ExtJS: Removing unnecessary form item scrollbars in Firefox - css

I am seeking some advice regarding unnecessary scrollbars appearing on certain form items. A screenshot of the issue appears below. Note it is the right-most scrollbar that is unnecessary.
bad_scrollbars http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/9307/scrollfu.png
The culprit appears to be the following css, adding overflow: auto; to form items within windows in gecko-based browsers (the problem appears on Firefox):
.ext-gecko .x-window-body .x-form-item {
outline: medium none;
overflow: auto;
Removing this style solves the problem, but I am wary of possible side effects - though I haven't noticed any as yet, this style was obviously included for a reason.
Does anyone who knows more about Ext styling know if overriding this css to remove the overflow: auto; style will cause other problems?
As an aside, this is only an issue (so far) with a certain component - a custom extension of the Ext.ux.form.MultiSelect component - even though other components use more vertical space. Does anyone know of a possible reason for this?
Thanks for any help.

overflow: auto tells the browser to add a scrollbar to the element if the content of the element is larger than the elements client area minus any padding. Getting rid of the scrollbars in CSS does exactly that. It makes the scrollbars go away, no matter what.
The side effect of your work around is if there is content outside of the client, the use will not be able to see it. Additionally, this will not only happen with this form but every form in your application unless you apply your workaround in a custom class.
The right fix is to figure out why your content area is larger than the form's client area. Firebug can be a big help with this as you can inspect the DOM and see the size of the container as well as the size of all the child items.
I suspect that your clear selections control (is this a custom control?) is not properly sizing itself (i.e in your form layout you're telling it to be x pixels high but it's actually sizing itself x+1 (remember margins and padding). The form layout is doing all the work to decide how big to make the wrapper area (the area with the scroll bar) and the control must fit within that area.


Page content extending beyond that of the window width

So I've been tinkering with this site, and I've got my work cut out, but right now I cannot for the life of me workout why content is displaying beyond the width of the window.
I believe it's something to do with bootstraps row/col guttering but have been unable to fix it, even with dreaded '!important' use.
Furthermore i note that a carousel button is extending beyond the width of the screen.
This basically just makes the site flimsy and seem broken.
Any css whizz out there able to give me some tips of this shit?
If the problem is with one specific tag (e.g. a <div>), add a class/id to that div with the following CSS: .classname { overflow-x: hidden; If it's the whole page, you might want to do that for the body and HTML tag. Note: When you do this last thing, people aren't able at all to scroll horizontally. This is a but user unfriendly, so you want to use that only if it's the only way out in my opinion.

How to set with on kendoAutoComplete

I have tried every way I know how (and failed) to properly set the width on a kendoAutoComplete. My latest attempt (below) is JS based, but I've also tried numerous CSS solutions.
The issue I'm seeing is that no matter the width I choose, the actual input area remains a consistent width, and then there is a weird gray area to the right:
Here's the hover state (the gray box disappears):
But don't be fooled by the appearance of a large text box. Here's what happens when you begin to type:
I've tried:
var autoComplete = $("#gridFilter").data("kendoAutoComplete");
autoComplete .wrapper.css("width", "300px");
And...various CSS solutions.
Why must it be so hard to set the width of a silly auto complete? What am I missing here?
I want the width of my auto complete to be 100% to fill its container.
Bonus points if you can help me understand why Telerik consistently makes me want to hurt myself.
OK, I've (partially) figured it out. I temporarily removed bootstrap CSS from the page and the input works as expected.
If I find the offending CSS, I'll post an answer here.
As mentioned in the edit above, default Bootstrap CSS was conflicting with the styling. Specifically, the max-width property. The CSS below fixed it:
<input id="gridFilter" style="max-width: 10000px; width:100%;" />

Which CSS property is responsible for the difference in appearance between two elements with identical CSS settings?

The HTML below specifies a button and a div that have identical class and contents.
<div class="root"><!--
--><button class="outer"><div class="middle"><div class="inner">label</div></div></button><!--
--><div class="outer"><div class="middle"><div class="inner">label</div></div></div ><!--
In this example, I have explicitly set every CSS property1 for the classes outer, middle, and inner2.
This means that both the button.outer and div.outer sub-trees of the DOM should have completely identical CSS settings. Presumably, as well, no CSS properties for these elements are getting their values from anywhere else besides the provided stylesheet.
As the example shows, the side-by-side button and div look quite different. Specifically, in the button, the label appears at the bottom of the element, whereas in the div it is vertically centered. (The label is centered horizontally in both cases. Also, note that all the classes have the setting vertical-align: middle.)
I have observed this difference with all the browsers I've tested so far (Chrome and Firefox).
Since there is no difference in the stylesheet settings for the button.outer and div.outer elements, and their descendants, I figure that the difference in their appearance is due to some CSS property with a value (such as auto or normal) that gets interpreted differently by the browser depending on the whether the context is a button or a div element.
My immediate goal here is to understand sufficiently well why the button and the div are being rendered differently so that I can adjust the CSS intelligently.
My longer term goal is to make CSS coding more predictable. Currently I find that my CSS is completely unstable due to gross inconsistencies like the one shown in the example.
My question is:
how can the difference in appearance between the button and the div be explained?
1 As reported by Chrome's devtool.
2 I took the vast majority of the values for these settings from Chrome's devtool's listings. The point was to ensure that both the button and the div elements had the same setting (whatever it may be) for each CSS property.
This is likely due to different meanings for the value of auto for the position of elements inside of a button. If you expand the size of a div, the content by default will be in the top-left corner. If you do the same for a button, the content will be centered horizontally and vertically.
Since the button's top and left values for auto is to be centered and not in the top left corner, you can reset top and left to always act like a typical div would. These are the properties to change on .middle:
.middle {
top: 0;
left: 0;
Here's the forked JSFiddle with those changes to .middle.
Different elements have different default settings. There is an enormous amount of CSS in your demos, and it's largely overkill and very hard to determine where exactly the differences in rendering are coming from.
Have you tried a CSS reset instead? These will resolve most of the discrepancies between elements and browsers, giving you a blank slate to add your own styles.
how can I determine the property (or properties) that account for the difference in appearance between the button and the div?
By clicking through them one by one and toggling them on and off in Dev Tools. If you turn off position:absolute on the middle class, you'll see what you're probably expecting in layout. I found this by clicking through all the properties in the Elements > Styles panel. See:
This is probably a bug that you're encountering. Browsers have lots of them! By layering on so many styles at once, you're probably backing into a weird corner case with respect to the layout algorithms. To isolate the bug for help and/or reporting, try to create a reduced test case, which creates an unexpected discrepancy, but using the minimal number of elements and declarations.
(Also note that your fiddle is including jQuery CSS, which includes Normalize, which is a whole other layer of styling.)

How to ALWAYS show scrollbar in iframe in HTML5

Is there a way to always show a scrollbar on an iframe in HTML5, even if the content is not overflowing? The scrolling="yes" attribute doesn't work in HTML5. Is there a way using CSS?
It seems that scrolling="yes" was supported by some early browsers only. Judging from simulation of older versions in IE 11, it seems that IE 8 dropped the support: although the attribute as such is recognized, the value yes is not—scroll bars are shown only when the content does not fit in.
This is a change in browser practices. It has nothing to do with HTML5. In fact, HTML5 describes the attribute scrolling="yes" as mapping to the CSS setting overflow: scroll, which is somewhat misleading.
Modern browsers implement iframe so that the scroll bars are present, if needed for accessing all of the content, but not otherwise. Using scrolling=no or overflow: hidden, you can prevent the scroll bars from appearing, but not make them appear if the content fits (there is no overflow).
To make scroll bars appear, you need to make the embedded document set them up, e.g. by using body { overflow: scroll } in it. Then it does not matter what the iframe element says. The scroll bars will be passive (and light grey), when the content actually fits, but they will be there are occupy space, and they turn to active scroll bars as the content expands so that it does not fit. In the following example, I am embedding a page that sets body { overflow: scroll } and has an editable body element, so that you can add lines and see how the bars change:
<iframe src="http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/hello.html"></iframe>
Just as an add on, if you only want to have scrollbars showing in one direction and not both you can use the specific y and x css.
I wanted a vertical scrollbar showing all the time for the look of it but not the horizontal as width never changed.
So I used:
{overflow-y: scroll;}
The other one (in this case overflow-x) will default to auto and only show if needed.

GWT - hide horizontal scroll bar

I am wondering... Is there a way to hide horizontal scroll bar with GWT standard ScrollPane? I mean maybe not using outer CSS styles etc? Or you can recommend a more optimal way to achieve the effect?
...And concerning the CSS, right now I tried to set style like this for my ScrollPane
.a-scroll {
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
... but it seems it doesn't work and horizontal scrollbar is still visible :S So is there a workaround?
By default the ScrollPanel's overflow property is set to auto (i.e., the scrollbar will appear as needed) to obtain the most cross-browser solution. So it's up to the browser to decide when to display such scrollbars. Also, calling scrollPanel.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(false) is useless since is already called at construction time (in the initialize() method).
Anyway I found that what you are requesting is a known issue.
If you want to always hide the horizontal scrollbar you need to set the overflow-x: hidden property on the scrollable element of the ScrollPanel (as you tried, but such panel is not a simple div with an overflow property on it). Try with:
public class MyScrollPanel extends ScrollPanel {
public void setAlwaysHideHorizontalScrollBar(boolean alwaysHide) {
getScrollableElement().getStyle().setOverflowX(alwaysHide ? Overflow.HIDDEN : Overflow.AUTO);
// ... and the like.
Remember that, if you set the above, in some browsers you will not be able to scroll horizontally anymore. Also overflow-x/y are CSS3 properties, while overflow is CSS2. So this might not be what you are after.
In such case some CSS tricks can help in order to hide the scrollbar but still allowing to scroll, something like this.
Anothe option could be using the CustomScrollPanel widget which allows, among other things, to hide the scrollbars by providing a, say, custom scrollbar with a zero-opacity style (not the best thing, tough).
Of course, another option could be to roll out your own div-based widget (maybe extending SimplePanel) with all the styles you need, as suggested in the issue.
Probably a little cheap, but the vertical bar width is added to the widget's width, which means the widget no longer displays fully. Hence the horizontal bar showing so you can scroll to see the stuff hidden via the vertical scroll bar.
If you go
scrollPanel.setWidth("normalwidth + 8px");
it should stop showing.
You can hide scrollbars if the content does not overflow the container using
If your scrollbars are still showing you may want to look at your content.
