Have z-index issue with IE bug - CSS - css

I am struggling with z-index for popup (newsletter signup) and it is still underneath the navigation and its dropdown. I googled and found out that relative + zindex gives IE bug but I added in z-index and they either go under or top of each other. Right now I cannot figure why it is behaving weird.
I am wondering whether the header and the navigation are conflicting with each other in z-index? Any suggestion or anything will be appreciated. thank you

To #header, add z-index: 101.
It's 101 because something has a z-index of 100: I suspect it's div.col-left.
I forget the exact details of the IE bug in question, but the fix in this case is applying a higher z-index value to the parent element.


Z-index issue for Time.ly calendar plugin for wordpress?

I'm trying to finish up a site but I can't seem to figure out why the popup summaries on the calendar go behind the subscribe buttons at the bottom of the calendar. I'm assuming it's a z-index issue but I can't figure out why none of the z-index css styles work.
The test url for the calendar page is http://powhatan.idtestsite.com/events. To see what I'm referring to go to the bottom of the calendar and hover over "Event 2". You'll see it goes behind the subscribe buttons.
Any help would be awesome!
What a mystery! You have position and z-index set on both elements...
Don't know how much it helps or hurts, but I did notice that the z-index behaves as expected in FF 14. In Chrome, I'm seeing the same behavior you report. Maybe that can help you track it down.
I found a solution - set the btn z-index to less than 0 (I used -1) and it behaves as expected in Chrome. This has to do with the lowest z-indexed item being absolutely positioned and the highest being relatively positioned. Sometimes those absolutely positioned elements write on top of relatively positioned ones, even though the indexes are set correctly.
I added the following to my CSS and elemented all other z-index styles that pertained to my calendar and it worked like a charm:
#ai1ec-calendar-view-container {
z-index: 1 !important;

Navigation/Menu displays in Internet Explorer behind the slideshow

I worked on a solution since 2 days but i can´t find the problem.
The Problem is that my Navigation/menu is behind a slideshow in the header and that´s only in IE.
All other Browsers worked fine.
Here is the URL: http://ditzinger.de/wordpress/bahntechnik/
Can anyone help me please?
In Internet Explorer positioned elements generate a new stacking context,
starting with a z-index value of 0. Therefore z-index doesn’t work correctly.
giving the parent element a higher z-index actual fixes the bug.
Set the higher z-index value into your sub-menu class with position.....

Z-Index not working with IE8 even though the menu has a higher value

If you look at the following webpage:
If you scroll over the view recipes in IE8 it goes behind the scrolling images. I'm not sure why because the images have a z-index of 2 and the menu drop down has a z-index of 999. Any idea why this isn't working?
in IE, positioned elements start a new stacking order, causing what you are seeing. Sometimes you can give the parent element a higher z-index and it will solve the issue. Google for IE z-index bug and you'll find a fair amount of text on the subject.

IE7/IE8 z-index not cooperating. Suggestions?

EDIT: Solution found. The pink block had overflow:visible !important, which in Internet Explorer invalidated z-index. After removing it, the logo came to the top.
See: http://bit.ly/i7ER3e
See logo "**" (beside top menu) with Firefox/Chrome, it correctly appears above left-content block (the block with pink background).
In IE7/IE8 the logo, it becomes hidden behind the pink block.
I've been messing with this for 2 hours now. Tried a lot of stuff. Can't get it to appear right in IE7/IE8.
Any suggestions?
(Note: I'm working in a really restrictive framework where I cannot simply float the logo before the menu. I have to use position:absolute to place it.)
The problem is not z-index in your case
your body has some line height which is not sufficent...
change this to 200 or so it works, but still that is not good approach
but just found the issue....
Try using:
z-index: -1;
for the elements that should be below the logo.
try setting position:relative; as well as the z-index.
The default position style is position:static;, and IE has bugs around the z-index handling when combined with static positioning; setting position:relative can solve some of them, without affecting too much else.
See this page for more info. (the link is for CSS3Pie, which is an IE hack to help it support some CSS3 features like border-radius, but the info on the z-index bug is general and likely covers your issue as well)

Help with z-index issue with menu in IE7

Has anyone got any idea why the menu is rendering below the rotating images on this site in IE7: http://new.coffeelatino.co.uk/.
The z-index is much higher for the menu that it is for the rotating images.
Just another reason why IE is so dreadful.
z-index is ignored for elements that are not positioned. Add "position:relative" to the style of whatever you're trying to apply a z-index to, and that should fix it.
Hint for remaining sane as a web developer: Write against IE, then test with other browsers. Most things that work in IE will render correctly in FF and Chrome. The reverse, as you've noticed, is not true.
