Passing a class through a signal/slot setup in Qt - qt

I'm trying to get the information of several of a class' member variables on the receiving end of a slot/signal setup, so I'd like to pass the entire class through. Unfortunately, after the class has been passed, the member variables seem to be empty. Here's some code snippets:
This sets up the signal to pass the class
void selected(const ControlIcon *controlIcon);
this is the slot/signal connection
connect(controllerList->serialController, SIGNAL(selected(const ControlIcon*)),
infoView, SLOT(serialControllerSelected(const ControlIcon*)));
I emit the signal from within the class to be passed
emit selected(this);
Here's the code to call on the class' member data
QLabel *ASCIIStringHolder = new QLabel;
Nothing shows up in the label, and when I set a breakpoint, I can see that there's nothing inside m_ASCIIString.
I looked to make sure that it was being assigned some text in the first place, and that's not the problem. I also tried the signal/slot setup with and without const.
Any help would be appreciated.

Qt signal/slot mechanism needs metainformation about your custom types, to be able to send them in emitted signals.
To achieve that, register your type with qRegisterMetaType<MyDataType>("MyDataType");
Consult official QMetaType documentation for more information about this.

First, since you are using an auto connection, do both sender and receiver live in the same thread? If not, it could happen that the call is queued and when it arrives, the data in the sender was already modified. You could try to use a direct connection just to make sure this isn't the problem.
Second, just for the fun of it, did you try to access the sender by using qobject_cast<ControlIcon*>(sender()) within the slot? This is how it is usually done if the signal doesn't pass this as an argument. Like this:
QLabel *ASCIIStringHolder = new QLabel;
// this is instead of the argument to the slot:
ControlIcon *controlIcon = qobject_cast<ControlIcon*>(sender());

The signal can't be declared to be passing a class and then actually pass the child of that class. I changed the signal, slot, and connect() to be SerialController (the child of ControllerIcon), and everything worked fine.


Can I pass "this" to a Q_Slot?

I have an application with many windows (QWidgets).
I didn't save a list of open windows, though, so everytime I want to close a window, I have to retrieve it.
Particularly, each of these windows is called here SubWindow.
Every SubWindow class contains a layout with a MultiEditor *sEditors, which has a menu with an action that closes the current window.
Every SubWindow is created within the MainWindow.
I have two plans.
1) destroying the SubWindow from within itself, by adding in the SubWindow constructor
connect(sEditors, SIGNAL(closeWindow()),
this, closeWindow()));
2) destroying the SubWindow from within the MainWindow class, by adding in the SubWindow constructor
connect(sEditors, SIGNAL(closeWindow()),
main, SLOT(closeWindow(this)));
About 1), I don't understand how I can close and destroy a QWidget from within itself (delete this; didn't seem to work, but I can try again).
About 2) my SLOT(closeWindow(this)) doesn't seem to be triggered, so I am wondering if I can pass "this" as an argument.
Ad 1) You can use QObject::deleteLater(). This will destroy the object in the next event loop cycle, and is specifically create for situations like this
Ad 2) You cannot pass actual arguments as parameters in signal-slot connections.
You can however find out who has emitted the signal by using the sender() function in the slot. In your case, that would be the sEditors object.
Other options:
3) You can use a QSignalMapper to map signals from your editors to the Subwindows.
4) (Using Qt5 / C++11) You can use a lambda connection in your Subwindows:
connect(sEditors, SIGNAL(closeWindow()), [this] () {this->closeWindow();});
Can I pass this to a Qt slot?
A slot is a non-static method, so it already has access to this. The this you refer to is the third argument to QObject::connect. In Qt 4 syntax, you're free to omit the third argument - it defaults to this. In Qt 5 syntax, you must be explicit about it, though.
I don't understand how I can close and destroy a QWidget from within itself
To delete any QObject from within itself, use QObject::deleteLater(). Recall that a QWidget is-a QObject in terms of LSP.
my SLOT(closeWindow(this)) doesn't seem to be triggered
There's no such slot (give us a link to its documentation: you can't), and your slot signature is also invalid because the only things within the parentheses in the slot signature can be types, and this is not a type: SLOT(slotName(TYPE_LIST_HERE)), e.g. SLOT(mySlot(int,QString)).
To close a widget, use its close() slot:
connect(sEditors, SIGNAL(closeWindow()), this, SLOT(close());
Yet, by using Qt 4 connect syntax, you're leaving coding mistakes to be detected at runtime - and then if you don't pay attention to the debug output at runtime, you'll miss it. It's thus much better to use the new (Qt 5) connect syntax, and let the compiler detect errors for you:
connect(sEditors, &MultiEditor::closeWindow, this, &QWidget::close);
Alas, there's no need to tightly couple the object that sends closeWindow to SubWindow - at least not within the SubWindow::SubWindow(). Instead, you can connect at the place where you create the editor.
To delete a widget when it gets closed, simply set the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose attribute on it and let Qt do it for you. No need to explicitly call deleteLater etc.
You might factor all of it into a factory method:
template <class T> T* SubWindow::makeEditor() {
auto sub = new T{this};
connect(sEditor, &MultiEditor::closeWindow, sub, &QWidget::close);
return sub;
MainWindow::MainWindow(/*...*/) : /*...*/ {

Qt Signals and Slots with Boost::smart_ptr

So what I am trying to do is use Qt signals and slots to pass around an image through a smart_ptr so that it will delete itself when everything that needs to use the data is done accessing it.
Here is the code I have:
Class A, inherits QObject:
void newImageSent(boost::shared_ptr<namespace::ImageData> &image);
Class B, inherits QObject:
public slots:
void newImageRecieved(boost::shared_ptr<namespace::ImageData> &image)
// Manipulate Image
Connection Code:
When I try to do the connection is always returns false though, so is there something I am missing?
In a queued connection the signal is queued in the event loop and its parameters are copied.
Therefore the slot is not directly executed.
To make copying possible you have to register the type via qRegisterMetaType, see also here.
Since you are using shared pointers easiest solution would be to transmit them by value, then you would not have to bother with the references as Frank Osterfeld pointed out.
The way you create the connection is string based and as result is easy to get wrong, especially when namespaces are involved.
Using typedef would ease the pain a little and make it easier to spot errors.
For example you could do
typedef boost::shared_ptr<namespace::ImageData> ImageDataPtr;
and use ImageDataPtr from then on.
Especially on registering the type as meta type which you have to do since you are using a queued connection.
If you are using Qt5 then you can rely on the new connection syntax which ensures correctness during compilation as it does not rely on string comparisons:
QObject::connect(classAPtr.get(), &A::newImageSent,
classBPtr.get(), &B::newImageRecieved,

How to call plain function from exec()?

I have 2 classes: one maintains some loop (at leas for 2-3 minutes; and is inherited from QObject) and another shows up a progress dialog (inherited from QDialog).
I want to start the loop as soon as the dialog is shown. My first solution was:
int DialogClass::exec()
QTimer::singleShot(0, LoopClassPointer, SLOT(start()));
return __super::exec();
There is a problem with throwing exceptions from slots. so I considered a possibility to make public slot start() just a public function. But now I don't know how to make it works well. Things like this:
int DialogClass::exec()
return __super::exec();
don't help. The dialog doesn't appears.
Is there a common approach to this kind of situations?
some details, according to questions:
I have to work with system with its own styles, so we have a common approach in creating any dialogs: to inherit them from stytle class, which is inherited from QDialog.
my 'LoopClassPointer' is an exported class from separate dll (there is no UI support in it).
I have a 'start' button in main app, which connected with a slot, which creates progress dialog and 'LoopClassPointer'. at the moment I send 'LoopClassPointer' instance in the dialog and don't whant to make significant changes in the architecture.
Take a look at QtDemo->Concurrent Programming->Run function
e.g. in Qt 4.8:
In this situation, I recommend you separate the logic of the loop from the dialog. Gui elements should always be kept separate.
It's great that your worker class is derived from QObject because that means you can start it running on a separate thread: -
QThread* m_pWorkerThread = new QThread;
Worker* m_pWorkerObject = new Worker; // assuming this object runs the loop mentioned
// Qt 5 connect syntax
connect(m_pWorkerThread, &QThread::started, m_pWorkerObject, &WorkerObject::start);
connect(m_pWorkerThread, &QThread::finished, m_pWorkerThread, &QThread::deleteThis);
If you're not familiar with using QThread, then start by reading this.
The only other thing you require is to periodically send signals from your worker object with progress of its work and connect that to a slot in the dialog, which updates its display of the progress.

Can I pass an argument to the slot function when using QObject::connect?

The Qt Creator tell me It's wrong . What's the problem ?
That you can't pass arguments in a connect() statement. You need a "trampoline" slot that sets the text of your label (or, in Qt 5, you might choose to use a lambda).
For instance, by using a subclass:
class MyLabel : public QLabel {
public slots:
void setTextToFoo() { setText("foo"); }
// ...
It depends what exactly you are trying to achieve, to be honest, the example code you provided is not very functional, is "dd" a particular static value you are using, or potentially some other string? Where does it come from, is it in the scope of the called, or is it sent by the caller, which is the usual practice when sending arguments to slots.
Either way, in order to make a connect statement the first requirement is for the arguments to match, clicked() has no arguments while setText() has one, so there is a mismatch. As of how to resolve that mismatch, the easiest way is to use simple wrappers, although you can use a QSignalMapper and as of Qt5, lambdas and std::bind.
For starters, you cannot specify the actual argument instance in the connect statement, even with arguments on both sides you only need to specify the types to help resolve overloads (it is terrible with the new connection syntax in Qt5), and not any actual identifiers or literals.
In case of the more usual scenario, where the data is send to the slot by the caller, the identifier or literal is specified in the emit signal(value) statement. Since you don't have clicked(const QString &) you need a wrapper slot that you connect to clicked() and emit with the value in that wrapper slot, or subclass the button and add your own overload of clicked(QString).
In case the value is in the scope of the called, then subclassing doesn't make much sense, all you need is the wrapper slot in the scope of the called object.
If you want more, you will have to use Qt 5, whose syntax is significantly more powerful.
If the question is whats wrong, just remember the parameter number must be the same for the Signal and the Slot. Asking a collegue and according the Peppe, setText(QString) wait for One parameter and the Clicked() is empty...A custom slot is to call the setText() method indirectly.
You can look that :
It uses the QWidget, an important part of Qt interfaces beside QML.

nube: stdio to QTextedit

I've read lots of similar threads to this one but im not such a great programmer that i can make sense of it all. Im using qtcreator to make life simple and want to maka a program that can trigger another process, monitor its stdout and then kill it if necessary.
What I assume i want to do is create a QTextedit in the designer and plug a signal into it that updates the contained text whenever the stream updates, so far so good, but thats where i get fuzzy. My initial thought was to create a subclass of QObject that starts the process as a QProcess and whenever the stdout updates the QObject and appends new data to the QTextedit box.
So my program structure would run like this:
on button press create new QObject derived class.
The QObject derived class constructor starts a QProcess and connects the readyReadStdout() signal to the derived qObject class slot.
When the derived QObject is triggered it takes readyReadStdout() and appends any new data to the QTetEdit box.
on button press, call the derived QObject destructor and which kills the process.
Has anybody done something similar? Like i say ive read similar posts but sometimes it takes asking a question in your own words to be able to understand it
Thanks everyone (also my forst post, woo:)
Ok so heres my update:
I have added an instance of QProcess class (named proc) to my mainWindow class and also new instance of a QObject derived class (named procLog) to which I added a slot. I want this slot to take the readyReadStandardOutput() signal as a trigger to call readAllStandardOutput() and emit the new line to a new signal in procLog, I'm having trouble connecting the QProcess slot to the QObject derived class. heres what I'm trying:
connect(proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput ()), procLog, SLOT(logReady()));
I get, error: QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::readyReadStandardOutput () to (null)::logReady()
Do you know why this is. Aslo is there a way to add code blocks to text in the comments?
