Centered pop-up tooltip in small icons - css

I've encountered the need for a specific sort of drop-down tooltip on hover (or sometimes click), activated either way by a small icon, say 20x20 pixels. The design would look something like this:
So, as you can see, the box that appears hovers over all other content on the page. It is variable in both width and height depending on content.
Now, as usual, the challenge is to accomplish this using only CSS. Fortunately, in this case, I'm only worried about bleeding edge browsers, and don't need to consider mobile at all. In the past, I've wimped out due to a lack of time and put the top 'pointer' element (that is centered on the icon) on the left, and put the entire box aligned to the left edge of the icon - but that's far from optimal.
I'd love any suggestions here, it'd be a fantastic solution to have in my arsenal in the future.

I think you're going to need to know the width, in order to center the box within an element smaller than itself. If you're only considering bleeding-edge browsers, the requisite JS is going to be simple and quick to write and run.
My standard centering technique for elements like this is:
.icon {position:relative;}
.popUp {position:absolute;
margin-left:-100px; /* Half the width */
All you would need to do to make it work would be to detect the width of your content with JS, and set the left-margin accordingly. I'm sure you could set some sensible default values for any users which happen to have JS disabled/unavailable.


what makes the login form of a particular width in flat ui template

I'm trying my hands with Flat UI. So I'm going through their site to understand how their page uses flat ui. Here I'm not able to trace the width of the login form. Anybody knows how the width of the login form is that much? here is the link
The width of the login-form is controlled by padding applied to its parent login-screen container.
The original padding for the .login-screen class is 123px 199px 33px 306px. If you change it to something like 123px 33px 33px 306px, you'll see that box grow horizontally to the right.
Likewise, if you change the left padding value, the box will grow horizontally to the left. Of course, it will also cover up the "Welcome" icon, so you'll need to reposition that, too. Its position is set to absolute, governed by pixel values specified for the left and top properties.
Do note that a browser-based CSS inspector is extremely useful for figuring things like this out. All major browsers that I'm aware of include such utilities out-of-the-box. Just play around with the styles until you get the effect you want, then go back and figure out what you just did using your knowledge of CSS.

How to set margins on floated DIVS

This is a problem that for some odd reason I run into only sometimes. But how would I set a floated DIV's margin? I use negative pixels and seem to achieve the results, but when I view the page in the editor window of a CMS (ezPublisher) it looks totally disgusting and broken, but in the browser it is fine (being broken in the editor window will not fly here)
When I set an element to float:right, it kicks it way far to the left of the page, when I set the margin-left dimensions, it doesn't go anywhere.
So in short, I'm trying to ask: when I float an element to the right, what side to I set the dimensions on? margin-left? or margin-right?
Here is the page with
.articleCover {
Furthermore, I always though that you place floated elements before the element that they float next to in the markup. However, I see it either way sometimes. Thanks for the help, and I hope I was clear on my issue.

Page elements moving on window resize

Being new to CSS, I have looked at similar posts on stackoverflow regarding this issue, but none of the resolutions seem to help with my site.
I am using a template for the site and trying to edit the CSS so that the page will maintain one width, and not shift it's elements when the window is resized.
An example page can be found here: (removed link for client)
The content is contained within a wrapper currently set to relative position:
position: relative;
I tried to change it to this:
min-width: 960px;
This doesn't seem to be doing the trick though. When I resize the window, everything still shifts. Any ideas what else I need to change?
Your site is using Twitter Bootstrap:
It won't be a totally simple process to do what you want but a starting point would be going to this page:
There you could uncheck the "Responsive" checkboxes and change the Grid System elements to be whsatever you want. It may however be best to leave those as they are.
Then download the css files and replace the ones on your site and see if that helps (ensure you make a back-up of your current files first).
There are a few things going on here:
The navigation has float: right on it somewhere. This means that when its width, plus the width of anything it sits next to is wider than its container, it's going to shift so that it can fit.
Your min-width is too narrow If your min-width is 960px, but the width of your navigation, plus the width of your logo (the two elements that sit side by side), plus any margins, paddings, and borders, add up to anything more than 960px, then it's not going to sit in line. You need to either adjust your min-width, or adjust the calculated width of the elements to fit within that 960px minimum. This can be done either by making margins/paddings smaller, decreasing the text size, setting explicit widths, or any combination thereof.
your elements are probably moving around because you have them in the same tag so if you want your elements to hold their positions you need to use a different for each element and align them to your preference perhaps on css or inside the tag(that's up to you). Otherwise in a div tag if you follow the same procedure for each element you shouldn't have any problems. That goes for sentences too... you need to make each word in a sentence be in between individual

The menu isn't scaling with the site and on smaller monitors the video / photos are off to the right

I asked for help earlier which was amazing and I am grateful for it, but I'm in need of your guys' expert assistance. is the site I'm working on and after simplifying the code and not having the positioning be an absolute, the menu bar for some odd reason isn't scaling with the site. Also the testimonials tab is cut off, which I'm guessing is due to the width not being long enough?
Also, on smaller monitors (15 inches+), they're saying that the video gallery and photo gallery are off to the right three inches, is there a way I can add padding or a margin to make them stick to the middle like they do with a larger screen? Any and all help would be appreciated.
Your Gallery is in a div that has been given a specified position.
#gallery {
position: relative;
left: 950px; /* This needs to be removed */
top: -560px; /* This needs to be removed */
That will always force the div off to the side.
What I think you want and correct me if I'm wrong is two columns.
That's actually quite easy to do and I've set up an example here to get you going.
In my example the two columns are floated left and right to give them space in the middle and the two divs with the class .placeholder provide the hight and width.
If you create something similar replacing each .placeholder with your image and gallery respectively then you should be able to keep videos within the main content.
Hopefully this helps.
I'll try my best to explain everything properly.
The content div in the example I linked was just there to wrap around the floated columns in that example. You do not need to duplicate it.
The columns are floated left and right to separate the content and place it side-by-side. Adding a float simply means that they are to position themselves as far in the given direction as possible within their parent container.
Floating content breaks the flow of the page though so the parent needs to have the class .clearfix added to prevent any content below the column from being disrupted. It also allows the parent to have height.
Positioning the gallery differently for different monitor widths will only work with browsers that understand media blocks within css which ie7 and ie8 do not. You are much, much better off with a two column layout.

How can I use CSS to make a div float over my text whilst remaining in the right spot?

This looks a lot easier than I am probably making it sound. I have a content div, 600px wide. It is constantly, for the sake of this argument, in the middle of my page. It is set in the middle using
margin: 0px auto;
In the top right hand corner of this div, I have set a second div, which contains options (it will be share options, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.). It is currently controlled using CSS, no Javascript. When my cursor is away from the Options div, it remains as a button. When my cursor is over the Options div, it expands. I want for it to expand over my content, but for my content to still wrap around the original (in this case) 50px square box.
I have two test pages currently uploaded:
Test 1 - This displays the Options div in the correct place (set using float: right;), but when I roll over it, the content wraps around the reiszed div.
Test 2 - This makes sure my div floats over my content, but it is set using position: absolute, and it remains at the top right hand corner of the page.
I have missed something, I know I have. Are there any suggestions as to how I can get it working together? I would prefer solely CSS, but I am not opposed to Javascript, either standalone or using jQuery (I'd prefer that, since other scripts I use in my site use the jQuery framework). Code is 100% inline for this example, CSS is using and not tags, so if you wish to look, it's all there.
Test 2 would be perfect if you set position: relative; on the containing div and then added a spacer div that remained in the flow of the document:
use z-index with absolute postion. Set the z-index to be higher than the content.
Try this fiddle
It's 1:30am where I am so this is not my best work. Hopefully it should be cross browser compatible.
note I changed #options to options for re-use. I got it with no extra DOM. However I did move the location of the anchor tag. Outer div no longer provides style, just spacing. Inner elements are position absolute and provide all style. Just my variant. :)
Use position:absolute without defining a top/right/left/bottom value, and add a z-index value. This will keep it in an absolute position but since it's not really specified, it will remain at the required location, causing it to overlap other objects. Play with margin to move it around.
