how to evaluate derivative of function in matlab? - math

This should be very simple. I have a function f(x), and I want to evaluate f'(x) for a given x in MATLAB.
All my searches have come up with symbolic math, which is not what I need, I need numerical differentiation.
E.g. if I define: fx = inline('x.^2')
I want to find say f'(3), which would be 6, I don't want to find 2x

If your function is known to be twice differentiable, use
f'(x) = (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / 2h
which is second order accurate in h. If it is only once differentiable, use
f'(x) = (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h (*)
which is first order in h.
This is theory. In practice, things are quite tricky. I'll take the second formula (first order) as the analysis is simpler. Do the second order one as an exercise.
The very first observation is that you must make sure that (x + h) - x = h, otherwise you get huge errors. Indeed, f(x + h) and f(x) are close to each other (say 2.0456 and 2.0467), and when you substract them, you lose a lot of significant figures (here it is 0.0011, which has 3 significant figures less than x). So any error on h is likely to have a huge impact on the result.
So, first step, fix a candidate h (I'll show you in a minute how to chose it), and take as h for your computation the quantity h' = (x + h) - x. If you are using a language like C, you must take care to define h or x as volatile for that computation not to be optimized away.
Next, the choice of h. The error in (*) has two parts: the truncation error and the roundoff error. The truncation error is because the formula is not exact:
(f(x + h) - f(x)) / h = f'(x) + e1(h)
where e1(h) = h / 2 * sup_{x in [0,h]} |f''(x)|.
The roundoff error comes from the fact that f(x + h) and f(x) are close to each other. It can be estimated roughly as
e2(h) ~ epsilon_f |f(x) / h|
where epsilon_f is the relative precision in the computation of f(x) (or f(x + h), which is close). This has to be assessed from your problem. For simple functions, epsilon_f can be taken as the machine epsilon. For more complicated ones, it can be worse than that by orders of magnitude.
So you want h which minimizes e1(h) + e2(h). Plugging everything together and optimizing in h yields
h ~ sqrt(2 * epsilon_f * f / f'')
which has to be estimated from your function. You can take rough estimates. When in doubt, take h ~ sqrt(epsilon) where epsilon = machine accuracy. For the optimal choice of h, the relative accuracy to which the derivative is known is sqrt(epsilon_f), ie. half the significant figures are correct.
In short: too small a h => roundoff error, too large a h => truncation error.
For the second order formula, same computation yields
h ~ (6 * epsilon_f / f''')^(1/3)
and a fractional accuracy of (epsilon_f)^(2/3) for the derivative (which is typically one or two significant figures better than the first order formula, assuming double precision).
If this is too imprecise, feel free to ask for more methods, there are a lot of tricks to get better accuracy. Richardson extrapolation is a good start for smooth functions. But those methods typically compute f quite a few times, this may or not be what you want if your function is complex.
If you are going to use numerical derivatives a lot of times at different points, it becomes interesting to construct a Chebyshev approximation.

To get a numerical difference (symmetric difference), you calculate (f(x+dx)-f(x-dx))/(2*dx)
fx = #(x)x.^2;
fPrimeAt3 = (fx(3.1)-fx(2.9))/0.2;
Alternatively, you can create a vector of function values and apply DIFF, i.e.
xValues = 2:0.1:4;
fValues = fx(xValues);
df = diff(fValues)./0.1;
Note that diff takes the forward difference, and that it assumes that dx equals to 1.
However, in your case, you may be better off to define fx as a polynomial, and evaluating the derivative of the function, rather than the function values.

Lacking the symbolic toolbox, nothing stops you from using Derivest, a tool for automatic adaptive numerical differentiation.
ans =
For your example it does very nicely. In fact, it even provides an estimate of the error in the resulting approximation.
fx = inline('x.^2');
[fp,errest] = derivest(fx,3)
fp =
errest =

did you try diff (calculates differences and approximates a derivative), gradient, or polyder (calculates the derivative of a polynomial) functions?
You can read more on these functions by using help <commandname> on MATLAB console, or use the function browser in the Help menu.

For a given function in analytical form, you can evaluate the derivative at a desired point with the following code:
syms x
df = diff(x^2);
df3 = subs(df, 'x', 3);
fprintf('f''(3)=%f\n', df3);
For pure numerical derivatives use the already given solutions by Jonas and posdef.


When have enough bits of my series with non-negative terms been calculated?

I have a power series with all terms non-negative which I want to evaluate to some arbitrarily set precision p (the length in binary digits of a MPFR floating-point mantissa). The result should be faithfully rounded. The issue is that I don't know when should I stop adding terms to the result variable, that is, how do I know when do I already have p + 32 accurate summed bits of the series? 32 is just an arbitrarily chosen small natural number meant to facilitate more accurate rounding to p binary digits.
This is my original series
0 <= h <= 1
series_orig(h) := sum(n = 0, +inf, a(n) * h^n)
But I actually need to calculate an arbitrary derivative of the above series (m is the order of the derivative):
series(h, m) := sum(n = m, +inf, a(n) * (n - m + 1) * ... * n * h^(n - m))
The rational number sequence a is defined like so:
a(n) := binomial(1/2, n)^2
= (((2*n)!/(n!)) / (n! * 4^n * (2*n - 1)))^2
So how do I know when to stop summing up terms of series?
Is the following maybe a good strategy?
compute in p * 4 (which is assumed to be greater than p + 32).
at each point be able to recall the current partial sum and the previous one.
stop looping when the previous and current partial sums are equal if rounded to precision p + 32.
round to precision p and return.
I'm doing this with MPFI, an interval arithmetic addon to MPFR. Thus the [mpfi] tag.
Attempts to get relevant formulas and equations
Guided by Eric in the comments, I have managed to derive a formula for the required working precision and an equation for the required number of terms of the series in the sum.
A problem, however, is that a nice formula for the required number of terms is not possible.
Someone more mathematically capable might instead be able to achieve a formula for a useful upper bound, but that seems quite difficult to do for all possible requested result precisions and for all possible values of m (the order of the derivative). Note that the formulas need to be easily computable so they're ready before I start computing the series.
Another problem is that it seems necessary to assume the worst case for h (h = 1) for there to be any chance of a nice formula, but this is wasteful if h is far from the worst case, that is if h is close to zero.

How to combine multiple objectives for optimization?

I don't know why this is so hard for me to figure out.
For example, I have two functions, f(x, y) and g(x, y). I want to find the values of x and y such that:
f(x, y) is at a target value (minimize the difference from the target)
g(x, y) is minimized (can be negative, doesn't stop at 0)
x and y are bounded (so g's minimum doesn't necessarily have a gradient of 0)
So if I were just finding a solution for f, I could minimize abs(f(x, y) - target), for instance, and it will hit zero when it's found a solution. But there are multiple such solutions and I also want to find the one that minimizes g.
So how do I combine these two functions into a single expression that I can then minimize (using a Newton-like method)?
My first attempt was 100*abs(f(x, y) - target) + g(x, y) to strongly emphasize hitting the target first, and it worked for some cases of the target value, but failed for others, since g(x, y) could go so negative that it dominated the combination and the optimizer stopped caring about f. How do I guarantee that f hitting the target is always dominant?
Are there general rules for how to combine multiple objectives into a single objective?
There is a rich literature about multi-objective optimization. Two popular methods are weighted objective and a lexicographic approach.
A weighted objective could be designed as:
min w1 * [f-target]^2 + w2 * g
for some weights w1, w2 >= 0. Often we have w1+w2=1 so we can also write:
min w1 * [f-target]^2 + (1-w1) * g
Set w1 to a larger value than w2 to put emphasis on the f objective.
The lexicographic method assumes an ordering of objectives. It can look like:
Solve with first objective z = min [f-target]^2. Let z* be the optimal objective.
Solve with the second objective while staying close to z*:
min g subject to [f-target]^2-z* <= tolerance
To measure the deviation between the target and f I used a quadratic function here. You can also use an absolute value.
Since you cannot exactly get f(x,y)-target to be zero, you have to accept some amount of error. I will use the relative error r = abs((f(x, y) - target)/target).
A function which grows extremely rapidly with r should do the trick.
exp(r/epsilon) + g(x, y)
If I choose epsilon = 1e-10, then I know r has to be less than 1e-7, because exp(1000) is an enormous number, but when r is small, like r = 1e-12, then the exponential changes very slowly, and g(x,y) will be the dominant term. You can even take it a step further and calculate how close x and y are to their true value, but its usually just easier to adjust the parameter until you get what you need.

differentiation in matlab

i need to find acceleration of an object the formula for that given in text is a = d^2(L)/d(T)^2 , where L= length and T= time
i calculated this in matlab by using this equation
a = (1/(T3-T1))*(((L3-L2)/(T3-T2))-((L2-L1)/(T2-T1)))
a = (v2-v1)/(T2-T1)
but im not getting the right answers ,can any body tell me how to find (a) by any other method in matlab.
This has nothing to do with matlab, you are just trying to numerically differentiate a function twice. Depending on the behaviour of the higher (3rd, 4th) derivatives of the function this will or will not yield reasonable results. You will also have to expect an error of order |T3 - T1|^2 with a formula like the one you are using, assuming L is four times differentiable. Instead of using intervals of different size you may try to use symmetric approximations like
v (x) = (L(x-h) - L(x+h))/ 2h
a (x) = (L(x-h) - 2 L(x) + L(x+h))/ h^2
From what I recall from my numerical math lectures this is better suited for numerical calculation of higher order derivatives. You will still get an error of order
C |h|^2, with C = O( ||d^4 L / dt^4 || )
with ||.|| denoting the supremum norm of a function (that is, the fourth derivative of L needs to be bounded). In case that's true you can use that formula to calculate how small h has to be chosen in order to produce a result you are willing to accept. Note, though, that this is just the theoretical error which is a consequence of an analysis of the Taylor approximation of L, see [1] or [2] -- this is where I got it from a moment ago -- or any other introductory book on numerical mathematics. You may get additional errors depending on the quality of the evaluation of L; also, if |L(x-h) - L(x)| is very small numerical substraction may be ill conditioned.
[1] Knabner, Angermann; Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen; Springer

How are exponents calculated?

I'm trying to determine the asymptotic run-time of one of my algorithms, which uses exponents, but I'm not sure of how exponents are calculated programmatically.
I'm specifically looking for the pow() algorithm used for double-precision, floating point numbers.
I've had a chance to look at fdlibm's implementation. The comments describe the algorithm used:
* n
* Method: Let x = 2 * (1+f)
* 1. Compute and return log2(x) in two pieces:
* log2(x) = w1 + w2,
* where w1 has 53-24 = 29 bit trailing zeros.
* 2. Perform y*log2(x) = n+y' by simulating muti-precision
* arithmetic, where |y'|<=0.5.
* 3. Return x**y = 2**n*exp(y'*log2)
followed by a listing of all the special cases handled (0, 1, inf, nan).
The most intense sections of the code, after all the special-case handling, involve the log2 and 2** calculations. And there are no loops in either of those. So, the complexity of floating-point primitives notwithstanding, it looks like a asymptotically constant-time algorithm.
Floating-point experts (of which I'm not one) are welcome to comment. :-)
Unless they've discovered a better way to do it, I believe that approximate values for trig, logarithmic and exponential functions (for exponential growth and decay, for example) are generally calculated using arithmetic rules and Taylor Series expansions to produce an approximate result accurate to within the requested precision. (See any Calculus book for details on power series, Taylor series, and Maclaurin series expansions of functions.) Please note that it's been a while since I did any of this so I couldn't tell you, for example, exactly how to calculate the number of terms in the series you need to include guarantee an error that small enough to be negligible in a double-precision calculation.
For example, the Taylor/Maclaurin series expansion for e^x is this:
+inf [ x^k ] x^2 x^3 x^4 x^5
e^x = SUM [ --- ] = 1 + x + --- + ----- + ------- + --------- + ....
k=0 [ k! ] 2*1 3*2*1 4*3*2*1 5*4*3*2*1
If you take all of the terms (k from 0 to infinity), this expansion is exact and complete (no error).
However, if you don't take all the terms going to infinity, but you stop after say 5 terms or 50 terms or whatever, you produce an approximate result that differs from the actual e^x function value by a remainder which is fairly easy to calculate.
The good news for exponentials is that it converges nicely and the terms of its polynomial expansion are fairly easy to code iteratively, so you might (repeat, MIGHT - remember, it's been a while) not even need to pre-calculate how many terms you need to guarantee your error is less than precision because you can test the size of the contribution at each iteration and stop when it becomes close enough to zero. In practice, I do not know if this strategy is viable or not - I'd have to try it. There are important details I have long since forgotten about. Stuff like: machine precision, machine error and rounding error, etc.
Also, please note that if you are not using e^x, but you are doing growth/decay with another base like 2^x or 10^x, the approximating polynomial function changes.
The usual approach, to raise a to the b, for an integer exponent, goes something like this:
result = 1
while b > 0
if b is odd
result *= a
b -= 1
b /= 2
a = a * a
It is generally logarithmic in the size of the exponent. The algorithm is based on the invariant "a^b*result = a0^b0", where a0 and b0 are the initial values of a and b.
For negative or non-integer exponents, logarithms and approximations and numerical analysis are needed. The running time will depend on the algorithm used and what precision the library is tuned for.
Edit: Since there seems to be some interest, here's a version without the extra multiplication.
result = 1
while b > 0
while b is even
a = a * a
b = b / 2
result = result * a
b = b - 1
You can use exp(n*ln(x)) for calculating xn. Both x and n can be double-precision, floating point numbers. Natural logarithm and exponential function can be calculated using Taylor series. Here you can find formulas:
If I were writing a pow function targeting Intel, I would return exp2(log2(x) * y). Intel's microcode for log2 is surely faster than anything I'd be able to code, even if I could remember my first year calculus and grad school numerical analysis.
e^x = (1 + fraction) * (2^exponent), 1 <= 1 + fraction < 2
x * log2(e) = log2(1 + fraction) + exponent, 0 <= log2(1 + fraction) < 1
exponent = floor(x * log2(e))
1 + fraction = 2^(x * log2(e) - exponent) = e^((x * log2(e) - exponent) * ln2) = e^(x - exponent * ln2), 0 <= x - exponent * ln2 < ln2

Fitting polynomials to data

Is there a way, given a set of values (x,f(x)), to find the polynomial of a given degree that best fits the data?
I know polynomial interpolation, which is for finding a polynomial of degree n given n+1 data points, but here there are a large number of values and we want to find a low-degree polynomial (find best linear fit, best quadratic, best cubic, etc.). It might be related to least squares...
More generally, I would like to know the answer when we have a multivariate function -- points like (x,y,f(x,y)), say -- and want to find the best polynomial (p(x,y)) of a given degree in the variables. (Specifically a polynomial, not splines or Fourier series.)
Both theory and code/libraries (preferably in Python, but any language is okay) would be useful.
Thanks for everyone's replies. Here is another attempt at summarizing them. Pardon if I say too many "obvious" things: I knew nothing about least squares before, so everything was new to me.
NOT polynomial interpolation
Polynomial interpolation is fitting a polynomial of degree n given n+1 data points, e.g. finding a cubic that passes exactly through four given points. As said in the question, this was not want I wanted—I had a lot of points and wanted a small-degree polynomial (which will only approximately fit, unless we've been lucky)—but since some of the answers insisted on talking about it, I should mention them :) Lagrange polynomial, Vandermonde matrix, etc.
What is least-squares?
"Least squares" is a particular definition/criterion/"metric" of "how well" a polynomial fits. (There are others, but this is simplest.) Say you are trying to fit a polynomial
p(x,y) = a + bx + cy + dx2 + ey2 + fxy
to some given data points (xi,yi,Zi) (where "Zi" was "f(xi,yi)" in the question). With least-squares the problem is to find the "best" coefficients (a,b,c,d,e,f), such that what is minimized (kept "least") is the "sum of squared residuals", namely
S = ∑i (a + bxi + cyi + dxi2 + eyi2 + fxiyi - Zi)2
The important idea is that if you look at S as a function of (a,b,c,d,e,f), then S is minimized at a point at which its gradient is 0. This means that for example ∂S/∂f=0, i.e. that
∑i2(a + … + fxiyi - Zi)xiyi = 0
and similar equations for a, b, c, d, e.
Note that these are just linear equations in a…f. So we can solve them with Gaussian elimination or any of the usual methods.
This is still called "linear least squares", because although the function we wanted was a quadratic polynomial, it is still linear in the parameters (a,b,c,d,e,f). Note that the same thing works when we want p(x,y) to be any "linear combination" of arbitrary functions fj, instead of just a polynomial (= "linear combination of monomials").
For the univariate case (when there is only variable x — the fj are monomials xj), there is Numpy's polyfit:
>>> import numpy
>>> xs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> ys = [1.1, 3.9, 11.2, 21.5, 34.8, 51, 70.2, 92.3, 117.4, 145.5]
>>> p = numpy.poly1d(numpy.polyfit(xs, ys, deg=2))
>>> print p
1.517 x + 2.483 x + 0.4927
For the multivariate case, or linear least squares in general, there is SciPy. As explained in its documentation, it takes a matrix A of the values fj(xi). (The theory is that it finds the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of A.) With our above example involving (xi,yi,Zi), fitting a polynomial means the fj are the monomials x()y(). The following finds the best quadratic (or best polynomial of any other degree, if you change the "degree = 2" line):
from scipy import linalg
import random
n = 20
x = [100*random.random() for i in range(n)]
y = [100*random.random() for i in range(n)]
Z = [(x[i]+y[i])**2 + 0.01*random.random() for i in range(n)]
degree = 2
A = []
for i in range(n):
for xd in range(degree+1):
for yd in range(degree+1-xd):
A[i].append((x[i]**xd)*(y[i]**yd)) #f_j(x_i)
c,_,_,_ = linalg.lstsq(A,Z)
j = 0
for xd in range(0,degree+1):
for yd in range(0,degree+1-xd):
print " + (%.2f)x^%dy^%d" % (c[j], xd, yd),
j += 1
+ (0.01)x^0y^0 + (-0.00)x^0y^1 + (1.00)x^0y^2 + (-0.00)x^1y^0 + (2.00)x^1y^1 + (1.00)x^2y^0
so it has discovered that the polynomial is x2+2xy+y2+0.01. [The last term is sometimes -0.01 and sometimes 0, which is to be expected because of the random noise we added.]
Alternatives to Python+Numpy/Scipy are R and Computer Algebra Systems: Sage, Mathematica, Matlab, Maple. Even Excel might be able to do it. Numerical Recipes discusses methods to implement it ourselves (in C, Fortran).
It is strongly influenced by how the points are chosen. When I had x=y=range(20) instead of the random points, it always produced 1.33x2+1.33xy+1.33y2, which was puzzling... until I realised that because I always had x[i]=y[i], the polynomials were the same: x2+2xy+y2 = 4x2 = (4/3)(x2+xy+y2). So the moral is that it is important to choose the points carefully to get the "right" polynomial. (If you can chose, you should choose Chebyshev nodes for polynomial interpolation; not sure if the same is true for least squares as well.)
Overfitting: higher-degree polynomials can always fit the data better. If you change the degree to 3 or 4 or 5, it still mostly recognizes the same quadratic polynomial (coefficients are 0 for higher-degree terms) but for larger degrees, it starts fitting higher-degree polynomials. But even with degree 6, taking larger n (more data points instead of 20, say 200) still fits the quadratic polynomial. So the moral is to avoid overfitting, for which it might help to take as many data points as possible.
There might be issues of numerical stability I don't fully understand.
If you don't need a polynomial, you can obtain better fits with other kinds of functions, e.g. splines (piecewise polynomials).
Yes, the way this is typically done is by using least squares. There are other ways of specifying how well a polynomial fits, but the theory is simplest for least squares. The general theory is called linear regression.
Your best bet is probably to start with Numerical Recipes.
R is free and will do everything you want and more, but it has a big learning curve.
If you have access to Mathematica, you can use the Fit function to do a least squares fit. I imagine Matlab and its open source counterpart Octave have a similar function.
For (x, f(x)) case:
import numpy
x = numpy.arange(10)
y = x**2
coeffs = numpy.polyfit(x, y, deg=2)
poly = numpy.poly1d(coeffs)
print poly
yp = numpy.polyval(poly, x)
print (yp-y)
Bare in mind that a polynomial of higher degree ALWAYS fits the data better. Polynomials of higher degree typically leads to highly improbable functions (see Occam's Razor), though (overfitting). You want to find a balance between simplicity (degree of polynomial) and fit (e.g. least square error). Quantitatively, there are tests for this, the Akaike Information Criterion or the Bayesian Information Criterion. These tests give a score which model is to be prefered.
If you want to fit the (xi, f(xi)) to an polynomial of degree n then you would set up a linear least squares problem with the data (1, xi, xi, xi^2, ..., xi^n, f(xi) ). This will return a set of coefficients (c0, c1, ..., cn) so that the best fitting polynomial is *y = c0 + c1 * x + c2 * x^2 + ... + cn * x^n.*
You can generalize this two more than one dependent variable by including powers of y and combinations of x and y in the problem.
Lagrange polynomials (as #j w posted) give you an exact fit at the points you specify, but with polynomials of degree more than say 5 or 6 you can run into numerical instability.
Least squares gives you the "best fit" polynomial with error defined as the sum of squares of the individual errors. (take the distance along the y-axis between the points you have and the function that results, square them, and sum them up) The MATLAB polyfit function does this, and with multiple return arguments, you can have it automatically take care of scaling/offset issues (e.g. if you have 100 points all between x=312.1 and 312.3, and you want a 6th degree polynomial, you're going to want to calculate u = (x-312.2)/0.1 so the u-values are distributed between -1 and +=).
NOTE that the results of least-squares fits are strongly influenced by the distribution of x-axis values. If the x-values are equally spaced, then you'll get larger errors at the ends. If you have a case where you can choose the x values and you care about the maximum deviation from your known function and an interpolating polynomial, then the use of Chebyshev polynomials will give you something that is close to the perfect minimax polynomial (which is very hard to calculate). This is discussed at some length in Numerical Recipes.
Edit: From what I gather, this all works well for functions of one variable. For multivariate functions it is likely to be much more difficult if the degree is more than, say, 2. I did find a reference on Google Books.
at college we had this book which I still find extremely useful: Conte, de Boor; elementary numerical analysis; Mc Grow Hill. The relevant paragraph is 6.2: Data Fitting.
example code comes in FORTRAN, and the listings are not very readable either, but the explanations are deep and clear at the same time. you end up understanding what you are doing, not just doing it (as is my experience of Numerical Recipes).
I usually start with Numerical Recipes but for things like this I quickly have to grab Conte-de Boor.
maybe better posting some code... it's a bit stripped down, but the most relevant parts are there. it relies on numpy, obviously!
def Tn(n, x):
if n==0:
return 1.0
elif n==1:
return float(x)
return (2.0 * x * Tn(n - 1, x)) - Tn(n - 2, x)
class ChebyshevFit:
def __init__(self):
self.Tn = Memoize(Tn)
def fit(self, data, degree=None):
"""fit the data by a 'minimal squares' linear combination of chebyshev polinomials.
cfr: Conte, de Boor; elementary numerical analysis; Mc Grow Hill (6.2: Data Fitting)
if degree is None:
degree = 5
data = sorted(data)
self.range = start, end = (min(data)[0], max(data)[0])
self.halfwidth = (end - start) / 2.0
vec_x = [(x - start - self.halfwidth)/self.halfwidth for (x, y) in data]
vec_f = [y for (x, y) in data]
mat_phi = [numpy.array([self.Tn(i, x) for x in vec_x]) for i in range(degree+1)]
mat_A = numpy.inner(mat_phi, mat_phi)
vec_b = numpy.inner(vec_f, mat_phi)
self.coefficients = numpy.linalg.solve(mat_A, vec_b) = degree
def evaluate(self, x):
"""use Clenshaw algorithm
x = (x-self.range[0]-self.halfwidth) / self.halfwidth
b_2 = float(self.coefficients[])
b_1 = 2 * x * b_2 + float(self.coefficients[ - 1])
for i in range(2,
b_1, b_2 = 2.0 * x * b_1 + self.coefficients[ - i] - b_2, b_1
b_0 = x*b_1 + self.coefficients[0] - b_2
return b_0
Remember, there's a big difference between approximating the polynomial and finding an exact one.
For example, if I give you 4 points, you could
Approximate a line with a method like least squares
Approximate a parabola with a method like least squares
Find an exact cubic function through these four points.
Be sure to select the method that's right for you!
It's rather easy to scare up a quick fit using Excel's matrix functions if you know how to represent the least squares problem as a linear algebra problem. (That depends on how reliable you think Excel is as a linear algebra solver.)
The lagrange polynomial is in some sense the "simplest" interpolating polynomial that fits a given set of data points.
It is sometimes problematic because it can vary wildly between data points.
