Where are the CSS files AjaxControlToolkit? - css

I've been looking for the CSS files of the different AjaxControlToolkit controls but i can't find them.
Specifically I'm looking for the Combobox.css file which according to google an ajax site, is located in "AjaxControlToolkit\ComboBox\ComboBox.css", the problem here is that i can't find that folder "AjaxControlToolkit".
When you download the binary, it comes with a sample site which has a combobox folder but there's no CSS in there!
Can someone point me in the right direction here please?
Maybe a direct link where i can find the different CSS for the entire Ajax Library.
Thank you.

You can always browse the Source Code
But I'm not sure what you mean, as there is no such thing, this is up to you, to create your own theme, check Matt examples


Is there an easy way to find a .css source file from a website inspection window?

I'm trying to customize a theme for a Magento 2 website (it was purchased), and for the most part I know where most of the .css calls are coming from. However, there is one sub-menu, I cannot find the source css file for the life of me.
Normally I use Chrome's inspection window to identify the css that is generating the colors/details that I'm looking for, and then search the source files for the same .css reference, and then make the modification as needed.
However, as mentioned I'm struggling to find a specific piece of css code, and I'm wondering if there might be a better way to find what I'm looking for?
http://bricss.net/post/33788072565/using-sass-source-maps-in-webkit-inspector - Try this one!
https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/javascript/source-maps?utm_source=dcc&utm_medium=redirect&utm_campaign=2016q3 - this is how you set up your css source mapping by using default developer tools :)

CSS live editing - Play framework

i have made a webpage and now it is "feature-complete".
As a next step i want to put some style to it.
The project is based on the Play framework and i choose SCSS as my CSS alternative (with an SBT plugin to convert SCSS -> CSS).
Every time i change some CSS i have to reload the page in the browser, which takes a while, see if i like it and keep or revert. Then start over.
This workflow does not seem right to me. How do you style a webpage built with Play (specifically: i use Play templates, so i cannot just copy every piece of HTML into a CSS editor and style everything from there)?
The best way that i found is to change the CSS directly in Chrome, remember the changes and apply them to the source file later on.
Is there a more "automatic" way of doing things? Any nice editors or browser plugins that change the source file directly? What am i missing?
What are other people, using Play framework (or other templating systems) doing?
Thank you!
Maybe you can download an extension that automatically refresh's your page every ... seconds. On this way you only have to "Alt-tab" between your code and your page.
BTW: I couldn't comment this, I need 50 reputation. Otherwise I wouldn't have commented it because this isn't really an answer but this is just my advice.

How to style Directory Listings XAMPP

So using XAMPP, it shows a list of folders and files that are hosted locally on my machine. So far, it shows all of these directories in a simple, plain list. What I'd like to do is to be able to use CSS to style it. This may sound confusing so here's some images explaining what I am trying to accomplish.
It is possible to do this because I downloaded a theme for it a while back, I am having trouble trying to find it again so I was windering, if someone out there knows where it is, it would be much appreciated if you would send me the link :)
Here is a tutorial devoted to customizing directory listings:
It shows exact what actions to perform in order to customize it. So shouldn't be too hard to follow.
Sadly, I'm unable to find the style you provided. So I will update this reply in-case I have.
Here are some other nice directory listing styles:
You can use the built-in functionality of Apache’s mod_autoindex module to style and enhance your default directory views.
You can go through this link
It has a very detailed description for changing and customizing the views the way you want them to be.
You can customize the icons as well as the css.

What do people use to design the css for use with Visual Studio?

I am going to design a site using asp.net, and after watching a tutorial to get a feel for what is will entail, it came to a point where the video just said "drop your css files into the project", so is there a common applications(s) for designing the actual css?
Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Expression.
First, learn to use a css compiler, it makes life much easier and you can write css much more intuitively in my opinion
Second, write css (or SASS/LESS) by hand. Designers have come a long way since the early Dreamweaver days, but in my experience, you will spend just as much time, if not more, tracking down the autogenerated stuff that doesn't work, than if you just wrote it from scratch and test with Chrome (or your other favorite in-browser CSS debugger).
They could of been referring to a theme in asp.net. Creating a theme in the App_Themes folder. (ASP.Net folder when you go to the add new items)This allows you to make pathing allot simpler. You can then put your skins, images(in a image folder) along with all of your style sheets. You then can set all your pages to use that theme in a web.config file. If you use the root web.config file then it will do it for your whole site. You would link it in the <pages styleSheetTheme="MyTheme"> You also will not have to have a lot of links in your head tags because all stylesheets in the theme will be inherited.(This is the drag and drop, Drag the .css file and drop it in your theme then all pages using that theme inherit the css.) Later on you can even change your themes dynamically.
Hope this helps do what you what you where looking for if not good knowledge on how ASP.net sites work from what i have learned. I am just learning myself.
You don't need an application to write css for you. Just get yourself a book on css or read some online tutorials to get you started.
Then create one and code it yourself. That way you are in complete control of what is happening. It doesn't mean you won't spend some time tracking down strange behaviour but that is all part of the learning curve.

Does anyone know where ASP themes are?

Does anyone know where I can go to get some ASP themes for Visual Studio? I've Googled it, but it doesn't seem that there are many out there. I was hoping someone here knew something that I don't. Thanks
Visual Studio has nothing to do with it. The CSS for a custom theme will have rules that are applied to the HTML elements rendered to the page. The structure of your HTML can vary greatly; every developer/designer have their own preferences about whether to place certain parts of the page on a form or on a master page. There is no standard way of doing this and each project will have its own set of requirements in this regard.
There really is nothing to learning how to create an ASPNET theme. If it's the CSS part that is causing you difficulty then your best bet is to install the Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox and view some CSS galleries. This tool will then allow you to investigate how some really professional sites are put together.
i think you must have to create your own CSS.
