Rounded Edges in IE8 - css

how to make a square edges into round edges?

Maybe you want to try jQuery corner plugin

Rounded corners in a css3 feature. But Internet explorer doesn't support fully all css3 properties. A solve to this problem is the use of A javascript solution to provide css3 properties for ie.

You can't do that in pure CSS alone, you will need something extra:

Not out of the box. There is a way, see

Now whenever you need a rounder corner apply this css:
.rounded-corners {
behavior: url(/path/to/css/;
border-radius: 20px;

IE8 does not provide the functionality necessary to do this via CSS, this will be (is) included in IE9. To create rounded corners for IE8 the easiest way is to create images and use them.


Creating circles in css support in IE versions

I have to create a circle in css without images.Using border-radius we can get in the Firefox,chrome and Opera browsers.IE does not support the border-radius property.Can any one provide me link or a way to create the circle in css for IE version browsers .I had seen the Raphel
Other than this library,If any jquery plugin is there provide me link.
download for support in IE. It's a better way to work with css3 property for IE.
check this example.
Easier way to create circle div than using an image?
How to use CSS to surround a number with a circle?
jsDraw2D : 2D Graphics Library for JavaScript

browser compatibility issues-css

I am getting this display in IE 7
I am getting this display in Firefox:
for the following code
Could anybody point me, What I should do to make the IE Display simalar to Firefox and also, How Do I make the Size should be same for all the headings?
Internet Explorer does not support gradients, shadows, nor border-radius properties. border-radius is supported in IE9, but this won't be of much help!
You can look into CSS3 Pie, which uses IE-specific .htc files to achieve almost the same effect.
For now, if you really need to be fully compatible with all IE's (and other browsers for that matter) I'd use an image. It's not very nice but at least you can rest assured that it will always work ;-)
Rounded corners and drop shadow aren't going to work in IE7 without a lot of clever image tricks. You can't fix it through CSS alone.
Alternatively you could probably find a JavaScript plugin which would create these effects for you if you don't mind taking that route (see curvy corners for example).

Css rounded corners with border

I use css to apply rounded corners to li navigation elements. This elements have a border too.
So this is how it looks like:
Like you can see the quality of the rounded corner - border combination is strange, there is a bit of white shining through.
Any idea how to fix that? Do I have to use bg-images?
Unfortunately, yes, you should use background images. Some browsers don't properly handle actual borders with border-radius. You can even see this happening to Stack Overflow's badge styles (which also use border-radius) on Firefox. I don't think you can do anything to fix the border-radius issue other than to report bugs to the respective vendors.
Yes it can be done using this jquery plugin.
No corner images, uses nested divs to draw borders. It's flexible and easy to use. It also has Added support for native border-radius so it only executes on browsers that do not support supports border-radius.

Can you do CSS rounded corners in IE without using images?

Is there any way to make a rounded border in IE without using images using CSS only, or any other easy way?
I have checked other questions like this on Stack Overflow, but I’m not getting an exact way.
Keep as bookmark : ;)
For border-radius specifically, see
You can do on for I9 only as it supports border-radius css property. Otherwise it seems to be difficult without images.

rounded corner fallback without javascript

what css workaround that you folks use to fallback support for ie6, 7,8 ? i need rounded corner for
text inside div (button)
image as background-image in div (make the image rounded corner)
Only way I know would be to use background images which often require extra markup. Myself I use CSS3PIE and leave the corners square when js is disabled
Well search for PIE(Progressive Internet Explorer) this will take care of rounded corner shadow and lots of there css3 feather for IE and it is extremely easy to use and 100% work's at least for me
you can use css3pie which bring you css3 rounded corners for ie. You can also visit microsoft's Other Rounded Corners Solutions.
