how to remove twitter javascript from wp_head() in wordpress blog? - wordpress

I am trying to remove the following from my header, which is generated by wp_head()
script type='text/javascript' src=''>/script
I checked my functions.php file, which is hard for me to understand. However, I did not see a line that says "script type='text/javascript' src=''>/script."
Can someone please tell me what I should be looking for?

It seems like you have a twitter plugin activated. Check your WP-Admin - Plugins page and see if you have one activated.


How to remove pingback tag xmlrpc from wordperess

whatever plugin I have installed this evil tag always is displayed in the output
<link rel="pingback" href="/xmlrpc.php">
is there any solution to get rid of it?
Solution, edit file wp-includes/general-template.php
Search for function rsd_link and case 'pingback_url': and comment the lines referred to xmlrpc

How to find out where a script-tag has been defined in the wordpress-header?

I have to work in a wordpress project of a former colleague. But I cannot figure out how he added an link-address to a script into the header of each page. After a global search, the link-address was found inside the sql dump of the wordpress project. I could not find any plugin he might have used. I would like to change the link-address. Any idea, how he added it?
<script src="http://custom-link/page.js" type="text/javascript" defer=""></script>
It was added by the wordpress plugin divi builder.
Divi Theme Options
To add a code to every page navigate to Divi Theme Options > Integration tab.
Make sure the “Enable header code” option is checked, and paste your code below.

More Than One OG URL Specified and only Yoast graph is open not Jetpack

I'm having some problem with the od: tags which is the most common issue.
Only Yoast is active for open graphs not Jackpack publicize and then how the og: tags are showing in the header of the page as shown above in the image.
would be grateful if anyone can help
There can be two possibilities:
The other og tag is printed in theme's header.php. If it's there then comment that code and you're good to go.
The OG tag is being generated by some function hooked to wp_head hook. Now it can be anywhere, in any file in plugin or theme. The best approach would be to check all the hooked functions for wp_head hook. You can do so by this code:
add_action("wp", function(){ print_r($GLOBALS['wp_filter']); echo '';exit; } );
Write this code in functions.php of your theme and look for all the functions which are hooked with wp_head hook. You can then comment the code in that particular function.
It is possible that your template adds the additional og:url header (from your page source it appears so). You need to disable the additional headers using either a switch in template settings or by manual edit.

Where is the metadata robots no index, no follow in my wordpress site comming from?

This is my wordpress site:
If you check the source code you will find:
<meta content="noindex,nofollow" name="robots">
I'm not using ANY SEO plugin, so, where is this coming from? I also checked my header.php and that line isn't there.
Its getting put in there by the call to wp_head() in the header.php file of your theme. Check your Search Engine Visibility setting (Settings > Reading). Make sure that box is unchecked.

Custom WordPress Theme isn't picking up the style.css file

I have just followed a tutorial about creating custom WordPress theme, each and everything went just fine from static to dynamic conversion but when I activate that theme and I come up with a plain HTML document with blue hyperlinks which mean the site is not picking up the css file of style.css
Am I doing something wrong? Please help me.
Check your source HTML and see that the path to your CSS is correct.
You can use bloginfo() to find the correct path by using:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/style.css">
If your style.css resides in the root folder of your template.
Where did you add the link to the file? - View the source of the page to see if the link is there and try navigating to it to see if it returns a 404 (Not Found) or other error.
My preferred way to include theme stylesheets is adding something like this to my functions.php.
function enqueue_my_styles_scripts() {
Check out wp_enqueue_style and make sure you have a wp_head() call in your header file
