Replicating a Drupal website without overwritting destination database - drupal

I'm working on a large Drupal website under two environments -Development and Stage. While I work in Development, my client enters content in Stage.
My work in Development modifies the database. Then, I need to be really careful when taking my work to Stage -otherwise I could affect my client's content.
This is painful and inefficient. Do you know of other options for this particular scenario? Perhaps a database merging tool? Thank you for your advice.

This is an inherent issue with Drupal, the storing of configuration and content in the same database. There are methods to help mitigate the issue, (like the Features module that helps you compartmentalize configuration changes) but they are very dependent on module support.
On our last site we tried using the Features module and the Deployment module but so many of the modules we wanted to use didn't have support for Deployment that we ended up not going that route and just manually duplicate configuration changes by hand.

Depending on what your client is entering you might be able to use some handy mysql to solve the issue, can you tell us a bit more about your scenario?

There are two kinds of data, configuration and user content. For user content, set autoincrement to two and use even and odd for dev / staging. For configuration write update hooks. Easy.

Try looking at these two former thread on the same issue:
Drupal DATABASE deployment strategies?
How to merge Drupal database changes

You could turn it around and keep copying your staging site's information to new instances of your development site's platform. Miguel Jacq has done a nice write up on achieving this set up. After testing things through you can then set up a thoroughly tested production platform at the production address and copy the staging site over.
Miguel's article:
#jhuebsch: that sounds like a disturbing experience. Can you add a list of the afflicted modules and were you sure to use UUID & Strongarm?


Customising Mobius Forms

I'm really keen to use the 2sxc environment on my website for a number of applications.
I'm currently looking at the Mobius forms.
What I'm wanting to do is create a ticket in ConnectWise rather than send an email, using the ConnectWise REST API.
Some of these questions might have obvious answers to someone who has been taught in these technologies, but I'm self-taught. When I went to school I learnt COBOL!
There is c# code in the application, but I can't see how you build and incorporate into the application. I forked the code and it seems to just code with no build.
There are live and staging folders with the same cshtml files. However, it seems a bit random when the live or staging is actually used. For example, I did a quick fix to the _Contact Form.cshtml so to fix the type that meant it always displayed the ReCaptcha warning, and I changed the live version, which didn't do anything, so I had to change the staging version.
I need to update the settings so that configure the ConnectWise API settings, I haven't been able to find where I can do this? I am still looking though.
I also need to store a private key in the settings. Is there a secure way I can do this?
PS. When I get my head around all this I'm happy to be a contributor
welcome to StackOverflow.
I'll try to give you some guidance to help you figure it out
Live and staging are folders meant to let you make changes while the users see the unmodified output. So a host-user sees the files from staging, others see what's in live. When you're done and all is tested, you copy from staging to live. This we call Polymorphism.
Polymorphism applies to both the cshtml as well as the api. So as a host-user, you'll be using staging/api/FormController to save/send.
There is no build process, everything is hot-compiled. That's one of the things that makes 2sxc so amazing. No Visual Studio, DLL or restarting the application ;) You'll love it.
Secure keys: there is no special secure key storage. We usually put it in the App-Settings, just like the MailChimp key you'll see there. We split it into two fields for very technical reasons, because we publish our code on github and that causes trouble when our code has API keys. But you can just use one field, assuming you don't plan on publishing the code on github.

How to separate configurations in ASP.NET?

My team is doing web development (ASP.NET, WCF), and we are at a beginning stage where everyone needs to make DB changes and use own sample data.
We use a dedicated DB server, and we want each developer to develop against separate DB.
What we appear to need is ability to configure connection string on per-developer basis in source controlled way. Obviously, we might have other configuration settings that need custom setting and finally, we'll need to maintain a set of configuration settings that are common to all developers.
Can anyone suggest a best practice here?
PS Similar issue appears when we want to deploy a built application to different environments (test, stage, production) without having to manually tweak configurations (except perhaps configuring the environment name).
You can use config transforms for your deployment to different environments. That's easy enough. Scott Hanselman did a pretty awesome video on it here.
For your individual developer db problem, there isn't any particularly elegant solution I can think of. Letting each developer have a unique configuration isn't really a "best practice" to begin with. Once everyone starts integrating their code, you could have a very ugly situation on your hands if everyone wrote their code against a unique db and configuration set. It almost guarantees that code won't perform the same way for two developers.
Here is what I would recommend, and have done in the past.
Create a basic framework for your database, on one database on your test db server.
Create a Database Project as part of your solution.
Use .Net's built in Schema Compare to write your existing database to the database project.
When someone needs to change the database, first, they should get latest on the Database project, then make their changes, and then repeat step 4 to add their changes to the project.
Using this method, it is also very easy for developers to deploy a local instance of the database that matches the "main" database, make changes, and write those changes back to the project.
Maybe not so elegant solution, but we've chosen to read connection string from a different place when the project is built using Debug configuration.
We are using registry, and it has to be maintained manually.
It requires some extra coding, but the code to read the registry is only compiled in debug (#if debug), so there is no performance hit in production.
Hope this helps as well.

Wordpress pages and version control

We are a software development company and are using Wordpress for static portion of the web site. Naturally, all our workflow is built around version control: multiple developers -> continious integration -> staging -> deployment.
Our challenge with integrating Wordpress into our workflow is that its database is stuck like a bone in the throat: you cannot put it into the version control, easily roll back, promote from staging to production etc.
I am wondering what people do in similar situations? I would like to find a way to integrate WP into the development workflow and not the other way around :-)
Clarification we want to "develop" and test pages on the staging system and when ready then move them over to the production as part of the version upgrade process. We don't want to do full replication of the staging database to production.
That's a common question and one that I've worked on tackling. I've written some code to address these issues albeit the code's not ready for distribution. Basically the idea is to create scripts to import the content and then version control the scripts. (Actually my approach uses a custom import/export format designed to be easy to hand-modify, but the idea is similar.)
Anyway, there are some related questions over on StackOverflow's sister site WordPress Answers:
Questions tagged with the term [staging]
Questions tagged with the term [deploy]
Per the clarification, this would probably be helpful too:
Is there any way to draft a revision of a published page or post? What workarounds have you used?
Hope this helps.
I've just hit the same problem. For now we are using MySQL dump files to export/import database content, but it gets ugly with several people working on the database changes.
Since the team that works on the project is all internal and consists of just a few people, I'm thinking into the direction of locking the database dump file in VCS. Subversion had this functionality built-in, but we are using git, which, I think, is conceptually opposite of any kind of locking.
Probably we'll have a workaround script with pre-commit hook to check for the existence of a lock file next to the dump. The person who committed the lock file will be the only one allowed to commit the dump. Once he finishes the work, he will need to commit the removal of the lock file.
It sounds ugly, I know. But I've thought about it for a while and don't see an elegant solution yet.
If you're only using WordPress for static content, then any tool/methodology for version controlling databases should work - for example, work the mysql command line tools into your CI and deployment routines.

deploying changes on a living drupal site

I really like drupal somehow. But what disturbs me most is that i can't figure out a clear way of deployment. Drupal stores a lot of stuff inside the database (views, cck, workflow, trigger etc) that needs to be updated.
I've seen some modules that could be used for this task (eg features) and I'm not sure if they are sufficient. Yet they are only for drupal6 and i currently have to work on a drupal5 site where updating is not yet an option.
Any ideas?
This is a weakness. Drupal doesn't have the developer tools built in that make development and deployment easy like Rails does (for example). One problem is Drupal isn't aware of it's environment natively. Secondly, there are too many different methods and modules that require special care. It can get very confusing. But things are getting better with drush and drush make.
I'm assuming here that you have a development environment on your local machine and a live or staging server you upload to.
The first thing you have to do is work out how to get your database fixture and your code to and from your server to your development environment very quickly. You need to make this proceedure as painless as possible so you can keep different versions of your site in sync without much effort. This will mean you will hopefully be able to manage less change every time you deploy. Hopefully...
Moving the database around isn't too hard. You could use phpMyadmin or mysqldump but the backup migrate module is my favorite tool.
To upload code from your local repository or site can be done in a few ways. If you use a version control system like git, you can commit on your local machine and check out again on the staging server. There are also special deployment tools like capistrano you should take a look at. (if you know this stuff already it may benefit others to read). If you're using FTP you should probably try something different.
If you're working with a site that is still in production, you can afford to make small incremental changes to your local site, then repeat on the live site and down load the new version of the database when your changes are in place. This does mean you double handle the database but can be a safe way of doing things. It keeps both your database closer to each other and minimises risk.
You can also export views backup to your server in either your code or importing them into your live site. There is a hack to get around deploying cck changes here: it works OK but cannot truly manage changes like rollbacks. (Respect to the guy who wrote that)
You can also use hook_updateN to capture changes and then run update.php to apply them. I worked on a d5 site with dozens of developers and this was the only way to keep things moving forward. This may be a good option if your site is live or if you need all database schema changes captured in a version control system (so you can roll back).
Also: Take a look at drush and drush make. These tools can be of great benefit. I can't remember how much support is for d5.
One final method of dealing with this is not to use cck or views (and use hook updates). But this is really only suitable for enterprise sites where you have big developer resources. This may seem like a strange suggestion but it can negate this whole problem completely.
Sorry I could not give you a clear answer. This is because one does not exist yet. You'll end up finding your own rhythm once you get into. Just keep backups of your database if you can roll back to them easy enough.

Serailising Umbraco settings to the file system and packaging changes for deployment

Does anybody know of an easy way to serialise Umbraco settings (Document Types, Media Types etc) to the file system in order to manage that data within source control?
Note: changes to settings made on the file system need to be easily integrated back into the CMS database.
Also, does anybody know of a way to package up settings from a development environment for rolling out to staging and live environments?
Looking back through my unanswered questions, providing updates where possible.
For reference, you can use uSync to serialise content from Umbraco:
There is no method currently other than rolling your own package to do it but it should be relatively straight forward using the API. Check out the "Backing up Document Types" article as a starting point .
Your second point about deployment was something discussed in an open session at the Umbraco Codegarden this year and no conclusion was made that was a one answer fits all.
