Store username and password ASP.NET authentication -

I have a service (WCF) with which my ASP.NET page will communicate. The WCF service has hashed passwords in its data store (a file actually). The WCF service requires the username and the hashed password on every call.
Nowm the problem I'm encountering is that if I authenticate the user with forms authentication in ASP.NET, a cookie will be saved in the user's computer after the user is authenticated but I would like to save the username and hashed password too so that the user may able to use the WCF service. Where should this information should be saved so that it is safe and secure?
Should I use session variables? If I choose that option that, then should I switch from forms-based authentication and manually authenticate using session variables or use both forms-based autentication for web page access and store the username and hashed password in a session variable? What are the pros and cons of each?

Can you store the username and password (hashed of course) in another cookie? Each time you communicate, grab the cookie and send it along with the username to the WCF service.
On the WCF service end you'll have the username and the hashed username/password combo. If you apply the same hashing you should end up with the same string that you've got stored in the WCF end, if they match the user is valid.
Regards to your edit:
Not sure that there is a much of a distinction between them as you're suggestion. If you use forms authentication a session variable is created and (assuming you're using cookies) a cookie is stored that allows the session variable to be associated with the user. So even if use forms authentication you're still using session variables.
The only question really is if you want to store a hashed version of the password entered by the user in a session/cookie. The pro is that its being stored somewhere and that could potentially pose a security risk.
A completely alternative approach is rather than sending the password and re-authentication upon each request, send an authentication token that doesn't relate to the user's password. Validate this token instead.
The token could be issued upon successful login, and should use the same hashing algorithm as the WCF. Send the username and token as part of the request and validate that it is valid, authorised and still current.

Definitely not on the client side (cookies). Use the cookie to authenticate the user to ASP and for the session ID. This is the ASP.NET default. Than store the username and PW in the session.
Consider using Windows Authentication or other recommended mechanisms, since they will bring more security.
#your edit: I suggest keep using forms authentication along with related controls (or any other preimplemented method in ASP.NET). Reimplementing it on your own would make large effords for no reason - at least if you want to get the same safety as the .NET authentication brings. It really is more than comparing hashed passwords..! Also, use the session, since this is the natural place to store any additional user related data. Again - sessions are easily configured and relatively safe.


How to protect GET methods for .net application if the cookie is stolen

How to protect GET methods if the cookie is stolen since Antiforgery Token only protects the POST methods? The web application can return sensitive information via GET method.
I am using .AspNetCore claim based identity. I was trying to use Postman to view the content of the GET method, but I cannot get the it to work.
I assume this is theoretically possible. An authorized user cookie can be hijacked by a man sit in middle right?
The site is secured by SSL and I think the .AspNetCore claim based identity is session based cookie. What are the chances to break in to execute the GET methods and get returns values. How to secure the application?
It should never get to that point
Don't use just a cookie to validate a user. You should use several cookies based on each session, such as the device name or id, the device's IP address, a session ID stored in their browser, potentially something stored in their local data (permanently stored even if cookies are deleted) that validates that particular PC etc. There are plenty of other methods of security a user's identity.
However, if you use a session cookie and nothing else to authenticate a user, then you should probably revise how your application secures its users first. Because if that session cookie is stolen, then it's a bad sign for your user.

Should I rely on User.Identity value?

I am interested in security connected with ASP.NET applications. When I am developing my websites I extensively use User.Identity.Name value to identify user. I am wondering if there is a possibility to modify request so that client could change this value and become other user. If so how to identify users then and how to distinguish superuser safely?
Yes, you can rely on this value. The whole security of ASP.NET relies on it. It is stored in an encrypted cookie that can only be decrypted by the application. If a malicious user tries to substitute the value of this cookie with another username he will not be able to encrypt the cookie because he doesn't have the machine keys.

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name Returns wrong user name

It is a Plain ASP.NET application using SQL Membership Provider for authentication. While application runs good most of the time. We have recently seeing complains from users saying they are seeing other users account.
I am pretty sure & confirmed again I directly consume HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name in the code to get user information. So under heavy load I get different user name returned.
Has anyone faced similar issue ? Have possible cause ?
Application Runs in ASP.NET 4.0, Web Forms , No caching ,Not handled any cookies in code, no Javascripts that is sniffing cookies.
I see these two links taking about same but no answers posted.
Forms Authentication shouldn't be related to Membership provider too much.
FormsAuthentication saves signed user information into .ASPXAUTH cookie. And when next request comes to server, it decrypts cookie value and set it back to HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name. It uses MachineKey for encryption\decription. Then it creates FormsIdentity object based on FormsAuthenticationTicket object that holds username. So, your userName is stored on client. And whole this process doesn't include usage of Membership provider.
Forms Authentication uses Membership only when you do login for user, and then based on logged in user FormsAuthentication creates a cookie with UserName.
About your problem, you need to check .ASPXAUTH cookie value for those requests who has invalid UserName. You can try to log cookie information for these bad requests, and then you can decrypt them to get userName info from request. Or if you can reproduce it locally you can disable Forms cookie encryption (protection element), and then check it's value for bad requests

ASP.NET MVC 4 and session security leak

Instead of using ASP.NET MVC User's system, I'm simply using session, as the following:
When he logs in (username + password), I fetch the corresponding user from the Database and set:
Session["UserId"] = fetchedUser.UserId;
Then, I'm always checking if he is logged in:
if (Session["UserId"] != null && ...)
The problem is that if someone copies the value of ASP.NET_SessionId from a logged in user (eg: user goes to bathroom and coworker who is sitten next to him checks his cookies with chrome inspector), then he will be able to create a cookie in his computer and act as that user.
My questions are:
Why are sessions safer than cookies if the session id is saved in a cookie?
Can I make this safer (and continue using session)?
How does internally ASP.NET User authetication system do it?
A primary reason for not using Session as an authentication mechanism is that it could render your application vulnerable to Session Fixation. For example, a problem could be if a user arrived on your site using the HTTP protocol and receives a session ID that is stored in the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie. The user may later log in, and even though your login pages might be secured under HTTPS the session token has already been generated under HTTP which means it has already been transported using cleartext.
To answer your other points:
Why are sessions safer than cookies if the session id is saved in a
The data stored in session is stored server side, so it is more difficult for an attacker to tamper with this data. All the cookie stores is a token for this data, rather than the data itself. Having said that, it is still safer to use the FormsAuthenticationProvider as this creates a new authentication token once login is complete rather than on session start for the reasons of avoiding session fixation as above.
Can I make this safer (and continue using session)? How does
internally ASP.NET User authetication system do it?
The built in provider is already fit for purpose, so it would be desirable to use that rather than fudge another mechanism to meet your requirements. It is also easily extensible so you can customise it to your needs. The ASP.NET User Authentication creates an encrypted ticket and stores it in the cookie rather than storing a reference to a server side variable:
I would also draw your attention to the signout mechanism and how to secure it. Particularly
Calling the SignOut method only removes the forms authentication cookie. The Web server does not store valid and expired authentication tickets for later comparison. This makes your site vulnerable to a replay attack if a malicious user obtains a valid forms authentication cookie.
Details here:
In addition you may want to set the "secure" flag on your ASP auth cookie to prevent it being leaked over HTTP by a MITM attacker.

Is Forms Authentication more secure than storing user identity in ASP.NET_session (session hijacking)

From what I understand about the way session hijacking works I don't see any advantage that Forms Authentication has over storing user authentication info in the ASP.NET session. Both Forms Authentication and ASP.NET session use cookies that are both hashed to verify integrity but both can't protect against a hacker stealing the cookie and masquerading as the user. So is there any reason as far as security is concerned, for using Forms Authentication over storing authentication info in the ASP.NET session?
Couple of differences:
If you store authentication information in session state and the app pool recycles, all of your users are instantly logged out. In contrast, forms authentication holds the necessary information in encrypted format in the forms authentication cookie, and will survive app pool recycle.
Session IDs are a 120-bit random number. The only protection is the randomness. There is no tamperproofing and in fact a hacker could continuously poll your web site with random session IDs until he finds one that works. There is no intrusion detection mechanism for this sort of activity, because it is impossible to distinguish a tampered session ID from an expired one.
The forms authentication ticket (cookie) is completely different. It is composed of a long string of data that is then encrypted with your 128-bit machine key. If anyone tampers with it it simply won't decrypt. The failure to decrypt is a trappable error and can be enlisted in intrusion detection mechanisms. The overall cardinality of the ticket is much higher and harder to brute force.
On all the sites I have worked with recently, we actually use BOTH the forms authentication mechanism and the ASP.NET_SessionId. We also have an internal session ID (an ESB session identifier) that we insert into the forms authentication ticket.
The only interesting argument I heard for using Forms Authentication instead of storing authentication info in Session was that I could put more restrictions on the Forms Auth cookie (expiration date, etc.) but not on the Session cookie. So things like user preferences or whatever would persist in session and not be lost if the user is forced to login again after 30 minutes. Yeah, I don't know
