTXT.Text = Subject
End While
End If
End Sub
Where do you get the ID value?
"addCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ID", ID) "
Remove "addCom.ExecuteNonQuery() "
Why using
Dim editText As String = results.Item("Content")
I define before the loop the variable and then read it in this way
Dim editText As String
While results.Read()
editText = results("Content") ' without .items
End While
I have a gridview with 4 columns, three of them are template fields where the user can enter the information needed and click a button to submit it to the database. I have 2 issues:
When I click my button to add a second row... the data in the first row posts
disappears. I want to be able to add the row without the first row of information
disappearing for multiple record entry situations. My code follows:
Private Sub SetInitialRow()
Dim dts As New DataTable()
Dim drs As DataRow = Nothing
dts.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Approval Date", GetType(String)))
dts.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Total Amount", GetType(String)))
dts.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Comments", GetType(String)))
dts.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Initials", GetType(String)))
drs = dts.NewRow()
drs("Approval Date") = String.Empty
drs("Total Amount") = String.Empty
drs("Comments") = String.Empty
drs("Initials") = String.Empty
ViewState("CurrentTable") = dts
gvOLIAdj.DataSource = dts
End Sub
Private Sub AddNewRowToGrid()
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
If ViewState("CurrentTable") IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dtCurrentTable As DataTable = DirectCast(ViewState("CurrentTable"), DataTable)
Dim drCurrentRow As DataRow = Nothing
If dtCurrentTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 1 To dtCurrentTable.Rows.Count
'extract the TextBox values
Dim box1 As TextBox = DirectCast(gvOLIAdj.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(1).FindControl("txtAdjAppr"), TextBox)
Dim box2 As TextBox = DirectCast(gvOLIAdj.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(2).FindControl("txtAdjAmt"), TextBox)
Dim box3 As TextBox = DirectCast(gvOLIAdj.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(3).FindControl("txtCmmts"), TextBox)
drCurrentRow = dtCurrentTable.NewRow()
drCurrentRow("Approval Date") = box1.Text
dtCurrentTable.Rows(i - 1)("Total Amount") = box2.Text
dtCurrentTable.Rows(i - 1)("Comments") = box3.Text
'dtCurrentTable.Rows(i - 1)("Initials") =
rowIndex += 1
ViewState("CurrentTable") = dtCurrentTable
gvOLIAdj.DataSource = dtCurrentTable
End If
Response.Write("ViewState is null")
End If
'Set Previous Data on Postbacks
End Sub
Private Sub SetPreviousData()
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
If ViewState("CurrentTable") IsNot Nothing Then
Dim dats As DataTable = DirectCast(ViewState("CurrentTable"), DataTable)
If dats.Rows.Count > 0 Then
For i As Integer = 0 To dats.Rows.Count - 1
Dim box1 As TextBox = DirectCast(gvOLIAdj.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(1).FindControl("txtAdjAppr"), TextBox)
Dim box2 As TextBox = DirectCast(gvOLIAdj.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(2).FindControl("txtAdjAmt"), TextBox)
Dim box3 As TextBox = DirectCast(gvOLIAdj.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(3).FindControl("txtCmmts"), TextBox)
box1.Text = dats.Rows(i)("Approval Date").ToString()
box2.Text = dats.Rows(i)("Total Amount").ToString()
box3.Text = dats.Rows(i)("Comments").ToString()
rowIndex += 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub btnAddNewRow_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnAddNewRow.Click
End Sub
When I try to write a loop that will loop through each of the template fields to grab
the data and put it into my database it doesn't recognize that I have data in the
template fields? This is what I have tried thus far to no avail...
Protected Sub btn_Update_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_Update.Click
For Each row As GridViewRow In gvOLIAdj.Rows
For Each gv As GridViewRow In gvOLIAdj.Rows
Dim appDt As String = (Rows(rowIndex).Cells(1).FindControl("txtAdjAppr")), TextBox)
Dim approvalDt As String = CType(gv.FindControl("txtAdjAppr"), TextBox).Text
Dim totalAmt As String = CType(gv.FindControl("txtAdjAmt"), TextBox).Text
Dim comments As String = CType(gv.FindControl("txtcmmts"), TextBox).Text
Dim intitials As String = DirectCast(gv.FindControl("total"), TextBox).Text
End Sub
In your AddNewRowToGrid method you are doing the following:
dtCurrentTable.Rows(i - 1)("Total Amount") = box2.Text
dtCurrentTable.Rows(i - 1)("Comments") = box3.Text
What's wrong here is the updating of the row in dtCurrentTable.Rows(i - 1). You are updating the values in the row above that which you wish to update.