I am currently learning R. I have no previous knowledge of STATA.
I want to reanalyze a study which was done in Stata (xtpcse linear regression with panel-corrected standard errors). I could not find the model or more detailed code in Stata or any other hint how to rewrite this in R. I have the plm package for econometrics installed for R. That's as far as I got.
The first lines of the .do file from STATA are copied below (I just saw that it's pretty unreadable. Here is a link to the txt file in which I copied the .do content: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4004629/This%20was%20in%20the%20.do%20file.txt).
I have no idea of how to go about this in a better way. I tried google-ing STATA and R comparison and the like but it did not work.
All data for the study I want to replicate are here:
Group variable: c_code Number of obs = 265
Time variable: year Number of groups = 27
Panels: correlated (unbalanced) Obs per group: min = 3
Autocorrelation: common AR(1) avg = 9.814815
Sigma computed by pairwise selection max = 14
Estimated covariances = 378 R-squared = 0.8604
Estimated autocorrelations = 1 Wald chi2(11) = 8321.15
Estimated coefficients = 15 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
| Panel-corrected
food | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
lag_food | .8449038 .062589 13.50 0.000 .7222316 .967576
ciri | -.010843 .0222419 -0.49 0.626 -.0544364 .0327504
human_cap | .0398406 .0142954 2.79 0.005 .0118222 .0678591
worker_rts | -.1132705 .0917999 -1.23 0.217 -.2931951 .066654
polity_4 | .0113995 .014002 0.81 0.416 -.0160439 .0388429
market_size | .0322474 .0696538 0.46 0.643 -.1042716 .1687665
income | .0382918 .0979499 0.39 0.696 -.1536865 .2302701
econ_growth | .0145589 .0105009 1.39 0.166 -.0060224 .0351402
log_trade | -.3062828 .1039597 -2.95 0.003 -.5100401 -.1025256
fix_dollar | -.0351874 .1129316 -0.31 0.755 -.2565293 .1861545
fixed_xr | -.4941214 .2059608 -2.40 0.016 -.897797 -.0904457
xr_fluct | .0019044 .0106668 0.18 0.858 -.0190021 .0228109
lab_growth | .0396278 .0277936 1.43 0.154 -.0148466 .0941022
english | -.1594438 .1963916 -0.81 0.417 -.5443641 .2254766
_cons | .4179213 1.656229 0.25 0.801 -2.828227 3.66407
rho | .0819359
. xtpcse fab_metal lag_fab_metal ciri human_cap worker_rts polity_4 market
> income econ_growth log_trade fix_dollar fixed_xr xr_fluct lab_growth
> english, pairwise corr(ar1)
I just tried Vincent's code. I tried the pcse2 and vcovBK code, and they both worked (even though I'm not sure what to do with the correlation matrix that comes out of vcocBK).
However, I still have troubles reproducing the estimates of the regression coefficients in the paper I'm reanalyzing. I'm following their recipe as good as I can, the only step I'm missing is, I think, the part where in Stata "Autocorrelation: common AR(1)" is done. The paper I'm analyzing says: "OLS regression using panel corrected standard errors (Beck/Katz '95), control for first order correlation within each panel (corr AR1 option in Stata)."
How do I control for first order correlation within each panel in R?
Here is what I did so far on my data:
## run lm
res.lm <- lm(total_FDI ~ ciri + human_cap + worker_rts + polity_4 + lag_total + market_size + income + econ_growth + log_trade + fixed_xr + fix_dollar + xr_fluct + english + lab_growth, data=D)
## run pcse
res.pcse <- pcse2(res.lm,groupN="c_code",groupT="year",pairwise=TRUE)
As Ramnath mentioned, the pcse package will do what Stata's xtpcse does. Alternatively, you could use the vcovBK() function from the plm package. If you opt for the latter option, make sure you use the cluster='time' option, which is what the Beck & Katz (1995) article suggests and what the Stata command implements.
The pcse package works well, but there are some issues that makes a lot of intuitive user inputs unacceptable, especially if your dataset is unbalanced. You might want to try this re-write of the function that I coded a while ago. Just load the pcse package, load the pcse2 function, and use it by following the instructions in the pcse documentation. IMHO, the function pasted below is cleaner, more flexible and more robust than the one provided by the pcse folks. Simple benchmarks also suggest that my version may be 5 to 10 times faster than theirs, which may matter for big datasets.
Good luck!
pcse2 <- function(object, groupN, groupT, pairwise=TRUE){
## Extract basic model info
groupT <- tail(as.character((match.call()$groupT)), 1)
groupN <- tail(as.character((match.call()$groupN)), 1)
dat <- eval(parse(text=object$call$data))
## Sanity checks
if(!"lm" %in% class(object)){stop("Formula object must be of class 'lm'.")}
if(!groupT %in% colnames(dat)){stop(paste(groupT, 'was not found in data', object$call$data))}
if(!groupN %in% colnames(dat)){stop(paste(groupN, 'was not found in data', object$call$data))}
if(anyDuplicated(paste(dat[,groupN], dat[,groupT]))>0){stop(paste('There are duplicate groupN-groupT observations in', object$call$data))}
if(length(dat[is.na(dat[,groupT]),groupT])>0){stop('There are missing unit indices in the data.')}
if(length(dat[is.na(dat[,groupN]),groupN])>0){stop('There are missing time indices in the data.')}
## Expand model frame to include groupT, groupN, resid columns.
f <- as.formula(object$call$formula)
f.expanded <- update.formula(f, paste(". ~ .", groupN, groupT, sep=" + "))
dat.pcse <- model.frame(f.expanded, dat)
dat.pcse$e <- resid(object)
## Extract basic model info (part II)
N <- length(unique(dat.pcse[,groupN]))
T <- length(unique(dat.pcse[,groupT]))
nobs <- nrow(dat.pcse)
is.balanced <- length(resid(object)) == N * T
## If balanced dataset, calculate as in Beck & Katz (1995)
dat.pcse <- dat.pcse[order(dat.pcse[,groupN], dat.pcse[,groupT]),]
X <- model.matrix(f, dat.pcse)
E <- t(matrix(dat.pcse$e, N, T, byrow=TRUE))
Omega <- kronecker((crossprod(E) / T), Matrix(diag(1, T)) )
## If unbalanced and pairwise, calculate as in Franzese (1996)
}else if(pairwise==TRUE){
## Rectangularize
rectangle <- expand.grid(unique(dat.pcse[,groupN]), unique(dat.pcse[,groupT]))
names(rectangle) <- c(groupN, groupT)
rectangle <- merge(rectangle, dat.pcse, all.x=TRUE)
rectangle <- rectangle[order(rectangle[,groupN], rectangle[,groupT]),]
valid <- ifelse(is.na(rectangle$e),0,1)
rectangle[is.na(rectangle)] <- 0
X <- model.matrix(f, rectangle)
X[valid==0,1] <- 0
## Calculate pcse
E <- crossprod(t(matrix(rectangle$e, N, T, byrow=TRUE)))
V <- crossprod(t(matrix(valid, N, T, byrow=TRUE)))
if (length(V[V==0]) > 0){stop("Error! A CS-unit exists without any obs or without any obs in a common period with another CS-unit. You must remove that unit from the data passed to pcse().")}
Omega <- kronecker(E/V, Matrix(diag(1, T)))
## If unbalanced and casewise, caluate based on largest rectangular subset of data
## Rectangularize
rectangle <- expand.grid(unique(dat.pcse[,groupN]), unique(dat.pcse[,groupT]))
names(rectangle) <- c(groupN, groupT)
rectangle <- merge(rectangle, dat.pcse, all.x=TRUE)
rectangle <- rectangle[order(rectangle[,groupN], rectangle[,groupT]),]
valid <- ifelse(is.na(rectangle$e),0,1)
rectangle[is.na(rectangle)] <- 0
X <- model.matrix(f, rectangle)
X[valid==0,1] <- 0
## Keep only years for which we have the max number of observations
large.panels <- by(dat.pcse, dat.pcse[,groupT], nrow) # How many valid observations per year?
if(max(large.panels) < N){warning('There is no time period during which all units are observed. Consider using pairwise estimation.')}
T.balanced <- names(large.panels[large.panels==max(large.panels)]) # Which years have max(valid observations)?
T.casewise <- length(T.balanced)
dat.balanced <- dat.pcse[dat.pcse[,groupT] %in% T.balanced,] # Extract biggest rectangular subset
dat.balanced <- dat.balanced[order(dat.balanced[,groupN], dat.balanced[,groupT]),]
e <- dat.balanced$e
## Calculate pcse as in Beck & Katz (1995)
E <- t(matrix(dat.balanced$e, N, T.casewise, byrow=TRUE))
Omega <- kronecker((crossprod(E) / T.casewise), Matrix(diag(1, T)))
## Finish evaluation, clean and output
salami <- t(X) %*% Omega %*% X
bread <- solve(crossprod(X))
sandwich <- bread %*% salami %*% bread
colnames(sandwich) <- names(coef(object))
row.names(sandwich) <- names(coef(object))
pcse <- sqrt(diag(sandwich))
b <- coef(object)
tstats <- b/pcse
df <- nobs - ncol(X)
pval <- 2*pt(abs(tstats), df, lower.tail=FALSE)
res <- list(vcov=sandwich, pcse=pcse, b=b, tstats=tstats, df=df, pval=pval, pairwise=pairwise,
nobs=nobs, nmiss=(N*T)-nobs, call=match.call())
class(res) <- "pcse"
Look at the pcse package, which considers panel corrected standard errors. You certainly have to look at the documentation in STATA to figure out the assumptions made and cross check that with pcse.
I can do it for the two sample t test but not for Median test or Wilcoxon test or Hodges Lehmann test
data_2000 <- c(500,450,600,700,550,551,552)
data_2019 <- c(560,460,620,720,540,600,750)
mean(data_2019) - mean(data_2000)
combined_data <- c(data_2000, data_2019)
null_dist <- c()
for (i in 1:100000) {
shuffled_data <- sample(combined_data)
shuffled_2000 <- shuffled_data[1:7]
shuffled_2019 <- shuffled_data[8:14]
null_dist[i] <- mean(shuffled_2019) - mean(shuffled_2000)
(p_value <- (sum(null_dist >= 49.57143) + sum(null_dist <=
`enter code here`-49.57143))/length(null_dist))
I think this is what you're trying to do. I altered your code as little as possible. There are packages like infer that will do this for you and the for loop is not the most efficient but it's plenty good enough and may help you learn. As long as we're looping I did mean and median at the same time since all other parts of the code are identical. ifelse is a nice easy way to make 1s and 0s to sum.
data_2000 <- c(500,450,600,700,550,551,552)
data_2019 <- c(560,460,620,720,540,600,750)
delta_mean <- mean(data_2019) - mean(data_2000)
delta_median <- median(data_2019) - median(data_2000)
combined_data <- c(data_2000, data_2019)
trials <- 100000
mean_diff <- c()
median_diff <- c()
for (i in 1:trials) {
shuffled_data <- sample(combined_data)
shuffled_2000 <- shuffled_data[1:7]
shuffled_2019 <- shuffled_data[8:14]
mean_diff[i] <- mean(shuffled_2019) - mean(shuffled_2000)
median_diff[i] <- median(shuffled_2019) - median(shuffled_2000)
p_mean <- sum(ifelse(mean_diff > delta_mean | mean_diff < -1 * delta_mean, 1, 0)) / trials
p_median <- sum(ifelse(median_diff > delta_median | median_diff < -1 * delta_median, 1, 0)) / trials
#> [1] 0.31888
#> [1] 0.24446
Following up on your question about HL test. Quoting Wikipedia
The Hodges–Lehmann statistic also estimates the difference between two populations. For two sets of data with m and n observations, the set of two-element sets made of them is their Cartesian product, which contains m × n pairs of points (one from each set); each such pair defines one difference of values. The Hodges–Lehmann statistic is the median of the m × n differences.
You could run it on your data with the following code...
Do NOT run it 100,000 times the answer is the same everytime because you're already making all 49 possible pairings
hl_df <- expand.grid(data_2019, data_2000)
hl_df$pair_diffs <- hl_df$Var1 - hl_df$Var2
[1] 49
You can do the Wilcoxon test with wilcox.test in the stats package (loaded by default as part of R core). You need to set exact = FALSE because an exact p-value is not possible if there are ties.
wilcox.test(data_2019, data_2000, exact = FALSE)
Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
data: data_2019 and data_2000
W = 33.5, p-value = 0.2769
alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
I'll update this when I figure out how to do the other tests.
I have to calculate cosine similarity (patient similarity metric) in R between 48k patients data with some predictive variables. Here is the equation: PSM(P1,P2) = P1.P2/ ||P1|| ||P2||
where P1 and P2 are the predictor vectors corresponding to two different patients, where for example P1 index patient and P2 will be compared with index (P1) and finally pairwise patient similarity metric PSM(P1,P2) will be calculated.
This process will go on for all 48k patients.
I have added sample data-set for 300 patients in a .csv file. Please find the sample data-set here.https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhoddsPPvdj3hVTSbosv2KcPIx5a
First things first: You can find more rigorous treatments of cosine similarity at either of these posts:
Find cosine similarity between two arrays
Creating co-occurrence matrix
Now, you clearly have a mixture of data types in your input, at least
I suspect that some of the integer values are Booleans or additional categoricals. Generally, it will be up to you to transform these into continuous numerical vectors if you want to use them as input into the similarity calculation. For example, what's the distance between admission types ELECTIVE and EMERGENCY? Is it a nominal or ordinal variable? I will only be modelling the columns that I trust to be numerical dependent variables.
Also, what have you done to ensure that some of your columns don't correlate with others? Using just a little awareness of data science and biomedical terminology, it seems likely that the following are all correlated:
diasbp_max, diasbp_min, meanbp_max, meanbp_min, sysbp_max and sysbp_min
I suggest going to a print shop and ordering a poster-size printout of psm_pairs.pdf. :-) Your eyes are better at detecting meaningful (but non-linear) dependencies between variable. Including multiple measurements of the same fundamental phenomenon may over-weight that phenomenon in your similarity calculation. Don't forget that you can derive variables like
diasbp_rage <- diasbp_max - diasbp_min
Now, I'm not especially good at linear algebra, so I'm importing a cosine similarity function form the lsa text analysis package. I'd love to see you write out the formula in your question as an R function. I would write it to compare one row to another, and use two nested apply loops to get all comparisons. Hopefully we'll get the same results!
After calculating the similarity, I try to find two different patients with the most dissimilar encounters.
Since you're working with a number of rows that's relatively large, you'll want to compare various algorithmic methodologies for efficiency. In addition, you could use SparkR/some other Hadoop solution on a cluster, or the parallel package on a single computer with multiple cores and lots of RAM. I have no idea whether the solution I provided is thread-safe.
Come to think of it, the transposition alone (as I implemented it) is likely to be computationally costly for a set of 1 million patient-encounters. Overall, (If I remember my computational complexity correctly) as the number of rows in your input increases, the performance could degrade exponentially.
psm_sample <- read.csv("psm_sample.csv")
row.names(psm_sample) <-
make.names(paste0("patid.", as.character(psm_sample$subject_id)), unique = TRUE)
temp <- sapply(psm_sample, class)
temp <- cbind.data.frame(names(temp), as.character(temp))
names(temp) <- c("variable", "possible.type")
numeric.cols <- (temp$possible.type %in% c("factor", "integer") &
pattern = "_id$", x = temp$variable
))) &
grepl(pattern = "_code$", x = temp$variable)
)) &
grepl(pattern = "_type$", x = temp$variable)
))) | temp$possible.type == "numeric"
psm_numerics <- psm_sample[, numeric.cols]
row.names(psm_numerics) <- row.names(psm_sample)
psm_numerics$gender <- as.integer(psm_numerics$gender)
psm_scaled <- scale(psm_numerics)
pair.these.up <- psm_scaled
# checking for independence of variables
# if the following PDF pair plot is too big for your computer to open,
# try pair-plotting some random subset of columns
# keep.frac <- 0.5
# keep.flag <- runif(ncol(psm_scaled)) < keep.frac
# pair.these.up <- psm_scaled[, keep.flag]
# pdf device sizes are in inches
dev <-
file = "psm_pairs.pdf",
width = 50,
height = 50,
paper = "special"
#transpose the dataframe to get the
#similarity between patients
cs <- lsa::cosine(t(psm_scaled))
# this is super inefficnet, because cs contains
# two identical triangular matrices
cs.melt <- melt(cs)
cs.melt <- as.data.frame(cs.melt)
names(cs.melt) <- c("enc.A", "enc.B", "similarity")
extract.pat <- function(enc.col) {
my.patients <-
sapply(enc.col, function(one.pat) {
temp <- (strsplit(as.character(one.pat), ".", fixed = TRUE))
cs.melt$pat.A <- extract.pat(cs.melt$enc.A)
cs.melt$pat.B <- extract.pat(cs.melt$enc.B)
same.pat <- cs.melt[cs.melt$pat.A == cs.melt$pat.B ,]
different.pat <- cs.melt[cs.melt$pat.A != cs.melt$pat.B ,]
most.dissimilar <-
dissimilar.pat.frame <- rbind(psm_numerics[rownames(psm_numerics) ==
as.character(most.dissimilar$enc.A) ,],
psm_numerics[rownames(psm_numerics) ==
as.character(most.dissimilar$enc.B) ,])
which gives
patid.68.49 patid.9
gender 1.00000 2.00000
age 41.85000 41.79000
sysbp_min 72.00000 106.00000
sysbp_max 95.00000 217.00000
diasbp_min 42.00000 53.00000
diasbp_max 61.00000 107.00000
meanbp_min 52.00000 67.00000
meanbp_max 72.00000 132.00000
resprate_min 20.00000 14.00000
resprate_max 35.00000 19.00000
tempc_min 36.00000 35.50000
tempc_max 37.55555 37.88889
spo2_min 90.00000 95.00000
spo2_max 100.00000 100.00000
bicarbonate_min 22.00000 26.00000
bicarbonate_max 22.00000 30.00000
creatinine_min 2.50000 1.20000
creatinine_max 2.50000 1.40000
glucose_min 82.00000 129.00000
glucose_max 82.00000 178.00000
hematocrit_min 28.10000 37.40000
hematocrit_max 28.10000 45.20000
potassium_min 5.50000 2.80000
potassium_max 5.50000 3.00000
sodium_min 138.00000 136.00000
sodium_max 138.00000 140.00000
bun_min 28.00000 16.00000
bun_max 28.00000 17.00000
wbc_min 2.50000 7.50000
wbc_max 2.50000 13.70000
mingcs 15.00000 15.00000
gcsmotor 6.00000 5.00000
gcsverbal 5.00000 0.00000
gcseyes 4.00000 1.00000
endotrachflag 0.00000 1.00000
urineoutput 1674.00000 887.00000
vasopressor 0.00000 0.00000
vent 0.00000 1.00000
los_hospital 19.09310 4.88130
los_icu 3.53680 5.32310
sofa 3.00000 5.00000
saps 17.00000 18.00000
posthospmort30day 1.00000 0.00000
Usually I wouldn't add a second answer, but that might be the best solution here. Don't worry about voting on it.
Here's the same algorithm as in my first answer, applied to the iris data set. Each row contains four spatial measurements of the flowers form three different varieties of iris plants.
Below that you will find the iris analysis, written out as nested loops so you can see the equivalence. But that's not recommended for production with large data sets.
Please familiarize yourself with starting data and all of the intermediate dataframes:
The input iris data
psm_scaled (the spatial measurements, scaled to mean=0, SD=1)
cs (the matrix of pairwise similarities)
cs.melt (the pairwise similarities in long format)
At the end I have aggregated the mean similarities for all comparisons between one variety and another. You will see that comparisons between individuals of the same variety have mean similarities approaching 1, and comparisons between individuals of the same variety have mean similarities approaching negative 1.
temp <- iris[, 1:4]
iris.names <- paste0(iris$Species, '.', rownames(iris))
psm_scaled <- scale(temp)
rownames(psm_scaled) <- iris.names
cs <- lsa::cosine(t(psm_scaled))
# this is super inefficient, because cs contains
# two identical triangular matrices
cs.melt <- melt(cs)
cs.melt <- as.data.frame(cs.melt)
names(cs.melt) <- c("enc.A", "enc.B", "similarity")
names(cs.melt) <- c("flower.A", "flower.B", "similarity")
class.A <-
strsplit(as.character(cs.melt$flower.A), '.', fixed = TRUE)
cs.melt$class.A <- sapply(class.A, function(one.split) {
class.B <-
strsplit(as.character(cs.melt$flower.B), '.', fixed = TRUE)
cs.melt$class.B <- sapply(class.B, function(one.split) {
cs.melt$comparison <-
paste0(cs.melt$class.A , '_vs_', cs.melt$class.B)
cs.agg <-
aggregate(cs.melt$similarity, by = list(cs.melt$comparison), mean)
which gives
# Group.1 x
# 3 setosa_vs_virginica -0.7945321
# 7 virginica_vs_setosa -0.7945321
# 2 setosa_vs_versicolor -0.4868352
# 4 versicolor_vs_setosa -0.4868352
# 6 versicolor_vs_virginica 0.3774612
# 8 virginica_vs_versicolor 0.3774612
# 5 versicolor_vs_versicolor 0.4134413
# 9 virginica_vs_virginica 0.7622797
# 1 setosa_vs_setosa 0.8698189
If you’re still not comfortable with performing lsa::cosine() on a scaled, numerical dataframe, we can certainly do explicit pairwise calculations.
The formula you gave for PSM, or cosine similarity of patients, is expressed in two formats at Wikipedia
Remembering that vectors A and B represent the ordered list of attributes for PatientA and PatientB, the PSM is the dot product of A and B, divided by (the scalar product of [the magnitude of A] and [the magnitude of B])
The terse way of saying that in R is
cosine.sim <- function(A, B) { A %*% B / sqrt(A %*% A * B %*% B) }
But we can rewrite that to look more similar to your post as
cosine.sim <- function(A, B) { A %*% B / (sqrt(A %*% A) * sqrt(B %*% B)) }
I guess you could even re-write that (the calculations of similarity between a single pair of individuals) as a bunch of nested loops, but in the case of a manageable amount of data, please don’t. R is highly optimized for operations on vectors and matrices. If you’re new to R, don’t second guess it. By the way, what happened to your millions of rows? This will certainly be less stressful now that your down to tens of thousands.
Anyway, let’s say that each individual only has two elements.
individual.1 <- c(1, 0)
individual.2 <- c(1, 1)
So you can think of individual.1 as a line that passes between the origin (0,0) and (0, 1) and individual.2 as a line that passes between the origin and (1, 1).
some.data <- rbind.data.frame(individual.1, individual.2)
names(some.data) <- c('element.i', 'element.j')
rownames(some.data) <- c('individual.1', 'individual.2')
plot(some.data, xlim = c(-0.5, 2), ylim = c(-0.5, 2))
xlim = c(-0.5, 2),
ylim = c(-0.5, 2),
adj = c(0, 0)
segments(0, 0, x1 = some.data[1, 1], y1 = some.data[1, 2])
segments(0, 0, x1 = some.data[2, 1], y1 = some.data[2, 2])
So what’s the angle between vector individual.1 and vector individual.2? You guessed it, 0.785 radians, or 45 degrees.
cosine.sim <- function(A, B) { A %*% B / (sqrt(A %*% A) * sqrt(B %*% B)) }
cos.sim.result <- cosine.sim(individual.1, individual.2)
angle.radians <- acos(cos.sim.result)
angle.degrees <- angle.radians * 180 / pi
# [,1]
# [1,] 45
Now we can use the cosine.sim function I previously defined, in two nested loops, to explicitly calculate the pairwise similarities between each of the iris flowers. Remember, psm_scaled has already been defined as the scaled numerical values from the iris dataset.
cs.melt <- lapply(rownames(psm_scaled), function(name.A) {
inner.loop.result <-
lapply(rownames(psm_scaled), function(name.B) {
individual.A <- psm_scaled[rownames(psm_scaled) == name.A, ]
individual.B <- psm_scaled[rownames(psm_scaled) == name.B, ]
similarity <- cosine.sim(individual.A, individual.B)
return(list(name.A, name.B, similarity))
inner.loop.result <-
do.call(rbind.data.frame, inner.loop.result)
names(inner.loop.result) <-
c('flower.A', 'flower.B', 'similarity')
cs.melt <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, cs.melt)
Now we repeat the calculation of cs.melt$class.A, cs.melt$class.B, and cs.melt$comparison as above, and calculate cs.agg.from.loops as the mean similarity between the various types of comparisons:
cs.agg.from.loops <-
aggregate(cs.agg.from.loops$similarity, by = list(cs.agg.from.loops $comparison), mean)
# Group.1 x
# 3 setosa_vs_virginica -0.7945321
# 7 virginica_vs_setosa -0.7945321
# 2 setosa_vs_versicolor -0.4868352
# 4 versicolor_vs_setosa -0.4868352
# 6 versicolor_vs_virginica 0.3774612
# 8 virginica_vs_versicolor 0.3774612
# 5 versicolor_vs_versicolor 0.4134413
# 9 virginica_vs_virginica 0.7622797
# 1 setosa_vs_setosa 0.8698189
Which, I believe is identical to the result we got with lsa::cosine.
So what I'm trying to say is... why wouldn't you use lsa::cosine?
Maybe you should be more concerned with
selection of variables, including removal of highly correlated variables
scaling/normalizing/standardizing the data
performance with a large input data set
identifying known similars and dissimilars for quality control
as previously addressed
I'm going through the code in Chapter 2 of Luis Torgo's Data Mining with R textbook, also found here:
I would like to understand exactly what the scores are in the bestScores function output. I think that they are the NMSE (normalized mean squared error), but I was under the impression that normalization means that these scores are between 0 and 1. Ostensibly, the lower the score the better, but I would like to make sure. Please note that the experimentalComparison function takes about 1-2 minutes to run.
if (require(rpart)==F) install.packages("rpart"); require(rpart)
if (require(DMwR)==F) install.packages("DMwR"); require(DMwR)
algae <- algae[-manyNAs(algae), ]
clean.algae <- knnImputation(algae, k = 10)
lm.a1 <- lm(a1 ~ .,data=clean.algae[,1:12])
rt.a1 <- rpart(a1 ~ .,data=algae[,1:12])
final.lm <- step(lm.a1)
lm.predictions.a1 <- predict(final.lm,clean.algae)
rt.predictions.a1 <- predict(rt.a1,algae)
cv.rpart <- function(form,train,test,...) {
m <- rpartXse(form,train,...)
p <- predict(m,test)
mse <- mean((p-resp(form,test))^2)
cv.lm <- function(form,train,test,...) {
m <- lm(form,train,...)
p <- predict(m,test)
p <- ifelse(p < 0,0,p)
mse <- mean((p-resp(form,test))^2)
res <- experimentalComparison(
c(dataset(a1 ~ .,clean.algae[,1:12],'a1')),
# 3 tree models each with a different
# complexity
# 3 times 10-fold cross-validation
# 1234 is seed
DSs <- sapply(names(clean.algae)[12:18],
function(x,names.attrs) {
f <- as.formula(paste(x,"~ ."))
# dataset is a class of objects that represent all necessary
# information on a predictive task
# dataset(formula, data, name)
res.all <- experimentalComparison(
Here is the output:
> bestScores(res.all)
system score
nmse cv.rpart.v1 0.64231
system score
nmse cv.rpart.v3 1
system score
nmse cv.rpart.v2 1
system score
nmse cv.rpart.v2 1
system score
nmse cv.lm.v1 0.9316803
system score
nmse cv.lm.v1 0.9359697
system score
nmse cv.rpart.v3 1.029505
Based on this website, NMSE can be greater than 1. The smaller the number the better the model performs in space and time.
I've been wrecking my head for the past four hours trying to find the solution to an R problem, which is driving me nuts. I've searching everywhere for a decent answer but so far I've been hitting wall after wall. I am now appealing to your good will of this fine community for help.
Consider the following dataset:
DataSample <- matrix(rnorm(24000),nrow=1000)
colnames(DataSample) <- c(paste("Trial",1:12,sep=""),paste("Control",13:24,sep=""))
I need to perform a t-test for every row in DataSample in order to find out if groups TRIAL and CONTROL differ (equal variance applies).
Then I need to count the number of rows with a p-value equal to, or lower than 0.05.
So here is the code I tried, which I know is wrong:
DataSample <- matrix(rnorm(24000),nrow=1000)
colnames(DataSample) <- c(paste("Trial",1:12,sep=""),paste("Control",13:24,sep=""))
pValResults <- apply(
DataSample[,1:12],1,function(x) t.test(x,DataSample[,13:24], var.equal=T)$p.value
sum(pValResults < 0.05) # Returns the wrong answer (so I was told)
I did try looking at many similar questions around stackoverflow, but I would often end-up with syntax errors or a dimensional mismatch. The code above is the best I could get without returning me an R error -- but I since the code is returning the wrong answer I have nothing to feel proud of.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your time.
One option is to loop over the data set calculating the t test for each row, but it is not as elegant.
DataSample <- matrix(rnorm(24000),nrow=1000)
colnames(DataSample) <- c(paste("Trial",1:12,sep=""),paste("Control",13:24,sep=""))
# initialize vector of stored p-values
pvalue <- rep(0,nrow(DataSample))
for (i in 1:nrow(DataSample)){
pvalue[i] <- t.test(DataSample[i,1:12],DataSample[i,13:24])$p.value
# finding number that are significant
sum(pvalue < 0.05)
I converted to a data.table, and the answer I got was 45:
DataSample.dt <- as.data.table(DataSample)
sum(sapply(seq_len(nrow(DataSample.dt)), function(x)
t.test(DataSample.dt[x, paste0('Trial', 1:12), with=F],
DataSample.dt[x, paste0('Control', 13:24), with=F],
var.equal=T)$p.value) < 0.05)
To do a paired T test, you need to supply the paired = TRUE parameter. The t.test function isn't vectorised, but it's quite simple to do t tests a whole matrix at a time. Here's three methods (including using apply):
dd <- DataSample[, 1:12] - DataSample[, 13:24]
manual = {ps1 <- 2 * pt(-abs(rowMeans(dd) / sqrt(rowVars(dd) / ncol(dd))), ncol(dd) - 1)},
apply = {ps2 <- apply(DataSample, 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:12], x[13:24], paired=TRUE)$p.value)},
rowttests = {ps3 <- rowttests(dd)[, "p.value"]})
#Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max
# manual 1.611808 1.641783 1.677010 1.663122 1.709401 1.852347
# apply 390.869635 398.720930 404.391487 401.508382 405.715668 634.932675
# rowttests 2.368823 2.417837 2.639671 2.574320 2.757870 7.207135
# neval
# 100
# 100
# 100
You can see the manual method is over 200x faster than apply.
If you actually meant an unpaired test, here's the equivalent comparison:
manual = {x <- DataSample[, 1:12]; y <- DataSample[, 13:24]; ps1 <- 2 * pt(-abs((rowMeans(x) - rowMeans(y)) / sqrt((rowVars(x) + rowVars(y)) / ncol(x))), ncol(DataSample) - 2)},
apply = { ps2 <- apply(DataSample, 1, function(x) t.test(x[1:12], x[13:24], var.equal = TRUE)$p.value)},
rowttests = {ps3 <- rowttests(DataSample, factor(rep(1:2, each = 12)))[, "p.value"]})
Note the manual method assumes that the two groups are the same sizes.
Adding an alternative using an external library.
Performing the test:
res <- row_t_equalvar(DataSample[,1:12], DataSample[,13:24])
Format of the result:
obs.x obs.y obs.tot mean.x mean.y mean.diff var.x var.y var.pooled stderr df statistic pvalue conf.low conf.high alternative mean.null conf.level
1 12 12 24 0.30569721 0.160622830 0.145074376 0.5034806 1.0769678 0.7902242 0.3629105 22 0.399752487 0.69319351 -0.6075559 0.89770469 two.sided 0 0.95
2 12 12 24 -0.27463354 -0.206396781 -0.068236762 0.8133311 0.2807800 0.5470556 0.3019535 22 -0.225984324 0.82329990 -0.6944500 0.55797651 two.sided 0 0.95
3 12 12 24 -0.19805092 -0.023207888 -0.174843032 0.4278359 0.5604078 0.4941219 0.2869733 22 -0.609265949 0.54858909 -0.7699891 0.42030307 two.sided 0 0.95
Number of rows with p <= 0.05:
> sum(res$pvalue <= 0.05)
[1] 4
If I think I understand something I like to verify, so in this case I was trying to verify the calculation of the Partial Autocorrelation. pacf().
what I end up with is something a little different. My understanding is that the pacf would be the coefficient of the regression of the last/furthest lag given all of the previous lags. So to set up some code, I'm using Canadian employment data and the book Elements of Forecasting by F. Diebold (1998) Chapter6
#Obtain Canadian Employment dataset
caemp <- c(83.090255, 82.7996338824, 84.6344380294, 85.3774583529, 86.197605, 86.5788438824, 88.0497240294, 87.9249263529, 88.465131, 88.3984638824, 89.4494320294, 90.5563753529, 92.272335, 92.1496788824, 93.9564890294, 94.8114863529, 96.583434, 96.9646728824, 98.9954360294, 101.138164353, 102.882122, 103.095394882, 104.006386029, 104.777404353, 104.701732, 102.563504882, 103.558486029, 102.985774353, 102.098281, 101.471734882, 102.550696029, 104.021564353, 105.093652, 105.194954882, 104.594266029, 105.813184353, 105.149642, 102.899434882, 102.354736029, 102.033974353, 102.014299, 101.835654882, 102.018806029, 102.733834353, 103.134062, 103.263354882, 103.866416029, 105.393274353, 107.081242, 108.414274882, 109.297286029, 111.495994353, 112.680072, 113.061304882, 112.376636029, 111.244054353, 107.305192, 106.678644882, 104.678246029, 105.729204353, 107.837082, 108.022364882, 107.281706029, 107.016934353, 106.045452, 106.370704882, 106.049966029, 105.841184353, 106.045452, 106.650644882, 107.393676029, 108.668584353, 109.628702, 110.261894882, 110.920946029, 110.740154353, 110.048622, 108.190324882, 107.057746029, 108.024724353, 109.712692, 111.409654882, 108.765396029, 106.289084353, 103.917902, 100.799874882, 97.3997700294, 93.2438143529, 94.123068, 96.1970798824, 97.2754290294, 96.4561423529, 92.674237, 92.8536228824, 93.4304540294, 93.2055593529, 93.955896, 94.7296738824, 95.5665510294, 95.5459793529, 97.09503, 97.7573598824, 96.1609430294, 96.5861653529, 103.874812, 105.094384882, 106.804276029, 107.786744353, 106.596022, 107.310354882, 106.897156029, 107.210924353, 107.134682, 108.829774882, 107.926196029, 106.298904353, 103.365872, 102.029554882, 99.3000760294, 95.3045073529, 90.50099, 88.0984848824, 86.5150710294, 85.1143943529, 89.033584, 88.8229008824, 88.2666710294, 87.7260053529, 88.102896, 87.6546968824, 88.4004090294, 88.3618013529, 89.031151, 91.0202948824, 91.6732820294, 92.0149173529)
# create time series with the canadian employment dataset
caemp.ts<-ts(caemp, start=c(1961, 1), end=c(1994, 4), frequency=4)
caemp.ts2<-window(caemp.ts,start=c(1961,5), end=c(1993,4))
# set up max lag the book says use sqrt(T) but in this case i'm using 3 for the example
lag.max <- 3
# R Code using pacf()
pacf(caemp.ts2, lag.max=3, plot=F)
# initialize vector to capture the partial autocorrelations
pauto.corr <- rep(0, lag.max)
# Set up lagged data frame
pa.mat <- as.data.frame(caemp.ts2)
for(i in 1:lag.max){
a <- c(rep(NA, i), pa.mat[1:(length(caemp.ts2) - i),1])
pa.mat <- cbind(pa.mat, a)
names(pa.mat) <- c("0":lag.max)
# Set up my base linear model
base.lm <- lm(pa.mat[, 1] ~ 1)
### I could not get the for loop to work successfully here
i <- 1
base.lm <- update(base.lm, .~. + pa.mat[,2])
base.lm <-update(base.lm, .~. + pa.mat[,3])
base.lm <-update(base.lm, .~. + pa.mat[,4])
# Compare results...
pacf(caemp.ts2, lag.max=3, plot=F)
For the output
> round(pauto.corr,3)
[1] 0.971 -0.479 -0.072
> pacf(caemp.ts2, lag.max=3, plot=F)
Partial autocorrelations of series ‘caemp.ts2’, by lag
0.25 0.50 0.75
0.949 -0.244 -0.100
Maybe it is because my example is quarterly and not monthly data, or I could just be wrong?