Does this conditional css loading for IE7 and lower work for IE8 in compability mode? - css

Does this conditional css loading for IE7 and lower work for IE8 in compability mode?
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie7-and-down.css" />
<![endif]--> -> This clearly says compatibility view is to force IE8 render a page like IE-7.
If you have installed IE developer toolbar ( Install and use IE developer toolbar ), you can check if the CSS is used while rendering OR run the script # Detect Browser in compatibility mode to check which browser you're hitting.


Unable to resolve IE rendering issues

First site i've built that get's this borked in IE9-older. Compatibility mode not helping. My employer shop is all mac, and the few PCs I tested on are rendering fine, but the client is running IE9, and it's not loading right. I tried on an old PC in the shipping dept running IE6 & similar borked result.
Been trying for hours to fix this site before it goes live on customer's domain. Staged at:
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it as i'm at a loss.
[UPDATE] So I've figured out most of the issues. Basically i'm a newb who was using html5 tags(header, section, etc) that old IE didn't like(so obvious now). Changing them to div with classes etc solved 90% of the problems. No i just have to figure out the IE Z-index bug that is preventing the drop menu from showing on top of the main content.
I opened your site in IE 9 (on windows 7) and it worked fine but if I turn on the "Compatibility mode" of the browser the site renders wrong. In that case you have 2 options:
- Tell the users to disable the compatibily mode.
- Add this tag to your site head: . It forces the browser to use the latest rendering engine that is available despite what the user configures (maybe selecting standards to IE 8 or 7, or enabling the compatibility mode). Hope that helps.
what about targeting just IE with a extra css, that is the better way around
<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="all_ie_sucks.css" />
and for IE 8 and 9
<!--[if gte IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="get_real_browser.css" />
this will do the trick..
and since you also need something for really old browser such IE this will do::
<!--[if IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie6-really.css" />
But note that will be only for IE 6, if you want to target all browsers above IE6 this is the one you may want
<!--[if gte IE 6]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie6-and-rest-old-stuff.css" />
but i would create one for each of them, since they all render stuff differently..

Internet Explorer 9 Developer tools issue for css

I using IE7 document mode using developer tools in IE9 browser, so that my webpage looks like how it is in IE 7 browser, to fix some issues only in IE 7 i used the below code only for ie7.
<!--[if IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie7.css" />
I did modifications in ie7.css file and reviewed in ie7 developer tools in ie9 browser ,but no effect comes into existence .
But i view in ie7 browser the effect comes into exist
You should choose "Compatibility View" in browser mode to getting the CSS effect for IE7 specific.
make sure you're adding !important tag in IE7.css, Otherwise the elements will take rule according to priority.
color: #EEE !important;
padding: 15px !important;

IE 'about' says IE8 but css conditional only works for IE7, which IE version do I have?

I literally have to type in
<!--[if IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ie8.css" />
to get my css hack to work for ie8. And yet when I click the 'abouts' tab in my IE browser, it clearly says IE8 version 8.0.6001. 18702.
I already reinstalled IE8 because I thought this issue was wierd but I still have to use the IE7 hack in order to get my IE8 only css to appear in my IE8 browser.
Is there something I can do to fix this? I have to talk to other developers and it is somewhat annoying not knowing exactly which IE version I have.
It looks like your IE8 is running in Compatibility View, which causes it to render pages like IE7, including reading IE7 conditional comments.
Look for the button in your toolbar that looks like a torn page, click on that, and it should disable it and return you to IE8 rendering mode.

CSS Menu with Box Model differences between IE8 and Chrome/Firefox/Opera

I thought IE7 and above followed the same box model as Chrome/Firefox/Opera, but when I run the following code in IE8 and then in Chrome/Firefox/Opera, I get different results.
In IE8, the end of the box shows up with a bit of a lip that I want to get rid of. Is it possible to use strictly CSS to fix my issue or do I need to use Javascript to detect the browser and then change the CSS?
Here is the link to the code that I am working with. In order to see my problem, you need to use IE and then either Chrome, Firefox or Opera.
IE7 has two modes: Compatibility mode and Standards mode. Yet another of a long line of brilliant moves on MS's part with IE. (Yes, I'm being sarcastic):
What usually trips people up is that, by default, IE8 reverts to compatibility (ie, broke) mode if the page is being loaded locally or from a server on your network. I guess the logic was that it must be a page on your intranet, and since 90% of all intranet web software is horrifically coded IE6 monstrosities that pretty much break in any standard browser, it better assume the code is broken and revert to compatibility mode.
As for detecting IE8, you can do it without JavaScript via IE's conditional comments. What I typically do is wrap the opening body tag in conditionals and give each a unique ID:
<!--[if !IE]> -->
<!--[if gt IE 8]>
<body id="IE9">
<!--[if IE 8]>
<body id="IE8">
<!--[if IE 7]>
<body id="IE7">
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<body id="IE6">
Then in your css, you can easily serve up separate CSS as needed:
.myStyle {for good browsers}
#ie7 .myStyle {fix for IE7}

CSS is not loading for my site on IE 7for some unknown reason

CSS is not loading for my site on IE7 for some unknown reason. Its working fine for IE8, chrome and mozilla. You can see the website at
Is this answer resolved?
If not, I was going to suggest putting media="screen" for the default.css stylesheet link.
I suspect that it's because of ::-moz-selection.
css selection is not working in IE
You may need to add a conditional work-around/hack using something like
<!--[if gt IE 8]>
