Castle Windsor IOC with Custom .NET Membership? -

I have read about not being able to use a .NET Custom Membership with Castle Windor. Is this the case? Are there any work arounds?

There are always workarounds. In this case you have to implement a proxy pattern. You need to create an interface & an implementing object that proxies calls to the membership class.
There are also some interesting blogs about duck typing with windsor. By using duck typing could eliminate the need to create the proxy object yourself. You would only have to write an interface containing the methods you want to use from the membership class and Castle would take care of proxying the calls for you (but essentially it's the same pattern).


How to use SimpleMembership in MVC without Entity Framework

What are the required steps to use SimpleMembership (ASP.NET MVC 4) with RavenDB (or other databases) instead of SQL Server?
I am used to override the MembershipProvider but how does it work with the new SimpleMembership?
I saw there is a SimpleMembershipProvider so I think I should override it, but I don't know if the methods are for storing data purpose only or if they should contain business/validation logic)...
What about configuration? I know the InitializeDatabaseConnection method is normally responsible for initializing the whole shebang, but I don't think I should call it if I don't use Entity Framework.
Unfortunately, I did not find a lot of resources about the new SimpleMembership except two links which have not been very useful:
So here is what I found after looking at some of the the source code (MVC4).
SimpleMembership is an implementation of the abstract class ExtendedMembershipProvider.
The code inside SimpleMembership is mostly SQL operations and some calls to the underlying (called "previous" in the documentation) MembershipProvider.
I don't think it is of any use (in my case) to override SimpleMembership as its implementation is mostly tied to SQL Server. Instead, for what I understand, I should implement ExtendedMembershipProvider. Then, by setting this implementation in the web.config file, the WebSecurity helper would bypass SimpleMembership (default implementation) and call my implementation of the ExtendedMembershipProvider.
I don't think I will do this any soon since it looks even more complicated than before (more methods to implement)... but still doable.
However, all this said, I'm a bit disappointed that we still have to work with the MembershipProvider which, IMHO, is far (a lot of static and internal stuff) from the whole dependency injection thing that we love so much with ASP.Net MVC/WebApi.
Edit 1
This question was aked before Jon Galloway wrote this tutorial :
But my answer stays valid as this (taken from Jon Galloway article) resumes it:
Note that SimpleMembership still requires some flavor of SQL Server -
it won't work with MySQL, NoSQL databases, etc. You can take a look at
the code in WebMatrix.WebData.dll using a tool like ILSpy if you'd
like to see why - there are places where SQL Server specific SQL
statements are being executed, especially when creating and
initializing tables. It seems like you might be able to work with
another database if you created the tables separately, but I haven't
tried it and it's not supported at this point.
Here's my implementation for mongodb. Maybe it can help
SimpleMembership is not really meant to be used with the old MembershipProviders as it doesn't fullfill all of the same contracts that are assumed of normal MembershipProviders. Its mostly designed for use via the WebSecurity helper.
This link might be helpful for more info: Web Pages Tutorial

Dependency injection need some explanation

I have been working alot on MVC3 now a days and use Dependency Injection ninject etc.
I find it useful in Testing, don't make concrete implementation of classes like Model but instead injected.
My Questions:
How do we explain DI. Any simple definition to it.?
The benefits of DI?
Can we use DI in ASP.NET web forms?
Dependency injection is eliminating the objects dependencies of concrete classes.
It allowed to use an abstract interface instead of a concrete class.
This makes lots of (large) applications to be more manageable, if you need to swap out a class, its easier to inherit from an interface and make the IoC container switch to another class.
And if you're looking to use DI in ASP.NET Web Forms in the business logic, yes you can.
Dependency injection means giving an object its instance variables.
Here is a great article about it:
Can't be simplier, I think.
Benefits: Loose coupling. Easy implementation changes by just editing config file. Easy testing with mocks.
In WebForms? Sure, I've been working on a project where we successfully used Castle Windsor to inject our Repositories.
Brad Wilson has a really good ASP.NET MVC 3 Service Location blog series. It may help you see the value.

Flex - implementing a MVC pattern without a framework, should httpservice be in the model or the controller?

I would like to implement the MVC pattern to an existing Flex project. I want to separate out the controllers and models from the views. They currently all live together in large mxml files.
My question is, should httpservice requests be in the model or the controller? What sort of advantages/disadvantages would there be to either?
I normally try to abstract any service request into a Command call (execute, result, fault) which gets the service it needs to called injected in (which can be a good idea to abstract even more and be a service delegate).
There's a good example of how to use short lives command objects in Parsley's dev manual (one of the more popular frameworks).
I would rather approach the services as something totally different - an MVCS, not just MVC. You should check the Introduction to Flex Application's Architecture I wrote in my blog.
I looked at httpservice, and it seems to me that, while the service itself might reside in a repository or Service Layer (between the controller and the model), using the service involves references to UI elements such as DataGrid. So the implementation of that service probably would occur in the controller, or even in a ViewModel object.

NHibernate and ASP.NET Membership

I use ASP.NET MVC 3 for an application which makes heavy use or Users and Roles.
To create a user and assign role(s) I use the standard process via ASP.NET Membership.
Throughout the entire app I use NHibernate for the underlying data access except the places were the default MembershipProvider and RoleProvider implementations are used (inside the AccountController which delegates calls to those implementations).
I would like to use NHibernate in order to be able to read/edit/modify the values on that tables which are managed by ASP.NET Membership.
I found two solutions:
Write a custom NHibernate implementation for MembershipProvider and RoleProvider (or even use this one). That's the hardest path.
Map only the tables (as described here) and then use NHibernate directly (although any default actions from AccountController will still handled by the default providers).
Any suggestions/recommendations?
I've used the custom provider you link with pretty good success. I did make a few changes to it, so that it would use a single session for its lifetime.
If you want to use membership I think that approach is your best bet, mainly for portability (it doesn't rely on any SP's being present in your database). I'm currently using the modified provider from that link against MSSQL and Postgres with no problems, and I've used it against MySQL as well.

How to sort this Repository pattern and ASP.Net website architecture?

I am Creating a new ASP.Net website "not mvc", and willing to make the data access layer has 2 versions, one using the Linq to Sql and another one using entity framework.
Note: kigg is doing the same but in MVC website and too complex than i want.
I learned that the best pattern to achieve my goal is using repository design pattern.
My question is, where in my code and layers "dal, bal, ui" the switch will happen? in other words where i will change the code to apply the linq to sql to entity framework or vice versa.
I wrote:
IRepository repository;
Then in the class constuctor
repository = MyRepositoryLinqToSql();
can some one teach me this part architecture wise?
If you want to create a pluggable architecture to be able to swap out the repository layer on the fly then you will need to create everything behind an interface and then use something like StructureMap to dynamically swap in what you need when you need it.
You would want to define a repository class like AccountRepository. One for linq to sql LSAccountRepository and EFAccountRepository. Both of these would inherit from IAccountRepository and have methods such as GetAccountByID, SaveAccount, DeleteAccount, etc.
Then using StructureMap you would have syntax like so to load the appropriate repository based on the system that you are loading in.
IAccountRepository _accountRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance();
Then via your configuration you can specify the default implementation of IAccountRepository and swap this out to point to either implementation at any time.
If this is too complex then a dependancy injection patten can be used in that you can have a method with a parameter of IAccountRepository. This method would be called by a controller (MVP or MVC) and you can pass in the appropriate reference at that time. This way you do not directly instantiate the repository inside of the method that might need one repository vs. another.
Even if you do decide to do a DI pattern you can still use StructureMap. When you instantiate an object that has other dependancies in it that StructureMap knows about (in the constructor) then StructureMap will also load up those objects as well. Then the caller of the object that has the method that you need will be the only loose coupling that is needed as StructureMap will dynamically take care of the dirty work for you.
This is a bit of a heavy question to answer, but you could add a constructor that takes an IRepository instance as a parameter and use that within the class itself. As for how to populate it, please do some research on Inversion of Control containers such as Spring and Windsor. These tools take configuration details about which specific implementations you want to use and then automatically pass these instances to the constructors and properties of classes.
For example, you can indicate which version of IRepository you want to use in your app.config file, and whereever this appears in a constructor an instance of your chosen class will be passed in.
I think you're looking for "Dependency Injection" solution.
Chack this out:
Unity Dependency Injection Video using ASP.NET Webforms - Ninject and Autofac IoC Too!
Unity And Asp.Net WebForms
