Say i have home PC and office PC (both Windows 7) having internet connections. How to bring them together on a LAN ?
Another is if there is an existing LAN, then how to join these PCs to that LAN ?
VPN ? If yes, How to identify each machine, which IP to use ?
So we have a team at works who manages the firewall. To connect to the network, we use openVPN, which assigns us with an IP to enter the network.
Whilst connected via VPN, I can ping every single machine (including my own), and I can rdp to every PC (excluding my own). This is the problem. I have asked a colleague to try to ping and RDP to my machine from their home via VPN, and they can. So it's a problem with my machine. (My machine is running windows 11.)
Any tips?
Thanks :)
Well I figured it out... Someone in my house had the same IP as the machine at work. I had to change my subnet to a different one to my local ethernet and the one provided by via the VPN for it to work. Because instead of pinging the VPN server then the host machine, it was straight up pinging the person in this house lol.
I am running XAMPP on my windows 10. and installed WordPress site. All working fine on my pc and other PCs in my network.
I just changed my router.
My site is working on my PC but not working on other PCs.
When i connect with WiFi, its working. If i connect with cat5 wire, its not working.
Check your IP-Addresses and network configuration (e.g.: Gateway). Port Forwarding may also be needed on the new router.
For a better answer I'd need more details. For example, can you ping the other PCs on the network? Are you able to connect to the internet?
You should also check your firewall.
First of all, if there already been this kinda question, I want to apologize. I couldn't find
what I am trying to do is this.
make a intranet and allow embedded computer to connect with wifi
make a web server that is connected to internet on same computer with a intranet.
let a smart phone can get a data from intranet by an application that is accessed to web server.
do I need two network card? or is there any other solution for this ?
Is the physical host connected to the internet using WiFi?
In the case if you want to have your web server and your intranet as a VMs
Firstly you can create a virtual network on your physical host which is internet facing (gives access to internet) - bridged adapter to the physical (host) NIC (aka adapter) (ethernet / wireless)
Secondly you can create non-internet facing network which will be your "intranet" network which will not be internet facing.
Then if you want to give your VMs access to the internet and intranet you can add two virtual NICs to each VM.
I hope that helps :)
I am using Virtual PC 2007 with Windows xp Pro as the Guest.
Is it possible to add the Virtual PC to the network of the guest PC and to the domain of the Guest PC?
I enabled NAT shared networking but that only allows internet access on the guest..
This shouldn't be a problem when you add the guest to host's physical adapter:
In the settings for your VM, go to Networking and instead of "Shared networking (NAT)", select the NIC that's connected to the network on your host (e.g. "Realtek RTL8116 Gigabit Ethernet", or whatever your NIC is; this is equivalent to VMWare's Bridged Mode). That way, the guest will appear as a real computer on your network, and will work like a physical box on the network.
IIRC, MS VPC bypasses the default Windows firewall on the host, so only the guest's firewall applies; for other FW products, you may need to enable something like "permit packets not destined for this host".
Just to add to the above answer-
Inside the Local Area Connection
Properties- VM Network Services Driver
wasnt installed without which the NIC
option wont appear in the Virtual
machine Network Adapter Configuration.
I reinstalled the Virtual PC and that
entry Virtual Machine Network
Driver appeared.
Another helpful resource-
Shouldn't be a problem as long as you can connect to a domain controller from the virtual computer.
If you know the IP address of a domain controller, try to ping it. Then try to ping it using the computer name, to see if name resolution is working correctly. What happens when you join a domain using Control Panel | System. Do you receive an error message?
I have not used Virtual PC, only VMWare workstation on Linux, so I do not know how the networking setup is on Virtual PC. On VMWare, you can choose between bridged and NAT networking for a virtual machine. I have been able to set up Windows guest computers as members of a windows domain using both kinds of network setup.
I'm a complete newbie to VMWare and troubleshooting networking issues.
I'm running the buildix app through VMWare Player on my laptop. Things work fine when I'm connected to my home wireless network.
However, when I'm not connected to a network, my wireless card is turned off (eg., to save power) or when I'm connected to another wireless network, the Buildix appliance / VMWare player fails to get an ip address.
I only want the appliance to be able to communicate with my laptop.
I've tried this in all 3 networking modes : Host-Only (which is what I believe I want), NAT and Bridged, all with no success.
I've also taken a look at the settings by running vmnetcfg.exe in the VMWare Player install dir, but can't see anything obvious here.
Can someone please assist?
Host-Only mode is probably the way to go in your case. The problem is NAT and Bridged mode are relying on some third-party DHCP server to provide an IP address, and that server is not available when you are running disconnected.
VMware Workstation (not sure about Player) provides a built-in DHCP server if your machine is configured onto the right virtual network switch. You can also adjust which virtual switch has the DHCP server, what IP addresses it gives out, etc.
If Player does not support this feature, you may be forced into setting the IP address of the virtual machine manually. This is dependent on what OS you are running.