How to trigger scheduled server side events from an ASP page -

I have an asp (or aspx) page, it can get weather from webservice, and then send email or sms to me. But it is a web page, only when people visit, It will be activated. so I need a timer to scheduling to invoke it every day.
the code in the website hosting, so can't write winform, console application and windows service in the website hosting. How to achieve my request, google app can do it?

Some hosters allow (1) windows scheduled job. (not in that list of 3 you gave). Use it to call your web page.
Some hosters allow SQL Agent jobs. Call the page from that.
Failing that, have a service/task/job running on an off hosting server that triggers it. (eg cron on your router, windows server)


How to notify an ASP.NET Core MVC web app about an event occurred in a third party app

I have a requirement wherein I need to perform certain action in my web application based on phone call receiving event that occurs in a third party application - Knowlarity SR calling app.
We are using Knowlarity Super Receptionist calling API to receive calls to a virtual number and then route those calls to call center Agents as per their availability. There is another web application we have built which call center agents uses to manage customers and orders. Agents login to this web application (web app in Azure) and places orders for customer who is calling over the phone from Knowlarity. Here the requirement is whenever Knowlarity routes the call to any agent and when the agent picks up the call, it should notify this action to web app (CRM) the web app should automatically redirect the same Agent to a specific page.
Please suggest a solution how I can listen to the call receiving event in Knowlarity and do some action(page redirection) on the web app side.
I tried writing an Api method in Web app which Konwlarity will call to send event notification with some information. Also tried implementing HttpHandler for this. Please suggest the correct approach for this. Remember that it is a Web app so multiple agents can login, they have their own session so how to handle this.

SignalR: Reply to Web Forms client on same machine as web application originating request

I'm looking for a way to support the following process:
Button is clicked in web application running on machine named PC1234.
Call is made to server (either the web server or an API on another server, it doesn't matter) to Do Something.
The server sends a notification to a Windows Forms client installed on PC1234 that the action is complete.
I've got the easy part working using SignalR. I can call a method on the web server and then send a notification with SignalR to ALL clients that the method has completed. The problem is notifying ONLY the client on the originating machine.
My initial plan was to include some unique identifying attribute of the machine with the call to the server which could then be used to direct the SignalR notification back to just that machine, but that doesn't seem to be possible.
An alternative idea was to have the call to the server include a unique reference and also update a file locally (i.e. a Cookie) with that reference, then have the client app poll the Cookie for new references and filter all SignalR messages received for that unique reference. This would be a bit clunky even if it worked, which it doesn't really, not least because I want this to work cross-browser, and different browsers store cookies in different places.
Ultimately this is to support printing locally and silently from a web application. The user selects a document in the web application, hits a print button, the request is sent to the server which retrieves the document from the database, saves it to a network share and sends a notification to a client app on the machine from which the print request was generated. The client app then prints the document from the network share and deletes it.
I never found a way to do exactly what I described in my question, but I came up with an alternative which worked well enough.
In both my web application and my Windows Forms client, the user was logged in with the same Windows credentials. I was therefore able to have the server respond to the button click in the web application by broadcasting a SignalR message to all SignalR clients where the same user was logged in, using
See this article for more detailed examples and instructions.
In my Windows Forms client, I included code to track how many instances of the client were connected to the SignalR Hub with the same user credentials and code to handle the receipt of a SignalR message from the server when multiple client instances were connected with the same user details (in my case, this meant displaying a message saying something like "You've requested a print from the web application but you're logged in at multiple workstations. Do you want the document to print here?").

Run background task with console application from

My requirement is to send emails within the web application from an external server that takes around 4 to 5 seconds on average to process and send the confirmation email. I do not want the user to wait for this, so i trigger a console application with Process().StartInfo.Start() and it does it in background. The question is how much i can rely on this as during normal days the application sends around 10 thousand emails daily and in high traffic days it may surpass 80 thousand. What possible issues/problems the application or server may run into? Is there any better solution for this?
You can use following method to achieve this:
Create a .aspx page and write you business code here (e.g. email
Where required, call this page using Javascript along with parameters in querystring. You can create an image element and set its source to that page.
var img = new Image();
img.scr = "perform-operation.aspx?[parametervalues]";
Thank you
Console application has drawback, if you plan to invoke console application for each email separately, any new process takes long to load and clean up, this is too much overhead on cpu. Instead, the best alternative is to host another website in IIS, this new website will have its own Application Pool, which will create and host process. IIS will shutdown the process if no request is served. You can setup Web Farm by running more worker process per application.
Other alternative is to run console or windows service all the time, let it be in the memory but has a web service host listening for email requests, if a request is received from your web application, this background service will send email on new thread and go back on waiting state. Basically it is a self hosted WCF service. This is quite same as hosting another website on IIS.
I prefer IIS based hosting as it is easy to setup, does not require any extra permissions and in future, to scale horizontally, you can easily move this mail service to other server.

How to communicate between ASPX and WinForms

How can I send commands to a WinForms application from an ASPX web page? We have already explored executing the WinForms application with different command line parameters but wanted something more smart.
Create a web server within your application that listens for HTTP GET and/or POST commands and acts appropriately. Then use AJAX to send request, i.e., http://localhost/myapp/?command=print&file=teletubies.jpg
Your web server, which is just a program that listens on port 80 and sends responses according to the very simple HTTP protocol, within your application then parses the requested URL and decides that it should print the file teletubies.jpg based on the query string in the URL.
Web pages (whether running or a competing platform) are always reactive. They receive commands (requests) and respond. They are not proactive, and don't send commands. This is how the core technology on which the internet is built works.
This means is you want an page to send a message to a client app, the only way to do it is for the client app to frequently poll the page, possibly using System.Net.WebClient.
I don't know of any way this can be done due to security. I know I wouldn't want people to be able to access the running applications on MY machine from their web app.

How to make a Web (WCF) Service act as Windows Service

The question,
I have a web application - .net 4.
The client is having a requirement that he want to send email to his users on a regular basis about his new courses etc.
The webapplication created will hosted on a "Shared hosting environment" with no excess to windows services - file system other than the web root folder through FTP.
The PROBLEM is that ...
Due to shared hosting i cannot create a windows service for him which will check the database - if there are any scheduled mail to send every 5 min.
So my question is - Is there anyway i can run a wcf web service or any other web based service or page or handler which can keep running and automatically checks the database for any new scheduled mails - if yes start sending it automatically in an different thread.
Any different suggestion or answers are also very much welcomed. Thanks SO Experts.
Create a webmethod in WCF that needs to be called, and that can be reached through a url, for example:
Add a new scheduled task on your own PC, that calls that URL every five minutes. Voila.
Rick Strahl: Forcing an ASP.NET Application to 'stay alive'
