want to create state combo box block in drupal - drupal

I want to list states in a combo box to be displayed in block in left side bar.
Depending on the selecting of state I want to filter the HTML code within page nodes.
How can I do it?

If you are unfamilliar with how Drupal modules are created, work through Creating modules - a tutorial: Drupal 6.x
Create a form. The Forms API QuickStart Guide and the Forms API Reference tell you how this is done in Drupal.
Put the form into a block by implementing hook_block.
How to proceed from there depends largely on what type of filtering you need. In any case hook_nodeapi is invoked on various node-related occasions, so you might want to implement it to do the actual filtering.


Making a Menu for each user Role in .NET Web Forms

I have been doing typical menu from code behind where i just show and hide divs based on their role but code becomes very long cause i have to hide every single div of each role for each user.
My question is... Is there a better practice to do this? I also just found out about Login View, is this the way to go in Web Forms?
Your code behind should not take the responsibility of altering how the View is displayed, that's the job of the view (and that's why asp controls exist).
One approach would be to have a logic that builds up a List and this list is passed as DataSource of an asp control.
Actually there's a good control that allows you to iterate a collection of elements defining a display template for each element in that list, here you can find the details:
I hope this sets you in the right path.
A common way to do this is in a WebForms app is to use a SiteMap.
A site map can be linked to roles, so that only those elements that are accessible for a user's roles are displayed. And recent versions can be made to display reasonable cleanly, as divs that can be styled how you want (the original version generated a lot if inline styles).
For an MVC sitemap there are similar solutions, such as this one.

cq:include default components in CQ form with server validation

I would like to customize start/end of OOTB CQ5 user form component to start with certain custom components pre-populated when the 'form' component is drag/dropped on to the page.
I currently have an over-laid /apps/foundation/components/form elements with start/end/actions customized. But I am to figure out way to add a component belonging to the FORM group, to the form start.......end to the page whenever a form is added to the page.
I have tried using a <cq:include path= "customComp" resourceType="/pathto/customComponent" /> to the jsp of the form-end component, this adds / shows the custom-component on display but does not perform the server-validations as it is not a separate node between the start and end nodes on the page, but a dynamically added one.
This is basically to enforce/mandate the use of my custom captcha component whenever a form is placed on a page.
thanks in Advance !
If you want to leave the form creation entirely to the author (as intended with OOTB components) there is no easy way to "sneak in" a mandatory captcha component. Even if you managed to put in the captcha component, the author can just delete it or move it out of your paragraph system.
Mingling the captcha with form-end might be possible, but not without reinventing the form-end component pretty much from scratch. I wouldn't want to do that.
I see three options that might be helpful to you:
Implement a jcr EventListener that will fire whenever a form is created or changed. Check the form data structure in jcr and when the mandatory captcha component is missing, add it and commit. This type of behaviour is of course a little shady and may suprise authors - but it's gonna work.
Build a wrapper form component that contains a paragraph system with a fully pre-configured form, including form-start, captcha and form-end. This approach my even save authors a bit of work and nobody will "forget" about the chaptcha easily. Nothing will stop an evil author from explicitly deleting the catpcha component however.
Build an entirely custom form component that does not utilizy any of the OOTB components. In this scenario you have full control over what the author can and cannot do. Most likely you will give up on a lot of flexibility in order to save development time and end up with a mostly static form where the author can edit a few cruicial parts.

How to implement a node-VIEWNAME.tpl.php with Drupal Views module?

I am working with Drupal and Views module.
I am using the same theme with different Views.
I have created different pages which are listing nodes per viewname as this : views-view-fields--VIEWNAME--page.tpl.php but now when I click on an article title, I would like to personalize the node with the viewname, so I would like to use node-VIEWNAME.tpl.php, but it's not possible. The only thing I can do, is to create a node-TYPE.tpl.php but I do not want to follow this way.
So my question is how can I implement (may be with a hook function?) the node-VIEWNAME.tpl.php when I click on an article title (so when I have only one full article and which is defined by it's id in the url. This is for precision, I am not fluent in English.
Thank you very much !
The correct way to do what you're attempting - use the Display Suite module, set the view to point to a Display Suite object in the field settings, then click the gear next to that setting and pick the build mode you want to use. Then in your template.php file, do whatever special work you need to do to that build mode.

Drupal : how to create a view that displays all the content-types

It may sound 'weird' but I need to have a view that lists all the content types I have.
For example i have two content types : contenttypeA, contenttypeB
I want to create a view that just displays the two content types (and show number of items of that type, but that can be done later).
For now what I did is add one content of each content type and list them but only show the 'node type'; it works well if there's at least one content but I want to display even without any content of that content type.
Any idea ?
Introducing the node_type table to Views requires a custom module and some Views API knowledge however http://drupal.org/node/1001222 will give you a head start.
Use a Customfield: PHP code field and custom code the whole thing with PHP. This is provided by the Views Custom Field module.
Use the Table Wizard module to make the node_type table available to views. You may need to use the Data module as well since they say that all future development is going there.
Expose the node_type table yourself by writing a custom module using the Views API as suggested by chx.
Number one is the quick and dirty way, but number 2 might be a little more manageable, but I am not completely sure it will do everything you want. If you do number 3 make sure you contribute back to the community by putting your module on drupal.org.
There is no native functionality in Views to do that. You can write a static page or (overkill) a module that provide a "system"-like type similar to Views Watchdog.

Drupal views: Allowing users to choose sort criteria on node display

I have some nodes I am displaying in a view. They are displayed as nodes, unformatted. I would like the user to be able to choose from some predefined sort criteria ( via drop down list or similar).
So they could pick recently active, most commented, newest, etc., and re-query for new results.
Its easy with tables because you can make the labels clickable, but I do not know how to have similar functionality with a raw node preview display.
Just a thought, from me to me, and for anyone else who may be trying to do this.
An easy, sleezy option would be to just add another page view for each of the required sorts, and provide a link to these other views in the header of each of the pages.
This could also allow for (easier) linking to the individual sorts, so say if you have a sidebar block displaying recently commented nodes, you could adjust the .tpl.php of the block to have the title link to the view displaying the full set of recently commented nodes.
also im pretty sure there should be a way to do this with arguments, but i dont know how
Views 3 supports exposing sort order (just like you can expose filters)
Select the sort order (e.g. add sort by node creation date, then click on the settings for that), you should be able to expose the sort order to the end user. This is just like clicking on the settings for a filter and then choosing to expose it.
Standard views isn't going to support this, so IMO you're best off implementing a custom solution using just a plain old view and this jQuery plugin. You can either do this at the theme layer (the same way as any other JS in a theme) or a custom module (via drupal_add_js() to add the plugin and your bit of custom code). Either way will work, although the custom module has the obvious benefit of being theme independent (and thus more portable).
If you go the custom module route, please consider releasing it as a contrib module on http://drupal.org.
