Developing ASP.NET Facebook App Locally -

I've searched around and found a lot of advice saying to modify the hosts file as such:
I've done that, but my actual site at is still being used. Any other troubleshooting steps I could take? Any other suggestions?

Restart your browser, try ipconfig /flushdns (I'm a bit hazy on Windows DNS caching so that may or may not help here) or restart your computer. Unless you've done something really weird, the hosts file should have priority, so something must be caching the DNS result.

simply setup your canvas address as localhost. Unless you're using FBML, it works. See for an example.

Just make your redirect_uri your localhost address like:{consumerKey}&redirect_uri=http://localhost:4403/Handshake
I have mine set up in visual studio to switch between localhost and live return_url's depending on whether debug or release is selected


setting up a Wordpress site on XAMPP goes wrong

I currently upgraded my laptop to windows 10 and now XAMPP won't install my wordpress website.
I have read lots of questions where people had the same problem: Port 80 is already in use.
I couldn't find the services that need to be disabled, like Skype and W3SVC, IIS.
Now i wanted to try to change my port from 80 to 8080, I did this using the httpd.conf file. And tried setting it up but it still doesnt work. Even not when i set "hostname: localhost:8080", if i don't put 8080 behind it it will direct me to the page which says: "Error database connection couldn't be established". And when I do put 8080 behind it it will keep loading for ever.
Does someone have a better solution than stopping services/processes?
Thanks in advance.
Ok after searching for a long time i finally found the answer, i found it on
This worked for me:
If it is a System Process—PID 4—you need to disable the HTTP.sys driver which is started on demand by another service, such as Windows Remote Management or Print Spooler on Windows 7 or 2008.
There is two ways to disable it but the first one is safer:
Go to device manager, select “show hidden devices” from menu/view, go to “Non-Plug and Play Driver”/HTTP, double click it to disable it (or set it to manual, some services depended on it).
Reboot and use netstat -nao | find ":80" to check if 80 is still used.
Launch RegEdit.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP
Change the value of "start" to 4, which means disabled.
Reboot your computer.
My solution was the second way

Lighttable Internal Browser and localhost proxy

Ok so this may be a dumb question or possibly something that just isn't supported but haven't had much luck finding an answer.
I'm testing out Light Table for use as my day to front end editor and have been trying to get a page loading in the internal browser without success. I have a weblogic server running my app which I can access from Chrome and other browsers but when I try to point Light Table's browser at the same url I get the generic proxy can't connect to destination.
My first thought was that this I needed to configure Light Table to work with the company proxy but I am able to get to other sites from light table using the built in browser and I have the env variables http/https_proxy set. Has anyone seen this issue or know of a fix/workaround?
Ubuntu 14.04
Light Table 0.7.0
Chrome 36.0.1985.125
It's weird but sounds "reasonable" that you don't really need any proxy to access localhost. I'd check using in your url rather than localhost if you already didn't.
I recall a weird issue probably unrelated on Ubuntu that prevented the right name resolution. The resume is to check that /etc/hosts should contain just localhost rather than your_machine_name
lein repl error:Connection refused

deploying meteor on my own server

I want to deploy my meteor app on my Ubuntu server, I used
and everything went successfully, But i simply can't launch my app from the browser.
I'm putting my ip address and getting a 404 The requested URL / was not found on this server.
I have apache2 running, and i removed its redirection to 8080 (i used it to tomcat before)
(the reason i didn't use is because i don't have my source code on git)
Which port are you using? It seems a proper export PATH=nnnn; is missing... or maybe you are not including the port number in your browser's address bar, like for port 1234.
I am in a similar adventure of yours, and I've just posted the results of my experience here!
I didn't use nor, but ended up following their path...

localhost lookup fails, browser tries instead

I used to run web applications all the time on my laptop, no problems, I am using VWD 2008 Express, i have the latest framework, Windows Vista Home Basic...etc..
Now, when ever i try to run a website, or even chose to Show a Page in Browser from Within VWD, the browser (both IE and Firefox) keeps looking for
I tried to copy the address of and paste it directly in the title bar, nothing, same problem i tried to get that address from the balloon notification (the one that pops up when you run any project), still nothing happens...
My colleague is facing the same problem, but for him, he can simply copy and paste the url in the address bar, but its not working with me....Heeeeeellllllllllllllllp
Check your hosts file, it should be redirecting localhost to and nothing else. The entry that will cause this error should look like this:
If you find this, remove it or change to localhost.
You can also try to post one of these in the adress bar:
Note that the hosts file is a popular victim of viruses, so if is has been modified, you might run a check on viruses.
Also see the discussion here.
If that also doesn't work, open up nod32 (you probably have it installed on your system if the above methods don't work) go to advanced setup, on the left menu, select protocol filtering, and select HTTP and POP3 ports... ;)
I got the same problem in firefox 3.6 when my server was down.
In my case it was not a problem with etc/hosts where the line localhost
was there and OK.
The solution that worked for me was to disable the "cleaver" URL fixing that Firefox carry out when the page is not found. The procedure taken from here:
Type about:config in the address bar and hit return.
find browser.fixup.alternate.enabled
double click the “true” value. The line will become bold, and the
value will change to “false”
This fix directly the problem. No firefox restart needed. If your server is down you get "page not found" as expected.
Hope it helps.
Thank you for your solution ... this works fine...
I got the same problem in firefox 3.6
when my server was down. In my case it
was not a problem with etc/hosts where
the line localhost
was there and OK.
The solution that worked for me was to
disable the "cleaver" URL fixing that
Firefox carry out when the page is not
found. The procedure taken from here:
1. Type about:config in the address bar and hit return.
2. find browser.fixup.alternate.enabled
3. double click the “true” value. The line will become bold, and
the value will change to “false”
This fix directly the problem. No
firefox restart needed. If your server
is down you get "page not found" as
expected. Hope it helps. link|flag
answered Sep 3 at 7:55 joaquin
A couple of random things to check...
localhost is the conventional name for the IP address If that address doesn't work, then you have a network configuration problem.
There will be a hosts file somewhere, probably in somewhere like C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts which should usually contain only that definition for localhost. If it has more names in it and you didn't put them there, then you have another problem entirely.
There is also the forehead-slapping possibility that your web server is not currently running. :)

Not able to run ASP.NET web app using Development Server

My development machine (Vista) was working perfectly fine for over a year and then suddenly (without explicitly installing anything) I am unable to run the websites using ASP.NET development server.
The development web server starts fine, but IE cannot display the page:
Internet Explorer cannot display the
Firefox says - Failed to
Connect, The connection was refused
when attempting to contact
Here is what I have tried so far:
Disabling firewall
Stopping anti-virus
Stopping Windows Defender
It worked when I stopped all services using MSConfig and tried again.
However, that disables most of the services, so is not a feasible long term solution.
After stopping all services, I tried starting services one by one to find out which one is causing problem.
These are the steps and results:
I found DNS Client Service was
causing problem.
So I started all others and
stopped DNS Client service, but then
Network Location Awareness service
started causing problem
I stopped DNS Client Service and
Network Location Awareness and
started all others, btu again
something else is causing problem.
Clearly there is something common and fundamental at the root of this.
I do not know much about networking. Can someone guide me in right direction?
Note: I have found another person who
is having same problems since this
morning. Looks like it could be
related to one fo the windows updates!
Is anyone else getting affected like
I was able to fix this on my computer by doing the following:
My host file contained this line for the localhost entry, which is how the host file ships with Vista, and i've never modified this line
::1 localhost
Replaced "::1 localhost" with the this: localhost
"::1 localhost" has worked fine for me for well over a year, until this morning. Windows defender installed two updates, one yesterday and one this morning, my guess is that something in one of these updates caused this entry to not work anymore.
I have solved this problem.
The problem comes because somehow the entry in host file is removed for localhost.
you have to add entry in host file which is kept in System32/etc folder.
just add this at the end of the file. localhost.
save this file and try to ping localhost from cmd prompt.
i think this will resolve your problem.
now try running you website.
All the best.............
If stopping all the services made it owrk, try stopping one at a time. Eventually you will find out which one it is.
Hopefully someone will know which it is from experience, but if not you can find it yourself.
Sounds like you have a proxy server issue - have you checked this out?
KB886388 - You may receive a "Failure to connect to Web server" error message when you browse local Web applications
I also started to get this problem tonight, think I installed a windows update package yesterday.
I'm running VS 2008 (9.0.30729.1 SP) and Vista Ultimate SP1 (32-bit).
Replacing localhost with worked for me.
I'm having the same problem. Was working on my website last night, one minute the site worked in the broswers next minute it could not connect to the localhost.
Replacing localhost to worked for me. I'm still inexperienced in, is there a file where you change
http://localhost:49227/testsite/Default.aspx to
As I am just changing the url in the browsers
This one also worked for me. What I did was:
Go to the Property Page of my Project.
Then under Start Options, look for the Server, instead of 'Use default Web Server', i changed it to 'Use Custom Server'.
Typed the in the Base Url.
That's it. It automatically opens the site using this link.
Same problem here using visual studio 2008 express
Changed "localhost" to "" and the page came up.
This problem seems to have an effect on internet explorer and firefox
Opera hasn't seen this problem :-)
Changing "localhost" to "" worked well for me, as well.
but just to clarify the whom are not familiar with vista here are the guidelines to change:
Browse to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories
Right click "Notepad" and select "Run as administrator"
Click "Continue" on the UAC prompt
Click File -> Open
Browse to "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc"
Change the file filter drop down box from "Text Documents (.txt)" to "All Files (.*)"
Select "hosts" and click "Open"
Make the needed changes and close Notepad. Save when prompted.
The problem comes because somehow the entry in host file is removed for localhost.
you have to add entry in host file which is kept in System32/etc folder.
just add this at the end of the file. localhost.
save this file and try to ping localhost from cmd prompt.
