Date and DateTime problem -

I am developing an application using ASP.NET (C#) and SQLServer 2008. In my database i have a field DepositDate and datatype is "DATE". On my data entry form i am taking dates using jquery datepicker and its returning date in textbox as dd/mm/yyyy format as per user requirement whereas i noticed in database its keeping date values as yyyy-mm-dd..i am confused.
While saving record i am getting not a valid date time as the only available conversion format is Convert.ToDateTime and my data requirement is DATE only.
Can anyone suggest solution how to deal with it.?
here is the code
DateTime thedate = DateTime.Parse(txt_IDate.Text);
DateTime mdate = DateTime.Parse(txt_Mdate.Text);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "#SIssueDate", System.Data.DbType.Date);
db.SetParameterValue(cmd, "#SIssueDate", thedate.ToShortDateString());
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "#SMaturityDate", System.Data.DbType.DateTime);
db.SetParameterValue(cmd, "#SMaturityDate", mdate.ToShortDateString());

Why are you setting the parameter values to strings in the first place? Just use the DateTime values themselves:
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "#SIssueDate", DbType.Date);
db.SetParameterValue(cmd, "#SIssueDate", thedate);
db.AddInParameter(cmd, "#SMaturityDate", DbType.DateTime);
db.SetParameterValue(cmd, "#SMaturityDate", mdate);
I doubt that your database is storing the values in any particular string format... they're not strings, they're dates. It's like asking whether a database stores an integer in a hex or decimal format... it just stores the number.
Basically, you need to parse the user's input data in the appropriate format coming in (which presumably you're already doing) and then format it again when you fetch it. Aside from the presentation layer, you should only ever think of it as a date value, without any associated format.
It may be helpful to imagine two users from different countries, who each view a list of dates. The would each want to see those dates in a format appropriate for their culture - so they may see different representations, but they'd be seeing the same actual dates.

If that suits You, You can do it like thedate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") and You will get only 2011-01-20


DateTime Type Gets Converted into bigint in SQLite

I Am new to SQLite.I am trying to create table from my model class in which I have DATETIME field.when sqlite table creatd from This Class The DATETIME column creted of type bigint.I know the reason because SQLite doesn't support DATETIME
So what should I do to create Column Of type TEXT in SQLITE without Chnging DATETIME type in my model Class. I found some post regarding to this but don't get satisfactory solution.please help.Thanks
You can configure how DateTimes are stored in your connection string. Change the attribute DateTimeFormat to either "ISO8601" or "CurrentCulture".
But: I would not recommend to do that. If you ever want to sort by a datetime or you want to filter rows (give me all entries from the last 2 weeks) then the bigint approach is the most efficient one. While ISO8601 datetime strings are sortable, that is most likely not the case with localised CurrentCulture strings. So if you really want human-readable strings in your database then choose the ISO version.

How to know which in *format* is a date returned, in ASP.NET

The following code, d has the current date. Depending on the current locale, it will return a date.
Dim d As Date = Date.Today
Note: I don't want to check whether the date is valid or not, but rather to know, whether it is in a 'dd-MM-yyyy', 'MM-dd-yyyy' or any other date format..
EDIT (29/06/2012 - Friday):
The reason I am asking this question is because I am sick of trying to deal with dates in ASP.NET. I build a project on my local PC, where dates are "dd/MM/yyyy" and as soon as I upload it to the production server (usually in US, hence MM/dd/yyyy) the code breaks.
So I usually deal with dates by converting them into yyyyMMdd format and also keep them in the database like that. That is the closest I get to an exception-free coding.
In this case, it makes sense that there is no way to get the format from a returned date string. Therefore, I will carry on with my approach.
Date.Today is a DateTime, not a string. Thus, it does not have an inherent format.
It will return a Date, which I believe is a VB alias for DateTime. (If it's not, just use DateTime explicitly to be idiomatically .NET rather than using the legacy VB types.)
A DateTime value itself doesn't have a format, any more than an int is in decimal or hex. It's only when you convert the value to a string that a format is applied, and then it depends on how you convert it to a string. You shouldn't use a string conversion until you really need to, and then you should control the format so that it works the way you want it to.
As far as possible, convert text data into its "natural" type as early as possible, and keep it in that type for as long as possible. For example, avoid converting to strings when passing values in SQL queries - instead, use parameterized SQL where you can specify the parameter value as a DateTime.
What you want to know is found in:
This is the format string that will be used when you call
You need to be TOLD; there's no other way. Take for example:
It's valid in dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy format
Which one do you pick if you don't know the locale/format beforehand?
Date values don't have an intrinsic format. In other words, you can format the date to any string representation you need but the opposite conversion from a string back to a Date value requires that you know in which format you are receiving this date string.

How to insert or update data in datetime datafield in mssql2005

I have a textbox which displays the date as 01-May-2011 but the database coumis in format of datetime ... how to enter date in date time column of database. ..
how to wite the sqlquery for this ?
You can convert that format to a DateTime like this
string dateString = "01-May-2011";
string format = "dd-MMM-yyyy";
var result = DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if you're using LINQ to SQL or even ADO with a parameter of type DateTime, the conversion to a format that SQL understands will be done automatically for you.
If you're building the SQL by concatenating a string manually (not recommended!) you should try to reconvert to a string in the format 'yyyyMMdddd' (corrected as per AdaTheDev's comment, notice the single quotes). Other formats may or may not be recognized by sql depending on the language settings on both your client and your SQL Server
SQL Server is pretty good about taking in datetime values. If you pass the date as a parameter you can put quotes around it ('01-May-2011') and ignore the time. The database will automatically fill in a default time so that you don't have to worry about it.
Pass field value as nvarchar to database and use following to cast it to datetime.
Declare #dt nvarchar(20)
SET #dt = '01-May-2011'
select cast(#dt as datetime)
One thing to be aware of is that dates w/o time will be interpreted as May 1 2011 12AM. IE, without a time specified, SQL Server will always set the time to midnight. So if you have just the date as a field and you want records from May 1, you can't do
WHERE datefield = '5/1/2011'
This will find records where the datefield is May 1st Midnight. You have to do
WHERE datefield >= '5/1/2011' and datefield < '5/2/2011'
This doesn't really pertain to your question, but I've seen it trip up a LOT of people. Myself included.
Just convert it to dateTime
DateTime _ConvertedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text);
this converts into datetime

date format and regional settings

I'm using MS SQL 2000, VS2008, MVC and C#.
I'm trying to insert and update some data using stored procedures.
Some columns are of type datetime.
Regional settings on both server and client are set to Dutch (Belgium)
This means the default date format is dd/mm/yyyy.
When i try to insert or update with a date of eg. 28/03/2009, I get following errors:
Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime
The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value
When I try with a date like 01/03/2009, I get no errors but the date is saved as 03/01/2009, which is the US date format.
This is typical behaviour for problems with regional settings. But both are set to Dutch (Belgium).
Why does it save dates in the US format?
What am i missing here?
You should be inserting data into the database using a DateTime object, not a string. Your client-side code should convert the client's date entry to a DateTime object using the client's regional settings, then the DateTime struct should be added to the parameter that is ultimately sent into the database.
The SQL Instance has it's own locale setting, by default "us_english"
Now, this usually happens if you pushing using varchar rather than native datetime to store data values. If your code/tables use datetime columns and you define parameters as datetime then you won't get errors.
i had this problem too, its something to do with the date format for you SQL server,
i solved it by formatting the date string to be inserted like so
DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm")
hope that helps
All above suggestions are correct but I find if you are adding a datetime as a string/varchar the safest way is in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
So eg.
Update MyTable
Set MyDate = '2010-03-01'

SQL Server 2005 vs. datetime format confusion

I've found a similar question on stack overflow, but it didn't really answer the question I have. I need to make sure that my application is formatting the date dd/mm/yyyy the same as my SQL Server 2005.
How do I verify the date culture (if that's what it's called) of the server matches how I've programmed my app? Are there specific database settings and OS settings? Is it table-specific? I don't want to transpose my days and months.
thank you
When you get a DateTime out of the database, it should be in a non-cultured format (like the DateTime object, based on the number of ticks since a certain date). It is only when you are converting that value into a string that you need to be concerned with culture. In those cases, you can use yourDateTimeValue.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) to make sure that the information displays correctly.
I belive that if you use SqlParameters ADO.NET will take care of the rest and you don't have to worry about it. Besides, it's good for defending against SQL Injection attacks too! :)
** Watch out because SQL DateTime columns are non-nullable and their minimum value is 1/1/1753 while .net DateTimes are non-nullable with min values of 1/1/0001. **
If you're pulling data from a real DateTime column, by default it will always be in the same standard format. For saving the data to the column, you might want to specify the SqlDbType.DateTime in your parameter.
i ripped this off of :
com.Parameters.Add("#adate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = DateTime.Now;
Well, if you keep datetime fields in the DB you shouldn't worry about it.
As long as you keep the dates in app strongly typed (DateTime variables) and send the dates through prepared statements with DBParameter/SqlParameter your DB will take them as is.
If you use strings to hold your dates in code, some casts will ensure you send the right values:
string sqlCmd = #"SELECT *
FROM MyTable
WHERE MyDateField = CONVERT(datetime, '{0}', 101)";
// assuming myDateString is a string with a date in the local format
sqlCmd = string.Format(sqlCmd,
(the code is ugly, but hopefully it gets the point across)
As others have mentioned, you should be OK as far as storing datetimes culturally. What I would recommend is that you store all of your times as standard UTC time. In SQL Server 2005 and older there is no way to store time zone information, but if everything is stored in universal time, you should be OK because the time can be converted to the local time later on.
SQL Server 2008 does have some datatypes that are aware of time zones, and if you're using .NET 3.5 there are tools to assist with time zone handling/conversions.
Definitely keep times in universal format. This will make a world of a difference if you have to work in multiple time zones.
