Auto scrolling vertical list? - apache-flex

In my air app I have a list(vertical) on the left side, like a sidebar. It`s working fine! The things is I want to put some animation in this list, which all the times when I select one item all the list moves, and this item goes to the center of the list!
Someone have same example or URL, or something?

I've done something similar using the AnimateProperty effect to animate the scrolling of a list to a given index.
See my blog post here:


Position Mat-Select options ONLY below trigger element

I'm working on an Angular 8 project, using Material. I've searched SO and google for solutions on how to what I want, but my search has been futile.
I also went through How to customize mat-select dropdown position? but my question is different. That question seems to be more about the position of the popover. The solutions there are about positioning the menu below or above but not over the trigger element
I guess, my question is more about the direction of the popover. I would like to only drop down and not drop up. I don't know if, I'm making enough sense
Current Behavior:
When a user opens the mat-select it pops up the options 1. Over the element (like somehow in the middle). 2. It positions the rest of the options either above or below the element, depending on the scroll position (or rather element's position on screen).
The Problem right now: When it pops up above the element, the options are getting rendered out side the screen.
Wanted Behavior:
When user clicks the mat-select, 1. it pops up options BELOW the element. 2. Despite the element position, options are ALWAYS show below. Like a dropdown, never a drop up.
Sort of like how you can choose to use a dropdown or drop up with Bootstrap
Thank you in advance for you assistance and suggestions.

Drop scroll using select in last line of the table

I made a custom dropdown. In the last line of the table, scroll is created when dropdown is open. I need to scroll to see dropdown elements. I do not want this.
I want you to open up the body of the dropdown or enlarge the body. How can I do it?
Document is already enlarged by enlarged content/element, scroll shows that. You need only scroll to view entire enlarged element, f.e.:
Real problem (using react) is that should be done after change state and rendering enlarged element.
I probably would use setTimeout called from setState callback. It's quite common way to be sure it's called after updating state/view. You'll find examples on SO.

Nativescript: How to overlay one StackLayout over another StackLayout

I have a search suggestion component that is displayed under a TextField. whenever text is entered into the TextField the search suggestion component displays a list of possible matches based on the current entered text... I have more content under the TextField that gets pushed to the bottom whenever the Search suggestion gets populated with results. Is there any way to overlay the search suggestions over the content underneath it instead of pushing the content down? in HTML/css I would apply the position absolute and z-index css properties to the search suggestion component but this doesn't seem to be the case in Nativescript. I see that Nativescript does support the z-index css property but just applying that doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't look like Nativescript supports the position property... Any idea how I can make this work/what i'm missing?
You have a couple quick options. One is to use a grid as mentioned in the comments. Set the views on the same row/col. This is the same as stacking views on the z axis. Or an absolute layout and use the same positioning of the views within that layout.

GWT - PopupPanel, change layout when flipped

I'm creating a context menu for certain elements using a PopupPanel; the menu itself is going to be fairly large and complex. What I'm looking to do is to have a list of buttons, plus an image and some text, related to the element clicked.
My problem is that I'd like the buttons to always display directly under the clicked element, because that's convenient for the user; the issue is that when PopupPanel is near the edges of the screen, it automatically changes position to be fully visible, not aligning its left side to the element as usual. I like this behavior, but it moves the position of the buttons away.
So what I'd like to happen is: normally the buttons are on the left of the panel, the other stuff is to the right. When the panel is close to the right of the screen, I'd like the buttons to instead be on the right (and thus under the clicked element) and the other stuff on the left.
Is there a clever way to do this, either in GWT or better yet, using only CSS? PopupPanel itself doesn't seem to tell you when it's going to get flipped, sadly. The only solution I currently have is to manually check the position and width of the popup before showing it and adjust accordingly, but I'm hoping there's a better solution.
Here is what I suggest (based on my own implementation of a similar use case):
Have the position callback implementation accept references (in constructor) on:
PopupPanel element
element on which user right cliked
the content you put in the PopupPanel
Replicate (I know this not DRY but implementation is package private) the code from default position callback
When opening to the right invoke a method that changes the layout of your content (CSS based or otherwise)
I hope it helps. If you find something better let me know.

How to jump between code frames with Vimperator?

Example page to show the problem:
There are some scrolled frames with content of .Xresources file.
Now, there is any way to jump between those frames or scroll content?
When I use Vimperator I'm able to move through whole page, but I don't know how to (easy) scroll those frames.
Example page is just an example, there is many many more websites with similar frames.
Make sure you want to change the focus to a frame and not a div
For frames:
Use brackets [ ] to toggle through different navigation frames on a page.
f[ toggles back
f] toggles forward
For divs:
Use ;; and then focus some element within the div.
the closest (most effective) i could get on the example in the original question is to focus visually nearest element using ;; and then Tab or Shift+Tab to the desired element.
If the target element contains something focusable by 'extendedhinttags' then obviously go for that using ;;
then scroll using hjkl keys
WARNING: Works in Pentadactyl only, a fork of Vimperator.
On your example page, I was able to switch focus between the main frame and the code content with Tab and Shift-Tab.
