How to embed Font -

I have downloaded a new font file. I want to use this font style in my html page. How do i embed the file in HTML?

Take a look at #font-face, a CSS declaration that allows you to specify your own fonts.
#font-face {
font-family: "Font Family Name Here";
src: url("url/to/font.eot");
Note that it's still sort of experimental in many browsers, so you'll have to tinker around with it. (Look up Paul Irish's bulletproof method.)
Alternatively, you can use the font in an image and then simply use a font-replacement method. This works if the text is minimal (such as for logos or headers).

do it with fontsquirrel if you own rights to use the font on your website ;)


Use of "Bliss Pro" font without downloading the font

I have a requirement to use font "Bliss Pro" for a product title. But it's not a standard windows font.
I have tried to search how can I use this font in my webpage, but did not found any online solution.
Is there any way I can use/include "Bliss Pro" font in my web page without downloading the font?
Appreciate your help....
Generically, you can use a custom font using #font-face in your CSS. Here's a very basic example:
#font-face {
font-family: 'YourFontName'; /*a name to be used later*/
src: url(''); /*URL to font*/
Then, trivially, to use the font on a specific element:
.classname {
font-family: 'YourFontName';
(.classname is your selector).
Note that certain font-formats don't work on all browsers; you can use's generator to avoid too much effort converting.
You can find a nice set of free web-fonts provided by Google Fonts (also has auto-generated CSS #font-face rules, so you don't have to write your own).
while also preventing people from having free access to download the font, if possible
Nope, it isn't possible to style your text with a custom font embedded via CSS, while preventing people from downloading it. You need to use images, Flash, or the HTML5 Canvas, all of which aren't very practical.
I hope that helped!

How to add custom font in my theme?

now, i want to use Monotype Corsiva. i add the font in my theme ,then in css file using font-family:Monotype Corsiva ,but some one tips me: font used for site title and headings is not working if it's not installed on users system. You should either remove font file from theme directory or include it in css file in apropriate way.
how to include it in css file in apropriate way? thank you
You need to use #font-face with your font in either .ttf or .eot
Below is an example
#font-face {
font-family: 'RieslingRegular';
src: url('fonts/riesling.eot');
src: local('Riesling Regular'), local('Riesling'), url('fonts/riesling.ttf') format('truetype');
h1 {
font-family: 'RieslingRegular', Arial, sans-serif;
For more details, look here
Monotype Corsiva is a copyrighted font. Check out for conditions and instructions for use. They have a policy that allows a limited number of page views (25,000) for free. The instructions and procedures might be a bit confusing, but in the end you will have a script element generated by them to add to your pages, and then you will just use the font under the name they give you (it seems to be Corsiva W01).
Alternative, try and find a suitably similar free font from Google Web Fonts, for example.

Is it possible to specify custom name for a Google Font?

Here is a sample CSS
h1 {
font-family: 'header-font', arial, sans-serif;
p {
font-family: 'paragraph-font', arial, serif;
Is it possible to load any remote Google Font (let say 'Lato') so that it's family name in CSS would be 'header-font'?
Edit: The idea behind this is to be able to easily swap fonts in a WP theme. Unfortunately using variables in CSS preprocessors is not an option in my case.
I don't think you can to be honest. The Google font has a predefined name when you view the google font. See this for example:
Its name is set as 'Akronim' and I dont think you can reference it by any other name.
Yes, very easily. Once you located the font at Google, eg.
#import url('');
just direct your browser to the url specified:
What you get back is the #font-face CSS item for the font (or fonts). Simply use this verbose version in your CSS instead of the original #import specification. You can freely rename the font-family item in any of these descriptions. Yes, you have to make sure there are no clashes with other fonts but the naming is completely up to you.
Yes, you can give any name you want when you define the font family in the #font-face style declaration and use that name to reference it later in the stylesheet.
font-family: whateverYouWant;
src: url('example.ttf'),
... /* and so on */
Whatever you name the style as in the font-family property is how it will be referred to from the rest of the document. However I don't know how it competes with local font files (so if you tried to name a custom font Arial I'm not sure what you would get - the custom font or the real Arial). I don't know why you would do that anyway though.

Font embedding in CSS

I'm about to use some custom fonts for my website.
I know that currently there are few websites providing free webfonts like: Google WebFonts
But, the font I want isn't there. I want to know if there is any way to convert this font that I have to a webfont. (my font extension is TTF)
Also, I downloaded a few webfonts, their extension was also TTF. Are webfonts something different?
Different browsers handle webfonts differently. TTF will work in most browsers but not IE or on iPhones. I'd recommend checking out Font Squirrel as it has a lot of fonts on there including a #font-face generator that will help you set things up.
Web fonts are nothing special; they can be TrueType fonts, as long as the browser supports that format (most do). To use a TrueType font in your CSS, use
#font-face {
font-family: {given name};
src: url({path to font file}) format('truetype');
Then use
font-family: {given name};
in any rules you want to use the font for.
I've previously used Font Squirrel to generate the web font files from a ttf.
I would recommend trying Cufon as a fallback for browsers that don't support css #font-face
You can just use the ttf files in combination with #font-face. See for more information.
This might be of use -
make sure the license for the font you are using allows it though.

How do I package a custom TrueType font with a web site so the browsers will render it?

I'm developing a website for someone but they want (insist) that the title be in a non-standard font. (The customer is always right.) I have the TrueType (.ttf) font but how do I bundle this with the website so that it uses it?
I tried putting it in the Images folder and tried to access it with the style sheet:
But that didn't work. How do I include a non-standard font in a way which will render?
In case it's useful, this is an ASP.NET 2.0 site.
There is currently no standard way to do this. You could use #font-face, but it's not supported in all browsers. As Lance mentioned, this is a great place to find a support reference for the major browsers.
There is an effort to standardize this type of thing. The Web Open Font Format (WOFF) is such an effort. It looks like this may even be adopted by the major browsers in the future. We will have to wait and see.
For now, the best you can do is to reference your font like you normally would, but add a default (standard) font after that.
font-family: "Arial Rounded MT Bold", "Times New Roman", Serif
You have two options:
Create an image instead of using text
Use sifr to convert your text to the .ttf font
You have lots of options, none of them perfect. Smashing Magazine has a great article about rich fonts - most of them involve flash / image replacement.
Convert your TrueType font into an Embedded OpenType font (it's easy!) so that you have two font files:
Then make your CSS look like this:
#font-face {
font-family: 'Arial Rounded Bold';
src: url('Arial_Rounded_MT_Bold.eot');
#font-face {
font-family: 'Arial Rounded Bold';
src: url('Arial_Rounded_MT_Bold.ttf') format('truetype');
h1.title {
font-family: 'Arial Rounded Bold', serif;
Thanks to Internet Explorer, the EOT specification needs to be first, in a separate #font-face block and without the format attribute. More info here.
There is a fair amount of activity on the subject of distributing fonts along with websites, but it's generally in the experimental stage, and won't work for the vast majority of browsers in use. In a few years you may be able to do this, but for the moment you would have to use an image or sIFR.
