Drawing shapes in Flex / Actionscript - apache-flex

I want to develop an image editing application in Flex 4. My initial requirement is to draw various shapes like Line, Rectablge, Triangle, Circle, Star etc in appication. I want to facilitate user to draw shapes using rubber banding like professional applications do.
All shapes would be vector and should look smooth in an size. So, can't use bitmap and scale them.
What are better methods to achieve this?

if you don't want to start from scratch with the basic shapes, there is this framework called degrafa: http://www.degrafa.org/
they have plenty of parametric shapes & curves and advanced features to organize them together.

Make shape editor with some control points. Control points are draggable sprites (circles or squares as you like). When control point is moved, editor must be updated - it may be resize or move action. On resize, draw your vector shape according to new size. The easiest way to make sprite draggable is startDrag() function - you can also set limits there (to stay in editor area or to disable negative sizes).
I have done such editors based on Sprites, added into Flex application with rawChildren.addChild, but you can try to use Canvases instead of Sprites if you wish.


drawing instruction lines in 3d model in sketchup

I am converting one of my apps from using plain instruction images to using the new apple Augmented Reality (AR). For this I am drawing a sketchup model for each instructional image. Everything is working nicely, I have created components (table, balls...) that I can reuse easily.
However, what is the best way to draw the below instruction lines in sketchup?
Additionally, as you can see the app is about snooker, how can I easily make sure that each instructional line is positioned at the height of the center of the balls?
I would use the protractor tool.
Note the angle I can specify. Draw two of these help-lines from each corner, then use the pen tool to fill in the triangle.
For the additional part. You can select the line you want to edit. Right click and select divide, moving closer to either endpoint of the line would create larger or smaller dividents.
Then, just change color of the line.

how to draw filled polygon in Google Maps SDK for iOS

I would like draw a filled polygon on iPhone with Google map (Version 1.1.1, the last one).
Anyone knows how to do like that on ios :
(My code on Android)
mMap.addPolygon(new PolygonOptions()
PS : If you have many solutions, keep in mind that I have many Polygon to draw.
The SDK currently doesn't support filled polygons, however there is a feature request to add them here:
In the meantime, one option could be to draw your polygons into an image, and then add them as a ground overlay. This would be very limiting, but might work as a temporary workaround.
Another option is to add another view over the top of the map view and draw the polygons into it, and then update them whenever the map view moves. It isn't possible to perfectly synchronize another view with the map view, so your polygons will lag behind a bit as you pan/zoom around, but this might also be okay for you as a temporary workaround.
These are just some random ideas to try for the ground overlay approach, I'm not sure if they would work, but they might get you started:
I would suggest converting the lat/lon corners of the rectangle into MKMapPoint (using MKMapPointForCoordinate). These are equivalent to Google's coordinate system at zoom level 20.
You can then use the aspect ratio of the width/height of the rectangle in MKMapPoint coordinates to determine the aspect ratio of your ground overlay UIImage. Once you have the aspect ratio, you'll just need to experiment with actual sizes (ie guess a width, calculate the height from the aspect ratio) to find one which looks okay. The bigger it is, the finer the detail of your rectangle will be, but the more memory it will use, and probably the slower the performance will be. Also you might hit a hard limit at some size - I'm guessing the UIImage gets converted by the Google Maps SDK into a texture, and textures have a max size of 2048x2048 on iPhone 3GS+.
Then, use something similar to How to setRegion with google maps sdk for iOS? to calculate a zoom level and centre lat/lon. Instead of the map view width/height you would use your UIImage width/height, and you'd use the bounds of your rectangle instead of the bounds of the desired view. You also wouldn't need to calculate the scale from both the width and height (as the scale should be the same) - so just use one of them. Instead of creating a camera with the zoom level and centre lat/lon, set them on the GMSGroundOverlayOptions. Also set the ground overlay's anchor to the centre of the image (ie 0.5, 0.5).
The above describes how to add one GroundOverlay per rectangle. If you have lots of overlapping or nearby rectangles you could probably combine them into a single UIImage, but that would be a bit more complicated.

3d shapes in flex

I am drawing three circles in my flex application, using actionscript. But these circles are now pure 2D images, which is not looking good. How can I make it look like 3D using some shadows or shades inside the shape.
If you want some 3D-ish effects, you should look into the usage of the bevelFilter. I have found some links that show you how you can use this filter:
If you want genuine 3D-objects, you should use a 3D-library (I would recommend Away3D).

Server side Charting Library that is design focused

I have been looking for a good server side graphing / charting library that has a lot of design options. Most seem to be very difficult to customize the specific way we are looking to.
I don't mind if it is python, php, java, etc... I just need it to generate server side and output an image to be embedded on a pdf.
Specifically I need the following.
Gradients in bars fill color
Ability to have rounded edges on bars of chart
From a design perspective those are the important ones that I can not find in a specific library.
Ended up using MatPlotLib and used the example below. Essentially you can use an image and set the repeating area of the image. Instead of the gift boxes, I used a rounded corners horizontal gradient image.

How to anti-alias an image in Flex?

I have a Flex component with a background image. The image is sharp in the beginning, but is jagged whenever I scale the component using scaleX and scaleY. How would I make the image anti-alias so that, it it's scaled to 0.75, the lines are smooth, not jaggedy?
Here is the image
Here is the scaled version
And the unscaled (good) one
If you load the image with an Image component, you can cast the content property of the component to a Bitmap and then set smoothing to true. Unfortunately, the image component doesn't provide this functionality out of the box. However, it's rather easy to hack in.
Here is a tutorial to show you how to create such a component:
However, if this is set using the backgroundImage style of a component, you just might be out of luck unless you override updateDisplayList and perform the drawing of the bitmap yourself by using Graphics.beginBitmapFill (which does provide smoothing support).
Why smoothing of images doesn't have better support (such as different interpolation methods) in Flex (and subsequently, Flash) boggles my mind. At least pixel bender filters will help a bit by letting us implement such filters ourselves.
If the dimensions of your Bitmap are both either n^2 or n^8, then the Flash player will automatically use a technique called mip-mapping that will dramatically improve the look (and performance) of scaled bitmap images.
