Configure Mail Server to receive mail from any domain [closed] - postfix-mta

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a postfix mail server on ubuntu on my virtualbox,now the domain of the mail server is it receives mail from any "from address" but the "to address" needs to be proper i.e a valid user in the mailserver.
Now,in my project i am sending fake mails to user whose mail id consists of other domains
My final objective is to show the mails in the mail server.
When i tried that ,it goes directly in to the mailserveer logs i.e /var/log/mail.log i.e as an error
is there any way i can store these mails in the mailserver??

You want not only a Catch-All configuration like accepting any mail to * but also to have a Catch-Anything configuration to accept any mail to *#* ?
This is possible if you have the PCRE support compiled into Postfix. Then you need virtual users in your configuration (see the Posfix documentation) and tweak it as follows:
Make sure that your Postfix is already configured to accept mail for at least one user and one domain. And that this is tested.
1) In main.conf set
virtual_alias_domains =
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_forwardings, pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual_forwardings.pcre
virtual_mailbox_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_domains, pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual_domains.pcre
The hash: parts are the known from the docs. And the pcre: parts are new.
The hash: parts can also be omitted.
2) Create the file virtual_domains.pcre with the following content:
/^.*/ OK
This accepts any domain as valid recipient domain.
3) Create the file virtual_forwardings.pcre with the following content:
This forwards any local part of any domain to the Postfix user Make sure that this is a valid virtual or local user.
In this configuration it seems that Postfix is an Open Relay, but it does not relay for other domains. It accepts mails for any domain and locally delivers the mail to one mailbox.
Sometimes you will then notice a log entry telling you something like "don't list in mydestination and virtual config". This warning can be ignored as this "strange" setup is not usual.

An alternative way to do it by sending any mail to "some.local.user" (a shell user)
Required: postfix-pcre package
luser_relay = some.local.user
local_recipient_maps =
virtual_alias_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual_alias.pcre
mydestination = $myhostname, pcre:/etc/postfix/mydestination.pcre
File: /etc/postfix/virtual_alias.pcre
(catchall mapped to "some.local.user")
/\/#/ some.local.user
File: /etc/postfix/mydestination.pcre (we accept whatever you throw at us)
/.*/ OK


Firebase Trigger E-Mail Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames

I am using the extension "Trigger E-Mail" in Firebase. When I try to send an e-mail and I get the following error:
Error [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames
Does this mean the loaded certificate must contain my hostname to work? Sorry, I just have started studying certificates. If I am right then one solution would be to add my hostname into the certificate. As I am using a thirdparty mailprovider. UPDATE: The smtp server uses a shared certificate which doesnt include any other domain and it will never happen.
Similar posts using nodejs tell to set the following configuration:
{ rejectUnauthorized : false }
First I cannot set his configuration into the Extension, secondly I do not want to remove the security feature.
What do you recommend?

Error Sending mail through Gmail SMTP relay [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Sending email in .NET through Gmail
(26 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm working on building a contact form for my new Web site and want to send mail through Google's SMTP relay server ( because I want to set up a "dummy", "no-reply" address from which to send the mail. Also, I tried sending it through the regular SMTP server ( using my own actual Gmail credentials for that account and it got blocked as an insecure app. I'd rather not turn on the "Less secure app access" option (it's not really an option for me anyway because I use 2FA on this account), so this seems like the best way to get there - if I can get it working.
The domain's mail is hosted in G Suite and I've configured the SMTP relay service in the Google Admin Console for my domain as per the instructions in the support article, SMTP relay: Route outgoing non-Gmail messages through Google. I have the relay configured using both the public static IP address of my Web site, as well as the static IP address of the firewall behind which the Web server lies. I configured the relay to accept mail from my domain(s) to allow for the "dummy" address that doesn't actually have a mailbox, and set it to require SMTP Authentication and TLS encryption:
I've set up DNS records for MX, SPF, and DKIM with my domain registrar.
I've waited over 24-hours for the changes to take effect (as per the notification when making the changes in the Google Admin Console)
I've even set up an app password for my Web site to use for my domain e-mail address:
I'm using an ASP.NET (VB) Web site on IIS. My code for sending looks like this:
Dim NewContact As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()
With NewContactMessage
.From = New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("")
.Subject= "TEST MESSAGE"
.IsBodyHtml= True
.BodyEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8
.Body = "This is a test."
.Priority = System.Net.Mail.MailPriority.Normal
End With
Dim Server As New System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient()
With Server
.Port= 587
.Host= ""
.EnableSsl= True
End With
However, when I try to submit my contact form, I get an error, Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Invalid credentials for relay [X.X.X.X]. The IP address you've:
It looks like there should definitely be more to that actual error message, but it's apparently being truncated somewhere along the way.
I've tried feeding the credentials in the SmtpClient block:
With Server
.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("", "my_app_password")
.Port= 587
.Host= ""
.EnableSsl= True
End With
In this case, I get a different error: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Authentication Required. Learn more at. (If I use the credentials with the "default" Gmail SMTP server (, I get the same error.)
According to the Audit Logs, it appears that all of my configuration setting changes have completed. Everything appears to be correct for this to work, but what am I missing?
Just before posting this question, I found this Q&A - Send mail via google app with smtp relay - with the simple fix to my issue: Turn off the Require SMTP Authentication option in the SMTP relay service configuration settings.
Once I disabled that setting and tried again, everything is flowing normally. I suppose I should have figured that out on my own, but according to Google's support article for setting up the SMTP relay (emphasis mine in the first sentence):
In the Authentication section, check one or both boxes to set an authentication method:
Only accept mail from the specified IP addresses — The system only accepts mail sent from these IP addresses as coming from your domains.
Require SMTP Authentication — Enforces the use of SMTP authentication to identify the sending domain. Using this option requires your clients to connect via TLS.
The wording here seems a bit misleading and appears to indicate that you can have both of these options enabled without one "interfering" with the other. As I said, I probably should have figured this out on my own - especially since I'm trying to send from a "dummy" e-mail account - but I guess it just didn't occur to me.
I considered deleting this question, but I had done a fair amount of searching before writing this question up and somehow never ran across that particular post. I'm not sure how I could have missed it, but I'm leaving my question here in hopes that someone else has an easier time of finding this solution in the future.

MailMessage only accepts sender with #domain

I wrote a code in .NET to send emails in my application:
Oxygenne + ASP.Net:
This works fine when configemail[1] is something like "". However, I have the need to send emails without using domain, something like "myemail".
I am getting this error:
The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address
I believe this happens because the code validates if the variable has #anydomain in the string.
Am I able to override it, and let the user try to send emails without usind "#domain" in their address?
So far as I'm aware, SMTP requires all recipient mailboxes to have a domain part. You may be able to interact with a specific mail system via other protocols that allows you to interact with just local mailboxes but you shouldn't expect SMTP tools to be the means of doing so.
Per RFC 5321:
Only resolvable, fully-qualified domain names (FQDNs) are permitted
when domain names are used in SMTP ... There are two exceptions to the
rule requiring FQDNs
The reserved mailbox name "postmaster" may be used in a RCPT
command without domain qualification
Which in turn leads us to the syntax for the RCPT command:
rcpt = "RCPT TO:" ( "<Postmaster#" Domain ">" / "<Postmaster>" /
Forward-path ) [SP Rcpt-parameters] CRLF
So, the only generally applicable form that is available is the Forward-Path, which via a few hops (and ignoring some legacy options not helpful to you here) leads us to the Mailbox syntax:
Mailbox = Local-part "#" ( Domain / address-literal )
So, either way you have to have the # and then your choices boil down to a domain name or an IP address. Note that this may give us an opening though - you may be able to get what you want by specifying the addresses as myemail#

Qmail email address without hostname/domain name

In our production a user sent an email to the following address "xxx" (Literally the email is address xxx). This address is within our companies organization (, I am being asked how it was sent without "".
I told them it was probably the configuration of our SMTP server as I am sure the application I made is not appending "" to mails without (hostName/domainName).
Our SMTP server is Qmail in a Unix box. Can anyone tell me what configurations we could check to explain how this happened?
Unfortunately, I do not have a Qmail or Unixbox so I cant test it myself and I don't have access to our production servers so I could really use some help.
PS. Can anyone also give me the correct term for "" is it the hostName/domainName?
Checks Done
1) According to the administrator - "defaultdomain" is set to ""
Yes by default qmail will add defaultdomain to any recipient address missing the domain part. is the domain name part of the email address.
defaultdomain file by default is in /var/qmail/control directory as from documentation:

OpenDKIM set d=[] tag to use the default sender server instead the FROM email domain

Here is the issue:
I have an email server with OpenDKIM and Postfix installed as here:
My TXT DNS record is on the main domain (Server domain name)
It works great when I send an email from using my FROM address as:
The problem is when I send an email using my FROM address as:
The DKIM signature is added but using otherDomain as the domain value tag:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=20131125; t=1385596727;
so, the server that is receiving the messages is not finding the DNS record which is obviously clear since the d= tag value is instead
I would like to find the way to retrieve the d= value from the server name instead retrieve it from the FROM header email address... or override it to be always
Domain *
KeyFile /etc/postfix/dkim.key
Selector mail
in /etc/opendkim.conf to use the same key for multiple domains ( documentation )
and added no_milters to /etc/postfix/
made this line:
-o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks
look like:
-o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_milters
This prevented opendkim signing messages twice.
