Error '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED') While Connecting to MQ -

I am getting this error while connecting to IBM MQ. I know that this is because of privileges, but is there any way just to check the connection with IBM MQ?
Please suggest.

The 2035 suggests that your connection is getting to the QMgr. If you had the wrong channel name, host or port you would get back a 2059. The 2035 means that the connection made it to the listener, found a channel of the name that was requested and attempted a connection.
If you want to test past this point it will be necessary to either authorize the ID that you are using to connect or to put an authorized ID in the MCAUSER attribute of the channel.
For a detailed explanation of how the WMQ security works on client channels, see the WMQ Base Hardening presentation at

If you enable authorization messages then the 2035 will show up in the event queue. Then you can look at the message and see what ID was used to connect and what options were used too. The 2035 might be because you asked for set authority on the queue manager or something else you aren't supposed to have. The authorization messages wil show you that.

You can also resolve this By setting mcauser('mqm') .. i was able to overcome 2035 error.
Define channel (channel1) chltype (svrconn) trptype (tcp) mcauser(‘mqm’)
Esp thanx to my SENIOR Bilal Ahmad (PSE)

You have to check the privileges with an MQ administrator.

You can use dspmqaut to check the grant.
Below is the sample to give user poc access to Queue Manager QM1 and Queue LQ1
# check the access right of user POC to QM1
dspmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc
# if you want to give access, you should use
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc <access Types>
# eg (put everything - in the real live scenario, choose only what you want to grant) :
setmqaut -m QM1 -n LQ1 -t q -p poc +put +get +browse +inq +set +crt +dlt +chg +dsp +passid +setid +setall +clr
Then dont forget to restart QM1 with
endmqm -i QM1
strmqm QM1
Finally, you should be able to proceed without error 2035.

I have been struggling with this for ages too. Eventually I found this solution. (If you can call turning off authentication a solution.)
I am using version
- IBM Websphere
From IBM's website they advise turning connection authentication off!!!
Resolving the problem Disable channel authentication
You will need to disable connection authentication, at least
temporarily. There are known issues in FTM for Check with regard to
using MQ connection authorization. These problems are actively being
addressed and fixes will appear in a future fix pack. The target is
Steps to disable connection authentication: Open MQ command console
and type runmqsc ALTER
CHCKCLNT(NONE) CHCKLOCL(NONE) Restart the queue manager for this
change to take effect.

On this topic if you are using MQSeries 9.1 in a test or development environment you can disable channel authentication with the following approach :
. Launch MQ command line utility with the following :
runmqsc (for example runmqsc QM1)
. Disable authentication for all channels with the following command

For a Q/Q-manager running on Windows, you may have to create the user on the Q/Q-manager machine [i.e. create a user on the Q-machine to match the user on the Q-client machine], and then add that user to the 'mqm' group on that machine.
Ensure that the domain user that is being used to create the Q CLIENT [i.e. the user that the Q-client app is running under] also exists on the box with the Q/Q-manager. You may be able to just create a local user on the Q/Q-manager box [, or you may have to do some more complicated creation of an Active Directory user - I can't help you there].
On the Q/Q-manager box, add the user you have just created [or the existing one, if it already exists] to the mqm group. [On a Windows server box you will need to use the Microsoft Management Console (1. 'mmc' from the command line, 2. File > Add/Remove SnapOn > Local Users & Groups, 3. add user to group)]. The 'mqm' group should already exist on the Q/Q-manager machine.

Error MQRC 2035 basically means that your application has been able to connect to the queue manager, however due to certain absence of permissions/authorizations, it was unable to put/get/publish/subscribe messages.
To resolve this, at first, try these steps in order to disable the authorizations from queue manager and channel. Use this only if it isn't a production queue manager.
Always check the queue manager logs. It tells you exactly where you need to look into, and resolve the issue.
In this case, generally, you can issue the following commands after doing a runmqsc on the queue manager :
Then set the chckclnt object(under authinfo) to optional
DISPLAY AUTHINFO(name-from-above) ALL //name from the first commands
This helps remove any blocks that the channel is creating against any user.
This should resolve your issue, since we have disabled every authorization that an application has to pass in order to do anything on a queue manager.
Now, in case you are using a production queue manager, NEVER remove authorizations.
Go, and right click on any QM that you have configured in your MQ explorer. Go to the QM authority, and authority records. Click on create new user, and give the same name as the username your application is using. Select all the checkboxes, then copy from the space below all the commands that are given. Namely, setmqaut. Edit with your queue manager name, and issue them!
----Never give up, the answer is where you have not looked yet--------


Pulling only Registration Contact information on Asterisk

I am not using real-time asterisk , But still astdb.sqlite3 contains entries of online peers with Reg.Contact information in SIP/registry/peer. key . I would like to store contact information of all peers as they come online in a separate persistent database. I need this for sending push notifications by fetching deviceID etc information in registration contact .
I tried to pull this information from astdb.sqlite3 but the entries are clearing off as soon as devices go offline .Though I am able to fetch the information with "sip show peer XXXX" in asterisk CLI , It is overburdened to fetch every time like this . Instead I want to save only Regcontact information for all the devices in a database ( without realtime) as the devices come online. The other way I tried to pull the information is using AMI event listener. But with AMI I don't see complete information like contact information It displays only below information
Event: PeerStatus
Privilege: system,all
SequenceNumber: 75
File: manager.c
Line: 1856
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
ChannelType: SIP
Peer: SIP/2030
PeerStatus: Reachable
Can someone suggest a better way to push Only Regcontact information to a database as the devices come online .
There are no mechanism like that in asterisk.
You can use kamailio or write patch similar to this one
It sounds like you have dynamic IPs for your endpoints, and you want a way to update a separate DB as soon as a device registers with an IP/port pair.
If you enable the security log, you will see all auth events, including the "SuccessfulAuth" event, which includes the RemoteAddress of the endpoint (including port and protocol).
Here is an example line:
[Jul 21 19:53:45] SECURITY[1342] res_security_log.c: SecurityEvent="SuccessfulAuth",EventTV="2020-07-21T19:53:45.182+0000",Severity="Informational",Service="SIP",EventVersion="1",AccountID="102",SessionID="0x7f41040132c0",LocalAddress="IPV4/UDP/",RemoteAddress="IPV4/UDP/",UsingPassword="1"
If all you're looking for is AccountID="102" and RemoteAddress="IPV4/UDP/", a very fast/cheap way to get it is to enable the security log, and use a script to tail it and update your DB as soon as the event occurs. I like to keep the security log on anyways for utilities like fail2ban. Just make sure your script is able to reopen the file each time it is rotated.
By default the log is in /var/log/asterisk. To enable it, edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and un-comment (or create) the line under [logfiles] that says security => security.

MariaDB: error 1045 when doing GRANT ALL

I'm hoping that someone can help me here. With Centos 7 all the install docs I have found said to use MariaDB instead of mysql which is fine, but I can't seem to enable remote access.I have used the "GRANT ALL ON . to user#'address' IDENTIFIED BY 'your-root-password';" and flushed privileges and restarted the service. I still am not able to connect via remote terminal I get ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user username.
So I found another article that said I should go to my my.cnf file and make sure my bind settings are set correctly and such.
Based on what this article shows my my.cnf file is completely different than what it should be. Doesn't contain bind-address or skip-networking or port or anything. It looks like the below.
# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks
# Settings user and group are ignored when systemd is used.
# If you need to run mysqld under a different user or group,
# customize your systemd unit file for mariadb according to the
# instructions in
# include all files from the config directory
!includedir /etc/my.cnf.d
I was wondering if anyone else might know what's going on with this. Thanks.
You may want to investigate this link:
Essentially, MariaDB switched to unix_socket authentication as a default authentication plugin. To get around it, connect to your MariaDB server and execute these queries:
USE mysql;
UPDATE user SET plugin='' WHERE User = 'root';
This will disable socket authentication and switch back to standard authentication. I do not think this is recommended for production.

How to configure Oracle 11g to launch sqlplus?

On a RedHat 6 server, a third party application requires to be root to run and needs access to sqlplus. I have a running database, I can run sqlplus as user 'oracle'. When logged in as user root, 'sqlplus usr/pwd#dbname' works as expected. The trouble is that this agent needs to run sqlplus with no parameters and it always returns ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied.
I've read a dozen times that enabling root to launch Oracle is a security issue but I really have no other choice.
Running Oracle
Any help will be much appreciated as I've googled for 2 days with no success.
From the documentation, ORA_12546 is:
ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied
Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.
Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.
Which isn't entirely helpful, but various forum and blog posts (way too many to link to, Googling for the error shows a lot of similar advice) mention permissions on a particular part of the installation, $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle, which is a crucial and central part of most of the services.
Normally the permissions on that file would be -rws-r-s--x, with the file owned by oracle:dba, and this error can occur when the word-writable flag - the final x in that pattern - is not set. Anyone in the dba group will still be able to execute it, but those outside will not.
Your listener seems to be fine as you can connect remotely, by specifying #dbname in the connect string. The listener runs as oracle (usually, could be grid with HA, RAC or ASM) so it is in the dba group and can happily hand-off connections to an instance of the oracle executable.
When you connect without going via the listener, you have to be able to execute that file yourself. It appears that root cannot execute it (or possibly some other file, but this is usually the culprit, apparently), which implies the world-writable bit is indeed not set.
As far as I can see you have three options:
set the world-writable bit, with chmod o+x $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle; but that opens up the permissions for everyone, and presumably they've been restricted for a reason;
add root to the dba group, via usermod or in the /etc/group; which potentially weakens security as well;
use SQL*Net even when you don't specify #dbname in the connect string, by adding export TWO_TASK=dbname to the root environment.
You said you don't have this problem on another server, and that the file permissions are the same; in which case root might be in the dba group on that box. But I think the third option seems the simplest and safest. There is a fourth option I suppose, to install a separate instant client, but you'd have to set TWO_TASK anyway and go over SQL*Net, and you've already ruled that out.
I won't dwell on whether it's a good idea to run sqlplus (or indeed the application that needs it) as root, but will just mention that you'd could potentially have a script or function called sqlplus that switches to a less privileged account via su to run the real executable, and that might be transparent to the application. Unless you switch to the oracle account though, which is also not a good idea, you'd have the same permission issue and options.

Write to Event log from BizTalk

When I try to execute an orchestration with something like EventLog.WriteEntry("MyEsb", "Msg"); in Expression shape, I get the exception The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. To create the source, you need permission to read all event logs to make sure that the new source name is unique. Inaccessible logs: Security. Why?
I'm running Win 7 64bit if this makes any sense.
When you write the event log from any application, the event source needs to be already created, or the application itself will try to create it before writing to it. Unfortunately, creating an event source is an action which requires local admin priveledges.
So you can do two things:
pre-create the event source
make sure the user which your biztalk host is running as is in local admins (bad)
To pre-create the event source is a nicer option. You can do this via the powershell command
New-EventLog -LogName "Application" -Source "MyEsb"
Might seem like I'm stating the obvious but has the BizTalk User got permission to write to the Eventlog? That is, the account of the Host Instance running the Orchestration.
You'll probably find that it hasn't.
Finally I've found a solution. As the error says, "To create the source, you need permission to read all event logs to make sure that the new source name is unique. Inaccessible logs: Security." So even though BizTalk User account has enough rights to write to the eventlog it has no rights to read EventLog\Security log as stated here in a Note in the Remarks section:
The reason for this requirement is that all event logs, including security, must be searched to determine whether the event source is unique. Starting with Windows Vista, users do not have permission to access the security log; therefore, a SecurityException is thrown.
So I just granted a Read Access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\Security for BizTalk User and the problem was solved.

Unable to make the session state request to the session state server

Our site is currently having this problem. Basically it only happen when we click some particular links where it will pop-up a new window.
This is the error message we receive :
Unable to make the session state request to the session state server.
Please ensure that the ASP.NET State service is started and that
the client and server ports are the same. If the server is on a
remote machine, please ensure that it accepts remote requests by
checking the value of
If the server is on the local machine, and if the before
mentioned registry value does not exist or is set to 0, then the state
server connection string must use either 'localhost' or '' as
the server name. target site : Void
MakeRequest(StateProtocolVerb, System.String, StateProtocolExclusive,
Int32, Int32, Int32, Byte[], Int32, Int32, SessionNDMakeRequestResults
this is the webconfig that contain sessionstate tag :
<sessionState mode="StateServer" timeout="45" />
I have check the ASP.NET State Service, and it is currently started and set to automatic
I have set the registry stated in the error message to 1, but still not working.
Start–> Administrative Tools –> Services
Right-click on the ASP.NET State Service and click “start”
Additionally you could set the service to automatic so that it will work after a reboot
If you need to change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aspnet_state\Parameters\AllowRemoteConnection to 1, remember to restart the state service after you change the parameter.
Check that:
is correct. Also please check that default port (42424) is available and your system does not have a firewall that is blocking the port on your system
Type Services.msc in run panel of windows run window. It will list all the windows services in our system. Now we need to start Asp .net State service as show in the image.
Your issue will get resolved.
One of my clients was facing the same issue. Following steps are taken to fix this.
(1) Open Run.
(2) Type Services.msc
(3) Select ASP.NET State Service
(4) Right Click and Start it.
Another thing to check is whether you have Windows Firewall enabled, since that might be blocking port 42424.
I've had the same issue when some ASP.NET installation was corrupted. In that case they suggest running aspnet_regiis -i -enable
I've found that some developers will for some reason define the server's private IP outside of IIS in an unexpected location, like a nonstandard config file (i.e. not web.config) or a text file. This can cause internal operation to fail even when the service is started, ports aren't being blocked, reg keys are correct, etc.
Kaseya, in particular, places a file called serveripinternal.txt in the root IIS directory of the VSA server. I've seen the text of your error when somebody running their own Kaseya instance changed the server's internal IP. The server will be reachable, IIS will respond, and the login page will come up - but login will fail with the cited message.
Not the best answer, but it's an option anyway:
Comment the given line in the web.config.
I recently ran into this issue and none of the solutions proposed fixed it. The issue turned out to be an excessive use of datasets stored in the session. There was a flaw in the code that results in the session size to increase 10x.
There is an article on the msdn blog that also talks about this.
I used a function to write custom trace messages to measure the size of the session data on the live site.
