Errors Running ASP.NET 1.1 on IIS7 (applicationHost.config) -

I am trying to port an existing ASP.Net 1.1 website to another web server that currently runs IIS7 and a number of websites that target either .Net 2.0, 3.5 or 4.0. All other sites continue to work perfectly. Unfortunately, I can only browse static files on the newly imported site. If I try to access any of the Features in IIS7 for the new site I get the following error dialog:
There was an error while performing
this operation.
I followed the instructions on this page but am at a loss as to how to get this working.

I encountered this problem too this afternoon.
I did a quick google and found others with the same issue on the forum. The issue seemed to be that
Here is what got me past this error, hope it works for you.
the runtime tries to load the
corresponding configuration, it
doesn't take the bitness of the
application pool into the
consideration. As you know, ASP.NET
1.1 is only supported on 32-bit. So if you have a 64-bit OS, in order to
run ASP.NET 1.1, you have to enable
32-bit applications in the application
pool. So, with the QFE/SP2 on 64-bit
OS (and only on 64-bit OS), the
runtime is incorrectly looking for the
1.1 version of the configuration under Framework64, which does not exist.
Create the Framework64 directory for 1.1
md \windows\\framework64\v1.1.4322\config\
Copy the 32bit config to 64bit config location created in step 1.
copy \windows\\framework\v1.1.4322\config\machine.config


Unable to start debugger on Older version of Visual Studio (2003) Under Windows 7

For this project I needed to install and run VS 2003 on Windows 7 using IIS 6.0 with Framework 1.1 on my sever because there was old VS2003 C# code on a remote server that needed updating and did not have VS 2003 installed only the DLL, PDB, aspx, and aspx.cs files. After porting the code over and making the needed changes on my local server, I discovered that while I could browse the page, I could not run the page with debugger and got this error: "... Unable to start debugging on the web server. There is no managed code running in the process. In order to attach to a process with the .NET debugger, managed code must be running in the process before attaching." I then started the application without Debugger and selected the w3wp.exe process for CLR in order to attach the process but I noticed that the process session was set to 0 and I still got that error again.
The following is done in IIS6 :
Application created.
DefaultAppPool (.NET framework 1.1 Integrated)(ApplicationPoolIdentity) is used
Browsing the web page works OK.
Authentication has Integrated Windows and ASP.NET Impersonation enabled.
I have runned aspnet_regiis from all the .net version in order
Set debug="true" in the web.config.
Thanks much for your help
Right click the ASP.Net project > Properties
select Configuration Properties > Debugging
Enable the below mentioned entries in 'Debuggers' frame.
ASP.Net Debugging
Unmanaged code debugging.
I had the same problem.
I fixed it.
Delete the virtual directory in IIS
Create the new virtual directory with different name other than the old one and configure the new virtual directory name in your visual studio solution.

Why is IIS 6 / Windows 2003, forcing a Website to use .NET 2.0?

I have a Windows 2003 Server 64bit running IIS 6.0.
When I set the server up, I noticed that the 'ASP.NET' tab has been removed from the 'Web Sites' property in IIS Manager.
Now every website runs on .NET 2.0 and I need to change them to run on .NET 4.0.
I have ASP.NET 4 (32bit) enabled in the 'Web Service Extension' (the only other options ASP.NET versions 2 in both 32 and 64 bit modes).
I can confirm that in C:\Windows\ folder, there is both 'WOW' and 32bit .Net installation.
This is a production server with many websites and I'm afraid to run some IISReg scripts to put back the 'ASP.NET' tab.
When I try to the .Net 4 targeted website, I get an error:
Unrecognized configuration section system.web.extensions
The version information shows .Net 2.0
So what can I do?
As I indicated in my 'Comments' above, I had to run IIS in 32bit mode in a 64 bit system to target a certain web application. The background information for that can be see here:
That resulted in running all websites in 32 bit mode with .NET 2.0. To get the new web application to run in .NET 4, I followed instructions, per:
Problem solved!

VB Web Reference works on local browser, but errors BC30002 not defined on webserver

I have an aspx page that works great with my wsdl Web References when running on my own machine/browser (right click, show in browser).
However, when I copy the files to a subfolder on the website, the compiler throws this error
BC30002: Type 'generalWS.general' is not defined.
where generalWS is the name of my Web Service.
The webserver has an older version of .NET (IIS6 says 2.0.50727).
My machine has .NET 4.0 (hard for me to tell actual version number).
Is there something I need to install on the webserver to make this run correctly?
I installed .NET 3.5 on the server machine and this issue was resolved. I was targeting and testing on a .NET 3.5 machine and deploying to a .NET 2.0 machine.

ASP.Net Application deployment on Windows Server 2003

I'm trying to deploy an ASP.Net application I developed to a Windows Server 2003 System but I get a error message when running the Site.
The first thing is that I get a Null Reference exception when I want to access my custom configuration section. So I figured that maybe the System.Configuration Assembly might not be installed. However I removed the reference and included the database directly into code to see if it works without.
But now I'm getting another error that a third party server control is not recognized.
Error Message: Server label
"trirand:JQGrid" unknown.
The same application runs just fine on my XP machine with IIS 6 installed so I wonder if I'm missing some installation. This is the first ASP.Net Application on that machine as before there were only ASP tools. I think that the .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 is installed but I'm not sure. Another question is if the ASP.Net is integrated into the .Net Framework of if I need a different install package.
I experienced a weird behaviour: I added the obviously wrong element <asdf> to the web.config file. On my development machine that gave me the expected error, but on the server nothing happened at all. So it seems like it some does not recognize my web.config file.
You need to check if the windows server system is loaded with the software your application required.
The folder v3.5 should be there in the following location.
Also you need to check if is installed on the system, if you are not sure then do install it, installing it if it is already there have no side effects.
To install type the following commands in DOS prompt.
cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
// then
aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Then also, confirm in IIS that correct version of is selected for your website.
To check; go to your website properties in IIS
then select ASP.NET tab then check ASP.NET version it should be 2.0.50727 for websites below .net version 4.0
Good Luck!

why a .net 1.1 code gets compiled in 2.0 and throws an error?

Hi I have web projects build in VS2003/1.1 framework and deployed in a webserver with IIS setting specified to 1.1 framework.lets say project X
I also have another web project which is build with VS2008/2.0. IIS setting - ASP version 2.0 is selected and all pages are assigned to run with 2.0* dlls. Lets say project Y
Now the problem seem to be when I hit project x, sometimes it throws errors like:
error BC30456: 'Initialize Culture' is not a member of ASP
During troubleshooting this issue, I browsed through 2.0 Temporary ASP.Net files "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\" and found temp files generated for project X. (HUH?)
How/why 1.1 project gets compiled in 2.0 only when it errors out.( or we could put it this way that it errors out every time it gets compiled in 2.0 which it is not supposed to)
I'm confused as to why this is happening when project X has nothing to do with .net 2.0.
Adding this info:
IIS version 6.0
I forgot to mention that project X works 95 percent of the time without any errors under 1.1. This error throws randomly which we could not recreate. The time the project error out is at the same time it gets compiled with 2.0
Are the two projects sharing the same AppPool on the IIS server? You need to have separate app pools for 1.1 and 2.0 processes running on the same IIS server.
When you install a .NET version, if you have IIS installed and are running ASP.NET, then the aspnet_regiis tool is run. This sets IIS to use the .NET version that you're installing.
The exact same thing happened to me about seven years ago. I installed a .NET 2.0 Windows Forms application on a production server, and immediately saw errors.
The solution is to run the .NET 1.1 version of aspnet_regiis.
