How to hack proof a data submission program - encryption

I am writing a score submission system for games where I need to ensure that reports back to the server are not falsified (aka, hacked).
I know that I can store a password or private passkey in the program to authenticate or encrypt the request but if the program is decompiled, a crafty hacker can extract the password/passkey and use it to falsify reports.
Does a perfect solution exist?
Thanks in advance.

No. All you can do is make it difficult for cheaters.
You don't say what environment you're running on, but it sounds like you're trying to solve a code authentication problem*: knowing that the code that is executing is actually what you think it is. This is a problem that has plagued online games forever and does not have a good solution.
Common ways in which such systems are commonly broken:
Capture, modification and replay of submissions to the server
Modifying the binary to allow cheating
Using a debugger to modify the submission in-memory before the program applies signatures/encryption/whatever
Punkbuster is an example of a system which attempts to solve some of these problems:
Also consider
Chances are, this is probably too hard for your game. Hiding a public key in your binary and signing everything that leaves it will probably put you well ahead of the pack, security-wise.
* Apologies, I don't actually remember what the formal name for this is. I keep thinking "running code authentication", but Google comes up with nothing for the term.

There is one thing you can do - record all of the user inputs and send those to the server as part of the submission. The server can then replay the inputs through a local copy of the game engine to determine the score. Obviously this isn't appropriate for every type of game, though. Depending on the game, you may need to include replay protection.
Another method that may be appropriate for some types of games is to include a video recording of the high-scoring play within the submission. Provide links to the videos from the high score table, along with a link to report suspicious entries. This will let you "crowd-source" cheat detection - if a cheater's score hits the table at number 1, then the players behind scores 2 through 10 have a pretty big incentive to validate the video for you. If a score is reported enough times, you can check the video yourself and decide if it should be removed (and the user banned).


MVC - How to cache frequently used and changed User_Data (for web game)

I'm trying to develop a web game. In that game i have a toolbar, which is shown on almost all pages. Toolbar contains user info such as:
- coins (cash)
- level
- name
- group name
- experience points
- skills
- notifications
and more...
Some of them are changing rarely, but some (like experience, skills, notifications or coins) can change quite often.
So, i don't want to query database each time someone reloads a page. I'm thinking of caching this data in memory of server (updating it each time something changes).
Is there any known, good approach? Or should i forget and make extra 2-3 SQL queries on each page load?
"Frequently changed" pretty much excludes caching. I think there's an obsession with optimization that makes people want to cache everything, but you have a database for a reason, and it's perfectly acceptable to query it on occasion.
What you can do, though, is cache portions. Something like Level will typically not change that often as it takes a while to go from one to the next. That could be cached, and it's easy enough to just bust the cache when the level changes so that it's will be forced to be reloaded then. Other things like Coins a user should always have an up-to-date and accurate count. You'll have to make these determinations, obviously.
Long and short, though, if the user should always have an accurate count of display of the thing, then you simply can't cache it. Just go ahead and do the queries you need to do and move on.
Is this a single user game or a multi-user game? If it's a multi-user game, then you're going to have to have some kind of player state that's held for all your currently active players in the game, that's a perfect place for this information. If it's a single user game, then you probably want to keep as little state on the server as possible so you're more likely to load it from disk, or using a distributed caching system.
The problem here is that we can't really tell you what to do because all of it depends on way too many factors... you're just going to have to figure this out as you go along.
My suggestion though, don't pre-maturely think you need to optimize something. Just do it however you think you can, and if you need better performance, then worry about that later.

Should I avoid the session with a complex object in

Here's my issue, we have a large patient object that is used on multiple screens throughout the admin. Each screen contains different information about the same patient. It can't all be on one screen.
The only time I want to persist the patient is when the user clicks save. I need to have an in memory patient somewhere. A user may be in the admin, change patient information on various screens, run validation and decide to not save that patient. This is typical use.
Is it ok to store this patient in the session? Or, is there a better approach to do this? At most this admin would have 20 users with access.
Opinions may vary on this. Session is tricky, especially if you use something other than in-memory session. Distributed session will break a non-serializable object. If this object is a simple POCO or object you control, try your best to make it play with serialization. If it does you're set. For an admin tool without much load I'd say you'd be fine.
Hey I found this - know nothing about the site, but illustrates my point:
I had a similar situation with similar amount of users. I did it and it worked great.
My situation was about scheduling events.
Someone would create an event and through multiple web pages would modify and configure this event. When they were all done it would save all the details to SQL. In the end, I was surprised just how well it worked.
Session should be fine here. You have what appears to be a light user load... but you might want to check exactly how much memory the object takes up, multiply that by the maximum number of users, and see where you are.
If you want to avoid the session altogether, you could use System.Web.Caching to store the object instead, and key the stored object using the users identifier plus some constant string.
In either case, you'll want to be aware of how many web servers are running the application. If it's just one web server, no worries. If you have multiple web servers, you'll want to make sure they are "sticky" - then the user is guaranteed to have all requests processed by the same server. How this is done is entirely dependent on your flavor of load balancing... normally the "IT folks" handle this for you.

What would be the best way to store the questions and responses for a survey where I need to keep the traffic on the database to a minimum?

I am writing a survey that is going to a large audience. It contains 15 questions and there are five possible answers to each question along with potential comments.
The user can cycle through all 15 questions answering them in any order and is allowed to leave the survey at any point and return to answer the remaining questions.
Once an answer has been attempted on all 15 questions a submit button appears which allows them to submit the questions as final answers. Until that stage all answers are required to be retrievable whenever the user loads the survey page up.
The requirement is that the user only sees one question on a page and 'Previous' and 'Next' buttons allow the user to scroll through the questions.
I could request the question each time the user clicks a button and save the current response and so on but that would be a large number of hits to a database that is already heavily used. I don't have the time to procure a new server etc so I have to make do with what I have. Is there any way I can cache the questions on the user machine and/or responses? Obviously I need the response data to be secure and only known to the user so I feel a little bit stuck as for the best way of doing this. Any pointers?
I am prepared to offer a bounty of 100 points on this question if it means I get some good quality discussion and feedback going.
Unless there's a reason for using a database, you could always store the results in flat files on the server itself. It doesn't sound like the data you're storing is relational in any way. Worst comes to worst, you could always insert them back into a relational db as a batch job every night.
Another option would be the application cache. However, if your web server suddenly crashes on you, you risk losing information from there.
You could also store the values in the user's cookies.
Based on my personal experience (serving thousands of short survey pages per second) I suspect your fears are unfounded. Among other reasons, the DBMS will cache such small amounts of data far more efficiently that you can.
I've tested this, loading the questions and answers into an Application-scope collection at start up, and serving them from memory after that - often it made no difference at all.
Your alternative is to send everything at once to the browser, and write it as a javascript application, storing the data in (encrypted) cookies and only hitting the database when the whole thing is done. This is tedious but not difficult.
You have three requirements that need to be balanced:
users must be able to return to their survey at any time
answers entered by users must be saved with the least possible chance of data loss
need to minimize database hits
Any solution that involves caching answers in a volatile place (cookies, session, etc) will increase the risk of data loss. The final solution depends on how you rank the three requirements in importance. If the db issue is at the top, then you will either need to risk data loss, or spend a lot of extra time coding a solution using some temporary storage scheme (like Kevin's flat file idea).
A couple of folks suggested that you may be optimizing prematurely. I suggest you consider that idea first - maybe this whole thing is moot.
However, assuming that your db situation is a real problem, I think your best balance of requirements will be a system that saves answer to the db immediately (to prevent data loss) but carefully manages when you actually have to hit the db.
When the app starts up (or when the first user requests the survey) load the survey and its questions into application cache. If any of the questions have a pick list of possible answers, load these also. You will only have to hit the db once during the application lifetime (or your cache duration) to load survey data.
When a user starts their survey, run a single query to load any existing answers (in case they are a returning user) into an object in session - could be as simple as a <List>string. (If you can somehow identify a new user without having to hit the db, then you can skip this step for new users.)
Use the session answer object along with the survey question object in app cache to populate each page without hitting the db again.
When the user submits an answer, compare it to the session answer object to see if it has changed (she may be just clicking 'next' on a page with a previously entered answer). If the answer is new, or has changed, the save it to the db and to the session answer object.
When the user leaves the survey, you don't need to do anything - everything is saved already.
With this scheme, you hit the db once to load the survey, once for each user when they start (or restart) the survey, and once for each new or modified answer. Probably not as much of a reduction as you were hoping for, but it gives you the best data protection.
If the database trips are a problem, you can cache them in the web server (or wherever your application resides) but it sounds like each answer needs to be recorded as the user goes to the next question.
If the questions and possible answers are identical for everyone, I would definitely cache them in the application layer - this can be stored in the Application object. In any case, you could certainly optimize the database calls to return the results as efficiently as possible - i.e. multiple result sets or a joined result set from a single stored proc. If you don't mind multiple copes for each session (or if there is variation), you can stored it in the Session object. Storing it on the client (i.e. a cookie) is not really secure and kind of pointless from a web server-client bandwidth saving persepective.
This sounds a lot like premature optimization to me, though.
Your scenario is a perfect candidate for Predictive Fetch Pattern. I would suggest that you cache all your questions. When the user signs in use the pattern to fetch the first 5 answers (if they have given any answers) and based on their navigation (where their current question is) get the information from the Response object or from the DB.
Not sure of the languages etc you are using, but most have an application cache. I would store the questions there, and retrieve them from the database and store them when they are not in the cache (when the application recycles).
As for the answers, are the users logging in some how? Is it feasible to save answers in a cookie until all questions are answered?
If cookies aren't reliable enough, you could store (in the application cache) a list of queries (inserts/updates) to be executed, they would not be executed until an a query limit was reached or under certain conditions (i.e. execute the query list when a user requests answers that are in the list, execute list when the application recycles, etc).
Pretty crude, but you get the idea:
if (function == "get question" && userQuestionIsInQueue) || function == "finish survey"
continue as normal...
if function == "submit answer"
if Application["querylist"] == null
Application["querylist"] = newAnswerQuery;
Application["querylist"] += newAnswerQuery;
You'd also need to add execute(Application["querylist"]) to the recycle event, I believe you can hook it in the global.asax
Edit 2:
I would also accumulate all database transactions for a request into 1, you if you did have to execute the list, then followed by getting the answer for the user, do them in the same transaction and save a trip. Common practice when optimizing.
This is a classic problem to do with maintaining state between pages in a browser based system. Im also assuming that we want this data to persist even if the user logs out and comes back later. Here are the options:
With a high availability server we can keep a single collection of 15 answers in memory (not session) for this user (probably not a good idea and not easily load balanced)
We denormalise the 15 answers into 1 row of a sql table
We persist the data on the client using a cookie or localStorage (IE8).
My feeling is that the first two options are probably not what you are looking for, so lets explore the last option.
You could quite simply store the answers in a cookie. There is a small chance that this could get lost, and that the user may log in from another machine, but this may be an acceptable risk. With with latest browsers that support HTML5 (inc IE8 afaik) you get the benefit of localStorage which is not as easily deleted as a cookie. You could fall back to cookies if this wasnt available.
Cookies can be encrypted if required.
I would like to offer you the new feature of HTML5 which is called Dom Storage but since only the new browsers are supporting it, it could be a problem using it at this point.
With DOM Storage, you can store data on user browser. Since it can store up to 5MB per domain in Mozilla Firefox[3], Google Chrome, and Opera, 10MB per storage area in Internet Explorer, you can store answers and question ids in the DOM Storage.
Even with DOM Storage, let alone Database hit, you can reduce server hits as well.
Since we all know working with cookies is hassle sometimes and it can store 4kb, the easiest way is now to store key-value information in DOM Storage.
You can store key-value information specifically for sessions as well as locally. When session ends, the session based info will be wiped off from the browser but if you store local based values, even the user closes the tab, the key-value will remain for a while.
Example Code:
You have viewed this page
<span id="count">an untold number of</span>
var storage = window.localStorage;
if (!storage.pageLoadCount) storage.pageLoadCount = 0;
storage.pageLoadCount = parseInt(storage.pageLoadCount, 10) + 1;
document.getElementById('count').innerHTML = storage.pageLoadCount;
You can learn more about DOM Storage from the links below :
do you mean...a cookie?

Preventing Users from Working on the Same Row

I have a web application at work that is similar to a ticket working system. Some users enter new issues. Other workers choose and resolve issues. All of the data is maintained in MS SQL server 2005.
The users working to resolve issues go to a page where they can view open issues. Because up to twenty people can be looking at this page at the same time, one potential problem I had to address was what happens if someone picks an issue that someone else picked just after their page loaded.
To address this, I did two things. First, the gridview displaying the issues to select uses an AJAX timer to update every second. Once an issue has been selected, it disappears one second later at most. In case they select one within this second, they get a message asking them to choose another.
The problem is that the AJAX part of this is sending too many updates (this is what I am assuming) and it is affecting the performance of the page and database. In addition, the updates are not performing every second. I find the timer to be unreliable when working to trigger stored procedures.
There has to be a better way, but I can't seem to find one. Does anyone have experience with a situation like this or have suggestions to keep multiple users from selecting the same record to maintain? I really do not want to disable the AJAX part entirely because I feel the message alone would make the application frustrating to use.
Put a lock timestamp field on the row in the database. Write a stored proc that returns true or false if the expiration timsetamp is older than a specific time. Set your sessions on your web app to expire in the same time, a minute or two. When a user select a row they hit the stored proc which helps the app to decide if it should let the user to modify it.
Hope that makes sense....
Two things can help mitigate your problem.
First, after-selection notification that the case has been taken is needed regardless of your ajax update time frame. Even checking every second doesn't mean two people cannot click the same case at what they perceive to be the same time. In such cases, one of the users needs to be notified that their selection is invalid even though it appeared valid when selected. This notification doesn't need to be elaborate; keeping a light, helpful tone can improve user perception even in the light of disappointment. And if you identify the user who selected that record already, that will not only help your users coordinate in future but also divert attention from your program to the user who snaked the juicy case. (indeed, management may like giving your users the occasional collision as it will motivate them to select cases faster)
Second, a small tweak to how you display your cases can reduce selection collisions. Adding a random element to display order and/or filtering out every other case on display will help your users select different cases naturally. Human pattern recognition and task selection isn't really random so small changes to presentation can equal big changes to selection behavior. Reductions in collision chance keeps your collision notifications rare (and thus less frustrating to your users). This is even better if your users can be separated into classifications that can help determine useful case ordering/filtering.
Okay, a third thing that will help you over time is if you keep a log of when collisions occur (with helpful meta data about the collision—like who was involved and selection timing). Armed with solid collision data, you can find what works and what doesn't. Over time, you can hone your application to your actual use cases as well as identify potential problems early. Nothing reassures your users more than being on top of a problem (and able to explain your plans to solve it) before they're even aware it exists.
With these mitigating patterns, you'll probably find you can safely reduce your ajax query timeframe without affecting user experience. And with useful logging, you'll have the assurance that any tweaks you put in place are actually working (or not—which is maybe even more useful to know).
I did something similar where once a user opened a ticket (row) it assigned that ticket to that user and set a value on that record, like and FK to that particular user, so if anyone else tried to open that ticket (row) it would let them know it has already been assigned to someone else.
If possible limit the system so that they just get the next open issue off the work queue as opposed having them be able choose from all open issues.
If that isn't possible, I suppose you could check upon the choosing of an issue to see if it is still available. If it's not available, then make it disappear after the user clicks on it. This way you are only requesting when they actually click on something as opposed to constant polling of the data.
Have you tried increasing the time between refreshes. I would expect that once per 30 seconds would be sufficient. 40 requests/minute is a lot less load than 1200/minute. Your users may not even notice the difference.
If they do, how about providing a refresh button on the page so the users can manually refresh the list just prior to selecting an item to avoid the annoying message if they choose.
I'm missing to see the issue, specially after you mentioned you are already flagging tickets as in progress/being maintained and have a timestamp/version of the item.
Isn't the following enough:
User browses the tickets and sees a list of available tickets i.e. this excludes ones that are in the db as in progress. If you want the users to also see tickets in progress, you indicate it clearly in the ticket status and disable the option to take it.
User either flags a ticket as in progress explicitly or implicitly by opening the ticket (depends on the user experience / how its presented to the users).
User explicitly moves the ticket to a different status i.e. completed, invalid, awaiting for feedback, etc.
When the items are retrieved at 1, you include a timestamp/version. When 2 happens, you use a optimistic concurrency approach to make sure that if 2 persons try to update the take the ticket at the same time only the first one will be successful.
What will happen is that for the second person, the update ... where ... timestamp = #timestamp will not find any records to update and you will report back that the ticket was already taken.
If you want, you can build on top of the above to update the UI as tickets are grabbed. This could be by just doing a full refresh of the current page of tickets after x time (maybe alerting/prompting the user), or even by retrieving a list of tickets changed for the page of tickets being showed with ajax. You still have the earlier steps in place, as this modification its just a convenience for the users.

How to build large/busy RSS feed

I've been playing with RSS feeds this week, and for my next trick I want to build one for our internal application log. We have a centralized database table that our myriad batch and intranet apps use for posting log messages. I want to create an RSS feed off of this table, but I'm not sure how to handle the volume- there could be hundreds of entries per day even on a normal day. An exceptional make-you-want-to-quit kind of day might see a few thousand. Any thoughts?
I would make the feed a static file (you can easily serve thousands of these), regenerated periodically. Then you have a much broader choice, because it doesn't have to run below second, it can run even minutes. And users still get perfect download speed and reasonable update speed.
If you are building a system with notifications that must not be missed, then a pub-sub mechanism (using XMPP, one of the other protocols supported by ApacheMQ, or something similar) will be more suitable that a syndication mechanism. You need some measure of coupling between the system that is generating the notifications and ones that are consuming them, to ensure that consumers don't miss notifications.
(You can do this using RSS or Atom as a transport format, but it's probably not a common use case; you'd need to vary the notifications shown based on the consumer and which notifications it has previously seen.)
I'd split up the feeds as much as possible and let users recombine them as desired. If I were doing it I'd probably think about using Django and the syndication framework.
Django's models could probably handle representing the data structure of the tables you care about.
You could have a URL that catches everything, like: r'/rss/(?(\w*?)/)+' (I think that might work, but I can't test it now so it might not be perfect).
That way you could use URLs like (edited to cancel the auto-linking of example URLs):
http:// feedserver/rss/batch-file-output/
http:// feedserver/rss/support-tickets/
http:// feedserver/rss/batch-file-output/support-tickets/ (both of the first two combined into one)
Then in the view:
def get_batch_file_messages():
# Grab all the recent batch files messages here.
# Maybe cache the result and only regenerate every so often.
# Other feed functions here.
feed_mapping = { 'batch-file-output': get_batch_file_messages, }
def rss(request, *args):
items_to_display = []
for feed in args:
items_to_display += feed_mapping[feed]()
# Processing/returning the feed.
Having individual, chainable feeds means that users can subscribe to one feed at a time, or merge the ones they care about into one larger feed. Whatever's easier for them to read, they can do.
Without knowing your application, I can't offer specific advice.
That said, it's common in these sorts of systems to have a level of severity. You could have a query string parameter that you tack on to the end of the URL that specifies the severity. If set to "DEBUG" you would see every event, no matter how trivial. If you set it to "FATAL" you'd only see the events that that were "System Failure" in magnitude.
If there are still too many events, you may want to sub-divide your events in to some sort of category system. Again, I would have this as a query string parameter.
You can then have multiple RSS feeds for the various categories and severities. This should allow you to tune the level of alerts you get an acceptable level.
In this case, it's more of a manager's dashboard: how much work was put into support today, is there anything pressing in the log right now, and for when we first arrive in the morning as a measure of what went wrong with batch jobs overnight.
Okay, I decided how I'm gonna handle this. I'm using the timestamp field for each column and grouping by day. It takes a little bit of SQL-fu to make it happen since of course there's a full timestamp there and I need to be semi-intelligent about how I pick the log message to show from within the group, but it's not too bad. Further, I'm building it to let you select which application to monitor, and then showing every message (max 50) from a specific day.
That gets me down to something reasonable.
I'm still hoping for a good answer to the more generic question: "How do you syndicate many important messages, where missing a message could be a problem?"
