How do I add new site/server_name in nginx? - nginx

I'm just starting to explore nginx on my ubuntu 10.04. I installed nginx and I'm able to get the "Welcome to Nginx" page on localhost. However I'm not able to add a new server_name.
Even when I make the changes in site-available/default. I also tried reloading/restarting nginx, but nothing works.

To build on mark's answer, Debian/Ubuntu distros default configuration file has an include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; directive with site configuration file stored in /etc/nginx/sites-available/, a default site is usually included in that dir.
For examples beyond the default config, follow nginx beginner's guide or see for more details.
After creating a new configuration in sites-available, create a symbolic link with this command, assuming that your conf file is named "myapp" and nginx is at /etc/nginx (could also be at /usr/local/etc/nginx):
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/myapp /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/myapp
By the way, you could always create your conf file directly in sites-enabled but the recommended way above allows you to "enable and disable" sites on the server very quickly without actually moving/deleting your conf files.
P.S: Don't trust the tutorials: check your configuration!
P.P.S: You can use the command nginx -t to test your sites conf and nginx -s reload to reload the conf.

The usual way to add another site in Nginx in Ubuntu is to copy the sites-available/default file to sites-available/new-site-name, then create a symbolic link in sites-enabled to sites-available/new-site-name.
In the new configuration file, you need to edit the listen and server directives. Use listen to specify the IP address and port, and the server directive to specify the hostnames. For more details, see HttpCoremodule.


How to do reverse DNS lookup in Nginx

I have Nginx configuration where I want to allow a DNS name as I cant be certain on IP address.
satisfy any;
allow; // want to achieve this
With Nginx we cant achieve this.
Looked at this as a solution.
This module says it does reverse lookup but it didnt work and repo is very old and well maintained.
Another alternative is to use a shell script and do a dig or host on IP address but we dont want to use shell script with Nginx.
Alternate solution is to use a side car to do the DNS resolution and to add allow/deny rules.
If this still works you'll need to compile it for the same version of nginx that is installed. If you're using nginx from a repo then dynamically compile it and see if the following helps:
Download nginx src matching installed version and extract it.
$ cd nginx-1.x.x
$ ./configure --with-compat --add-dynamic-module=/path/to/nginx_module
$ make modules
make modules should result in a nginx module that you need to copy to /usr/lib/nginx/modules/ and load it with load_module modules/ in your nginx.conf.

NGINX Remote Editing of Configurations

I'm currently running a number of servers, each running NGINX used as reverse proxies to other websites. However, if I need to change a backend IP address or change other variables within NGINX, I need to manually SSH into the server and change the configurations OR log onto NGINX Proxy Manager.
What I'm looking to do is create a central website that will enable me to edit NGINX variables such as 'proxy_pass' and send the updated value to the selected remote server, updating the NGINX config and reloading the service.
Is there any current way to do this and how could I implement that? What comes to mind is some kind of CURL request to the remote server, and then I'm not sure how I'd automatically rewrite the correct portion of NGINX config etc.
Any help would be appreciated!
If you have root access on those servers, all you need is a service or a script that will fill the new values. The simplest way I see fit is to do it with a bash script and a template for the config file.
Template config file: /home/user/nginx_config/nginx.config.sample:
-- your generic config settings
location /your/location {
proxy_pass {{proxy_pass}};
-- rest of standard file
The bash script for filling the template: /home/user/nginx_config/
if [[ -z $1 ]]
then echo "Missing IP param"; exit;
cp "$config_path" "${config_path}.bak"
sed "s/{{proxy_pass}}/$new_ip/g" "$template_path" > "$config_path"
echo "Done! Updated $config_path file to $1:"
cat "$config_path"
Then, all you need to do is to make a local script to connect using ssh and run the generator script (with as your new IP address)
sshpass -p password ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oCheckHostIP=no user#your_server "bash /home/user/nginx_config/"

Trying to set file upload limit in mup/nginx-proxy

I am running into a file upload error with files > 10M. I have followed the advice here: which says how to set it in the nginx proxy by setting the clientUploadLimit: '50M'
I pushed the changes using mup proxy reconfig-shared, and it told me it had restarted the proxy. It didn't work, I still get the 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error.
I checked inside the nginx-proxy docker instance, and the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/my_proxy.conf has the correct entry client_max_body_size 50M. I restarted the EC2 box to make sure, but it's still not working.
This article suggests that the setting needs to go inside a http block, like this:
By default, Nginx has a limit of 1MB on file uploads. To set file upload size, you can use the client_max_body_size directive, which is part of Nginx’s ngx_http_core_module module. This directive can be set in the http, server or location context.
http {
client_max_body_size 100M;
I can't see how to achieve this, as the .conf file is read only and somehow locked.
Any ideas on how to proceed?
I suppose I could try a custom nginx.conf file, but I'm not sure what should go in there, and in fact whether it will even improve the situation.
Any help is appreciated :)
I'm happy to report that I solved it... I will explain how.
I was setting the limit in the nginx reverse proxy in the mup.js file
proxy: {
domains: ',',
shared: { clientUploadLimit: '50M' }
But it turns out that there is an option to set it for each independent server like this:
proxy: {
domains: ',',
clientUploadLimit: '50M'
The limit was being set to 10M by default. I found it by shelling into the nginx-proxy docker image and doing a search with the command grep -R client_max_body_size /etc/nginx and it showed me all the places where it was set (for each vhost)
So I changed the mup.js file for my server, did a mup stop, and a mup setup (to re-do the settings) and then a mup deploy
Now this is speculation but have you tried going to the docker container's root shell changed the permissions to give write permission to root or your user chmod 760 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and edit the nginx file there?

OpenResty : configure lua with already given /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file

I am having a website which is working on nginx already .
nginx conf file is in /etc/nginx.conf folder.
Now i want to integrate lua into that project so i installed Openresty .
I created a folder with name "work" as per instruction in doc .And website is working fine at port 8080 as per instructions.
Now i want to use same code into my /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file.
like i can use statements like 'content_by_lua ' there .
I am not able to configure this .
I am getting below error.
Starting nginx: nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "content_by_lua" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:25
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
Let me know what i am doing wrong
I started from the same point. Had nginx, had lua, installed openresty and went from there. I was getting the exact same error. After spending considerable time, trying to make the openresty packages play nice with my nginx installation, I found it easiest to uninstall nginx and move forward just with openresty's nginx. Just make backups of your current nginx.conf and any vhost files.
When installing openresty I was sure to include the --with-luajit option. Set up a "hello, world" test, and everything worked wonderfully. My biggest complaint was not being able to start and stop nginx as a service anymore. The issue is a lack of init.d file in the openresty installation. Luckily I ran across this:!topic/openresty-en/7UOz-y77CY4
just change the name to openresty (instead of openresty.init.d) and place in /etc/init.d/ (assumed for Ubuntu). and start/stop/reload as sudo service openresty start
The error shows that your nginx don't compiled with the right module.
try type nginx -V to see if your nginx configured with nginx_lua_module
Maybe you should find out where the openresty nginx is and use this nginx instead of the default one.

is my nginx config correct?

hi im trying to run my Ruby on rails app in nginx using
passenger start -e production
but it is missing the cache: [HEAD /] miss
im guessing this i dont have actualy a file in public sorry for this question this may be to easy to answer and when i route to it renders a live page in the internet :(
server {
listen 80;
passenger_enabled on;
root /home/led/Aptana\ Studio\ 3\ Workspace/djors/public;
Where ever you point the webserver, nginx in this case, you need your DNS to match the location. If this is your production server, then you need DNS records to point to your server.
If this is your development or local machine, you probably don't want to name your server something that will overwrite the public DNS records. For example, I name all of my apps in my local nginx config like the following:
server_name my_app_name.local
Once you've given it a name, you'll need to add "my_app_name.local" to your hosts file (your local DNS records). Your hosts file should now have entries like below. localhost my_app_name.local
Restart nginx, and you can now goto my_app_name.local in your browser.
You can get rid of passenger and nginx conf all together, as it looks like you are doing this locally and if you want named links (as opposed to just running bundle exec rails server; use Pow to facilitate this. Personally, i'm a rails server guy, but ymmv.
