Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) - sqlite

I am currently using SQLite for Windows Forms but while running the project it is showing the error:
Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
I had added the DLL of System.Data.SQLite.dll but it is showing the same error. Please can any one help me by giving the perfect answer regarding this problem? Thanks in advance

This should fixed my issue.
Add the following DLLs.
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Package
SQLite for Windows Runtime

Use Project "Add Existing Item" and select the sqlite3.dll "As link". Click OK. Choose DLL in project and set "Copy Local" value to True.

Maybe you haven't added the version for the right platform? SQLite is distributed with one X86 (32 bit) assembly and one X64 (64 bit) assembly.
If your application is a 32 bit application you should use the System.Data.SQLite.dll located in the "bin" directory of the System.Data.SQLite distribution, if it is a 64 bit application you should use the one in "bin\x64".
However, from looking at the error message a second time I'm not sure if that's it. Are you making native calls to SQLite? In that case you may have to rename the dll to sqlite3.dll.
As you may know System.Data.SQLite is a bundling of the original native sqlite3.dll and a managed ADO.NET provider (unless you are using some old version in which case I'm not sure - you might need the native sqlite3.dll separately)

In my case I'm working on a UWP project. I had to add a reference to Visual C++ 2015 Runtime for Universal Windows Platform Apps and the error was gone. It can be added in the Reference Manager under Universal Windows > Extensions. Detailed solution can be found here.

After struggling for 3 days,finally found a way to resolve.
As of March 2018,if you try to use sqlite-net via Nuget Package Manager,it adds two files and few reference dlls to your solution independent of type of project UWP or Android etc.
And after that if you compile and run the solution will fail with an exception
Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
This is because it is unable to load sqlite3.dll as it is not added to the solution via NUGET package manger.So you need to add it manually.
To add,first determine your project is 32 bit or 64 bit then download the respective Precompiled Binaries for Windows Runtime from https://www.sqlite.org/download.html and add them manually (copy and paste).
So now your solution will look like below one and it will run without issues.

I had the same issue when I downloaded the latest sqlite provider and I tried a solution from here but it didnt work, hence I downloaded the earlier version and its works fine.

Had this problem recently - after attaching procmon to my process, I found that the latest System.Data.SQLite libs (the ones built for .NET4) have a dependency on the MSVC 2010 runtime, and the servers didn't have this installed. Fortuantly, this can be pulled down from the Microsoft website.

I had exactly the same problem for the UWP project in a Xamarin.Forms application.
Adding reference to "SQLite for Universal Windows Platform" to the UWP project solved the problem.

Copy sqlite3.dll to the System32 folder. It worked for me. And thanks too!

I'm building a native Windows Phone 8.1 app with a PCL and a Droid project. I had the same error and I put the reference to the right version of sqlite3.dll (wpa81) and all worked.

Especially if you've updated to Visual Studio 2015 RTM and are developing Universal Windows apps, try uninstalling the SQLite for Universal App Platform extension and reinstalling (see http://sqlite.org/download.html).

All of these seem to be solutions for certain situations. For me, and for #Marlon Ticao on this page, the application just can't find the DLL.
There are 2 solutions. Copy it to a directory that is in you path (such as System32) or you can copy it into the same directory that your executable is.

I had this exact problem using a 3rd party built sqlite3.dll -- the app would not launch. I used the dependency walker to find that this sqlite3.dll had a dependency on msvcr110.dll. Once I included this file, all was well.

Don't forget to deploy the published runtimes folder too in .NET (Core) projects, it should contain that DLL for various targets.


Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll' on Visual Studio 2017 for UWP project

I get this error when using SQLite.
DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll': The
specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT:
I tried several solution without success.
Tried using x86/x64
Tried this:
Visual Studio 2017 Xamarin UWP break, unable to load "sqlite3"
Added 2015 Visual C++ runtime dependency for UWP.
Tried manually adding the .dll and set it to "copy always".
Tried installing locally depedencies from here
I'm really out of ideas.
I had this problem running in release but not in debug.
I am using VS2017 15.9.5
Using Release manager I changed all the projects to use Release x64
Strangely the Platform tab asked me to make a new Platform and I had to do this in order to be able to pick an x64 platform
I wound up installing the SQLite modules in all the projects, not just the data tier. it would not work with just the data tier, even though I had Copy local true.
Here are the nuget packages I used

Error while Publishing Web App in Visual Studio Professional 2013

I am trying to publish my Web App in Visual Studio Professional 2013 but getting the following error
I got the same question asked over here but no useful answer.
Can anyone please help
You probably will be using older version, that was having an issue. refer detail [here]
Install the newer web deployment tool, should work.
which .net version are you using.
check web deploy version. if vs has 2 web deploy version, the vs get confuse to take which version. If it has 2 version, just uninstall vs and then instal it along with web deploy. if the Vs has one 1 web deploy version, you uninstall and install the web deploy. It will rectify your problem i hope.
You can refer This link
Check if version of the assembly is installed in GAC. (from the VS2013 developer command prompt) gacutil /l Microsoft.Web.Deployment. Issues like this have occurred in the past where things worked, then after installing an update (or trying to install one) then reports of missing dlls, like nuget, occur.
The usual course of action is to repair the Visual Studio installation.
There is a problem with your publish profile. Delete the pubxml file located bellow Properties folder in your project and then create a new publish profile.
I got the same problem when older project runs into the new .NET Framework, for that you have to do the following.
Right Click on your project name->select Property Pages -> Click Build from the menu-> then select Target Framework .Net framework 4.5 or your current using framework..
"Could not load file or assembly" means the required file (of that mentioned version) is not available in the assembly (nor in the registry). All you gotta to do is to ensure this same is installed properly that would allow you to proceed further. The other things to ensure is the latest framework installed on your system.
Think you have some errors happen when to install or update Visual 2013, so you can reinstall again and this error will be fixed.

Could not load assembly System.Data.SQLite.dll

I have a perfectly working windows forms C# .NET 4 application that uses a SQLite3 database file to store data and display forms.
When I deploy my app on any machine other then the dev machine, I get an exception thrown and it's message is "Could not load assembly System.Data.SQLite.dll or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found."
The System.Data.SQLite.dll reference in the project is set to Copy Local = True. Also, I tried manually loading the assembly with Assembly.LoadFile. The dll is placed in the output directory. I also tried setting the platform target to Any CPU as well as x86, no difference. All machines I am working with are 32-bit. What is the issue here? Why is my application trying to load the assembly and can't find it?
I had the same problem after publishing my program to a separate computer. Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) on the separate computer fixed the problem.
Note: the separate computer already had Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) installed, the x86 version was needed.
'System.Data.SQLite.dll" requires "msvcr100.dll" which is one of it's Dependencies. This will be available only if you installed latest "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable" or any other product which internally provides this.
For example, VS2010 will install C++ Redistributable by default. Thats the reason your application doesnot works in some machine but works in others.
You could try pasting the "msvcr100.dll" in your application bin folder and distribute if you dont want to install VC++ 2010 Redist in all the PC's.
Some of the System.Data.Sqlite.dll modules depend on the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package" .
You can find required dependencies on the official download page : http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/downloads.wiki
The answers already given didn't solve my problem. I tried to deploy to a VMware server. The solution that did help where given here: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/System-Data-SQLite-Deployment-Mystery-td71752.html Two methods are described there.
When i install this sqlite-netFx45-setup-bundle-x86-2012-, my app is able to find the right dll.
The second method is to add the dll to de app.exe.config in the debug or release dir. If you edit this file directly, there is a change VC will overwrite the file.
My main problem was that i installed the sqlite package manually. I didn't use NuGet, because i'm behind a proxy. If you do use Nuget, the information in the app.exe.config will be provided automatically.
Using NuGet behind a proxy is described here: NuGet Behind Proxy

Qt and Qt application prerequisites

I am new to Qt, and I am working in Windows 7.
When I try to run my application directly, I see an error about missing some DLLs. I tried to fix them, but I could not (I tried to build statically).
Is there any correct solution?
My question is:
If I want to run my Qt application on other computers, what do I need? For example, for a .NET application we need to install the .NET framework on the target computer, but what about for Qt?
I searched for its SDK and found a SDK that was about 1.6 GB! Does this mean every time I want to install my application I should install a 1.6 GB sized SDK? That's far too bad.
You have to distribute your application with needed libraries.
If your application is running on Windows you can follow this guide: Deploying an Application on Windows. You can find needed libraries as dll in bin directory inside SDK. A basic Qt gui application needs at least QTCORE4.DLL, QTGUI4.DLL and, if you are using Qt Creator, MINGWM10.DLL. You can leave these libraries in the same directory as you application.
You can't link statically against Qt unless you have built the libraries in that configuration (which you won't if you've just downloaded the pre-built SDK). Be aware that if you do want to link statically there are licensing implications for some components.
If you have built a release configuration then you will need at least the libraries Alessandro mentioned, QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll. Depending on the other parts of the library you're using you may also need QtXml4.dll QtWebkit4.dll, QtXmlPatterns4.dll and possibly Phonon.dll. Check that you are building a release configuration rather than a debug configuration, as this won't run as it needs the Visual Studio debug runtimes, which you can't redistribute. If you are in doubt which dlls you need then use DependencyWalker to find out (note that this doesn't show Phonon.dll as it is loaded later).
Generally you'll only need about 4-6 of the dlls, you won't need the whole SDK.
Please consider that many applications use Qt, you have some real chance the DLLs are already installed. Anyway, beware of MSVC dependencies: we had some real nightmare deploying applications on some server, partly related to a policy switch from VS2005 to VS2008. Alessandro already given a good resource: see also this previous post.
If you're working with Qt5, besides the .dlls mentioned by the first answer, you must also add the platforms/ folder from the bin directory inside the SDK.

Error: This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime

I have downloaded published (code behind files are no there, combined with dll in bin folder) web application from Window Server 2008 where it is hosted, and open it with Visual Studio when I debug that application it shows following error:
"Could not load assembly because this assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime"
I don't know how can I solve this problem and test application locally.
Please help me.
This errors happens when the DotNet framework you are using is of older version than the one used to build the assembly. You need to check which version of framework is used to build those assemblies and then use the same or higher to debug too.
I was getting this same error when running an installer for a Windows service, even when running the installer on the PC the installer was built on.
It turned out that although the Windows service project had been updated to .NET 4.5, the Setup project that was making the installer was still set to use .NET 2.0.
To check if the Setup project is using an older version of .NET than the project to be installed, in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer:
Expand the Setup project;
Under the Setup project, expand Detected Dependencies;
Under Detected Dependencies select Microsoft .NET Framework and check the Version property. Select the appropriate .NET version from the dropdown list;
Re-build the Setup project to create a new version of the installer.
This error can have a lot of other reasons, too. I had the same problem, and nothing helped until I stumbled across this:
TlbExp.exe error:This assembly is built by a runtime newer
I just ran into this issue when the assembly was built with a target framework of .NET 4, and v4.0.30319 was installed on the server, and other 4.0 apps were running successfully.
The problem arose because the app had originally been built targeting 2.0, and new 4.0 assemblies were pushed, but not the app.config file, which we generally update separately.
This means the supportedRuntime attribute was not updated in the config and caused the error. Adding the following to the app.config fixed our issue:
<startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0"/></startup>
One the the assemblies reference in the project might be built using a newer version of .net, check version of every assembly reference and correct accordingly.
Also check the application pool that this web site is running as. It could be framework 2.0 default on some older windows servers. Change it to framework 4.0.
