RobotLegs: Sending events between Models? - robotlegs

I've got two two RobotLegs models that are, by necessity, fairly tightly coupled. What's the best way to send events between them?
For example, I'd like to notify the AppleFarmerModel each time the AppleTreeModel dispatches an APPLE_READY event.

The way I would approach this would be to have the command that determines whether an apple is ready trigger another command that tells the Farmer to check the tree. This way you can get the farmer to check the tree even if they haven't heard anything which may be useful in the future.

By robotlegs specifications Models do not listen to events, they only dispatch. This is because Models should not handle application logic. It should be in the commands.
The command should make the decision to collect the apple/store it or for example dismiss it.


Is it possible to scaffold out an entire UI in Qt using the Model/View/Delegate design pattern?

I'm reading up on the latest version of Qt, and it seems the Model/View/(Delegate) pattern is what's being pushed. It should be conceivable then to completely wire up the views without writing a single model, at least for the purpose of specing out how it looks. Is this the advised approach?
Also, where are the event wirings supposed to be placed? I assume that signals are coordinated by the MainWindow code?
You will need dummy models of course, made using existing Qt model classes. Looking at empty views is somewhat unhelpful, since you can't check out the primary delegates for the underlying model. Without any data, about the only delegates you can check out are the ones used in the headers, IIRC.
There are no event "wirings" on the view side of things, except for providing programmatic means of interacting with the view. The models may need a lot of interaction, depending on what's being modeled
Conceptually, you may have just one model that represents the data in your application, but it'd be a lot of spaghetti to expose various aspects of that model to the specialized views. You may then use view-models as adapters: they'd take the big model and expose a targeted slice of it, making it easier to consume by views. That's the pattern widely used in .net WPF.

Implementing process workflow in PureMVC

I'm looking for suggestions regarding implementing process flow / work flow management in a PureMVC based application.
Our Flex application includes a number of processes such as account creation, payment processing, etc.
Within our team, there is some discussion of how rigidly we should adhere to the PureMVC model.
Within the PureMVC model, it seems reasonable that the current state in the process could be managed in a Proxy.
Commands are clearly responsible for processing the actions required of each node and for node transitions.
Mediators for managing the UI.
However, I think that there is an important bit still missing here: a ProcessController.
The approaches we've reviewed all seem to either violate the PureMVC model (even just slightly) or make unreadable code.
A proxy would maintain the state of the process. As such, it seems to be an appropriate way to implement the controller. However, this is putting a lot of business logic into the proxy.
The Mediator space makes more sense, but the controller in that space would not necessarily directly interact with any particular UI element but would instead coordinate/delegate to dedicated Mediators.
Yet another model would have us put process transition information into Commands. While this seems to be the best place for that work (given the role of commands relative to proxies and mediators), this approach looks to make some particularly heinous looking code with process transition logic distributed among scores of commands.
So how have others handled this problem?
This is exactly the problem that PureMVC StateMachine Utility (and Finite State Machines in general) are meant to solve.
In a simple XML format, you can define states, valid transitions to other states, and the actions that trigger those transitions.
It is all notification-based, so you send StateMachine.ACTION notifications that cause the StateMachine to execute any entering/exiting guard logic that may be necessary (e.g., only allow exiting the FORM_ENTRY state if all the data valid, or only allow entry into the FORM_PROCESSING state if the user has admin rights, etc.). If a state change occurs, notifications are sent that can be used to organize the view or execute logic upon entering the new state.
Here is a StateMachine Overview presentation that will give you a better idea
I think your idea of 'ProcessController' is probably the better way of doing it. Personally, I'm not a fan of PureMVC and don't use it because it doesn't allow enough flexibility or extension points to help with such problems.
Frankly, it's hard to advise on your issue because I don't know exactly what you're trying to accomplish. I do agree that the concern needs to be handled by one object. If you can, try to create a model that can store the data for the process and have another class just manage it throughout. Not sure if that makes sense, but then again, your problem isn't very clear either.
As an added extra, I would look into Dependency Injection. I'm trying to remember if PureMVC does it (I don't think it does), but with DI it would of been a fairly simple problem to solve. Frameworks like Parsley and Robotlegs are really good at that.
In pureMVC the State Machine Utility is probably the best choice for a process controller - and btw, according to the Implementation Idioms & best Practices doc. for PureMVC, it's perfectly fine to have mediators that don't manage a visible component

Injecting a specific model implementation on the fly [Robotlegs]

Is model injection on the fly possible? In other words, if I ask for a model of the type IPhotoModel, I should get one of its implementations based on the current state of the view. If I am looking at a UserPage, I should get a user-specific implementation of that model. If I am looking at a LocationPage, I should get a location-specific implementation.
Currently, the only way that I see is introducing a command that specifies the model mapping, with a concrete one based on the current view state ...
something like...
injector.mapValue(IPhotoViewModel, injector.getInstance(UserPhotoViewModel)) or
injector.mapValue(IPhotoViewModel, injector.getInstance(LocationPhotoViewModel))
is this the best way possible? I do not really want to introduce much coupling logic outside of the context, but ...
That's how I do it, and I believe that this is the recommended way. In fact, I think that many advanced RobotLegs users will break out most of the mappings into Commands for convenience, reuse, and to make it easier to read the program--even if the Command is only run once at startup. I've used it for things like swapping out mock services for real services--the Command that maps the dependencies is different, but everything else is the same.
I don't see this as "that much" coupling logic. The Command is merely setting up the program based on current Application state. There's not really that much difference between using a Command to change Injector state vs your own custom Model state.
You may even find that you can reuse your injection mapping Commands across Applications, whereas you might not be able to reuse the entire Context.

ActiveCollection Encapsulation

I have a view, which wants to consume information from a presentation model. This model contains among other things, a collection of ActiveRecord objects.
I would like to not expose the entire collection to the models consumers, but instead wish to only expose the 'data' part.
I expect that I can write a method to create a data-only copy of this complex object, but I'll be honest, I don't really want to.
Is it a terrible idea for me to just expose the entire collection object (yeah, along with all its extra methods and properties...and potential for badness)?
Or, maybe, there's a better approach to dealing with this kind of scenario? I'm sure I'm not the first guy to run into this.
I do not think exposing control calls to a view is always bad. Here is sounds like it would be a simpler solution to do so than creating the data proxies (data proxies can have errors, get out of date, and create code duplication).

Any UML-like modeling tool for QT signals and slots?

Is it any uml-like modeling tool available that can design (draw) classes and can visually represent QT signals and slots, they connections?
The signal/slog mechanism is essentially a mechanism for registering callbacks. So your question could be paraphrased as: "How do I model callbacks in UML". I'm not sure if there is a good answer since callbacks are not really an object oriented construction. Conceptually the observer pattern would be closest.
You can try Enterprise Architect as it supports UML 2.1 and allow to create user defined diagrams.
These connections are dynamic, so I'm not sure it's even possible to represent them in a static way (as in a diagram).
Also, most often, they are tightly bound in time and code (i.e. you create two objects and then connect them). From the code, it should be pretty obvious what happens and why, making any extra documentation dangerous (since the best it could do was to document the current state and it would always be in danger to be out of date unless it was generated from the source, or rather from data gathered during the runtime of the application).
