References not deployed when using ResolveReferences and _CopyWebApplication in AfterBuild -

The following MSBuild invocation works great when used in an independent MSBuild project, LocalPublish.xml.
Properties="WebProjectOutputDir=C:\Inetpub\MyProject\Website;OutDir=C:\Inetpub\MyProject\Website\bin\" />
In the past, we have invoked it using a Post-build event command line:
$(MSBuildBinPath)\msbuild "$(ProjectDir)LocalPublish.xml"
However I'm now trying to integrate the same into the AfterBuild event of MyProject.Web.csproj, and it fails to copy referenced project DLLs into the bin folder of the publish path. I tried adding BuildingProject=true to the Properties attribute as suggested here but it does not seem to make a difference.


Prevent MVCBuildViews from deleting MSdeploy Package

I am trying to build and deploy my MVC project in VSO. I have only two steps in my Build definition and you can se them below:
And here are my MSBuild Arguments:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=Project.TEST.pubxml /p:DesktopBuildPackageLocation="" /p:WebPublishPipelineProjectName=Project.TEST /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False
My issue here is that when every i try to build this definition i get an empty publish zip file. I found out it is because of i have set MVCBuildViewsto be true in my .csproj file. If the MvcBuildViews is set to true then the project will build the views from this target:
<Target Name="MvcBuildViews" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" Condition="'$(MvcBuildViews)'=='true'">
<AspNetCompiler VirtualPath="temp" PhysicalPath="$(WebProjectOutputDir)" />
I have tried to set the BaseIntermediateOutputPath to another location but this solveds nothing because the compiler deletes the package folder in both locations.
I can't seem to figure out what to do. is there a way to disable CleanupForBuildMvcViews because this is what seems to delete the package folder before building the views.
Try adding the following attribute to your target:
I think you just need to compile the views sooner in the build process (before the files are pulled for packaging). Not sure exactly which Target you should run before but this one looks right to me.

Publish web package adding tasks to copy files

I have an ASP.NET web package deployment using Visual Studios 2012 in which I would like to copy off files before deployment and then copy them back once deployment is completed. These files happen to be under Content\upload. If I just deploy.cmd the files are deleted and so currently I need to copy them off manually and then copy them back once deployment is complete. I have tried several examples of similar situations for adding tasks to the Project file as well as extra files added to the project, such as:
Adding tasks inside targets I have created called Name="BeforePublish" Name="AfterPublish" in the Project file.
<Target Name="BeforePublish">
<Message Text="BeforePublish"/>
Adding file called ProjectName.wpp.targets and adding
<Target Name="CopyMyFiles" BeforeTargets="BeforePublish">
<Message Text="CopyMyFiles called"/>
Neither of these techniques seem to be called. Any other ideas? Where and how should I put these tasks?
You can actually solve this using a skip rule. Try calling your command file like this:
deploy.cmd -skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath=Content\\uploads$
For more information on the skip directive, see Web Deploy Operation Settings.

TeamCity MSbuild Deploy procedure

I'm using TeamCity for deployment process. For deploy i'm running MSbuild with this command line parameters:
I have this parameter P:SkipExtraFilesOnServer set to true beacause i don't want MSbuild to delete some files which i have only on service enviroment, but don't have on my local project. But the problem is when i actually want to remove something from project (i have web application), i usually delete file from project, then i rebuild my app, and commit the changes in project file to source control, MSbuild leave this file on service because of this parameter.
MSbuild is using Release configuration, which i specified to use "all files in this project" to deploy. So the behaviour i want to implement:
TeamCity will leave all files which are not in my project reference list. (.csproj file).
TeamCity will delete files which were in .csproj but was deleted from it.
Please help me with that task.

How To Run MSBuild scripts in .wixproj?

Im trying to learn to make a web installer using Windows Installer XML (WIX 3.5). I found this blog about using msbuild in .wixproj files to avoid the scenario where the installer ends up dropping the web project assemblies right in the root of the app instead of keeping them in the bin folder like they're supposed to be.
Here is the link to that:
But after adding the MSBuild scripts in the .wixproj file, I don't know what to do anymore. According to the instruction after adding the MSBuild script:
"When that target runs, you'll see a .wxs file pop out in the .wixproj project folder. Add the generated .wxs to your .wixproj project so it knows to include it in the build."
I really don7t know what this means. How can I run the target? I tried to build it but there was no .wxs file generated in the .wixproj folder.
Am I missing something? Please help...
Assuming you have added the section from the tutorial:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
The target will be run automatically when you build the project. The "BeforeBuild" target is one of the standard entry-points to add your own modifications to the build. The target will then generate a file (named [WebProjectName].wxs that is placed in the same directory as your wixproj file. Click on the show all files button in visual studio and right-click on the file and "Include in project" That will then include the wxs is your installer and when you next build it will have the correct folder/file structure.

AspNetCompiler including files that are not in my project

I'm using msbuild to automatically build and package a website ready for deployment. When I compile and then Publish my project through Visual Studio 2008 everything works fine.
However when I use msbuild I'm getting errors because AspNetCompiler is trying to compile aspx and ascx files that are not included in my .csproj, but still exist in version control.
I know I can just remove them from version control, but can anyone tell me why these files are being compiled?
Here is my msbuild task.
The AspNetCompiler task, which wraps _aspnet_compiler.exe_, compiles all "compilable" files in the application, rather than compiling only those files in the .csproj.
The giveaway is that none of the command-line parameters for the executable take a .csproj as input, only paths. (I suppose one could argue that it would look for a .csproj in the directory, but that is unlikely as it would introduce its own set of issues, such as what to do if someone had put two project files in one directory.)
