Can anyone guide me how to load images through image_url tags in my image control named BOOK_URL under a loop? i have fetched other book info under similar_books tag of each book tag but unable to fetch images of all book tags in my image control.
My code looks like this.
var xdoc = XDocument.Load("" + title.Text);
IEnumerable<XElement> allElements =
foreach (XElement result in allElements)
BOOK_URL.Source = BOOK_URL.Source + "\n"+
ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(result.Element("image_url").Value)) ;
search.Text = search.Text + "\n" +
" Book Name: " + result.Element("title").Value + "\n" +
" ISBN: " + result.Element("isbn").Value + "\n" +
"Average Ratings: " + result.Element("average_rating").Value + "\n";
Also my url of xml response look like this:
i am getting all info except for images. Please help me to fetch all images of all book tags as i have fetched other book info rather than images.
this is garbage and should not even compile
BOOK_URL.Source = BOOK_URL.Source + "\n"+
ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(result.Element("image_url").Value));
assuming that BOOK_URL is an Image control, you want to do
BOOK_URL.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(result.Element("image_url").Value));
note that if you have multiple image urls, only the last one in the loop will be assigned
if you have two image controls, you could do this
IEnumerable<XElement> images = xdoc.Descendants("similar_books").
image1.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(images[0].Value));
image2.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(images[1].Value));
I am unable to get image from a URL that is an XML response. i used following code to fetch information from this URL including image too since i thought that i will get image although the xml response has image url but i am getting image URL instead of image.
Why is it so? kindly guide me! i am a newbie to xamarin forms.
URl :
XElement search_result =(from xFi in Xdoc.Descendants("book")
where (xFi.Element("country_code").Value == "PK") || (xFi.Element("language_code").Value == "eng")
select xFi).FirstOrDefault();
if (search_result != null)
{ search.Text=
"Title: " + search_result.Element("title").Value + "\n" +
"Average Ratings: " + search_result.Element("average_rating").Value + "\n" +
"ISBN: " + search_result.Element("isbn").Value + "\n" +
"PUBLICATION YEAR: " + search_result.Element("publication_year").Value +
"\n" +"PUBLISHER: " + search_result.Element("publisher").Value + "\n" +
"DESCRIPTION: " + "\n" + search_result.Element("description").Value + "\n"
+ "IMAGE: " + "\n" + search_result.Element("image_url").Value + "\n";
} else
search.Text = "Found Nothing";
assuming I have an Image control on my page named "bookimage"
var url = search_result.Element("image_url").Value;
bookimage.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(url));
this is clearly explained in the docs
I have a simple ASP.NET MVC application, where our users have a table which has some options to edit some settings.
This table is build dynamically using jQuery since this is some legacy code. The code to make the table is:
function setInvoiceTable(result) {
result.OverduesPaged.forEach(function (item, index) {
var externalName = 'OverduesPaged[' + index + '].ExternalInvoiceGuid';
var debtorName = 'OverduesPaged[' + index + '].Debtor';
var visibleName = 'OverduesPaged[' + index + '].IsSelected';
var externalInvoiceGuidField = '<input type=\'hidden\' value=\'' + item.ExternalInvoiceGuid + '\' name=\'' + externalName+ '\' />';
var debtorField = '<input type=\'hidden\' value=\'' + item.Debtor + '\' name=\'' + debtorName + '\' />';
var invisibleField = '<input type=\'hidden\' value=\'false\' name=\'' + visibleName + '\' id=\'' + visibleName + '\' /></label>';
var visibleField = '<label><input type=\'checkbox\' value=\'true\' name=\'' + visibleName + '\' id=\'' + visibleName + '\' /> Start sag';
var insertStr = "<tr>" +
"<td>" + externalInvoiceGuidField + debtorField + visibleField + invisibleField + "</td>" +
"<td>" + item.InvoiceId + "</td>" +
"<td>" + item.Debtor + "</td>" +
"<td>" + item.DateString +"</td>" +
"<td>" + item.DaysSinceDueString +"</td>" +
"<td>" + item.GrossAmountString + "</td>" +
"<td>" + item.RemainderAmountString + "</td>" +
When I POST, this works perfectly for us. We have an endpoint in our controller which has this signature:
public ActionResult StartDebtCollectionCases(UpcomingDashboardViewModel vm)
// code
The collection I'm building is the OverduesPaged which is a part of our view model:
public class UpcomingDashboardViewModel
public List<OverdueUpcomingInvoiceViewModel> OverduesPaged { get; set; }
// more stuff not relevant to question
This is my challenge:
I've added a css class to the <tr> row like this:
// new code added
var removeClass = 'ok';
if (item.IsAlreadyCase) {
visibleField = '<label type="text">Allerede startet</label>';
removeClass = 'remove';
} else if (item.IsBlocked) {
visibleField = '<label type="text">Sat i bero</label>';
removeClass = 'remove';
else if (item.Currency != "DKK") {
visibleField = '<label type="text">Faktura skal være dansk valuta</label>';
removeClass = 'remove';
var insertStr = "<tr class='" + removeClass + "'>" +
"<td>" + externalInvoiceGuidField + debtorField + visibleField + invisibleField + "</td>" +
// rest of code from above
Now I end up with a table exactly like before, but with a class which is either OK or REMOVE.
However, when I now do the POST, the whole collection, OverduesPaged, is null/empty:
I tried to add the class to the <td> instead, but then the collection was null/empty.
Any ideas what is wrong here?
The issue is not related to adding the class name itself, but rather the invalid html that you generating if ant of the code in the if or else if blocks are executed. In those blocks you are creating <label> element with a closing tag, but no input (its not clear if you need the checkbox or not in those cases), so when you combine visibleField + invisibleField you get unbalanced <label> tags (visibleField has opening and closing tags, but invisibleField only has a closing </label> tag.
You code in the if blocks to generate visibleField would need to be similar to what you generate in the original code - i.e. just an opening <label> with the html for the checkbox.
As you have acknowledged in the comments, this is very fragile and error prone code that is difficult to debug. As you are intending to rewrite it, consider returning a partial view in your ajax call (that is strongly bound to the model), or if you need to return Json, then consider a hidden template (outside the <form> tags) that you clone and update in the script, for example
<div id="newrow" style="display:none">
<input class="invoice" type="hidden" name="OverduesPaged[#].ExternalInvoiceGuid value />
<input class="debtor" type="hidden" name="OverduesPaged[#].Debtor value />
and then you script becomes
var table = $('#accounting_invoices_table');
result.OverduesPaged.forEach(function (item, index) {
var clone = $('#newrow').clone();
// Update indexer
clone.html($(clone).html().replace(/\[#\]/g, '[' + index + ']'));
// Update values
As a side note, your existing id attributes are invalid because they contain ., [ and ] characters (if you attempted to use these in jQuery selectors, they would fail (for example the . will be interpreted as a class name), so they should be omitted in the html
I googled this topic and I came across with three different ways to configure browser capabilities: browscap.ini, browserCaps element in web.config and .browser files in App_Browsers. I thought .browser files is the latest way, but I don't seem to find up-to-date files. But I found quite fresh browscap.ini from
My first priority is to exclude common crawlers from the visitor stats. The second priority is to detect browser and os with correct versions (e.g. Opera 11 / Win7).
Are there any libraries I could use? Is browscap.ini still a valid way and is it possible to use it without access to system files? Where can I find up-to-date .browser files?
more info :
Have you checked this :
System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser;
string s = "Browser Capabilities\n"
+ "Type = " + browser.Type + "\n"
+ "Name = " + browser.Browser + "\n"
+ "Version = " + browser.Version + "\n"
+ "Major Version = " + browser.MajorVersion + "\n"
+ "Minor Version = " + browser.MinorVersion + "\n"
+ "Platform = " + browser.Platform + "\n"
+ "Is Beta = " + browser.Beta + "\n"
+ "Is Crawler = " + browser.Crawler + "\n"
+ "Is AOL = " + browser.AOL + "\n"
+ "Is Win16 = " + browser.Win16 + "\n"
+ "Is Win32 = " + browser.Win32 + "\n"
+ "Supports Frames = " + browser.Frames + "\n"
+ "Supports Tables = " + browser.Tables + "\n"
+ "Supports Cookies = " + browser.Cookies + "\n"
+ "Supports VBScript = " + browser.VBScript + "\n"
+ "Supports JavaScript = " +
browser.EcmaScriptVersion.ToString() + "\n"
+ "Supports Java Applets = " + browser.JavaApplets + "\n"
+ "Supports ActiveX Controls = " + browser.ActiveXControls
+ "\n"
+ "Supports JavaScript Version = " +
browser["JavaScriptVersion"] + "\n";
TextBox1.Text = s;
I found a user agent parser from and it seems to be good enough for my purposes.
Just so no one else goes down that dark path, be aware that even the jQuery team recommend that you DO NOT use jQuery.browser object:
"The $.browser property is deprecated in jQuery 1.3"
The best answer is feature detection, not browser detection! This is particularly true in the day where Firefox & Chrome are putting out releases ever few months and mobile browser use is growing. Use Modernizr ( or an equivalent library to detect the features you are interested in.
So far I've used for client side detection.
How do I detect what browser (IE, Firefox, Opera) the user is accessing my site with? Examples in Javascript, PHP, ASP, Python, JSP, and any others you can think of would be helpful. Is there a language agnostic way to get this information?
If it's for handling the request, look at the User-Agent header on the incoming request.
UPDATE: If it's for reporting, configure your web server to log the User-Agent in the access logs, then run a log analysis tool, e.g., AWStats.
UPDATE 2: FYI, it's usually (not always, usually) a bad idea to change the way you're handling a request based on the User-Agent.
Comprehensive list of User Agent Strings from various Browsers
The list is really large :)
You would take a look at the User-Agent that they are sending. Note that you can send whatever agent you want, so that's not 100% foolproof, but most people don't change it unless there's a specific reason to.
A quick and dirty java servlet example
private String getBrowserName(HttpServletRequest request) {
// get the user Agent from request header
String userAgent = request.getHeader(Constants.BROWSER_USER_AGENT);
String BrowesrName = "";
//check for Internet Explorer
if (userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1) {
BrowesrName = Constants.BROWSER_NAME_IE;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf(Constants.BROWSER_NAME_FIREFOX) > -1) {
} else if (userAgent.indexOf(Constants.BROWSER_NAME_OPERA) > -1) {
BrowesrName = Constants.BROWSER_NAME_OPERA;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf(Constants.BROWSER_NAME_SAFARI) > -1) {
BrowesrName = Constants.BROWSER_NAME_SAFARI;
} else if (userAgent.indexOf(Constants.BROWSER_NAME_NETSCAPE) > -1) {
BrowesrName = Constants.BROWSER_NAME_NETSCAPE;
} else {
BrowesrName = "Undefined Browser";
//return the browser name
return BrowesrName;
You can use the HttpBrowserCapabilities Class in ASP.NET. Here is a sample from this link
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
HttpBrowserCapabilities bc;
string s;
bc = Request.Browser;
s= "Browser Capabilities" + "\n";
s += "Type = " + bc.Type + "\n";
s += "Name = " + bc.Browser + "\n";
s += "Version = " + bc.Version + "\n";
s += "Major Version = " + bc.MajorVersion + "\n";
s += "Minor Version = " + bc.MinorVersion + "\n";
s += "Platform = " + bc.Platform + "\n";
s += "Is Beta = " + bc.Beta + "\n";
s += "Is Crawler = " + bc.Crawler + "\n";
s += "Is AOL = " + bc.AOL + "\n";
s += "Is Win16 = " + bc.Win16 + "\n";
s += "Is Win32 = " + bc.Win32 + "\n";
s += "Supports Frames = " + bc.Frames + "\n";
s += "Supports Tables = " + bc.Tables + "\n";
s += "Supports Cookies = " + bc.Cookies + "\n";
s += "Supports VB Script = " + bc.VBScript + "\n";
s += "Supports JavaScript = " + bc.JavaScript + "\n";
s += "Supports Java Applets = " + bc.JavaApplets + "\n";
s += "Supports ActiveX Controls = " + bc.ActiveXControls + "\n";
TextBox1.Text = s;
PHP's predefined superglobal array $_SERVER contains a key "HTTP_USER_AGENT", which contains the value of the User-Agent header as sent in the HTTP request. Remember that this is user-provided data and is not to be trusted. Few users alter their user-agent string, but it does happen from time to time.
On the client side, you can do this in Javascript using the navigation.userAgent object. Here's a crude example:
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > -1)
alert("Internet Explorer!");
else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") > -1)
A more detailed and comprehensive example can be found here:
Note that if you're doing the browser detection for the sake of Javascript compatibility, it's usually better to simply use object detection or a try/catch block, lest some version you didn't think of slip through the cracks of your script.
For example, instead of doing this...
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") > -1)
objXMLHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
objXMLHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
...this is better:
if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Works in Firefox, Opera, and Safari, maybe latest IE?
objXMLHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) // If the above fails, try the MSIE 6 method
objXMLHttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
It may be dependent of your setting. With apache on linux, its written in the access log /var/log/apache2/access_log
You can do this by:
- looking at the web server log, OR
- looking at the User-Agent field in the HTML request (which is a plain text stream) before processing it.
First of all, I'd like to note, that it is best to avoid patching against specific web-browsers, unless as a last result -try to achieve cross-browser compatibility instead using standard-compliant HTML/CSS/JS (yes, javascript does have a common denominator subset, which works across all major browsers).
With that said, the user-agent tag from the HTTP request header contains the client's (claimed) browser. Although this has become a real mess due to people working against specific browser, and not the specification, so determining the real browser can be a little tricky.
Match against this:
contains browser
Firefox -> Firefox
MSIE -> Internet Explorer
Opera -> Opera (one of the few browsers, which don't pretend to be Mozilla :) )
Most of the agents containing the words "bot", or "crawler" are usually bots (so you can omit it from logs / etc)
check out browsecap.ini. The linked site has files for multiple scripting languages. The browsecap not only identifies the user-agent but also has info about the browser's CSS support, JS support, OS, if its a mobile browser etc.
cruise over to this page to see an example of what info the browsecap.ini can tell you about your current browser.