devexpressgrid filteration - devexpress

i was trying to implement aspxgridview with filteration.i have enabled the "Enable filteration" for the aspx gridview .
but when i try to type some letter in filter text box of the aspx grid view the whole data in the grid view gets disappears.
when i remove the letters in the filter text box of the aspxgridview ,still there is no records in the aspxgridview.
why is the records in the apsxgridview disappears when the filteration occurs in aspxgridview?

I think that you are binding the grid to data at runtime. If so, please try the solution from the Why might paging (sorting, grouping, filtering) not work in the ASPxGridView? article. It should help.


Display All Gridview control values when i clear my textbox

I have a text box control and a Grid view control on my web form. The text box is used to search for specific records in the Grid view. What i would like to do now is that when i clear my text box then i want all the original Grid view values to appear inside the Grid view. Any help please.
On clear button click, add code to bind the grid again.
If you have any particular scenario, please update your query with code

Edit/Add Columns in a ListView (eg, add a textbox or button)?

Is there an Edit/Add Columns feature for a ListView, as there is for a GridView? If so, how do you access it?
Just wondering, because I would like to add a columns with a textbox and a button, in a ListView.
Yes. You may also look at this chart to see which control works best for you.

GridView Making a single Edit Item Template take the entire row

I've got this gridview. The gridview uses TemplateFields as the number of fields in the database's table. What I do next is use an ItemTemplate to present the correct column info.
Now, problems rise when the user click's Edit. Since I can only use EditItemTemplate to edit I am resulted with a control in each column. What I really want is to have a single row with no columns so I can easily style the edit mode (having a table with a different layout for example).
Is this possible? If so, how?
I suspect you will have to create your own specialized class that inherits from GridView and does its own rendering to accomplish this.
You might hack some workaround though... such as manually editing the rendered HTML output or DOM.

ASP.NET GridView - Editing Dynamic Template Columns

I have created a GridView whose columns are dynamically created based on my data source. I have implemented these columns by using the approach described here.Those columns display properly on the initial load. However, I need to implement commanding so that a user can edit / delete a row in the GridView.
At this point, I have implemented commanding as I would with a normal GridView. I have a TemplateField with an ItemTemplate that has LinkButton elements for edit and delete. The CommandName for each LinkButton is set to either Edit or Delete respectively.
Oddly, when a user clicks either the Edit or Delete link, the data in the GridView disappears. However, I have verified that I am in fact re-binding the data when one of these LinkButton elements is selected.
Can anyone provide some suggestions as to what the cause could be?
Thank you!
Here are good examples. You can figure out postback issue.

ASP.NET: An editable data bound control in every record?

We need to display the result of an SQL SELECT statement on a ASP.NET 3.5 web page. Although there are a number of columns that need to be displayed, only one of the columns needs an editable text box in it... however every record in the result set needs this editable textbox.
I know I can do this manually by building an html table myself, but I was hoping that there was a way to use a data-bound control (GridView? or ListView?) to do it.
Being somewhat new to ASP.NET, I am hoping there is some one out there who has done this.
--Thanks for your help!
A little further clarification....
We need all records to be editable immediately after display - so all records either need to be displayed in edit mode simultaneously - or the regular display mode needs to have an editable text box in it.
Use a GridView and convert the column that you want to be editable to Template.
In the ItemTemplate of this field, delete the Label and add a text box.
Add an extra "Save" button outside the GridView, and iterate the GridRows, find the text box (in each row), and use it to update the database.
Add a template column and then add a text box control instead of a label control
GridView BoundFields have the ReadOnly property which can be used to prevent the field from being edited in Edit mode. Set it to True for all columns that should not be editable.
<asp:boundfield datafield="myNonEditableColumn" Readonly="true" Headertext="My Non-Editable Column"/>
