map function if a predicate holds - dictionary

I feel like this should be fairly obvious, or easy, but I just can't get it. What I want to do is apply a function to a list (using map) but only if a condition is held. Imagine you only wanted to divide the numbers which were even:
map (`div` 2) (even) [1,2,3,4]
And that would give out [1,1,3,2] since only the even numbers would have the function applied to them. Obviously this doesn't work, but is there a way to make this work without having to write a separate function that you can give to map? filter is almost there, except I also want to keep the elements which the condition doesn't hold for, and just not apply the function to them.

If you don't want to define separate function, then use lambda.
map (\x -> if (even x) then (x `div` 2) else x) [1,2,3,4]
Or instead of a map, list comprehension, bit more readable I think.
[if (even x) then (x `div` 2) else x | x <- [1,2,3,4]]

mapIf p f = map (\x -> if p x then f x else x)

In addition to the answer of PiotrLegnica: Often, it's easier to read if you declare a helper function instead of using a lambda. Consider this:
map helper [1..4] where
helper x | even x = x `div` 2
| otherwise = x
([1..4] is sugar for [1,2,3,4])
If you want to remove all the other elements instead, consider using filter. filter removes all elements that don't satisfy the predicate:
filter even [1..4] -> [2,4]
So you can build a pipe of mapand filter than or use list-comprehension instead:
map (`div` 2) $ filter even [1..4]
[x `div` 2 | x <- [1..4], even x]
Choose whatever you like best.

Make your own helper function maker:
ifP pred f x =
if pred x then f x
else x
custom_f = ifP even f
map custom_f [..]
(caveat: I don't have access to a compiler right now. I guess this works OK...)

I like the other, more general solutions, but in your very special case you can get away with
map (\x -> x `div` (2 - x `mod` 2)) [1..4]

Mostly a rip off of existing answers, but according to my biased definition of "readable" (I like guards more than ifs, and where more than let):
mapIf p f = map f'
where f' x | p x = f x | otherwise = x
ghci says it probably works
ghci> let mapIf p f = map f' where f' x | p x = f x | otherwise = x
ghci> mapIf even (+1) [1..10]


smlnj - Function That Adds Even and Odd Elements In An Int List

I am fairly new to functional programming and I do not understand my error here. I am trying to make a function that takes an integer list and returns both the sum of the even elements and the sum of the odd elements. The error I am getting is in line 1, and it states: "Error: right-hand-side of clause doesn't agree with function result type [overload conflict] ...". I don't understand the error, and I would appreciate any help in understanding my error.
fun add(nil) = 0
| add([x]) = x
| add(x :: xs) =
val evenList = xs;
val oddList = x :: xs
(hd evenList + add(tl(tl(evenList))), hd oddList + add(tl(tl(oddList))))
The reason for the type error is that the function should return a pair, but your base cases don't.
I suspect you got to that code by thinking about skipping every other element, dividing the list by skipping.
There's a different way to approach this.
Consider the list [a,b,c,d].
Counting from 1, the elements are numbered
1 2 3 4
a b c d
Now consider the positions in the tail of the list.
They are
1 2 3
b c d
That is, odd positions in the tail are even positions in the entire list, and even positions in the tail are odd in the entire list.
This means that if we recursively compute "odds and evens" in the tail, we will get the sums from the tail, where its "odds" is our "evens", and if we add our head to the tail's "evens", we will get the "odds" we want.
All we need now is a good base case – and the sums of an empty list must be (0, 0).
Something like this:
fun add [] = (0,0)
| add (x::xs) = case add xs of
(odds, evens) => (x + evens, odds)
or, you can deconstruct the recursive result with a let-binding instead of case:
fun add [] = (0,0)
| add (x::xs) = let val (odds, evens) = add xs
(x + evens, odds)

F# Strange difference in behavior of two recursive function definitions

I am trying to define a power function to compute x^y.
let rec powFunA (x,y) =
match (x,y) with
| (_,0) -> 1
| (x,y) -> x * powFunA (x,y-1);;
let rec powFunB x y =
match y with
| 0 -> 1
| y -> x * powFunB x y-1;;
The call powFunA (2,5) works and as expected gives me 32 as result. But somehow, I don't understand why, the second call powFunB 2 5 leads to a StackOverflowException.
I also came across a definition:
let rec power = function
| (_,0) -> 1.0 (* 1 *)
| (x,n) -> x * power(x,n-1) (* 2 *)
Can you please explain the absence of parameters and the usage of function on first line of definition.
This stack overflow error has to do with F#'s precedence rules. Consider this expression:
powFunB x y-1
This expression has some function application and the minus operator. In F# (as in all ML languages), function application has the highest precedence ever. Nothing can be more binding.
Therefore, the above expression is understood by the compiler as:
(powFunB x y) - 1
That is, function application powFunB x y first, minus operator second. Now, I hope, it's easy to see why this results in infinite recursion.
To fix, just apply parentheses to override precedence rules:
powFunB x (y-1)
The "parameterless" definition uses F# syntax for defining multicase functions. It's just a shortcut that allows to write = function instead of x = match x with. So, for example, the following two function are equivalent:
let f a = match a with | Some x -> [x] | None -> []
let g = function | Some x -> [x] | None -> []
Just some syntactic sugar, that's all. So the definition you found is exactly equivalent to your first snippet.

Set Intersection with Tail Recursion

I am trying to produce the solution for an intersection of two sets using tail recursion and an empty list [] as an accu:
let rec setintersect list list =
let rec setintersect2 a b c =
match a with
| [] -> (match b with [] -> (setsimplify c) | h::t -> (setsimplify c))
| h1::t1 -> (match b with [] -> (setsimplify c) |h2::t2 -> (if (elementof h1 b) then (setintersect2 t1 b (c#[h1])) else (setintersect2 t1 b c))) in
setintersect2 list list [];;
Elementof takes takes "an int and a list" and is correctly working to give true if x is an element of the list, false otherwise..
Here is the problem:
# setintersect [5;2;1] [2;6;9];;
- : int list = [2; 6; 9]
and it should give [2].
What am I doing wrong?
I feel like there's something really simple that I am misunderstanding!
Thanks for the responses so far.
setsimplify just removes the duplicates.
so [2,2,3,5,6,6] becomes [2,3,5,6]. Tested and made sure it is working properly.
I am not supposed to use anything from the List library either. Also, I must use "tail recursion" with the accumulator being a list that I build as I go.
Here is the thought:
Check the head element in list1, IF it exists in list2, THEN recurse with the "tail of list1, list2, and list c with that element added to it". ELSE, then recurse with "tail of list1, list2 and list c(as it is)".
end conditions are either list1 or list2 are empty or both together are empty, return list c (as it is).
let rec setintersect list list = is wrong: the two arguments should be named differently (you should of course update the call to setintersect2 accordingly), otherwise the second will shadow the first. I would have thought that OCaml would have at least warned you about this fact, but it appears that it is not the case.
Apart from that, the code seems to do the trick. There are a couple of things that could be improved though:
setintersect itself is not recursive (only setintersect2 is), you thus don't need the rec
you should find a different name for the argument of setintersect2. In particular, it is not obvious which is the accumulator (acc or accu will be understood by most OCaml programmers in these circumstances).
c#[h1] is inefficient: you will traverse c completely each time you append an element. It's better to do h1::c and reverse the result at the end
As a bonus point, if you append element at the beginning of c, and assume that a is ordered, you don't have to call setsimplify at the end of the call: just check whether c is empty, and if this is not the case, append h1 only if it is not equal to the head of c.
First, You didn't list out your setsimplify function.
To write an ocaml function, try to split it first, and then combine if possible.
To solve this task, you just go through all elements in l1, and for every element, you check whether it is in l2 or not, right?
So definitely you need a function to check whether an element is in a list or not, right?
let make one:
let rec mem x = function
| [] -> false
| hd::tl -> hd = x || mem x tl
Then you can do your intersection:
let rec inter l1 l2 =
match l1 with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> if mem hd l2 then hd::(inter tl l2) else inter tl l2
Note that the above function is not tail-recursive, I guess you can change it to tail-recursive as an excise.
If you use std library, then it is simple:
let intersection l1 l2 = List.filter (fun x -> List.mem x l2) l1

Scope/order of evaluation of nested `let .. in ..` in OCaml

I have a little problems here that I don't 100% understand:
let x = 1 in let x = x+2 in let x = x+3 in x
I know the result of this expression is 6, but just want to make sure the order of calculating this expression; which part is calculated first?
You asked about the order of the evaluation in the expression let x=1 in let x=x+2 in .... The order is "left-to-right"! When you have a chain of let a=b in let c=d in ..., the order of evaluation is always left-to-right.
However, in your example there is a confusing part: you used the same variable name, x, in every let construct. This is confusing because you then see things like let x=x+1, and this looks like you are "redefining" x or "changing the value of x". But no "changing" of "x" actually happens here in OCAML! What happens here, as already pointed out above, is that a new variable is introduced every time, so your example is entirely equivalent to
let x = 1 in let y = x+2 in let z = y+3 in z;;
Note that here the order of evaluation is also left-to-right. (It is always left-to-right in every chain of let constructs.) In your original question, you chose to call all these new variables "x" rather than x, y, and z. This is confusing to most people. It is better to avoid this kind of coding style.
But how do we check that we renamed the variables correctly? Why "let x=1 in let y=x+2" and not "let x=1 in let x=y+2"? This x=x+2 business is quite confusing! Well, there is another way of understanding the evaluation of let x=aaa in bbb. The construct
let x=aaa in bbb
can be always replaced by the following closure applied to aaa,
(fun x -> bbb) aaa
Once you rewrite it in this way, you can easily see two things: First, OCAML will not evaluate "bbb" inside the closure until "aaa" is evaluated. (For this reason, the evaluation of let x=aaa in bbb proceeds by first evaluating aaa and then bbb, that is, "left-to-right".) Second, the variable "x" is confined to the body of the closure and so "x" cannot be visible inside the expression "aaa". For this reason, if "aaa" contains a variable called "x", it must be already defined with some value before, and it has nothing to do with the "x" inside the closure. For reasons of clarity, it would be better to call this variable by a different name.
In your example:
let x=1 in let x=x+2 in let x=x+3 in x
is rewritten as
(fun x -> let x=x+2 in let x=x+3 in x) 1
Then the inner let constructs are also rewritten:
(fun x -> (fun x -> let x=x+3 in x) x+2 ) 1
(fun x -> (fun x -> (fun x-> x) x+3) x+2 ) 1
Now let us rename the arguments of functions inside each function, which we can always do without changing the meaning of the code:
(fun x -> (fun y -> (fun z -> z) y+3) x+2 ) 1
This is the same as
let x=1 in let y=x+2 in let z=y+3 in z
In this way, you can verify that you have renamed the variables correctly.
Imagine parens:
let x = 1 in (let x = (x+2) in (let x = (x+3) in x))
Then substitute (x=1) where x it's not covered by another declaration of x and eliminate outermost let:
let x = (1+2) in (let x = (x+3) in x)
let x = 3 in (let x = (x+3) in x)
let x = (3+3) in x
let x = 6 in x
(This is a little long for a comment, so here's a smallish extra answer.)
As Chuck points out, there is no closure involved in this expression. The only complexity at all is due to the scoping rules. OCaml scoping rules are the usual ones, i.e., names refer to the nearest (innermost) definition. In the expression:
let v = e1 in e2
The variable v isn't visible (i.e., cannot be named) in e1. If (by chance) a variable of that name appears in e1, it must refer to some outer definition of (a different) v. But the new v can (of course) be named in e2. So your expression is equivalent to the following:
let x = 1 in let y = x+2 in let z = y+3 in z
It seems to me this is clearer, but it has exactly the same meaning.

Recursive anonymous functions in SML

Is it possible to write recursive anonymous functions in SML? I know I could just use the fun syntax, but I'm curious.
I have written, as an example of what I want:
val fact =
fn n => case n of
0 => 1
| x => x * fact (n - 1)
The anonymous function aren't really anonymous anymore when you bind it to a
variable. And since val rec is just the derived form of fun with no
difference other than appearance, you could just as well have written it using
the fun syntax. Also you can do pattern matching in fn expressions as well
as in case, as cases are derived from fn.
So in all its simpleness you could have written your function as
val rec fact = fn 0 => 1
| x => x * fact (x - 1)
but this is the exact same as the below more readable (in my oppinion)
fun fact 0 = 1
| fact x = x * fact (x - 1)
As far as I think, there is only one reason to use write your code using the
long val rec, and that is because you can easier annotate your code with
comments and forced types. For examples if you have seen Haskell code before and
like the way they type annotate their functions, you could write it something
like this
val rec fact : int -> int =
fn 0 => 1
| x => x * fact (x - 1)
As templatetypedef mentioned, it is possible to do it using a fixed-point
combinator. Such a combinator might look like
fun Y f =
exception BlackHole
val r = ref (fn _ => raise BlackHole)
fun a x = !r x
fun ta f = (r := f ; f)
ta (f a)
And you could then calculate fact 5 with the below code, which uses anonymous
functions to express the faculty function and then binds the result of the
computation to res.
val res =
Y (fn fact =>
fn 0 => 1
| n => n * fact (n - 1)
The fixed-point code and example computation are courtesy of Morten Brøns-Pedersen.
Updated response to George Kangas' answer:
In languages I know, a recursive function will always get bound to a
name. The convenient and conventional way is provided by keywords like
"define", or "let", or "letrec",...
Trivially true by definition. If the function (recursive or not) wasn't bound to a name it would be anonymous.
The unconventional, more anonymous looking, way is by lambda binding.
I don't see what unconventional there is about anonymous functions, they are used all the time in SML, infact in any functional language. Its even starting to show up in more and more imperative languages as well.
Jesper Reenberg's answer shows lambda binding; the "anonymous"
function gets bound to the names "f" and "fact" by lambdas (called
"fn" in SML).
The anonymous function is in fact anonymous (not "anonymous" -- no quotes), and yes of course it will get bound in the scope of what ever function it is passed onto as an argument. In any other cases the language would be totally useless. The exact same thing happens when calling map (fn x => x) [.....], in this case the anonymous identity function, is still in fact anonymous.
The "normal" definition of an anonymous function (at least according to wikipedia), saying that it must not be bound to an identifier, is a bit weak and ought to include the implicit statement "in the current environment".
This is in fact true for my example, as seen by running it in mlton with the -show-basis argument on an file containing only fun Y ... and the val res ..
val Y: (('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val res: int32
From this it is seen that none of the anonymous functions are bound in the environment.
A shorter "lambdanonymous" alternative, which requires OCaml launched
by "ocaml -rectypes":
(fun f n -> f f n)
(fun f n -> if n = 0 then 1 else n * (f f (n - 1))
7;; Which produces 7! = 5040.
It seems that you have completely misunderstood the idea of the original question:
Is it possible to write recursive anonymous functions in SML?
And the simple answer is yes. The complex answer is (among others?) an example of this done using a fix point combinator, not a "lambdanonymous" (what ever that is supposed to mean) example done in another language using features not even remotely possible in SML.
All you have to do is put rec after val, as in
val rec fact =
fn n => case n of
0 => 1
| x => x * fact (n - 1)
Wikipedia describes this near the top of the first section.
let fun fact 0 = 1
| fact x = x * fact (x - 1)
This is a recursive anonymous function. The name 'fact' is only used internally.
Some languages (such as Coq) use 'fix' as the primitive for recursive functions, while some languages (such as SML) use recursive-let as the primitive. These two primitives can encode each other:
fix f => e
:= let rec f = e in f end
let rec f = e ... in ... end
:= let f = fix f => e ... in ... end
In languages I know, a recursive function will always get bound to a name. The convenient and conventional way is provided by keywords like "define", or "let", or "letrec",...
The unconventional, more anonymous looking, way is by lambda binding. Jesper Reenberg's answer shows lambda binding; the "anonymous" function gets bound to the names "f" and "fact" by lambdas (called "fn" in SML).
A shorter "lambdanonymous" alternative, which requires OCaml launched by "ocaml -rectypes":
(fun f n -> f f n)
(fun f n -> if n = 0 then 1 else n * (f f (n - 1))
Which produces 7! = 5040.
