How is the ViewState used to save a value in browser? -

I set ASP.Net ViewState to off for a text box control, but the value for the name of the user is still there. Why is this so?

In a nutshell:
View state's purpose in life is simple: it's there to persist state across postbacks. (For an ASP.NET Web page, its state is the property values of the controls that make up its control hierarchy.) This begs the question, "What sort of state needs to be persisted?" To answer that question, let's start by looking at what state doesn't need to be persisted across postbacks. Recall that in the instantiation stage of the page life cycle, the control hierarchy is created and those properties that are specified in the declarative syntax are assigned. Since these declarative properties are automatically reassigned on each postback when the control hierarchy is constructed, there's no need to store these property values in the view state.
like balexandre already posted

ViewState cannot be modified by the browser, as the browser has no knowledge of what viewstate is. It's merely a snapshot of what was sent to the client and will be interrogated once the form is post back to the server.
Have a look at the following article to get a better understanding of what ViewState is

In a simple answer: Yes
But you should read all about View State as it's important to undertsand it and not thinking that things automagical work.
Understanding ASP.NET View State


Understanding ViewState and FormData

I just got started with ASP.NET MVC, and I suddenly asked myself: why does ASP.NET need ViewState in the first place? FormData is actually holding the state across postbacks. ViewState is only needed if the state of the control is changed, and that change is NOT included in FormData. For example, what if the event handler changed the control's font color?
Two questions:
For WebForms, is that the reason for the need of ViewState?
If yes, how can MVC "maintain a control's property which is NOT in FormData"?
MVC and WebForms are very different in this regard. The point of WebForms was to help ease WinFroms developers in to web development. For that reason the infrastructure of WebForms simulates statefullness whenever it can. ViewState is one of the ways this is implemented. Since the browser only posts back form fields, in WebForms the entire page is one big form and the entire page is posted to the server. The ViewState is a hidden field, which holds everything BUT the data in the inputs, selects, etc. which the browser posts by default.
On the other hand MVC does not try to simulate statefullness. It works more directly with HTTP and the basic rules of a stateless system. So when you post a form ONLY the data in the inputs, selects, etc. gets posted. Nothing else makes it back to the server.
This is why, if you want to return the same view after a post with the updated data, you have to refill the ViewModel with data like you did in the original get method. MVC does not take care of this for you like WebForms.
Regarding why View State in first place, your explanation is related. View State is used to persist state across Post Backs and mainly to handle properties updated programmatic for example page with label and button and you have event handler for the button that change the label front color to red , in the page load the controls initiate the label with default color however when the button click it change the label color to red and keep that change in the view state so if anything triggered post back then after loading the controls in the page load it sets the front color to the value already saved inside the viewstate
For more details please check the following link
MVC doesn't have viewstate, MVC is based on model binding so when a form is posted MVC framework read the httprequest parameters and try to create strongly typed object from that request and you can create your own model binder that tell the MVC how to read the http request

How do I decide what to store in viewstate?

I have been writing a bunch of generic ASP.NET controls, and one thing I can't seem to wrap my mind around is when to store values in viewstate, and when to assume it's OK not to.
On one hand, it makes sense to store the entire state of the control in viewstate, including properties like:
Text box values entered by the user (or any form data)
Configuration options like height or page size
Even how the control has been composed - for example storing all the data a grid view is built from, or the grid itself.
Ignoring performance, the more you can shove in viewstate the better, because it means the control will behave exactly the same across postbacks and never "accidentally" revert a value or "forget" it was disabled. But viewstate is not free. Storing everything means the control will now output both the HTML and all its internal properties to create that HTML, which would almost always more than double the output.
My question is not about performance, but about strategy. On what criteria do I decide to put a property in viewstate? I was thinking something along these lines:
If the user can't change a property, then the server will always set it explicitly, so it's OK to leave it out of viewstate. Even for something like color=red, the user doesn't set this property directly; they will click a button elsewhere which indirectly sets this property. That button or its owner should keep the state, not the control that renders the color red.
This logic implies that the only properties that should go into viewstate would be:
Form elements like <input> (and with Request.Form[c.UniqueID] this can be avoided still)
Properties that the user can control interactively directly on the control.
Does this logic make sense? It seems weak and I'd like to hear more from experts.
Use ViewState for things that are not necessary for your control to work.
Use ControlState for things that are necessary for your control to work even if ViewState is disabled.
The initial values and the control hierarchy(even html-controls) are compiled into Temporary ASP.NET Files when the page is first requested. So they don't need to be stored anywhere when they are never changed (and even ViewState will not save them).
A control does only store properties in ViewState which have changed during the page's life-cycle(since TrackViewState). A control which state was changed is "dirty". For example if you change TextBox1.Text in page_load, ViewState.IsItemDirty("TextBox1.Text") would return true. These values will be stored in ViewState.
Look here and here. (I really recommend to read both articles)
Control State vs. View State Example
Check this article on MSDN covering when, where and what to use the plethora of state management options available in ASP.NET the view state section is posted below for convenience - checking your requirements against the advantages and disadvantages should guide you on usage on a case by case basis:
Whole article here:
Viewstate Excerpt:
View State
Web Forms pages provide the ViewState property as a built-in structure
for automatically retaining values between multiple requests for the
same page. View state is maintained as a hidden field in the page. For
more information, see ASP.NET State Management Overview.
You can use view state to store your own page-specific values across
round trips when the page posts back to itself. For example, if your
application is maintaining user-specific information — that is,
information that is used in the page but is not necessarily part of
any control — you can store it in view state.
Advantages of using view state are:
No server resources are required The view state is contained in a
structure within the page code.
Simple implementation View state does not require any custom
programming to use. It is on by default to maintain state data on
Enhanced security features The values in view state are hashed,
compressed, and encoded for Unicode implementations, which provides
more security than using hidden fields.
Disadvantages of using view state are:
Performance considerations Because the view state is stored in the
page itself, storing large values can cause the page to slow down when
users display it and when they post it. This is especially relevant
for mobile devices, where bandwidth is often a limitation.
Device limitations Mobile devices might not have the memory capacity
to store a large amount of view-state data.
Potential security risks The view state is stored in one or more
hidden fields on the page. Although view state stores data in a hashed
format, it can still be tampered with. The information in the hidden
field can be seen if the page output source is viewed directly,
creating a potential security issue. For more information, see ASP.NET
Web Application Security and Basic Security Practices for Web
I think you're right to be concerned about viewstate bloat, but what other options are available to you? If you don't store your variable data there, where will you put it? (You may wish to consider removing some configuration items- perhaps not let the user change so many properties).

Dynamically added controls in Asp.Net

I'm trying to wrap my head around I have a background as a long time php developer, but I'm now facing the task of learning and I'm having some trouble with it. It might very well be because I'm trying to force the framework into something it is not intended for - so I'd like to learn how to do it "the right way". :-)
My problem is how to add controls to a page programmatically at runtime. As far as I can figure out you need to create the controls at page_init as they otherwise disappears at the next PostBack. But many times I'm facing the problem that I don't know which controls to add in page_init as it is dependent on values from at previous PostBack.
A simple scenario could be a form with a dropdown control added in the designer. The dropdown is set to AutoPostBack. When the PostBack occur I need to render one or more controls denepending on the selected value from the dropdown control and preferably have those controls act as if they had been added by the design (as in "when posted back, behave "properly").
Am I going down the wrong path here?
I agree with the other points made here "If you can get out of creating controls dynamically, then do so..." (by #Jesper Blad Jenson aka) but here is a trick I worked out with dynamically created controls in the past.
The problem becomes chicken and the egg. You need your ViewState to create the control tree and you need your control tree created to get at your ViewState. Well, that's almost correct. There is a way to get at your ViewState values just before the rest of the tree is populated. That is by overriding LoadViewState(...) and SaveViewState(...).
In SaveViewState store the control you wish to create:
protected override object SaveViewState()
object[] myState = new object[2];
myState[0] = base.SaveViewState();
myState[1] = controlPickerDropDown.SelectedValue;
return myState
When the framework calls your "LoadViewState" override you'll get back the exact object you returned from "SaveViewState":
protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
object[] myState = (object[])savedState;
// Here is the trick, use the value you saved here to create your control tree.
// Call the base method to ensure everything works correctly.
I've used this successfully to create ASP.Net pages where a DataSet was serialised to the ViewState to store changes to an entire grid of data allowing the user to make multiple edits with PostBacks and finally commit all their changes in a single "Save" operation.
You must add your control inside OnInit event and viewstate will be preserved. Don't use if(ispostback), because controls must be added every time, event in postback!
(De)Serialization of viewstate happens after OnInit and before OnLoad, so your viewstate persistence provider will see dynamically added controls if they are added in OnInit.
But in scenario you're describing, probably multiview or simple hide/show (visible property) will be better solution.
It's because in OnInit event, when you must read dropdown and add new controls, viewstate isn't read (deserialized) yet and you don't know what did user choose! (you can do request.form(), but that feels kinda wrong)
After having wrestled with this problem for at while I have come up with these groundrules which seems to work, but YMMV.
Use declarative controls whenever possible
Use databinding where possible
Understand how ViewState works
The Visibilty property can go a long way
If you must use add controls in an event handler use Aydsman's tip and recreate the controls in an overridden LoadViewState.
TRULY Understanding ViewState is a must-read.
Understanding Dynamic Controls By Example shows some techniques on how to use databinding instead of dynamic controls.
TRULY Understanding Dynamic Controls also clarifies techniques which can be used to avoid dynamic controls.
Hope this helps others with same problems.
If you truly need to use dynamic controls, the following should work:
In OnInit, recreate the exact same control hierarchy that was on the page when the previous request was fulfilled. (If this isn't the initial request, of course)
After OnInit, the framework will load the viewstate from the previous request and all your controls should be in a stable state now.
In OnLoad, remove the controls that are not required and add the necessary ones. You will also have to somehow save the current control tree at this point, to be used in the first step during the following request. You could use a session variable that dictates how the dynamic control tree was created. I even stored the whole Controls collection in the session once (put aside your pitchforks, it was just for a demo).
Re-adding the "stale" controls that you will not need and will be removed at OnLoad anyway seems a bit quirky, but Asp.Net was not really designed with dynamic control creation in mind. If the exact same control hierarchy is not preserved during viewstate loading, all kinds of hard-to find bugs begin lurking in the page, because states of older controls are loaded into newly added ones.
Read up on Asp.Net page life cycle and especially on how the viewstate works and it will become clear.
Edit: This is a very good article about how viewstate behaves and what you should consider while dealing with dynamic controls: <Link>
Well. If you can get out of creating controls dynamicly, then do so - otherwise, what i whould do is to use Page_Load instead of Page_Init, but instead of placing stuff inside the If Not IsPostBack, then set i just directly in the method.
Ah, that's the problem with the leaky abstraction of ASP.NET web forms.
Maybe you'll be interested to look at ASP.NET MVC, which was used for the creation of this web site? That should be an easier fit for you, coming from a PHP (thus, pedal-to-the-metal when it comes to HTML and Javascript) background.
I think the answer here is in the MultiView control, so that for example the dropdown switches between different views in the multi-view.
You can probably even data-bind the current view property of the multiview to the value of the dropdown!
The only correct answer was given by Aydsman. LoadViewState is the only place to add dynamic controls where their viewstate values will be restored when recreated and you can access the viewstate in order to determine which controls to add.
I ran across this in the book "Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008" under the section Dynamic Control Creation:
If you need to re-create a control multiple times, you should perform the control creation in the Page.Load event handler. This has the additional benefit of allowing you to use view state with your dynamic control. Even though view state is normally restored before the Page.Load event, if you create a control in the handler for the Page.Load event, ASP.NET will apply any view state information that it has after the Page.Load event handler ends. This process is automatic.
I have not tested this, but you might look into it.

ViewState or HiddenField

If I have a simple piece of data to store (an integer or string for example) I might choose to store that in ViewState, or using a HiddenField control.
Why would I choose one over the other?
Hard for the user to decode (thought not impossible), which might be desirable
Value can be used in JavaScript
Are there other pros and cons?
Not really, ViewState is actually stored in a hidden field so the only real difference is the encoding.
Unless you need to manipulate the value with JavaScript or you hope to turn off ViewState on this page altogether then I'd use ViewState. Mostly just because there are third party tools (like this one) which understand ViewState and which won't understand your custom hidden field.
From a maintainability point of view, I'd use ViewState. It's less code for you to write, which comes down to fewer points of failure in your software. It also means that any developers coming after you will have an easier time maintaining your solution.
If you're not entirely comfortable with that, write a property accessor on the page that acts as a facade to retrieve the value from the ViewState. Later, if you feel compelled to convert it to a hidden field, the accessor can handle that switch seemlessly for the rest of the code. Just be sure you document your reasons for doing so.
Viewstate is only good on the page you are on or posting back to. With a hidden field you can access the data on the next page you navigate to (as well as other data) by using PreviousPage method of the Page object like so:
string term = ((TextBox)Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("txtSearchTerm")).Text;
The ViewState is stored in the page itself so it increases the page size and it may cause performance issues.
Also we can configure the application to save the viewstate on server rather than on page itself which might protect from some security issues.
The hidden field are invisible on page and their values can be viewed in view source but the value of view-state are encoded and are not readable.
The hidden field value are posted on next page. (Note: use server.transfer to get the value of hidden fields).

Tracking state using ASP.NET AJAX / ICallbackEventHandler

I have a problem with maintaining state in an ASP.NET AJAX page. Short version: I need some way to update the page ViewState after an async callback has been made, to reflect any state changes the server made during the async call.
This seems to be a common problem, but I will describe my scenario to help explain:
I have a grid-like control which has some JavaScript enhancements - namely, the ability to drag and drop columns and rows. When a column or row is dropped into a new position, an AJAX method is invoked to notify the control server-side and fire a corresponding server-side event ("OnColumnMoved" or "OnRowMoved").
ASP.NET AJAX calls, by default, send the entire page as the request. That way the page goes through a complete lifecycle, viewstate is persisted and the state of the control is restored before the RaiseCallbackEvent method is invoked.
However, since the AJAX call does not update the page, the ViewState reflects the original state of the control, even after the column or row has been moved. So the second time a client-side action occurs, the AJAX request goes to the server and the page & control are built back up again to reflect the first state of the control, not the state after the first column or row was moved.
This problem extends to many implications. For example if we have a client-side/AJAX action to add a new item to the grid, and then a row is dragged, the grid is built server-side with one less item than on the client-side.
And finally & most seriously for my specific example, the actual data source object we are acting upon is stored in the page ViewState. That was a design decision to allow keeping a stateful copy of the manipulated data which can either be committed to DB after many manipulations or discarded if the user backs out. That is very difficult to change.
So, again, I need a way for the page ViewState to be updated on callback after the AJAX method is fired.
If you're already shuffling the ViewState around anyway, you might as well use an UpdatePanel. Its partial postbacks will update the page's ViewState automatically.
Check out this blog post: Tweaking the ICallbackEventHandler and Viewstate. The author seems to be addressing the very situation that you are experiencing:
So when using ICallbackEventHandler you have two obstacles to overcome to have updated state management for callbacks. First is the problem of the read-only viewstate. The other is actually registering the changes the user has made to the page before triggering the callback.
See the blog post for his suggestions on how to solve this. Also check out this forum post which discusses the same problem as well.
I actually found both of those links you provided, but as noted they are simply describing the problem, not solving it. The author of the blog post suggests a workaround by using a different ViewState provider, but unfortunately that isn't a possibility in this case...I really need to leave the particulars of the ViewState alone and just hook on to what is being done out-of-the-box.
I found a fairly elegant solution with Telerik's RadAjaxManager. It works quite nicely. Essentially you register each control which might invoke a postback, and then register each control which should be re-drawn after that postback is performed asynchronously. The RadAjaxManager will update the DOM after the async postback and rewrite the ViewState and all affected controls. After taking a peek in Reflector, it looks a little kludgy under the hood, but it suits my purposes.
I don't understand why you would use a custom control for that, when the built-in ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel does the same thing.
It just adds more complexity, gives you less support, and makes it more difficult for others to work on your app.
