how to work with or complete the spaghetti code? -

Lately ,i asked for testing a code ,,to detect the bugs and fix the problems ,,i find many problems ,, but the main problem here is the code it self ,, spaghetti code many many code lines and the tracing to fix problems is so difficult ,, plus some code is copied and pasted from the internet as it is without any modification,, no documentation is possible to this code,,the performance is so bad due to the heavy using of viewstate in every thing,, and it takes me a lot of time to fix the problems ,, and iam afraid of after all this time still other bugs may appear in the future .. how to handle this case ,,any advices concerning this issue will be a great help.

Start refactoring. This will not make only the code better readable it will also give you a btter understanding on how it works and what it does.

That's a very common situation - software was developed for some years and by many different developers and now you have to support it. You should fight the will to throw it away and rewrite the whole application - it is a big effort and chances are big that you will do many mistakes that are already fixed in bad code. See Joel article for more explanations.
In my experience the best way is to refactor the code. However it involves writing a lot of tests - unit, automated acceptance - and it will take almost the same time as rewriting, but it will be less pain

I think the mentality for working with spaghetti code is summed up quite well in Refactoring by Martin Fowler.
The picture that comes to my mind is surgery: The entire patient except the part to be operated on is draped. The draping leaves the surgeon with only a fixed set of variables. Now, we could have long arguments over whether this abstraction of a person to a lower left quadrant abdomen leads to good health care, but at the moment of surgery, I'm kind of glad the surgeon can focus
Basically what that means is start small, and update a single part of the code at a time. Little changes will add up to good, structured code in the future.
Of course, if there are major problems with the entire architecture, you may have to heed Cybernate's advice and start from scratch (unpleasant as it may be).

I would also write unit tests as well as refactoring as codymanix said. This does a couple things:
As you refactor, you will have some check that your refactoring won't break things.
Writing the tests is a good way of learning the domain knowledge embedded in the code.
Of course, there is an inherent catch-22 with adding unit tests to spaghetti code: it is usually hard to unit test, and you need to refactor it to be able to make it testable. But if you go bit by bit and start with the low-hanging fruit, usually you can make it readable.

Scrap the existing code and start afresh.
That involves lot less effort comparitively.
If that's not a possible option start with Refactoring using tool like ReSharper that will give a good start.


Do PSD to XHTML/CSS conversion services yield usable and reliable code?

Most of us who do any amount of work in web apps/web design have seen ads for PSD to XHTML conversion services. Provided with a cash outlay and a source PSD file, these services claim to return professional-quality XHTML/CSS within a few days.
Coding up the XHTML/CSS for any project is often the most time consuming portion of the project. If these services really do produce professional-quality code, then even at a cost of several hundred dollars per page, it would be financially beneficial for me to use them.
So, what's your experience with these services? Quality code? Junk? Cross-browser functionality and graceful degradation? Etc...
Thanks so much! :)
I may be a bit biased being that I come from a front end development background, but I'll say this...
The bottom line is the person who does your front end has to:
A. Be competent
B. Give a damn
C. Take the effort to go through the tedious process of making sure everything is pixel perfect, semantically correct, and engineered to work well with jQuery enhancements.
Do you think that will happen for $99? Build it yourself or rewrite it later when it becomes an issue and you have to. A good front end takes planning just like a good back end.
Choose one that makes examples of their work available. For example, this company has done good work in my limited experience with them, and makes code samples available:
Based on samples of their work, you can decide for yourself whether or not their work is what you consider usable and reliable. Otherwise, it's really too subjective a question for us to answer for you.

When is it best to change code to match standards?

I have recently been put in charge of debugging two different programs which will eventually need to share an XML parsing script, at the minimum. One was written with PureMVC, and another was built from scratch. While it made sence, originally, to write the one from scratch (it saved a good deal of memory, but the memory problems have since been resolved).
Porting the non-PureMVC application will take a good deal of time and effort which does not need to be used, but it will make documentation and code-sharing easier. It will also lower the overall learning curve. With that in mind:
1. What should be taken into account when considering whether it is best to move things to one standard?
(On a related note)
Some of the code is a little odd. Because the interpreting App had to convert commands from one syntax to another, it made sense to have an interpreter Object. Because there needed to be communication with the external environment, it made more sense to have one object interact with the environment, and for that to deal with the interpreter exclusively.
Effectively, an anti-Singleton was created. The object would only interface with the interpreter, and that's it. If a member of another class were to try to call one of its public methods, the object would raise an Exception.
There are better ways to accomplish this, but it is definitely a bit odd. There are more standard means of accomplishing the same thing, though they often involve the creation of classes or class files which are extraordinarily large. The only solution which I could find that was standards compliant would involve as much commenting and explanation as is currently required, if not more. Considering this:
2. If some code is quirky, but effective, is it better to change it to make it less quirky, even if it is made a more unwieldy?
In my opinion this type of refactoring is often not considered in schedules and can only be done when there is extra time.
More often than not, the criterion for shipping code is if it works, not necessarily if it's the best possible code solution.
So in answer to your question, I try and refactor when I have time to do so. Priority One still remains to produce a functional piece of code.
Things to take into account:
Does it work as-is?
As Galwegian notes, this is the only criterion in many shops. However, IMO just as important is:
How skilled are the programmers who are going to maintain it? Have they ever encountered nonstandard code? Compare the cost of their time to learn it (including the cost of delayed dot releases) to the cost of your time to refactor it.
If you're maintaining it, then instead consider:
How much time will dealing with the nonstandard code cost you over the intended lifecycle of the codebase (e.g., the time between now and when the whole thing is rewritten)?
That's hard to guess, but consider that many codebases FAR outlive the usefulness envisioned by their original authors. (Y2K anyone?) I've gradually developed a sense of when a refactoring is worthwhile and when it's not, mostly by erring on the side of "not" too often and regretting it later.
Only change it if you need to be making changes anyway. But less quirky is always a good goal. Most of the time spent on a particular piece of software is in maintenance, so if you can do something to make that easier, you'll be reducing the overall time spent on that piece of code. Nonetheless, don't change something if it's working and doesn't need any modifications.
If you have time, now. If you don't have time and it can be avoided, later.

AntFarm anti-pattern -- strategies to avoid, antidotes to help heal from

I'm working on a 10 page web site with a database back-end. There are 500+ objects in use, trying to implement the MVP pattern in ASP.Net. I'm tracing the code-execution from a single-page, my finger has been on F-11 in Visual Studio for about 40 minutes, there seems to be no end, possibly 1000+ method calls for one web page! If it was just 50 objects that would be one thing, however, code execution snakes through all these objects just like millions of ants frantically woring in their giant dirt mound house, riddled with object tunnels. Hence, a new anti-pattern is born : AntFarm.
AntFarm is also known as "OO-Madnes", "OO-Fever", OO-ADD, or simply design-pattern junkie.
This is not the first time I've seen this, nor my associates at other companies. It seems that this style is being actively propogated, or in any case is a misunderstanding of the numerous OO/DP gospels going around...
I'd like to introduce an anti-pattern to the anti-pattern: GST or "Get Stuff Done" AKA "Get Sh** done" AKA GRD (GetRDone). This pattern focused on just what it says, getting stuff done, in a simple way. I may try to outline it more in a later post, or please share your ideas on this antidote pattern.
Anyway, I'm in the midst of a great example of AntFarm anti-pattern as I write (as a bonus, there is no documentation or comments). Please share you thoughts on how this anti-pattern has become so prevelant, how we can avoid it, and how can one undo or deal with this pattern in a live system one must work with!
I think that Parnas pretty much nailed it in On the Criteria to be used in Decomposing Systems into Modules. Each module should hide a design decision, one that may change in the future. In general, a module with nothing to hide is usually just overhead. He wasn't talking about classes exactly, but I think the reasoning still applies.
If is is indeed due to over design (and it sounds like it) then here are some synonyms for you:
Gas Factory
Rube Goldberg machine
Heath Robinson contraption
But my personal name for this "trying too F#$%3n hard". My condolences.
Many files where one would do. Nasty. 500 objects for 10 webpages seems a crazy ratio.
Have you considered running code analysis on the solution? Might give you some interesting stats to fight back with.
Also I'd call the anti-anti-pattern KISS.
Thanks Glomek the article is for an interesting problem-space, going to the core of what is OO, i.e. how to design your objects...for success or failure, thanks for the link.
Oh yeah, the anti-pattern design could be called "Ant Hill", that's a clearer description I think. I do believe it is quite prevelant right now, and seems to be growing...I'm still wondering how we can get away from it in general, and write clearer, simpler code that gets the job done with just the minimal complexity needed.
The problem here is that your design pattern is, itself, non-OO. Start with a non-OO pattern, try to implement it as "objects", you end up with a mess.
Just because the system is written in an OOPL doesn't make the system OO.
If you consider that an ant farm is an efficient way to explore a complex problem space (the ant farm) through the use of simple agents (the ants) then this starts to look decidedly less anti-patternish.
Critiques of OOP based on the complexity of 'fitting it all in your head' always ignore that (a) its hard to fit all of anything in your head (regardless of whether its OO or not) and (b) that OO actively reduces the need to have it all in your head anyway

I am compiling a rules of programming mindset for my team: What are yours? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 3 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I have been working on a list for a while that helps me share the why of programming approach and thought as much as how to do something.
For this, I wanted to build a list of things that are:
best practice,
best thought,
best approach...
that help a programmer's ability to analyze, think, approach, solve and implement in the most effective way.
I have seen dozens of incredibly valuable comments in questions throughout Stack Overflow, but I couldn't find a place where we keep them together. There is the most controversial opinion on Stack Overflow. However, I'm just looking for sagely insights that can be shared and help my team, and I approach and solve problems better through better programming.
Hopefully this can be one place to gather the one or two liners that are concise, profound and easy to share, repeat, review. If we keep it to one rule per answer it might be easiest to vote up/down.
I'll start with the first.
DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself - In code, comments or documentation.
Always leave the code a little better than when you found it.
Code does not exist until entered into a versioning control system.
Don't be afraid to admit "I don't know" and ask.
10 minutes asking someone could save a day pulling your hair out!
KISS - Keep it simple, stupid.
Pick the simplest solution that works.
Don't make things (too) complicated before they need to be.
Just because everyone else is using some complicated framework to solve their problem, doesn't mean you have to.
Don't reinvent the wheel
If there ought to be a function for it in the core library - there probably is.
Maintainability is important.
Write code as if the person who will end up maintaining it is crazy and knows where you live.
Someone else won't fix it.
If a problem comes to your attention, take ownership long enough to ensure it will be taken care of one way or another.
Don't optimize unless there's a demonstrable problem.
Most of the time when people try to optimize code before it's been proved necessary, they'll spend a lot of resources, make the code harder to read and maintain, and achieve no noticeable effect. Sometimes they'll even make it worse.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil."
- Donald Knuth
How hard can it be?
Don't let any problem intimidate you.
Don't Gather Requirements -- Dig for Them
Requirements rarely lie on the surface. They're buried deep beneath layers of assumptions, misconceptions, and politics
via The Pragmatic Programmer
Follow the SOLID principles:
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
There should never be more than one reason for a class to change.
Open-Closed Principle (OCP)
Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.)
should be open for extension, but closed for
Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
Functions that use pointers or references to base
classes must be able to use objects of derived classes
without knowing it.
Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces
that they do not use.
Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
A. High level modules should not depend upon low
level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions.
B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details
should depend upon abstractions.
Best Practice: Use your brain
Don't follow any trend/principle/pattern without thinking about it
I think almost everything that is listed under "The Zen of Python" applies for every "Rules of Programming Mindset" list. Start with 'python -c "import this"':
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than right now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!
Test Driven Development (TDD) makes coders sleep better at night
Just to clarify: Some people seem to think TDD is just an incompetent coder's way of limping from A to B without borking everything up too much, and that if you know what you're doing, that means there is no need for (unit) testing methodologies. That completely misses the point of Test Driven Development. TDD is about three (update: apparently four) things:
Refactoring magic. Having a full set of tests means you can make otherwise insane refactoring stunts, juggling the entire structure of your application without missing even one of the two hundred crazy subtle side effects that result from it. Even the best programmers are reluctant to refactor their core classes and interfaces without good (unit) test coverage, because it's damn near impossible to track down all the little 'ripple effects' it causes without them.
Detecting pitfalls early. If you are writing tests the right way, it means forcing yourself to consider all the fringe cases. Often, this leads to better design choices once the actual development begins, because the coder has already considered some of the trickier situations that may call for a different inheritance structure or a more flexible design pattern. The need for these changes is often not apparent - or intuitive - during initial planning and analysis, but those exact changes can make the application much easier to extend and maintain down the line.
Ensuring that tests get written. TDD requires you to write the tests before writing the code. Sure, that can be a pain in the ass, since writing tests is tedious compared to writing actual code - and often takes longer, too. However, doing so is the only way to make sure the tests will be written at all. If you think you'll remember to write the tests once the code is done, you're almost always wrong.
Forcing you to write better code. Since TDD forces all code to be testable (you don't write code before there is a test for it), it requires you write more decoupled code so that you can test the components in isolation. So TDD forces you to write better code. (Thanks, Esko)
Google before you ask your colleague and interrupt his coding.
Less code is better than more, as long as it makes more sense than lots of code.
Habits of the lazy coder
The first time you are asked to do something, do it (right).
The second time you are asked to do it, make a tool that does it automatically.
And the third time, if the tool doesn't cut it, design a domain specific language for generating more tools.
(not to be taken too seriously)
Be a Catalyst for Change
You can't force change on people. Instead, show them how the future might be and help them participate in creating it.
via The Pragmatic Programmer
Don't Panic When Debugging
Take a deep breath and THINK! about what could be causing the bug.
via The Pragmatic Programmer
You may copy and paste to get it working, but you may not leave it that way.
Duplicated code is an intermediate step, not a final product.
It's Both What You Say and the Way You Say It
There's no point in having great ideas if you don't communicate them effectively.
via The Pragmatic Programmer
Always code as if the person who ends up maintaining your code is a violent psychopath who knows where you live.
From: Coding Horror
Build Breaker Buys Lunch
Publish Early, Publish Often
Build it correct first. Make it fast second.
Frequently conduct code reviews
Code review and consequently refactoring is an ongoing task. Here is a few goodies about code review in my opinion:
It improves code quality.
It helps refactor reusable codes into reusable libraries.
It helps you learn from your fellow developers.
It helps you learn from your mistakes and refresh your memory about a genius code you have written before.
Anything that could affect how the application runs should be treated as code, and that means putting it in version control. Especially build scripts and database schema and data (.sql) files.
Take part in open source development
If you are using open source code in your projects, remember to post your bugfixes and improvements back to the community. It's not a development best practice per se, but it's definitely a programmer mindset to strive for.
Understand the tools you use
Don't use a pattern until you've understood why you're using it; don't use a tool without knowing why; don't rely on your framework or language designer always being right for your situation, but also don't assume they're wrong until proven to be!
Convention over Configuration
Especially where conventions are strong and some flexibility can be sacrificed.

Having another programmer take over an existing project

This question is not coming from a programmer. (obviously) I currently have a programmer making a website for me and I am realizing that he isn't going to completely work out.
He has already done quite a bit of work and the site is almost there but I need someone who is better to take it the rest of way. The site has been done in and I am wondering how hard it would be for a more experienced programmer to take over and finish the work he has already done?
In general, is it hard for an programmer to come in towards the end of a project and fix what needs to be fixed?
There is five different pages on the site with two overlays for a signup and sign in. (Five pages with many different versions) There is a database and client-side scripting. AJAX was also used. It's a site somewhat similar to SO only not quite as complex and about something completly different. I would say think of something that falls somewhere between Stackoverflow and Craig's List. Thats all I can say now as I don't know the technical words.
You'll probably find that the new programmer will want to rewrite most of the code from scratch. If you are on a tight deadline or tight budget and can't accept a complete rewrite then you will need to hire someone that is not just good at writing good code, but good at reading, refactoring and improving bad code. It is two completely different skillsets and the second is much rarer. Depending on the quality of the existing code (and I'm assuming here that it is not good), your new programmer may end up rewriting much of the existing codebase just to understand what is going on.
Depends on how good the previous programmer was and on the complexity of the project. It might be anything between trivial (well commented source, some high-level docs, unit tests, modular or simple project), to "this crap needs a complete rewrite" (no docs, custom "let's try this" solutions, etc.). If you're not a developer it might be really hard to tell. And other people won't be able to answer without more details.
I'm no expert, but I suspect the ease with which the replacement will be able to finish the project will depend mostly on just how bad a job the first programmer actaully did. Bad code is painful to fix in any language. :)
A good idea will be to have them work together,for say, a week or two. This will help the new programmer get some much needed training about your current system.
You may find that although the site is almost complete, the successor will have to spend more time than anticipated when performing alterations, as this person will have the mental model of the software that the current developer has. Hence the need to next developer to "re-write" the code base.
If you can, you'll want to ensure that the code base that you have built is maintainable. That is, the solution is built in such a way that it can support alterations easily. As Mark Byers suggested, you'll want to get someone who can not only program but can also re-work your existing code with the goal being that someone else will inevitably implement future changes. If the software is something that you need to keep working for an extended period you'll want to make the investment in making sure that it new functionality can be added easily.
Remember this experience described at The Daily WTF. Take appropriate precautions.
Generally if the site is set up in some sort of standard fashion then another programmer should be able to pick it up easily. if the existing programmer did things to obscure the code then it will be hard for another programmer to pick it up. Basically the question is how readable is the code?
If the current programmer is unwilling to communicate the true status of the project in a professional, non-technical manner, then give him an ultimatum - your way or the highway. Odds are he will be more forthcoming if he knows you mean business. Make sure you have a copy of the latest code before broaching the subject.
It sounds like you are going to end up hiring someone else anyway, especially if you're asking these kinds of questions at this stage, so you might as well go for broke.
As Mark Byers said, it takes a seasoned developer to take someone else's code and resist the urge to "pretty it up" in order to bring the project to a working conclusion!
