Adobe Flash Professional CS5 tutorials - adobe

I trying to learn how to program in Adobe Flash Professional CS5.
However i never used anything from Adobe before.
Can anyone advice me if any sources are available for me to find out how to start?

Here is the nice start has some really good DVDs.


Video player in qt using Gstreamer or Phonon or VLC Player

Right now I am in no where :( I want to develop a video player where human will be detected using a detection algorithm which is already working in visual studio platform. My player should simply show the detection in video player. I want use QT framework for that. But the problem is I am not sure which one i should go for. There is option of using Phonon, GStreamer, and vlc player that can be use for my purpose but does anybody has any real experience like this kind of stuff ??
Thanks in advance !
GStreamer is a great cross-platform multimedia framework and I've used it many times, including a few projects involving Qt. Knowing GStreamer certainly adds a great skill to your arsenal but it will take some extra time to understand it's design and how it works.
I've never used VLC Player, and Phonon should be your last resort because it is dying.
Another option you might consider is QtMultimediaKit, which is a part of Qt Mobility. It's Qt all the way and may be an easier transition to your current set of skills.

Flex + Adobe Flash: is it possible to use?

There is Flash Builder product by Adobe Flash.
Is it possible to use Adobe Flash product as Flash Builder when working with FLEX SDK? Have you the experience?
Thank you very much.
There is Flash Builder product by Adobe Flash.
The true sentence sounds like:
There is Flash Builder product by Adobe.
Is it possible to use Adobe Flash product as Flash Builder when
working with FLEX SDK? Have you the experience?
It is very unclear what exactly are you asking but I suppose the right question is:
Is it possible to use Adobe's product Flash Builder when working with
FLEX SDK? Have you the experience?
So this question can be answered: Flash Builder (formerly Flex Builder) from Adobe is designed to deal with Flex SDK. To tell the truth it can't use any other SDKs than Flex SDK (considering Adobe AIR SDK as part of Flex SDK). So the answer is: yes, it is definitely possible!
The last part of question (Have you the experience?) can be answered by Captain Obvious. Of course we have. That's why we are here to answer your questions :)
The answer is sort-of. Flash can use the free FlexSDK compiler. But it cannot process MXML the scripting language used to create flex framework applications.
However, there is a great open source free tool called FlashDevelop which can do both and works with the Flash IDE, or the FlexCompiler.
It does not a have the FlashBuilder design view, and its profiler is not as complete as the one in FlashBuilder. But personally I prefer using it.
UPDATE: Below a reply says that flash cannot use any other SDK. This is not completely accurate a this time (Adobe CS5.5) Flash has its own compiler that does not include any FlexFramework classes. And so there are at least 2 flavors of compiler for flash. One through Flash, and one through Flash Builder.
Additionally there anyone can use the free flex SDK as a command line utility to compile swfs. This is what underlies Flash alternatives such as FlashDevelop, and the FDT Eclipse plugin, among other resources that compile swfs.

Flash Catalyst for Android development?

Can Flash Catalyst CS5 or CS5.5 be used to create Android apps? I've been looking for the past few weeks and can't find a thing. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
I believe so. But in conjunction with Flash Builder. I found this aeticle, it gives a workflow that may help.

best ide for flex development [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the best (most productive) FLEX IDE?
i am new to flex. which ide is best for development
FDT is the probably most powerful IDE (in its Max version)
Adobe Flash Builder is the best option for "normal" use (i.e. when you don't need all the features from FDT; you can do everything you need with Flash Builder)
Flash Develop is the OpenSource alternative, and is free, but lacks many useful features
It should be noted though that you can develop the same software with any of those programs; you can even do it with a simple text editor. But of course each of those programs offer tools that can speed up the development process.
Personally I use Flash Builder and I would recommend anyone to use that one. While some of the features of FDT Max are really interesting, the price is rather high and compared with Flash Builder the other versions just don't offer really important things (like the debugger). In addition, if you work with any other Adobe software, you'll love that Flash Builder integrates well with the other software, and there are other great tools like Flash Catalyst that work hand in hand with Flash Builder.
Best IDE For flex. Flash builder.
if you are a student then you get adobe flash builder 4 for free:

Is there a desktop (AIR) app for adobe Buzzword?

Awhile ago i read about adobe coming out with an AIR app for Buzzword. I searched google and the most recent updates I can find about it are all the way back in 2008, which is REALLY strange, and I can't find a download ANYWHERE.
Does anyone know what happened? Is there an AIR app for Buzzword? Or... ?
Nah, Adobe became careless with the whole Acrobat and Buzzword issue. Lack of resources, company vision, no idea.
This will be so good to be truth :)
Here is a discussion on this
Existing Buzzword application already checks if the Flash runtime is a Web based or desktop based. So it does support but the offical .air is yet to come.
