Static variables and long running thread on IIS 7.5 -

Help me solve next problem.
I have ASP .NET MVC2 application. I run it on IIS 7.5. In one page user clicks button and handler for this button sends request to server (jquery.ajax). At server action in controller starts new thread (it makes long time import):
var thread = new Thread(RefreshCitiesInDatabase);
State of import is available in static variable. New thread changes value of variable in the begin of work.
User can check state of import too with the help of this variable, which is used in view. And user sees import's state.
When I start this function few minutes everything is okey. On page I see right state of import, quantity of imported records is changed, I see changes in logs. But after few minutes begin troubles.
When I refresh page with import state sometimes I see that import is okey but sometimes I see page with default values about import (like application is just started), but after that again I can see page with normal import's state.
I tried to attach Visual Studio to IIS process and debug application. But when request comes to controller sometimes static variables have right values and sometimes they have default values (static int has 0, static string has "" etc.).
Tell me what I do wrong. May be I must start additional thread in other way?
Thanks in advance,
I add parts of code:
public class ImportCitiesController : Controller
public SaveCities SaveCities { get; set; }
//Start import
public JsonResult StartCitiesImport()
//Methos in core dll, which makes import
return Json("ok");
//Get Information about import
public ActionResult GetImportState()
var model = new ImportCityStatusModel
{ NowImportProcessing = SaveCities.CitiesSaving };
return View(model);
Class in Core:
public class SaveCities
// Property equals true, when program are saving to database
public static bool CitiesSaving = false;
public void StartCitiesSaving()
var thread = new Thread(RefreshCitiesInDatabase);
private static void RefreshCitiesInDatabase()
CitiesSaving = true;
CitiesSaving = false;
I think, I found problem, but still I don't know how solve it. My IIS uses application pool with parameter "Maximum Worker Processes" = 10. And all tasks in application are handled by few processes. And my request to controll about import's state always is handled by different processes. And they have different static variables. I guess it is right way for solving.
But I don't know how merge all static values in one place.

Without looking at the code, here are the obvious question. Are you sure your access is thread safe (that is do you properly use lock to update you value or even access it => C# thread safety with get/set) ?
A code sample could be nice.
thanks for the code, it seem that CitiesSaving is not locked properly before read/write you should hide the instance variable behind a property to handle all the locking. Marking this field as volatile could also help (see )


Add Quartz Job&Trigger to running Razor Pages application

I have a razor pages app that implements Quartz.NET to store jobs in a MySQL Database. The implementation works fine so far, I can connect to the db, store jobs and they are executed at the specified times. The issue I'm having currently is that I need to schedule and execute jobs based on user inputs(without restarting the app) and that I can't get to work. I'm very new to Quartz& and I haven't been coding for very long either, so apologies if I've made any stupid mistakes.
I've read somewhere that I shouldn't initialize multiple schedulers so I've tried storing the scheduler object I've got so I can access and use it later. However when I try to access it from another class later then I get a Null reference exception. Tbh, this feels like it shouldn't even work so I'm not surprised it doesn't...can anyone please look at my code below and tell me if this can work? Or is there a better way to do this?
I've found one other solution where they basically create a job on startup that periodically checks a db for new jobs and adds them to the scheduler. I guess that would work, seems a bit clunky, though. Plus it's from 10 years ago so maybe there's a better way today? How to add job with trigger for running Quartz.NET scheduler instance without restarting server?
One other idea I've had was to open(and close) a new app whenever I need to create a job. I'm not sure I like that idea but seems less resource intensive than the recurring job described above. Would that be a viable option?
The code for my current solution:
//Creating Scheduler
Scheduler = await schedulerFactory.GetScheduler();
Scheduler.JobFactory = jobFactory;
var key = new JobKey("Notify Job", "DEFAULT");
if (key == null)
//Create Job
IJobDetail jobDetail = CreateJob(jobMetaData);
//Create Trigger
ITrigger trigger = CreateTrigger(jobMetaData);
//Schedule Job
//await Scheduler.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger, cancellationToken);
await Scheduler.AddJob(jobDetail, true);
//Start Scheduler
await Scheduler.Start(cancellationToken);
//Copying the scheduler object into a different class where it's easier to access.
ScheduleStore scheduleStore = new ScheduleStore();
scheduleStore.tempScheduler = Scheduler;
public class ScheduleStore
public IScheduler tempScheduler { get; set; }
public ScheduleStore()
runtime Scheduler:
public class RunningScheduler : IHostedService {
public IScheduler scheduler { get; set; }
private readonly JobMetadata jobMetaData;
public RunningScheduler(JobMetadata job)
ScheduleStore scheduleStore = new ScheduleStore();
this.scheduler = scheduleStore.tempScheduler;
this.jobMetaData = job;
public async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
IJobDetail jdets = CreateJob(jobMetaData);
if (jobMetaData.CronExpression == "--")
ITrigger jtriggz = CreateSimpleTrigger(jobMetaData);
//the next line throws the exception.
await scheduler.ScheduleJob(jdets, jtriggz, cancellationToken);
//It's definitely the scheduler that's throwing the null pointer exception.
// the else does basically the same as the if, only with a cron trigger instead of a simple one so I've omitted it.
I see that you are using a hosted service. Have you noticed that Quartz has that support already built-in?
Quartz cannot handle new jobs "new code that runs" dynamically, but triggers for sure. You just need to obtain a reference to IScheduler and then you can add new triggers pointing to existing job or just call scheduler.TriggerJob which will call your job once with given parameters (job data map is powerful feature to pass execution parameters).
I'd advice checking the GitHub repository and its examples, there a specific ones for different features and ASP.NET Core and worker integrations.
Generatlly Quartz already has database persistence support which you can use. Just call scheduler methods to add jobs and triggers - they will be persisted and available between application restarts (and take effect immediately without the need for restart).

Making my identity 2.0 custom extension method thread safe

So I created a class to hold user settings and i'm saving it as a JSON string so that I can modify it whenever I please without doing migrations every time I add one setting.
Anyways everything is working wonderful, well until, exception, I look further into it, and I've found things about it being thread safe but I don't really understand what they mean, how is my simple function that accesses entity identity dbcontext, not thread safe?
public static AppUserSettings GetUserSettings(this IIdentity identity)
var user = IdentityDbContext.Users.Find(identity.GetUserId());
return user.SettingsClass != null ? JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AppUserSettings>(user.SettingsClass) : new AppUserSettings();
and the sister function:
public static void SetUserSettings(this IIdentity identity, AppUserSettings toSaveUserSettings)
var user = IdentityDbContext.Users.Find(identity.GetUserId());
user.SettingsClass = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(toSaveUserSettings);
Any help is appreciated, if need be I can attach other classes and/or snippets, but I feel like it is largely a Identity/Entity issue.

Vaadin - grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll(); Does not work after updating browser

how are you ? I have a detail with the push after updating the tab that contains my grid, I am using vaadin 8.0.4
,google chrome updated, and my example is based here
My application consists of data stored in mongodb, when I make a direct change in the db it is reflected in the grid every so often, 30 seconds, with push, it always works on a single tab, the problem appears when I update the tab or create a new one, the push seems to be disconnected and my grid is not updated anymore, the strange thing is that I added the #PreserveOnRefresh and in the first tab that accesses the application in that if the push works even after updating very strange.
This instance check changes in my db
private ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(5);
I use the grid update, with
I even try to broadcast the tabs, by means of the pattern described in the book 12.16.4. Broadcasting to Other Users
because if the active notifications continue in all the tabs, but the grid does not, only in the original tab.
In this example application the problem is actually the login, when I remove it if everything works perfectly as it should be with push. But only when I remove the login
public void receiveBroadcast() {
access(() -> {
getNavigator().addView(MonitorCrudView.VIEW_NAME,new MonitorCrudView(this));
getNavigator().navigateTo(MonitorCrudView.VIEW_NAME);"Grid updated", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION);
The detail is that when I have the AccessContro enabled, and I enter as admin by what you see, when executing the above method I get an exception of type "No request linked to the current thread"; Coming from the "CurrentUser" Class
But here in vaadin 8.0.4 changes a little
public final class CurrentUser {
* The attribute key used to store the username in the session.
public static final String CURRENT_USER_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_KEY = CurrentUser.class
private CurrentUser() {
* Returns the name of the current user stored in the current session, or an
* empty string if no user name is stored.
* #throws IllegalStateException
* if the current session cannot be accessed.
public static String get() {
String currentUser = (String) getCurrentRequest().getWrappedSession()
if (currentUser == null) {
return "";
} else {
return currentUser;
* Sets the name of the current user and stores it in the current session.
* Using a {#code null} username will remove the username from the session.
* #throws IllegalStateException
* if the current session cannot be accessed.
public static void set(String currentUser) {
if (currentUser == null) {
} else {
private static VaadinRequest getCurrentRequest() {
VaadinRequest request = VaadinService.getCurrentRequest();
if (request == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"No request bound to current thread");
return request;
In this class I added the button that broadcast to all UI.
Log in as admin
Click on Update grid
Should give a type exception
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No request bound to current thread
Does not continue to throw exeption after refreshing the UI
But when opening in an incognito tab it always throws the exception once before updating.
With the base project and mongo db plus the
private static ScheduledExecutorService scheduler =
Executors.newScheduledThreadPool (5);
I always get the same exception from above, and never change the view with push
Disclaimer: This is better suited as a comment but it does not fit the allocated space.
The VaadinService.getCurrentRequest() API doc states that:
The current response can not be used in e.g. background threads because of the way server implementations reuse response instances.
At the same time, the UI.access() javadoc is somewhat ambiguous stating that:
Please note that the runnable might be invoked on a different thread or later on the current thread, which means that custom thread locals might not have the expected values when the command is executed
The above statements kind of explain why VaadinService.getCurrentRequest() is null in your getCurrentRequest() method.
Nonetheless, it seems that UI.getCurrent() returns an instance when running in that background thread, also suggested by this vaadin forum post and vaadin book:
Your code is not thread safe as it does not lock the VaadinSession before accessing the UI. The preferred pattern is using the UI.access and VaadinSession.access methods as described in Book of Vaadin section 11.16.3. Inside an access block Vaadin automatically sets the relevant threadlocals in addition to properly handling session locking.
In conclusion, i'd suggest to replace all the calls to getCurrentRequest().getWrappedSession() with UI.getCurrent().getSession();, eg:
UI.getCurrent().getSession().setAttribute(CURRENT_USER_SESSI‌​ON_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, currentUser);
I tested this with your sample and it worked fine.

Event not working

I am new to Tridion Event System. I have written a small code.
public class EH : TcmExtension
public EH()
public void Subscribe()
//EventSystem.Subscribe<Component, DeleteEventArgs>(HandlerForInitiated, EventPhases.Initiated);
EventSystem.Subscribe<Tridion.ContentManager.CommunicationManagement.Page, Tridion.ContentManager.Extensibility.Events.PublishOrUnPublishEventArgs>(HandlerForCommitted, EventPhases.All);
private void HandlerForCommitted(IdentifiableObject subject, PublishOrUnPublishEventArgs args, EventPhases phase)
TDSE obj = new TDSE();
Tridion.ContentManager.Interop.TDS.Publication pub = obj.GetPublication("tcm:0-150-1");
Tridion.ContentManager.Interop.TDS.Page pubPage = obj.GetPage("tcm:150-12374-64", pub);
pubPage.Publish("tcm:0-1-65538", false, true, false, default(DateTime), default(DateTime), default(DateTime));
using this code i wanted to publish a page everytime when a publish and unpublish event occur.
I build this code and register its path in tridion config file .
But its not working.Please Help
Ok, first of all remove all your TDSE code, you should use TOM.NET. You can get session as subject.Session
Then make sure you have registered this extension in Tridion.ContentManager.config and restarted your system
And finally - if something doesn't work, just add simple code that will create a file in your HandlerForCommitted whenever event occurs, this way you will be able to see if your extension get executed.
The 2011 Event System uses the TOM.NET API and not the TOM API. Please do not create new TDSE objects in the 2011 Event System. Even though you can reference the old Interop libraries, there is no reason to do so with 2011. Using the TOM.NET libraries you should see better performance and also the code is future-proof.
Mihai Cadariu has a nice example where he uses TOM.NET to Publish a page from a Tridion Template. Adjusting the code to check for previewmode or publish mode and setting your own user and priority (instead of reading it from the current transaction) should work well.
Below code from
public void Publish(Engine engine, String tcmUri, User user, PublishPriority priority)
Session session = new Session(user.Title);
PublishInstruction publishInstruction = new PublishInstruction(session);
RenderInstruction renderInstruction = new RenderInstruction(session);
renderInstruction.RenderMode = RenderMode.Publish; // work around. needs to be specified for binaries.
publishInstruction.RenderInstruction = renderInstruction;
List<IdentifiableObject> items = new List<IdentifiableObject>() { session.GetObject(tcmUri) };
List<PublicationTarget> targets = new List<PublicationTarget>() { engine.PublishingContext.PublicationTarget };
PublishEngine.Publish(items, publishInstruction, targets, priority);
// called with
PublishTransaction currentTransaction = TemplateUtils.GetPublishTransaction(engine);
TemplateUtils.Publish(engine, itemUri, currentTransaction.Creator, currentTransaction.Priority);
Your code seems to have the three things I "normally" forget:
the class is public
it extends TcmExtension
it has a TcmExtension attribute
If you've registered the class correctly in the configuration file, it should just be a matter of restarting the relevant module(s). In this case I'd expect those to be the Publisher and TcmServiceHost services.
After restarting those modules and triggering a publish action, you should see an event being logged (in the Windows event viewer) that your extension is being loaded.
If that even shows, it means your assembly is being loaded into the relevant Tridion process and the class is being recognized and instantiated.
If at this stage your handler doesn't fire you may have to consider listening to a different event. Whenever I want to interact with the publishing, I end up listening for the SaveEventArgs of a PublishTransaction, instead of the PublishOrUnPublishEventArgs on the Page.

How to get HealthVault to work with multiple ApplicationID in same application

We may never know why Microsoft decided to limit developers by making HealthVault applications constrained to a single web/app.config entry for a HealthVault application. However I need to be able to make 2 (or more) HealthVault ApplicationID’s work with one ASP.NET website? I’m looking for an effective and reliable way to do this.
I won’t go into the details of the reasoning behind 2 different HealthVault applications, but other than to say we need it to work. I still cannot login correctly with MSDN Forums (think infinite redirection sign in loop) so I am hoping for a post here that will help me.
I did contact a HealthVault developer on how to achieve this however the developer gave a suggestion that I don’t believe would be reliable (if I’m wrong let me know).
The developer’s suggestion was to do the following in code when you needed to connect to HealthVault, but prior to connecting:
ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[“ApplicationId”] = “[YOUR APP ID]”;
The problem is that this is a static property and I do see this as an issue as our web application will have different users accessing both HealthVault applications at the same time.
Does anyone have any suggestions to make 2 (or more) HealthVault ApplicationID’s work with one ASP.NET website? I’m looking for an effective and reliable way to do this.
There is a way to dynamically switch app ids on runtime. Both applications must be created, both certificates must be installed. Few things to keep in mind. For every authenticated connection, user will be granted a token (aka wctoken). This token is consumed when user is redirect back from Live ID (in case live id is used...) by your redirect.aspx page (assuming your redirect page inherits from HealthServiceActionPage.This means that everytime you switch applications, you must redirect user back to Live ID with new app id to receive new token.
Here is code sample that can be user to dynamically change settings:
public class ConfigurationManager : HealthWebApplicationConfiguration
private string appid;
public ConfigurationManager(string appid)
this.appid = appid;
public override Guid ApplicationId
return AppManager.Current.GetCurrentAppId(this.appid);
public class AppManager
private static readonly Object lck = new Object();
public Guid? App;
public static AppManager Current
AppManager mgr = null;
if (_current == null)
lock (lck)
mgr = new AppManager();
return mgr;
private static AppManager _current;
public Guid GetCurrentAppId(string id)
return new Guid(id);
ConfigurationManager cm = new ConfigurationManager(your-app-id-here);
HealthWebApplicationConfiguration.Current = cm;
