Loading modules from a certain folder - apache-flex

I'm working with modules and each of it will be compiled (deployed) in a common folder in a webproject. In the main class I defined an array of module paths which I need for loading all these defined modules.
How can I make that more dynamically, for instance, I want to say, load all modules in a certain folder an its subfolders without to know each module by name.

You can't do anything in a Flex/AS3 related browser based app to get information about folders on the server.
You're going to have to write a server side service to get the information. Any technology should work, such as .NET, ColdFusion, PHP, Java, or whatever. Then just call the service, and it should send you back the information you need. In ColdFusion, you'd use the cfdirectory tag.


Where to place non-app assets in a Meteor project to avoid bundling?

Per the Meteor docs, I'm trying to determine which special folder to place non-app assets (ex. Photoshop design PSDs) in, so that they still get checked into source control but don't get wrapped into the eventual client or server payloads.
It feels 'wrong' to use tests/ for this purpose but the docs suggest it has the desired behavior. Can private/ be used similarly, or will its contents always get added to the server bundle regardless of whether your app code registers any Assets? (Or is there a better place altogether to put such files?)
Consider a project structure like this:
You can launch your meteor app from within /YourMeteorApp. Files that are not part of your application, such as your PSD files, are kept outside of the application.

using SquishIt with web resources

I'm using the SquishIt to manage the js/css files and it works perfect, but only with my manually created files. How can I use it with the asp.net webresources/script resources (scripts for ajax, validation etc.) which are returned to browser throught the script manager?
A method on bundles called .AddRootEmbeddedResource has been added to deal with situations like this (where an embedded resource does not use the default AssemblyName.ResourceName convention)

how to deploy flex app using different web service urls?

Is there some sort of configuration settings in FlashBuilder 4.5 where you can easily switch between webservice urls? Right now I have to delete and recreate the web service every time I switch from local to production and vice versa.
The need/requirement is this – Since I work in a startup, we keep changing servers, and their IP addresses. And being a service oriented application – I need to be able to edit the webservice endpoints in my Flex application in a easy manner every time this happens.
My Solution for this -
Assumption is that my webservice endpoint looks like this -
1) Create a file config.xml in a folder named “settings” that sits in the root folder of your Flex application – outside the “src” folder. And the config.xml will be a simple xml file of the following format -
At the end of this exercise the directory structure of your flex source code will look like this -
flex_src(root of the source code)
-com(some source folder)
2) Now in your application code, setup a HTTPService object either in mxml or action script. Set the url of that object to this value- “settings/config.xml” – And the above xml fiel containing the current settings will be loaded into memory .
Now you can store these values in a singleton object and construct your Webservice call at runtime.
And whenever you want to move this to a new server in production, edit the tag of your config.xml and you should be good to go.
And this can be automated as well via the EnvGen ant task.
This is not the best way but yes it is very helpful while switching among servers.
Alrighty... The way I was doing it before in fact worked. The problem was browser caching.
For the benefit of others I modified the subsclass for the generated service and replace the wsdl variable with whatever endpoint I need.

Dynamically extract interfaces from silverlight modules and load modules

In some winforms / webforms applications, I wrote a module that at application start, using reflection, inspects all assemblies from BIN folder, extract all public classes and interfaces they implement and write into a repository. This to to allow me later, at runtime, to load modules based on interfaces they implements and use.
I need to know if / how can I accomplish this for Silverlight. Is there any way to inspect all XAP's and extract all modules together with their metadata? And later to be able to dynamically load the module where the component I need is located, and then load the component from it.
Thank you
The source code for MEF's DeploymentCatalog should show how to inspect the main application XAP as well as download and inspect other XAPs.

Embedding whole directory structure

I have a large directory structure with JavaScript, images, etc. that depend on each other. I would like to encapsulate it all into a DLL so I only have to reference one thing and not have multiple copies of all these files across projects.
Because the files depend on each other, I'm thinking I can create an IHttpModule that registers a route to accept URLs such as /MyEmbeddedDir/subdir/file.js. Anything in MyEmbeddedDir would then be handled by a custom IHttpHandler that does the correct mapping. Each web application would then need to reference the DLL and add the module and handler to web.config. Does this seem reasonable?
Also, is there an easier way to embed/reference the files than to set the build action to embedded resource and add [assembly: WebResource(...)] to each file (there are dozens!)? Thanks!
Edit: If I'm not using WebResource.axd then I shouldn't need to add [assembly: WebResource(...)]
Yes, having a single container is a great way to manage large number of files (and no, SQLite won't help here! ;).
We have a product, named SolFS, which is a virtual file system, that lets you keep your data in custom storage (resource DLL is one of the options) and provides file API for accessing the files. We even implemented asynchronous pluggable protocol for IE (on the client side, but the task is very similar to yours). SolFS includes a manager application that lets you easily create container files and import files into container.
I ended up going with the IHTTPModule (register route) and IHTTPHandler (obtain embedded resource). The route is configurable in web.config in case it conflicts with existing content.
