Disable print, print screen, right click using asp.net - asp.net

How to Disable print, print screen, right click using asp.net

You cant. You cannot avoid content being copied from your pages.
Disabling Right Click is possible, but it doesnt solve your 'problem'. The user could still copy your image, by disabling javascript or just inspecting the source.
And even if you could disable those keys, the user could still just make a photo of his monitor. Good luck disabling that!

Short answer: You don't. You are writing a web application; features of the underlying platform are outside your scope, and you have no business trying to fiddle with them.
Long answer: You can try to capture those keys using javascript, and override the default behaviour, which will somewhat stop very naïve users, but all it takes to disable this "security" is to turn off javascript. Even if you come up with more sophisticated "protection", the essence remains: You are sending content to the client, and once it gets there, it is out of your hands. Given suitable tools (wget is enough for most things), anyone can copy and modify your content in any way they like. Similarly, whatever can be shown on the screen inside a browser can be captured and saved. There is no way around it. If you don't want your content copied, don't send it.

Forget about it. You will irritate your end users who will find a way to con you and do what you didn't want them to do. Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. By telling them explicitly "you cannot do this", they will wonder why do you want to guard your content and they might try even harder to do stuff you otherwise wouldn't want them to do.
Psychology and technology are against you in this case.

You could disable printing (well sort of - it's not 100% effective) using a "print" style sheet.
I have not tried it myself, but here is a link that could get you started: http://webdesign.about.com/od/advancedcss/qt/block_print.htm
Print screen
Print screen is something that is typically controlled by the operating system not the browser nor webpage. So you are unlikely to be able to stop this. However, casting my mind back I remember a time (perhaps a long long time ago), where you couldn't take screen shots in Windows (maybe Windows 98) of videos... so if your really in need of disabling print screen - perhaps you could perhaps encode your content in a video... but this will have many many downfalls - namely accessibility, search engine optimisation and it being a royal pain to do... so I wouldn't recommend it under any circumstance.
Right screen
Right click you can disable, but not using a server-side technology (such as ASP.net) instead in a client-side technology such as javascript. A quick search in your favourite search engine will find some help. But disabling right click is rudimentary to get around, so it is not full proof.
An alternative to protect your content is to possibly investigate "rights" in PDFs. I believe you can disable the "right" to print.
However none of these solutions are going to be full-proof. As long as you are making your content available to an end-user on their own computer, there is always going to be a way around your restrictions.

I have implemented for disabling printing using window.onbeforeprint()
Refer this Answer


Is it possible to make screen readers stop reading at some point of the page?

I am facing an issue of aria and accessibility aria labels.
That's my problem:
After opens a page, I need that the screen reader reads the title and then stop reading the rest of the page.
I need that the screen reader stops there, and just continue reading after the user uses TABS to navigate.
does anyone know if it is possible?
The screen reader user has complete control over how much information is read. They might have their settings so that nothing is read when the page is loaded except maybe the page title. Or they might have it set so the entire page is read. It's not something you can control, nor should you. It's very user specific.
Adding to the already existing answer:
Of course you could force something like this using aria notifiy (aka on page load aria notify page title, and that's it). this would lead to the screenreader getting interrupted, the page title getting announced and then silence until the user moves (or other notification arrives). But this kind of behaviour would be super confusing to blind people, as it is pretty unnatural.
I myself am blind and believe me: Blind people, especially NVDA or Jaws users (don't know about Window Eyes) have an entire scripting language at the ready if need be. They may choose to make your web page appear completely different for them than it appears for others, react in different ways - and how verbose the page is presented (on braille display and voice) is entirely up to the blind user. Don't bother with that, they'll figure it out themselves
If the talking of the screenreader annoys them, they can always press shift to pause the screenreader or control to silence it altogether. They'll be fine.

How to prevent apps with accessibility access to copy texts from an app?

Apps like Universal Copy (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.camel.corp.universalcopy&hl=en) can copy "not selectable text" from Android apps. How can one prevent this?
The app uses OS accessibility features to grab content from text fields. Can we add anything to manifest so this app can't copy texts?
I'm not at all an androit expert but the answer is probably no, you can't prevent text from being copied, and it's good if it is so.
Anyway, it's a very very bad idea.
Remember when there was scripts that tried to prevent images from being copied by intercepting the right mouse button click.
In fact it didn't prevent anything, since power users had other tricks to save the images by another way. It was just frustrating for lambda users.
Preventing whatever displayed text from being copied is the same sort of "protection". It's just annoying, without really preventing from anything.
You'd better to always keep in mind that, everything you send to the network and displayed can be stored, copied, modified and be further sent to anyone. It's true for music, it's true for photos, it's true for videos, and it's also true for simple text. The only good way to prevent a certain part of unwanted copies is with watermarking techniques.
Whether you like it or not, it's so. IF your work is really worth it, it will eventually end up available for free somewhere.
Give me a real true good reason to prevent your text from being copied, and I will immediately delete this answer.

How do I make a mobile-friendly popup on my website?

Is there a simple way to trigger a mobile OS's native pop-up/alert/etc. from some form of web code? I'm writing an ASP.NET mobile web page and I'd like to, for example, have the iPhone's UIAlertView appear.
EDIT: What I'm looking for is not the method with which to detect which mobile browser is accessing the site (I already know how to do that). If the code to trigger a pop-up that will look nice in an Android browser is different than the code to trigger a pop-up that will look nice in an iPhone browser, I can simply throw in a switch statement that redirects the user to the pop-up that corresponds with their browser. I'm trying to find the html/javascript/asp.net code which will create a mobile-friendly pop-up, either in general or for the various popular mobile web browsers specifically.
Don't know whether there is any pre-built functionality in .NET that can achieve this, but you can surely write one yourself.
You can write a method, that returns the code for your popup, based on the user OS (simple switch statement should do).
EDIT after taking a short nap:
I believe you should reconsider using popups. They are quite annoying even on desktop browsers and many people block them automatically. Probably every blog about accessibility will tell you, that you should keep mobile version of your website as simple as possible because of various compatibility issues that you can run into.
Instead, try to think about some interesting way to incorporate messages for users in a different and appealing way, that won't disturb anybody.
What I do is use a div popup (that floats ontop of the page) and eighter make a big close button or set at timeout to remove it.
jquery mobile is a good place to start.

Is there an ready solution to just send part of interlaced JPEG depending on the browser resolution?

I'm asking if you know if there is a ready-made solution, not really how to do it.
I'm quite sure I can pull it off myself, even if I never ever touched the bytes of a JPEG manually. If you'd like a crack on it, you're invited to do so ;)
The basic Idea is that you have a site with a few JPEG images, but you want to reduce load as much as possible for mobile users.
So you ensure that all of your JPEG´s are progressive and only sends the low-frequency bits of it first, idles down the TCP-connection, and waits for the client to report in how big the available space is in the browser window.
Or alternatively, you have some sort of browsercaps.ini or similar, and rely on that to get the initial resolution -- and then have the reporter report a correction if necessary.
I actually needs this for two entirely separate environments, one is using PHP and the other is using node.js (The latter one is of more importance).
I'm quite sure picasaweb is doing this stuff already, or at least did. You could view an image, and it loads progressively -- then you could enlarge it, it got blocky but continued to load in progressively, I remember that I was quite impressed by that!
(And its unfair that Google keep the cool stuff for them selves, remember their motto {°«°] )
Why not send the client a list of images that could be used for a specific img tag, then have the client determine which one it should use?
It is possible to determine the screen size of the device document.write(screen.width+'x'+screen.height);or the size of the browser. And instead of adding a src attribute for each image, adding the possible sources to a html5 data- attribute like so:
<img data-img="mobile:some-img.jpg,desktop:other-img.jpg" />
JavaScript (With jQuery):
$(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('data-img').split(',')[0].split(':')[1]);

I don't want to display back and forward button in my browser. Is there any solution apart from popup trick?

customers does not want to allow user to use back or forward button. Just a clean page without commandbar and toolbar, same for FF an IE.
Disabling them is not an option as now.
You cannot change that kind of thing in a existing window -- the only way you can make those disappear is by opening a popup, specifying they should not appear in that popup when it's being opened.
Still, note that you should not try to disable those buttons nor have them disappear : your application should work fine with them, handle their actions -- after all, it's one of the few things users have understood in browsers...
And as a user, this is disturbing and annoying :
I don't like popup windows -- and I'm not the only one who doesn't
I don't like when a website tryies to take control over my browser
It will not always work anyway.
And, as a sidenote : even if the back/forward buttons are not displayed, users can still use Ctrl+left/right or some kind of equivalent !
I know this is not easy, but a part of your work as a web-developper is to explain your clients how Internet and web-applications work... not the same way as desktop applications !
If you can force your users into IE (can't believe I'm suggesting use of IE!) you can do this trick. Try running this from the command line
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -k
This will force IE into kiosk (or full screen mode), similar to pressing F11 when in a usual browser session.
PS. I agree with the other answers suggesting this should be discouraged but there are instances (such as when the end user really can't be trusted) that this is a good solution.
No, there's no other way.
However, this is extremely annoying behavior and should be greatly discouraged. This isn't a code issue to solve...this is behavior that shouldn't be implemented at all.
My opinion here, you have a client problem not a code problem. Whatever standard is the expectation, and the user has the expectation of having their back/forward buttons, break that and you break their experience.
Ever see a Windows application that removes the taskbar? That's the equivalent...
I don't think there is a reasonable way to disable the behavior. You may get rid of the buttons in various ways, but the behavior is still there (through keyboard commands, popup menus and so on).
The only reasonable way is to make your web application follow web semantics, and make the client realize this.
many web based ERP (for example) does not tolerate people using navigation buttons. BUT these web applications handle the fact people use these buttons and do not crash. That's what you should do. If each time people use the back button, they get an error message, they will quickly stop using it.
The solution that used to work in IE was adding a startup script with one line:
