One page wordpress template with subscription option - wordpress

I'm new to wordpress. I have to create a one page template for my site and show a subscribe textbox on it with my own custom style. Later, I will use it to send monthly newsletters. What can be the simplest way to do that? I saw into some plugins like newsletter, subscribe2, but they are complicated and I don't know how to integrate them with my text box. They just provide some sort of widget to show on sidebar. Any tutorial or simple plugin? Please help!

You basically have three options:
a. Use a web-hosted syndication service as per the below. (Easiest to configure)
b. Install some sort of newsletter sending plugin for WordPress. (More control, but more configuration)
c. Use a web-hosted newsletter service like Constant Contact (Expensive and Ugh.).
Try using Feedburner with email subscriptions -- see: You sign up, supply your RSS feed's address, then copy-paste the resulting code where-ever in your template you like. Then, whenever you write a new post, your subscribers are sent an email.

Subscribe2 complicated?
You can do auto-download/install from the administration area, you literally only have to config a few options.
Maybe it's just me, but the screenshots certainly make the plugin appear to be very straight-forward.

If you are not heavy with subscription list. Then a good option can be using the MailChimp email subscription with its free option.
You can just install the plugin and place a function called mailchimpSF_signup_form() into your template's right place. And beautify it with your own CSS.
Or in Post or pages' HTML using the shortcode [mailchimpsf_form]
They also have widget to be added dynamically. How to use it?
Create a free account at MailChimp.
Create a list there.
Create an API key there
Go to your MailChimp options page http://yourwordpress.tld/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=mailchimpSF_options
Insert the API key there.
Select the list you want this subscription to be linked to.
There you are!


How to create a user input form with WordPress?

I'm completely new to the whole WordPress scene so I kind of don't know the "WordPress way" of doing the desired task:
Create a form where a user would fill in some details (such as name, surname, upload a video or post a youtube iframe link)
Submit it, once it's done - an admin must verify that everything has been filled out correctly and after that the video can be seen on the website.
Should I write a plugin of some sort that would do that or how does it happen?
Thank you.
The Gravity Forms plugin allows you to do exactly what you're looking to do. With it, you can set up a form that creates a post and sets it to be 'Pending Review' in WordPress. This tutorial contains everything you need to know about what you'll need to do.
If you want to create a Custom Post Type (ie. 'User Page') to better separate user submissions, you'll need to employ this special add-on (as mentioned in the tutorial above).

wordpress custom field to select from existing posts

I'm building a WP site and at one specific page i want to have a custom field in wich the user can select from existing content to be linked there. (english is not my native lang :)
In my case:
I have a services page where the admin can add new services.
I have a doctors page where the admin can add new doctors.
I want to have the option to link one doctor to one specific service.
Can this be done?
As other said, Advanced Custom Field is the answer to your and most needs regarding the data hierarchy management in wordpress.
In addiction I suggest to you to read this good tutorial about the use of Types, another good plugin that does the same work of ACF.
Considere moreover that both plugins ask money if you want more functionalities.
Here is the plugin url : that makes relationship between custom filed. It will you.

How to add one more editor for pages /post in wordpress

Hello Friends I want to add one more editor for wordpress pages/post .Is there is any plugin or any thing .Please let me know if any one having any idea about this.I shall be very thank ful to you
Do you mean you want to use a different editor for posts/pages than the built in one? I haven't tried this one but it looks good and I've been meaning to try it:
If you are looking for multiple VISUAL/HTML editors (to control different parts of your post/page), you can either use custom fields or a plugin called PODS CMS.
If you are using custom fields, read:
A very popular plugin that works with custom fields is FLUTTER. I haven't used it myself, but I have used other plugins and I would probably go with Flutter because of what I have heard about it.
If you use PODS CMS, be aware that it doesn't work with plugins that require custom fields (for example, many feature slider plugins) but it's a great way to have multiple text fields on the same page. It's great for very customized content.
PODS CMS does require some php knowledge but the documentation online is very good:
Personally, if I have more than one custom field per post/page, I would go with PODS, but that is just my preference.
I got the solution of above question.
Using this you can easily add one more editor for page or posts

WP: writing an admin plugin for managing custom content

A client of mine has a site in wordpress, with one section being a directory of agents that each have different text and videos associated with them.
The client wants to be able to easily add/remove/change these agents from within the wordpress admin interface. There will be anywhere from 50-75 of these agents, so doing each page manually is not very attractive.
We currently have 3 agents added as posts, and i understand that we can store additional information inside the post itself, so that is not a problem. What we would like to create is a simpler way of managing those pages where the content cannot be changed by the maintainer, and the additional fields on the post are hard coded so there would be no room for user error.
What i am interested in is if anyone has done something similar in the past and can share their approach and experience, or if anyone can point me in the right direction as to how i can accomplish this and what i need to be aware of.
Yes, Custom Post Types are a perfect fit for your needs. Here are some links to articles explaining them:
You can use a plugin like Custom Post Type UI or just add the register_post_type() calls to your theme's functions.php file:
Then you can use a plugin like "Simple Fields" to add metaboxes to your Agent post type (although there are numerous plugins offering similar functionality; I'm building one myself!):
Hope this helps...
Have you thought about using custom post types? You could create type called Agent and then each agent would be like a post. That way you could search for specific agents easily in the admin and then go in to the post for each agent to change their details.

Members only based plugin for Wordpress

Can anyone recommend me a good members-only plugin? I want to hide pages (and their tabs) if users aren't signed in.
So far I have found:
'Member Access' which doesn't hide the tabs
'wp-members' which wouldn't work with 2.8.4
'user access manager' which was too complex clunky to be useful.
There should be something basic out there for what I need, but no luck so far.
Justin Tadlock is a WordPress heavy (wrote the popular Hybrid theme framework), recently released a comprehensive user management plugin called Members, which among other things can turn your blog into a login-only venue:
Private Blog: Allows you to create a
private blog that can only be accessed
by users that are logged in (redirects
them to the login page).
But I get the impression that you're looking to keep some part available to the public users and other parts only for registered users.
You can also use this plugin to restrict certain areas of your blog, screenshot example here: based on role
Hiding the tabs from the public user is the challenging part. Themes typically aren't designed with private portions in mind; you'd have to hack it yourself or get someone to do it for you.
If are familiar with php and WP structure, you can add a few lines of code to a few template files to redirect users to login page if they are not signed-in. Let me know if you want to go that way. I can try to provide sample code. Are you using one of the basic themes?
I have a plugin called "LJ Custom Menu Links" that can do what you are asking. However as the name suggests they are custom links, so you would have to hand add the pages you want. But it does/and can only show a link when a user is logged on if that is what you want. Combined with "pagemash" plugin which will hide pages from the menu generated by WP itself leaving only the pages linked to by the LJ Custom Menu Links plugin.
However I was under the impression if you made a Page private then it wouldn't show up unless someone was logged in, or am I wrong on that one?
A good option is to use three difference plugins:
Member Access
Register Plus
AJAX Login Widget++
You can find my post on all these here:
Try CMS Members
I know it hide some pages for non-members.
A paid option is this. It's VERY good. I use it on several websites. Called Wishlist Memeber
For me s2member does the job. You don't have to use the paypal option, you can stick with free membership.
