Dynamic User Controls in asp.net - asp.net

Hello I am trying to lear how to create Dynamic User Controls in asp.net.
I just know that this type of controls are created or loaded at run time.
Someone knows a good tutorial about this topic?
thanks in advance,

The best thing you can learn about dynamic controls in ASP.Net webforms is how to avoid them. Dynamic controls in asp.net are filled with pitfalls. I almost always recommend one of the following alternatives:
Place a reasonable fixed number of controls on the page, and then only show the ones you need.
Figure out the source for the dynamic controls and abstract it out to a datasource (array, ienumerable, list, etc) that you can bind to a repeater, even if it's just a call to Enumerable.Range().
Build a user control that outputs the html you want, bypassing the entire "controls" metaphor for this content.
If you really must work with dynamic controls, it's important to keep the stateless nature of http in mind, along with the asp.net page life cycle. Each adds it's own wrinkle to making dynamic controls work: the former that you need to create or recreate the controls every time you do a postback, and the latter that you need to do this before hitting the page load event - usually in page init or pre-init.

Typically what people are talking about here is the dynamic instantiation and addition of a control to a placeholder.
For example
Control ControlInstance = LoadControl("MyControl.ascx");
The above instantiates MyControl.ascx and places it inside of a placeholder with id of myPlaceholder.

I agree with #Joel by knowing the page lifecycle, the stateless nature in mind etc it is possible to avoid the pitfalls. The main things to watch out for, which I have had to do, are:
Page_Init – initialise the controls that are on the page here as they were the last time you rendered the page. This is important as ViewState runs after Init and requires the same controls initalised the same way as the way they were previously rendered. You can load the control using the code from #Mitchel i.e.
Control ControlInstance = LoadControl("MyControl.ascx");
Page_Load – Load the content of the controls in here as you would with any control that isn’t dynamically loaded. If you have kept a reference to them in your page_init they will therefore be available here.
Keeping to this structure I haven’t had too much difficulty as this is appears to be the way that ASP.NET was designed to work, even if all the samples on MSDN don’t do it this way. The biggest thing that you then have to watch is tracking what state the page was in in regard to the controls that you have had rendered.
In my case it was take the section number of the multipage survey and reload the questions from the database, so all I had to do was track the currently rendered section number which wasn’t difficult.
Having said all that if you are using dynamic controls just to show and hide different views of the same screen then I suggest you don’t use them. In this case I would much rather use either user controls (with the inappropriate ones hidden), placeholders to mark areas that aren’t to be rendered yet, or separate pages/views etc. as that way you keep the pages to a single responsibility which makes it easier to debug and/or get useful information from the user about which page they were on.

The Microsoft article is very good, but the best article that I have been read is in the bellow link:
If you are really interested in ASP.NET Web Forms dynamic controls, I recommend that you study the DotNetNuke CMS Portal. DotNetNuke is one of the best cases using dynamic controls as your core feature to build dynamic portals and pages using ASP.NET Portals. It is free for download in www.dotnetnuke.com.
I hope it helps


What's the official Microsoft way to track counts of dynamic controls to be reconstructed upon Postback?

When creating dynamic controls based on a data source of arbitrary and changing size, what is the official way to track exactly how many controls need to be rebuilt into the page's control collection after a Postback operation (i.e. on the server side during the ASP.NET page event lifecycle) specifically the point at which dynamic controls are supposed to be rebuilt? Where is the arity stored for retrieval and reconstruction usage?
By "official" I mean the Microsoft way of doing it. There exist hacks like Session storage, etc but I want to know the bonafide or at least Microsoft-recommended way. I've been unable to find a documentation page stating this information. Usually code samples work with a set of dynamic controls of known numbers. It's as if doing otherwise would be tougher.
Update: I'm not inquiring about user controls or static expression of declarative controls, but instead about dynamically injecting controls completely from code-behind, whether they be mine, 3rd-party or built-in ASP.NET controls.
This greatly depends on the problem at hand, and the type of controls you're recreating. Are they all simple text boxes or various different complex custom user controls. the main thing here is: if you want your dynamic control to regain state after a post-back, you have to re-create it in the Init phase of a page life-cycle.
Anyway. There's nothing like a Microsoft way or Microsoft recommended way basically. When you're dynamically adding several simple controls of the same type a hidden field with a count would do the trick, but when you have several complex controls other ways would have to be used. You could still hidden fields and save control's full type strings in them (ie. System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox) and re-instantiate them. But think of an even more complex example of putting various controls on different parts in the page... And initializing them to a specific state. That would be a bit more challenging. Hence no Microsoft way... The recommended way is to recreate in Init phase. And that's it.
Everything can be solved, but sometimes one took a wrong direction in the UI and things could be done easier using a different approach.
Additional explanation
This state-full technique of ViewState that Asp.net uses is considered the worse culprit with web developers in general. That's why Asp.net MVC developers think the new framework is bliss since its much more suited to the state-less HTTP protocol. Me being one of them. :D

Dynamically creating many instances of ASP.NET usercontrols: How do I create it, and where will my conflicts be?

I haven't seen this implemented before in ASP.NET, but am thinking about a UI that would look and act like this:
Conceptual Overview
A TabControl is loaded and the first tab contains a grid
When a row is double-clicked, a new tab is created with the record detail
The content of the tab/record detail is created by a usercontrol
Many tabs could be created, and therefore many instances of the usercontrol will be created
I know ASP.NET will rename my (runat="server") ID's for me, and that I can use jQuery or ASP.NET server-side code to work with the ID's... My concerns are:
How can I ask ASP.NET to generate a unique ID for each Nth instance of my usercontrol (to be rendered in a placeholder)
How do I actually create that extra instance of the control?
What else do I need to keep in mind?
Since I don't want postbacks I'm considering basing my implementation off of ComponentArt's Callback Control, and using ASP.net usercontrols to achieve this effect. This will allow me to do most things that require a postback, but won't refresh all the elements on a page... just the section that contains the user control. That being said, I'm not tied to a particular implementation.
You should look into the Page.LoadControl method. It works nicely and as far as I remember you put placeholders on your page and load the controls into the PlaceHolders, that's how you control the ids.
One thing that doesn't work out so well with this approach is when your control raises events that your Page object has to handle. If your control is selfcontained however you shouldn't have a problem.
This might help you get started:

What's With ASP.NET User Controls for Everything?

I have recently come across a number of projects where developers have been leaving their ASPX pages relatively free of markup, in favor of placing all logic inside of ASP.NET user controls. While I understand and respect the use of user controls for enabling code reuse, entire pages built in an ASCX just feels incredibly wrong. I was hoping that this mindset would go away now that ASP.NET MVC is here, but I'm seeing the same pattern, even in new projects.
Am I being overly anal, or does this just smell?
It only makes sense when the user control is actually re-used. These tend to be smaller component parts.
In our case its quite useful for creating bespoke applications that use a subset of usercontrols, this way pages that are not used can just be deleted and managed that way, keeping all the UserControls in one place to use at a later date.
Interesting point - using ASP.NET MVC, I sped up one of our pages by several seconds by removing a user control that was loaded inside a loop - loading the UC takes a noticeable amount of time, which is fine for a single instance, but a pain for multiple.
On MVC I've used a user control to hold a set of fields that I re-use between both the create and edit forms, rather than re-typing; I've also used them in WebForms as self-contained chunks of functionality (file upload controls, message posting, etc).
I agree that there is a smell for single-use controls - in fact I've been guilty of that in the past, and I'm just now going through and starting to remove them.
One useful usage: if you have <% ... %> code blocks on your master page, you won't be able to programatically manipulate the controls. Shunting such code blocks into user controls removes this problem, which we've had to do in one case.

How to stop Pages becomming too bloated in webforms

I have an ASP.net webforms app that connects to a web service, All the functionality is on one page that has lots of difference states and I use a multi view to display the correct html depending on the current state.
The problem is the page is huge and unweildly. The code behind isn't so bad but the aspx page is just out of control.
I would like to have a seperate page for each possible state but can't find a good way to move and pass data between pages. Are there any patterns or practices that I can implement that can help with this? And if having a page for each state is not the way to go what else can I do?
I have to stick with the webforms platform :( so i can't move to MVC.
You need to look into Cross Page Posting. This will allow you to postback to a different url and still have access to the previous page's controls. It will make the separation of your different views much easier to manage.
You could create a custom control for each of your states and then programmatically instantiate the appropriate control and populate the properties at runtime.
Use user controls or custom controls to reduce the page weight and improve maintainability of your web forms.

Options for Dynamic content in ASP.Net

What choices do I have for creating stateful dynamic content in an ASP.Net web site?
Here's my scenario. I have a site that has multiple, nested content regions. The top level are actions tied to a functional area Catalog, Subscriptions, Settings.
When you click on the functional action, I want to dynamically add content specific to that action. For example, when Catalog is clicked, I want to display a tree with the catalog folders & files, and a region to the right for details.
When a user clicks on the tree, I want a context sensitive details to load in the details region (like properties or options to manage the files).
I started with UserControls. They worked fine as long as I kept loading everything into the page, and never let one disappear. As soon as one disappeared, ViewState for the page blew up because the view state tree was invalid.
(I didn't want to keep loading stuff into my page because I don't want the responses to be too huge)
So, my next approach was to replace my dynamic regions with IFrames. Then instead of instantiating a UserControl, I would just change the source on my IFrame. Since the contents of the IFrames were independent pages I didn't run into any ViewState problems.
But, I'm concerned that IFrames might be a bad design choice, but don't fully understand why. The site is not public, so search engines aren't a concern.
So, finally to my question.
What are my options for this scenario? If I choose an Ajax Solution (jQuery), will I have to maintain my own ViewState? Are there any other considerations I should take into account?
Controls that are added dynamically do not persist in viewstate, and this is the reason that it doesn't matter if you use AJAX or iframes or whatever.
One possible work-around is to re-populate controls on postback. The problem with this, is the page life-cycle (simplified) is:
Load Postback Data
Call control Load events
Call Load event
Call control events
Control PreRender
What this means is the only place to re-add your dynamic controls is Initialize -- otherwise posted data (or viewstate information) is not loaded into that control. But often, because Viewstat/postback data isn't available yet in Initialize, your code doesn't have the information it needs to figure out which controls need to be added.
The only other work-around I've found in this situation is to use a 3rd party control called DynamicControlsPlaceholder. This works quite well, and persists the control information in viewstate.
In your particular case, it doesn't seem like there are that many choices/cases. Is it practical just to have all the different sets of controls in the page, and put them inside of asp:placeholder controls, and then just set one to visible, depending on what is selected?
Some other options:
Content only appears to be dynamic. You load enough controls on the page to handle anything and only actually show what you need. This saves a lot of hassle messing with view state and such, but means your page has a bigger footprint.
Add controls to the page dynamically. You've already been playing with this, so you've seen some of the issues here. Just remember that the place to create your dynamic controls for postbacks is in the Page_Init() event, and that if you want them to be stateful, you need to keep that state somewhere. I recommend a database.
you've got a number of different options, and yes, IFrames were a bad design choice.
The first option is the AJAX solution. And with that there's not really a viewstate scenario, it's just you're passing data back and forth with the webserver, building the UI on the fly as needed.
The next option is to dynamically add the controls you need for a given post, everytime. The way this would work, is that at the start of the page life cycle, you'd need to rebuild the page exactly as it was sent out the last time, and then dump out all the unneeded controls, and build just those that want.
A third option would be to use Master pages. Your top level content could be on the Master page itself, and have links to various pages within the website.
I'm sure given enough time, I could come up with more, but these 3 appeared just from reading your problem.
dynamic controls and viewstate don't mix well, as noted above - but that is a Good Thing, because even if they did the viewstate for a complex dynamic page would get so bloated that performance would diminish to nil
use Ajax [I like AJAX PRO because it is very simple to use] and manage the page state yourself [in session, database tables, or whatever works for your scenario]. This will be a bit more complicated to get going, but the results will be efficient and responsive: each page can update only what needs to change, and you won't be blowing a giant viewstate string back and forth all the time
