Wordpress: How to redirect old links after changing permalink structure? - wordpress

I have changed my permalink structure in WordPress.
Can a plugin help me redirect old links to the new?

Redirection works for this, however for it to automatically detect the permalink changes, you'll probably have to revert the permalinks, install Redirection, and then change to the desired permalinks again.
If this isn't adequate, you can add them manually, and it has tools to help you find 404's that you were not aware of.


Redirect blog url with permalink change using redirection plugin

I am trying to redirect everything on the my website. The currently site uses www.abc15421.com/year/month/date/abc-post in the URL. i want to remove year/month/date from url and url looks like www.abc15421.com/abc-post
I want to change permalink but if changed that then previous blog url not working so anyone have idea then help me
I am using redirection plugin but not getting proper way to resolved this. If anyone have idea then let me know.
You could use this plugin if you want to use Wordpress plugins, and follow those instructions to make things work

Issues with Wordpress permalink /index.php/%postname% instead of %postname%

I've tried to change my permalinks from example.com/index.php/postname to example.com/postname, but nothing has worked. When I change them in Wordpress, I get 404 errors for example.com/postname. I've noticed this is a common issue, but none of the suggested solutions have worked.
Mod_rewrite is enabled on the Apache server. The .htaccess file has been updated. Still nothing. In the meantime, I'm wondering if I could do a redirect that would send anyone with the example.com/postname link to example.com/index.php/postname. What's the best way to do that?
You generally need to save permalink structure twice. If that doesnt work install wp 2017 theme > delete your theme > reinstall your theme from scratch.
If you have cloned your website - you should go to the original site, back it up and then deploy it! a good plugin to do this is updrafts if you don't know how to do it mannually. Don't use a cloning plugin - some plugins/themes don't work with them.

Change permalink structure with htaccess - wordpress?

I want to change my old domain name to new domain. What I ask here is how to redirect permalink structure with htaccess from
http://www.OldDomain.com/postname/ to http://NewDomain.com/postid/postname/
/%postname%/ /%postid%/
Straight answer is NO, you must not do this via .htaccess.
Wordpress already supports (and enforces) this permalink structure so it is much better and cleaner to goto Wordpress admin panel and change the permalink structure to /%postid%/%postname%/ in the newer installation of Wordpress.
PS: Note that even if you rewrite these URLs differently via mod_rewrite, WP will enforce and expect this to whatever is defined in it permalink definition.

Wordpress Permalink Structure 301 Redirect

Currently I am using Wordpress v3.4 and using the following Permalink Custom Structure
Now I want to remove .html from it so I did like this
I want to 301 redirect from old structure to new one.
Does anyone have the solution or suggestion?
Just use Redirection WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have.
Honestly, you should have never had put the extension, honestly I am surprised that Wordpress allowed this. However, if you change the permalink structure, usually it updates all previous posts and pages. Is that not the case here?

Forwarding slash in Wordpress URL

I am moving my site from Drupal to Wordpress.
In Drupal, I can easily give an alias to URL and this alias could be anything., ie: www.example.com/abc/xyz/hello.html
But in Wordpress, it appears that I cannot do that with WP out of the box.
Any hint on how to do the same with Wordpress? I need to keep URL consistence.
Thank you
I just found out this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-permalinks/ and used it to add caracters like slashes and points, to the urls of a website i am moving to WordPress, so far it's working.
Hope it will help !
You may be interested in Settings -> Permalinks, but I think you want more than that.
Take a look at the feature list for the redirection plugin. This allows you to setup redirects to other pages or do pass through redirections. If this isn't what you are looking for then I think there are a couple other plugins that may accomplish what you want. Hope this helps!
You can change the default urls in the Settings -> Permalinks. You should also have the option to change the permalink when you add or edit a post. There are also plugins available for permalinks (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/advanced-permalinks/)
